fs#promises JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: converter.js From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
function ffmpeg(buffer, args = [], ext = '', ext2 = '') {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
let tmp = join(global.__dirname(import.meta.url), '../tmp', + new Date + '.' + ext)
let out = tmp + '.' + ext2
await promises.writeFile(tmp, buffer)
spawn('ffmpeg', [
'-i', tmp,
.on('error', reject)
.on('close', async (code) => {
try {
await promises.unlink(tmp)
if (code !== 0) return reject(code)
data: await promises.readFile(out),
filename: out,
delete() {
return promises.unlink(out)
} catch (e) {
} catch (e) {
Example #2
Source File: audio-cut.js From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
handler = async (m, { conn, args, usedPrefix, command }) => {
let q = m.quoted ? m.quoted : m
let mime = (q.msg || q).mimetype || ''
if (!/audio/.test(mime)) throw `Balas vn/audio yang ingin diubah dengan caption *${usedPrefix + command}*`
let audio = await q.download?.()
if (!audio) throw 'Can\'t download audio!'
if (!args[0] || !args[1]) throw `example: ${usedPrefix + command} 00:00:30 00:00:30`
let ran = (new Date * 1) + '.mp3'
let media = '../tmp/' + ran
let filename = media + '.mp3'
await promises.writeFile(media, audio)
exec(`ffmpeg -ss ${args[0]} -i ${media} -t ${args[1]} -c copy ${filename}`, async (err) => {
await promises.unlink(media)
if (err) return Promise.reject( `_*Error!*_`)
let buff = await promises.readFile(filename)
conn.sendFile(m.chat, buff, filename, null, m, true, { quoted: m, mimetype: 'audio/mp4' })
await promises.unlink(filename)
Example #3
Source File: rpg-heal.js From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
handler = async (m, { args, usedPrefix, __dirname }) => {
let imgr = flaaa.getRandom()
let _package = JSON.parse(await promises.readFile(join(__dirname, '../package.json')).catch(_ => ({}))) || {}
let user = global.db.data.users[m.sender]
if (user.health >= 100) return m.reply(`
Your ❤️health is full!
const heal = 40 + (user.cat * 4)
let count = Math.max(1, Math.min(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, (isNumber(args[0]) && parseInt(args[0]) || Math.round((100 - user.health) / heal)))) * 1
if (user.potion < count) return conn.sendButton(m.chat,
`ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴜʏ ${count - user.potion} ᴍᴏʀᴇ ?ᴩᴏᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʟ.
ʏᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ${user.potion} ?ᴩᴏᴛɪᴏɴ ɪɴ ʙᴀɢ.
??♂ ᴛɪᴩ :
'ʙᴜʏ?ᴩᴏᴛɪᴏɴ' | 'ᴀsᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟʟ'
`.trim(), imgr + 'lowpotion', [
[`ʙᴜʏ ᴩᴏᴛɪᴏɴ`, `${usedPrefix}buy potion ${count - user.potion}`],
[`ᴀsᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟʟ`, `${usedPrefix}tagall *sᴏᴍᴇʙᴏᴅʏ ᴩʟᴇᴀsᴇ sᴇɴᴅ ${count - user.potion} ᴩᴏᴛɪᴏɴ* ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ.
⮕ ᴛᴏ ᴛʀᴀɴsғᴇʀ ᴩᴏᴛɪᴏɴ:
${usedPrefix}transfer potion ${count - user.potion} @${conn.getName(m.sender)}`]
], m, {asLocation: true})
user.potion -= count * 1
user.health += heal * count
conn.sendButton(m.chat, `*━┈━┈━『 FULL HEALTH 』━┈━┈━*`, `sᴜᴄᴄᴇssғᴜʟʟʏ ${count} ?ᴩᴏᴛɪᴏɴ ᴜsᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴄᴏᴠᴇʀ ʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜ.`, imgr + 'fullhealth',
[`ᴀᴅᴠᴇɴᴛᴜʀᴇ`, `${usedPrefix}adventure`]
], m, { asLocation: true })
Example #4
Source File: audio-changer.js From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
handler = async (m, { conn, args, usedPrefix, command }) => {
try {
let q = m.quoted ? m.quoted : m
let mime = (q.msg || q).mimetype || ''
if (!/audio/.test(mime)) throw `Balas vn/audio yang ingin diubah dengan caption *${usedPrefix + command}*`
let audio = await q.download?.()
if (!audio) throw 'Can\'t download audio!'
