electron#Notification JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: index.js From desktop with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
configureRPC = win => {
rpc = createRPC(win);
rpc.on("open hamburger menu", () => {
rpc.on("show notification", body => {
const notif = new Notification({
title: "VPN.ht",
rpc.on("set status login", () => {
isLogged = true;
rpc.on("set status logout", () => {
isLogged = false;
rpc.on("open url", url => {
Example #2
Source File: background.js From linked with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
repairSearchDatabase = async () => {
searchIndex = new Document({
document: {
id: 'date',
index: ['content'],
store: true
tokenize: global.storage.get('searchMode')
const isYearFolder = (folder) => /\b\d{4}\b/g.test(folder)
const dataPath = global.storage.get('dataPath')
const getYearFolderFiles = (year) =>
.then((files) => files.map((file) => `${year}/${file}`))
const years =
await fs.promises.readdir(`${dataPath}`)
.then((folders) => folders.filter(isYearFolder))
await Promise.all(years.map(getYearFolderFiles))
.then((yearFiles) => yearFiles.flat())
.then((dirtyFiles) => dirtyFiles.filter(file => file.match(/^(.*\.json$).*$/)))
.then((cleanFiles) =>
cleanFiles.map((file) => {
return {
data: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`${dataPath}/${file}`, "utf8")),
date: file
.then((files) =>
files.forEach((file) => {
let fileName = file.date.substring(5)
fileName = fileName.slice(0, fileName.length-5)
try {
searchIndex.update(fileName, {
date: fileName,
content: tokenizer(file.data.content)
} catch (e) {
console.log('could not index day', fileName, file.data.content)
.then(() => exportIndex())
.then(() => {
new Notification({
title: 'Search Index Updated!',
body: 'Your database was successfully indexed! You may now search across all your data.'
return true
Example #3
Source File: background.js From linked with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
ipcMain.handle('SET_DATA_PATH', async () => {
const currentPath = global.storage.get('dataPath')
const result = await dialog.showOpenDialog(win, {
properties: ['openDirectory', 'createDirectory']
if (result.canceled === true) {
new Notification({
title: 'Action aborted',
body: 'Your previous settings still apply.'
return currentPath
const newPath = result.filePaths.length > 0
? result.filePaths[0]
: basePath
searchIndex = new Document({
document: {
id: 'date',
index: ['content'],
store: true
tokenize: global.storage.get('searchMode')
if ((await fs.promises.readdir(newPath)).length !== 0) {
await dialog.showMessageBox(win, {
message: 'Directory not empty!',
detail: `${newPath} is not empty, please choose another directory or add an empty directory at the desired location first.`,
type: 'error',
buttons: ['Close'],
defaultId: 1,
noLink: true
return global.storage.get('dataPath')
const fsEx = require('fs-extra')
try {
await fsEx.move(currentPath, newPath, { overwrite: true })
} catch (e) {
await dialog.showMessageBox(win, {
message: 'An error occured!',
detail: e.toString(),
type: 'error',
buttons: ['Close'],
defaultId: 1,
noLink: true
return global.storage.get('dataPath')
global.storage.set('dataPath', newPath)
await repairSearchDatabase()
new Notification({
title: 'Successfully set new path!',
body: `Your data now is being read from ${newPath}.`
return global.storage.get('dataPath')
Example #4
Source File: updater.js From linked with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
autoUpdater.on('update-not-available', async () => {
await new Notification({
title: 'No updates',
body: 'You are already on the latest version of linked'
Example #5
Source File: AlfwCommon.js From ntfstool with MIT License | 5 votes |
* notice the system error
* @param _error
* @param setOption
export function noticeTheSystemError(_error, setOption) {
var errorMap = {
system: 10000,
dialog: 10010,
dialog_save_err: 10011,
savePassword: 10020,
savePassword2: 10021,
getSudoPwdError: 10031,
checkSudoPasswordError: 10041,
opendevmod: 10030,
var error = (typeof _error != "undefined") ? _error : "system";
console.warn(error, "error")
var errorNo = (typeof errorMap[error] != "undefined") ? errorMap[error] : 1000;
var option = {
title: "System Error: " + errorNo,
body: "please contact official technical support",
href: 'https://www.ntfstool.com'
if (typeof setOption == "object") {
option = setOption;
if (typeof setOption == "string") {
option.body = setOption;
saveLog.error({name: _error, text: JSON.stringify(option)}, "noticeTheSystemError");
new window.Notification(option.title, option).onclick = function () {