if (!args[0] || !args[1]) throw 'xample: .bass 10 10'
if (isNaN(args[0]) || isNaN(args[1])) return m.reply('Pake angka')
let set
if (/bass/.test(command)) set = `-af equalizer=f=${args[0]}:width_type=o:width=2:g=${args[1]}`
if (/volume/.test(command)) set = `-af volume=${args[0]} -vcodec copy`
if (/blown/.test(command)) set = '-af acrusher=.1:1:64:0:log'
if (/deep/.test(command)) set = '-af atempo=4/4,asetrate=44500*2/3'
if (/earrape/.test(command)) set = '-af volume=12'
if (/fast/.test(command)) set = `-filter:a "atempo=1.63,asetrate=${args[0]}"`
if (/fat/.test(command)) set = `-filter:a "atempo=1.6,asetrate=22100"`
if (/nightcore/.test(command)) set = '-filter:a atempo=1.06,asetrate=44100*1.25'
if (/reverse/.test(command)) set = '-filter_complex "areverse"'
if (/robot/.test(command)) set = '-filter_complex "afftfilt=real=\'hypot(re,im)*sin(0)\':imag=\'hypot(re,im)*cos(0)\':win_size=512:overlap=0.75"'
if (/slow/.test(command)) set = `-filter:a "atempo=1.0,asetrate=${args[0]}"`
if (/smooth/.test(command)) set = '-filter:v "minterpolate=\'mi_mode=mci:mc_mode=aobmc:vsbmc=1:fps=120\'"'
if (/tupai|squirrel|chipmunk/.test(command)) set = '-filter:a "atempo=0.5,asetrate=65100"'
if (/vibra/.test(command)) set = '-filter_complex "vibrato=f=15"'
let ran = (new Date * 1) + '.mp3'
let media = '../tmp/' + ran
let filename = media + '.mp3'
await promises.writeFile(media, audio)
exec(`ffmpeg -i ${media} ${set} ${filename}`, async (err) => {
await promises.unlink(media)
if (err) return Promise.reject( `_*Error!*_`)
let buff = await promises.readFile(filename)
conn.sendFile(m.chat, buff, ran, null, m, /vn/.test(args[0]), { quoted: m, mimetype: 'audio/mp4' })
await promises.unlink(filename)
} catch (e) {
throw e
Example #5
Source File: bot-info.js From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
handler = async (m, { conn, usedPrefix, __dirname, text, command }) => {
let date = moment.tz('Asia/Jakarta').format("dddd, Do MMMM, YYYY")
let time = moment.tz('Asia/Jakarta').format('HH:mm:ss')
let _package = JSON.parse(await promises.readFile(join(__dirname, '../package.json')).catch(_ => ({}))) || {}
let _uptime = process.uptime() * 1000
let uptime = clockString(_uptime)
let totalreg = Object.keys(global.db.data.users).length
let rtotalreg = Object.values(global.db.data.users).filter(user => user.registered == true).length
const chats = Object.entries(conn.chats).filter(([id, data]) => id && data.isChats)
const groupsIn = chats.filter(([id]) => id.endsWith('@g.us')) //groups.filter(v => !v.read_only)
const used = process.memoryUsage()
const cpus = _cpus().map(cpu => {
cpu.total = Object.keys(cpu.times).reduce((last, type) => last + cpu.times[type], 0)
return cpu
const cpu = cpus.reduce((last, cpu, _, { length }) => {
last.total += cpu.total
last.speed += cpu.speed / length
last.times.user += cpu.times.user
last.times.nice += cpu.times.nice
last.times.sys += cpu.times.sys
last.times.idle += cpu.times.idle
last.times.irq += cpu.times.irq
return last
}, {
speed: 0,
total: 0,
times: {
user: 0,
nice: 0,
sys: 0,
idle: 0,
irq: 0
let old = performance.now()
let neww = performance.now()
let speed = neww - old
'*––––––『 BOT INFO 』––––––*',
`? ɴᴀᴍᴇ: ${_package.name}
? ᴠᴇʀsɪᴏɴ: ${_package.version}
? ʟɪʙʀᴀʀʏ: ${_package.description}
⏳ ᴜᴩᴛɪᴍᴇ: ${uptime}
? ᴅᴀᴛᴀʙᴀsᴇ: ${totalreg}
? ᴅᴀᴛᴇ: ${date}
⌚ ᴛɪᴍᴇ: ${time} ﹙ɢᴍᴛ +5:30﹚
? sᴇʀᴠᴇʀ ɪɴғᴏ :
⮕ ᴩɪɴɢ: ${speed} ᴍs
⮕ ʀᴀᴍ: ${format(totalmem() - freemem())} / ${format(totalmem())}
? ᴡʜᴀᴛsᴀᴩᴩ sᴛᴀᴛᴜs :
⮕ ${groupsIn.length} - Group Chats
⮕ ${groupsIn.length} - Groups Joined
⮕ ${groupsIn.length - groupsIn.length} - Groups Left
⮕ ${chats.length - groupsIn.length} - Personal Chats
⮕ ${chats.length} - Total Chats
`.trim(), './media/botinfo.jpg', 'https://github.com/FahriAdison/Sad-Multi-Device', 'ʙᴏᴛ sᴄʀɪᴩᴛ', null, null, [
[`ᴏᴡɴᴇʀ`, `${usedPrefix}owner`],
[`ᴅᴏɴᴀᴛᴇ`, `${usedPrefix}donate`]
], m, {asLocation: true})
Example #6
Source File: rpg-transfer.js From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
async function handler(m, { conn, args, usedPrefix, command, __dirname }) {
let imgr = flaaa.getRandom()
if (confirmation[m.sender]) return m.reply('Kamu sedang melakukan transfer!')
let _package = JSON.parse(await promises.readFile(join(__dirname, '../package.json')).catch(_ => ({}))) || {}
let user = global.db.data.users[m.sender]
const tfitems = Object.keys(tfinventory.tfitems).map(v => user[v] && `⮕ ${global.rpg.emoticon(v)} ${v}: ${user[v]}`).filter(v => v).join('\n').trim()
const tfcrates = Object.keys(tfinventory.tfcrates).map(v => user[v] && `⮕ ${global.rpg.emoticon(v)} ${v}: ${user[v]}`).filter(v => v).join('\n').trim()
const tfpets = Object.keys(tfinventory.tfpets).map(v => user[v] && `⮕ ${global.rpg.emoticon(v)} ${v}: ${user[v] >= inventory.pets[v] ? 'Max Levels' : `Level(s) ${user[v]}`}`).filter(v => v).join('\n').trim()
const item = items.filter(v => v in user && typeof user[v] == 'number')
let lol = `??? ᴜsᴇʀ: *${conn.getName(m.sender)}*
? ᴛʀᴀɴsғᴇʀᴀʙʟᴇ ʟɪsᴛ :
${Object.keys(tfinventory.others).map(v => user[v] && `⮕ ${global.rpg.emoticon(v)} ${v}: ${user[v]}`).filter(v => v).join('\n')}${tfitems ? `
${tfitems}` : ''}${tfcrates ? `
${tfcrates}` : ''}${tfpets ? `
${tfpets}` : ''}
??♂ ᴛɪᴩ :
⮕ ᴛʀᴀɴsғᴇʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇʏ|ɪᴛᴇᴍ|ᴄʀᴀᴛᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴜsᴇʀ:
${usedPrefix}${command} [name] [quantity] @user
★ ᴇxᴀᴍᴩʟᴇ:
${usedPrefix}${command} money 999 @${_package.name}
const type = (args[0] || '').toLowerCase()
if (!item.includes(type)) return conn.sendButton(m.chat, '*–––––『 TRANSFER 』–––––*', lol, imgr + 'transfer', [
[`ᴛғ ᴩᴏᴛɪᴏɴ`, `${usedPrefix}${command} potion 1 @+17608914335`],
[`ᴛғ ᴛʀᴀsʜ`, `${usedPrefix}${command} trash 1 @+17608914335`],
], m, {asLocation: true})
const count = Math.min(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, Math.max(1, (isNumber(args[1]) ? parseInt(args[1]) : 1))) * 1
let who = m.mentionedJid && m.mentionedJid[0] ? m.mentionedJid[0] : args[2] ? (args[2].replace(/[@ .+-]/g, '') + '@s.whatsapp.net') : ''
if (!who) return m.reply('Tag salah satu, atau ketik Nomernya!!')
if (!(who in global.db.data.users)) return m.reply(`User ${who} not in database`)
if (user[type] * 1 < count) return conn.sendButton(m.chat, `*–『 INSUFFICIENT CREDIT』–*`, `ʏᴏᴜ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴇxᴛʀᴀ *${count - user[type]}* ${rpg.emoticon(type)}${type}${special(type)} ᴛᴏ ᴛʀᴀɴsғᴇʀ.
ʏᴏᴜ/'ᴠᴇ *${user[type]}* ${rpg.emoticon(type)}${type}${special(type)} ɪɴ ʙᴀɢ.
??♂ ᴛɪᴩ :
ᴏᴩᴇɴ ᴄʀᴀᴛᴇs & ᴄᴏʟʟᴇᴄᴛ ʀᴇᴡᴀʀᴅs.
⮕ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴩᴇɴ ᴄʀᴀᴛᴇs:
.open crate
⮕ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏʟʟᴇᴄᴛ ʀᴇᴡᴀʀᴅs:
.adventure | .daily | .monthly
`.trim(), imgr + 'lowcredit',
[`ᴀsᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟʟ`, `${usedPrefix}tagall sᴏᴍᴇʙᴏᴅʏ ᴩʟᴇᴀsᴇ sᴇɴᴅ *${count - user[type]}* ${rpg.emoticon(type)}${type}${special(type)} ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ.
⮕ ᴛᴏ ᴛʀᴀɴsғᴇʀ ${type}${special(type)}:
${usedPrefix}transfer ${type}${special(type)} ${count - user[type]} @${conn.getName(m.sender)}`]
], m, { asLocation: true })
let confirm = `
Are you sure you want to transfer *${count}* ${rpg.emoticon(type)}${type}${special(type)} to *@${(who || '').replace(/@s\.whatsapp\.net/g, '')}*
ᴛɪᴍᴇᴏᴜᴛ: *30 sᴇᴄ*
conn.sendButton(m.chat, '*––––『 TRANSFERRING 』––––*', confirm, imgr + 'transferring', [
['Yes', 'y'],
['No', 'n']
], m, {
mentions: [who],
asLocation: true})
confirmation[m.sender] = {
sender: m.sender,
to: who,
message: m,
timeout: setTimeout(() => (m.reply('Timeout'), delete confirmation[m.sender]), 30 * 1000)
Example #7
Source File: cli.js From ZzFXM with MIT License | 5 votes |
{ readFile, writeFile } = promises
Example #8
Source File: cli.js From ZzFXM with MIT License | 5 votes |
{ readFile, writeFile } = promises
Example #9
Source File: index.js From Bootcamp-Online-Desenvolvedor-Full-Stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
readFile = promises.readFile
Example #10
Source File: index.js From Bootcamp-Online-Desenvolvedor-Full-Stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
writeFile = promises.writeFile
Example #11
Source File: accounts.js From Bootcamp-Online-Desenvolvedor-Full-Stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
readFile = promises.readFile
Example #12
Source File: accounts.js From Bootcamp-Online-Desenvolvedor-Full-Stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
writeFile = promises.writeFile
Example #13
Source File: manipulate.js From Bootcamp-Online-Desenvolvedor-Full-Stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
{ readFile, writeFile } = promises
Example #14
Source File: index.js From Bootcamp-Online-Desenvolvedor-Full-Stack with MIT License | 5 votes |
fs = promises
Example #15
Source File: menu-3.js From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
handler = async (m, { conn, command, groupMetadata, usedPrefix: _p, __dirname, args }) => {
let ktnya = ['\n\n\n┈──────┈\nMungkin menu ini bermanfaat?', '\n\n\n┈──────┈\nTerimakasih sudah menggunakan bot ini', '\n\n\n┈──────┈\nSemoga gak erorr', '\n\n\n┈──────┈\nJika lama kemungkiman erorr atau delay', '\n\n\n┈──────┈\nMenampilkan menu', '\n\n\n┈──────┈\nWait...', '\n\n\n┈──────┈\nDua tiga kucing berlari', '\n\n\n┈──────┈\nBentar bang akan kutampilkan menunya', '\n\n\n┈──────┈\nProsess...']
let ktx = ktnya.getRandom()
let who = m.mentionedJid && m.mentionedJid[0] ? m.mentionedJid[0] : m.fromMe ? conn.user.jid : m.sender
let { exp, limit, level, role, money, lastclaim, lastweekly, registered, regTime, age, banned, pasangan } = global.db.data.users[who]
let { min, xp, max } = xpRange(level, global.multiplier)
let name = await conn.getName(who)
let pp = await conn.profilePictureUrl(who).catch(_ => './src/avatar_contact.png')
if (typeof global.db.data.users[who] == "undefined") {
global.db.data.users[who] = {
exp: 0,
limit: 10,
lastclaim: 0,
registered: false,
name: conn.getName(m.sender),
age: -1,
regTime: -1,
afk: -1,
afkReason: '',
banned: false,
level: 0,
lastweekly: 0,
role: 'Warrior V',
autolevelup: false,
money: 0,
pasangan: "",
let math = max - xp
let tags
let teks = `${args[0]}`.toLowerCase()
let arrayMenu = ['all', 'absen', 'admin', 'advanced', 'anonymous', 'audio', 'Baileys', 'database', 'downloader', 'edukasi', 'fun', 'game', 'group', 'host', 'info', 'internet', 'jadian', 'jadibot', 'kerang', 'main', 'maker', 'nocategory', 'nsfw', 'nulis', 'owner', 'premium', 'primbon', 'quotes', 'quran', 'random', 'rpg', 'sticker', 'tools', 'vote', 'xp']
if (!arrayMenu.includes(teks)) teks = '404'
if (teks == 'all') tags = {
'main': 'Main',
'rpg': 'RolePlay Games',
'xp': 'Exp & Limit',
'jadian': 'Jadian',
'sticker': 'Sticker',
'edukasi': 'Edukasi',
'quran': 'Al Quran',
'tools': 'Tools',
'kerang': 'Kerang Ajaib',
'primbon': 'Primbon',
'fun': 'Fun',
'game': 'Game',
'quotes': 'Quotes',
'audio': 'Audio',
'maker': 'Maker',
'downloader': 'Downloader',
'internet': 'Internet',
'random': 'Random',
'nsfw': 'Nsfw',
'nulis': 'MagerNulis & Logo',
'anonymous': 'Anonymous Chat',
'database': 'Database',
'admin': 'Admin',
'group': 'Group',
'vote': 'Voting',
'absen': 'Absen',
'premium': 'Premium',
'advanced': 'Advanced',
'info': 'Info',
'owner': 'Owner',
'jadibot': 'Jadi Bot',
'host': 'Host',
'Baileys': 'Baileys',
'nocategory': 'No Category',
if (teks == 'absen') tags = {
'absen': 'Absen'
if (teks == 'admin') tags = {
'admin': 'Admin'
if (teks == 'advanced') tags = {
'advanced': 'Advanced'
if (teks == 'anonymous') tags = {
'anonymous': 'Anonymous Chat'
if (teks == 'audio') tags = {
'audio': 'Audio'
if (teks == 'Baileys') tags = {
'Baileys': 'Baileys'
if (teks == 'database') tags = {
'database': 'Database'
if (teks == 'downloader') tags = {
'downloader': 'Downloader'
if (teks == 'edukasi') tags = {
'edukasi': 'Edukasi'
if (teks == 'fun') tags = {
'fun': 'Fun'
if (teks == 'game') tags = {
'game': 'Game'
if (teks == 'group') tags = {
'group': 'Group'
if (teks == 'host') tags = {
'host': 'Host'
if (teks == 'info') tags = {
'info': 'Info'
if (teks == 'internet') tags = {
'internet': 'Internet'
if (teks == 'jadian') tags = {
'jadian': 'Jadian'
if (teks == 'jadibot') tags = {
'jadibot': 'Jadi Bot'
if (teks == 'kerang') tags = {
'kerang': 'Kerang Ajaib'
if (teks == 'main') tags = {
'main': 'Main'
if (teks == 'maker') tags = {
'maker': 'Maker'
if (teks == 'nsfw') tags = {
'nsfw': 'Nsfw'
if (teks == 'nulis') tags = {
'nulis': 'MagerNulis & Logo'
if (teks == 'owner') tags = {
'owner': 'Owner'
if (teks == 'premium') tags = {
'premium': 'Premium'
if (teks == 'primbon') tags = {
'primbon': 'Primbon'
if (teks == 'quotes') tags = {
'quotes': 'Quotes'
if (teks == 'quran') tags = {
'quran': 'Al Quran'
if (teks == 'random') tags = {
'random': 'Random'
if (teks == 'rpg') tags = {
'rpg': 'RolePlay Games'
if (teks == 'sticker') tags = {
'sticker': 'Sticker'
if (teks == 'tools') tags = {
'tools': 'Tools'
if (teks == 'vote') tags = {
'vote': 'Voting'
if (teks == 'xp') tags = {
'xp': 'Exp & Limit'
if (teks == 'nocategory') tags = {
'nocategory': 'No Category'
try {
const sections = [
title: `${htki} MAIN ${htka}`,
rows: [
{title: `⚡ SPEED BOT`, rowId: ".ping", description: "Menampilkan kecepatan respon BOT"},
{title: `? OWNER BOT`, rowId: ".owner", description: "Menampilkan List owner BOT"},
{title: `? SCRIPT BOT`, rowId: ".sc", description: `Source Code`},
title: `${htki} SUPPORT ${htka}`,
rows: [
{title: `? SEWA`, rowId: ".sewa", description: "Menampilkan list harga sewa BOT"},
{title: `? LIST PREMIUM`, rowId: ".premlist", description: "Menampilkan list harga premium"},
{title: `? DONASI`, rowId: ".donasi", description: 'Support BOT agar lebih fast respon'},
title: `${htki} MENU ${htka}`,
rows: [
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu All Menu ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist all", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Absen ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist absen", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Admin ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist admin", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Advanced ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist advanced", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Anonymous ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist anonymous", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Audio ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist audio", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Baileys ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist Baileys", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Database ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist database", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Downloader ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist downloader", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Edukasi ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist edukasi", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Fun ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist fun", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Game ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist game", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Group ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist group", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Host ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist host", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Info ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist info", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Internet ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist internet", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Jadian ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist jadian", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Jadibot ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist jadibot", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Kerang ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist kerang", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Main ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist main", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Maker ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist maker", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Nocategory ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist nocategory", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Nsfw ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist nsfw", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Nulis ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist nulis", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Owner ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist owner", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Premium ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist premium", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Primbon ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist primbon", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Quotes ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist quotes", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Quran ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist quran", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Random ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist random", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu RPG ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist rpg", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Sticker ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist sticker", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Tools ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist tools", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu Vote ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist vote", description: ktx},
{title: `${emoj} ${emot} Menu XP ${emot}`, rowId: ".menulist xp", description: ktx}
let tek = `*Hai ${conn.getName(m.sender)}* ?
*?️ Nama:* *(${name})* ${registered ? '(' + name + ') ' : ''} ( @${who.split("@")[0]} )
*? Money:* *RP* ${money}
*? Level* ${level}
*? Role:* ${role}
*? Terdaftar:* ${registered ? 'Ya (' + new Date(regTime).toLocaleString() + ')' : 'Tidak'} ${lastclaim > 0 ? '\n*⏱️Terakhir Klaim:* ' + new Date(lastclaim).toLocaleString() : ''}\n\n Ketik /inv untuk melihat Inventory RPG
const listMessage = {
text: tek,
footer: '? *Note:* Jika menemukan bug, error atau kesulitan dalam penggunaan silahkan laporkan/tanyakan kepada Owner',
mentions: await conn.parseMention(tek),
title: `${htki} *LIST MENU* ${htka}`,
buttonText: `CLICK HERE ⎙`,
if (teks == '404') {
return conn.sendMessage(m.chat, listMessage, {quoted: fkontak})
let _package = JSON.parse(await promises.readFile(join(__dirname, '../package.json')).catch(_ => ({}))) || {}
let totalfeatures = Object.values(global.plugins).filter(
(v) => v.help && v.tags
let d = new Date(new Date + 3600000)
let locale = 'id'
// d.getTimeZoneOffset()
// Offset -420 is 18.00
// Offset 0 is 0.00
// Offset 420 is 7.00
let weton = ['Pahing', 'Pon', 'Wage', 'Kliwon', 'Legi'][Math.floor(d / 84600000) % 5]
let week = d.toLocaleDateString(locale, { weekday: 'long' })
let date = d.toLocaleDateString(locale, {
day: 'numeric',
month: 'long',
year: 'numeric'
let dateIslamic = Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale + '-TN-u-ca-islamic', {
day: 'numeric',
month: 'long',
year: 'numeric'
let time = d.toLocaleTimeString(locale, {
hour: 'numeric',
minute: 'numeric',
second: 'numeric'
let _uptime = process.uptime() * 1000
let _muptime
if (process.send) {
_muptime = await new Promise(resolve => {
process.once('message', resolve)
setTimeout(resolve, 1000)
}) * 1000
let muptime = clockString(_muptime)
let uptime = clockString(_uptime)
let totalreg = Object.keys(global.db.data.users).length
let rtotalreg = Object.values(global.db.data.users).filter(user => user.registered == true).length
let help = Object.values(global.plugins).filter(plugin => !plugin.disabled).map(plugin => {
return {
help: Array.isArray(plugin.tags) ? plugin.help : [plugin.help],
tags: Array.isArray(plugin.tags) ? plugin.tags : [plugin.tags],
prefix: 'customPrefix' in plugin,
limit: plugin.limit,
premium: plugin.premium,
enabled: !plugin.disabled,
let groups = {}
for (let tag in tags) {
groups[tag] = []
for (let plugin of help)
if (plugin.tags && plugin.tags.includes(tag))
if (plugin.help) groups[tag].push(plugin)
conn.menu = conn.menu ? conn.menu : {}
let before = conn.menu.before || defaultMenu.before
let header = conn.menu.header || defaultMenu.header
let body = conn.menu.body || defaultMenu.body
let footer = conn.menu.footer || defaultMenu.footer
let after = conn.menu.after || (conn.user.jid == global.conn.user.jid ? '' : `Powered by https://wa.me/${global.conn.user.jid.split`@`[0]}`) + defaultMenu.after
let _text = [
...Object.keys(tags).map(tag => {
return header.replace(/%category/g, tags[tag]) + '\n' + [
...help.filter(menu => menu.tags && menu.tags.includes(tag) && menu.help).map(menu => {
return menu.help.map(help => {
return body.replace(/%cmd/g, menu.prefix ? help : '%p' + help)
.replace(/%islimit/g, menu.limit ? '(Limit)' : '')
.replace(/%isPremium/g, menu.premium ? '(Premium)' : '')
let text = typeof conn.menu == 'string' ? conn.menu : typeof conn.menu == 'object' ? _text : ''
let replace = {
'%': '%',
p: _p, uptime, muptime,
me: conn.getName(conn.user.jid),
npmname: _package.name,
npmdesc: _package.description,
version: _package.version,
exp: exp - min,
maxexp: xp,
totalexp: exp,
xp4levelup: max - exp,
github: _package.homepage ? _package.homepage.url || _package.homepage : '[unknown github url]',
level, totalfeatures, limit, name, weton, week, date, dateIslamic, time, totalreg, rtotalreg, role,
readmore: readMore
text = text.replace(new RegExp(`%(${Object.keys(replace).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length).join`|`})`, 'g'), (_, name) => '' + replace[name])
conn.sendHydrated(m.chat, text.trim(), wm + '\n\n' + botdate, hwaifu.getRandom(), gcwangsaf, 'Hinata Group', who.split`@`[0], 'Your Number', [
['Menu', '/menu'],
['Owner', '/owner'],
['Test', '/ping']
], null, false, { mentions: [text] })
try {
let wel = await new Canvas.Welcome()
.setDiscriminator(`${money} Money`)
.setColor("border", "#000000")
.setColor("username-box", "#000000")
.setColor("discriminator-box", "#000000")
.setColor("message-box", "#000000")
.setColor("title", "#FFFFFF")
.setColor("avatar", "#000000")
conn.sendHydrated2(m.chat, text.trim(), wm, wel.toBuffer(), webs, 'Website', gcwangsaf, 'Group WhatsApp', [
['Donate', '/donasi'],
['Owner', '/owner'],
['Test', '/ping']
], m)
} catch {
let wel = await new Canvas.Welcome()
.setDiscriminator(`${exp} Exp`)
.setMemberCount(`Money ${money}`)
.setColor("border", "#000000")
.setColor("username-box", "#000000")
.setColor("discriminator-box", "#000000")
.setColor("message-box", "#000000")
.setColor("title", "#FFFFFF")
.setColor("avatar", "#000000")
conn.sendHydrated2(m.chat, text.trim(), wm, wel.toBuffer(), webs, 'Website', gcwangsaf, 'Group WhatsApp', [
['Donate', '/donasi'],
['Owner', '/owner'],
['Test', '/ping']
], m)
} catch (e) {
conn.reply(m.chat, 'Maaf, menu sedang error', m)
throw e
Example #16
Source File: menu.js From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
handler = async (m, { conn, groupMetadata, usedPrefix: _p, __dirname }) => {
try {
let _package = JSON.parse(await promises.readFile(join(__dirname, '../package.json')).catch(_ => ({}))) || {}
let who = m.mentionedJid && m.mentionedJid[0] ? m.mentionedJid[0] : m.fromMe ? conn.user.jid : m.sender
let { exp, limit, level, role, money, lastclaim, lastweekly, registered, regTime, age, banned, pasangan } = global.db.data.users[who]
let { min, xp, max } = xpRange(level, global.multiplier)
let name = await conn.getName(who)
let pp = await conn.profilePictureUrl(who).catch(_ => './src/avatar_contact.png')
if (typeof global.db.data.users[who] == "undefined") {
global.db.data.users[who] = {
exp: 0,
limit: 10,
lastclaim: 0,
registered: false,
name: conn.getName(m.sender),
age: -1,
regTime: -1,
afk: -1,
afkReason: '',
banned: false,
level: 0,
lastweekly: 0,
role: 'Warrior V',
autolevelup: false,
money: 0,
pasangan: "",
let math = max - xp
let totalfeatures = Object.values(global.plugins).filter(
(v) => v.help && v.tags
let d = new Date(new Date + 3600000)
let locale = 'id'
// d.getTimeZoneOffset()
// Offset -420 is 18.00
// Offset 0 is 0.00
// Offset 420 is 7.00
let weton = ['Pahing', 'Pon', 'Wage', 'Kliwon', 'Legi'][Math.floor(d / 84600000) % 5]
let week = d.toLocaleDateString(locale, { weekday: 'long' })
let date = d.toLocaleDateString(locale, {
day: 'numeric',
month: 'long',
year: 'numeric'
let dateIslamic = Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale + '-TN-u-ca-islamic', {
day: 'numeric',
month: 'long',
year: 'numeric'
let time = d.toLocaleTimeString(locale, {
hour: 'numeric',
minute: 'numeric',
second: 'numeric'
let _uptime = process.uptime() * 1000
let _muptime
if (process.send) {
_muptime = await new Promise(resolve => {
process.once('message', resolve)
setTimeout(resolve, 1000)
}) * 1000
let muptime = clockString(_muptime)
let uptime = clockString(_uptime)
let totalreg = Object.keys(global.db.data.users).length
let rtotalreg = Object.values(global.db.data.users).filter(user => user.registered == true).length
let help = Object.values(global.plugins).filter(plugin => !plugin.disabled).map(plugin => {
return {
help: Array.isArray(plugin.tags) ? plugin.help : [plugin.help],
tags: Array.isArray(plugin.tags) ? plugin.tags : [plugin.tags],
prefix: 'customPrefix' in plugin,
limit: plugin.limit,
premium: plugin.premium,
enabled: !plugin.disabled,
for (let plugin of help)
if (plugin && 'tags' in plugin)
for (let tag of plugin.tags)
if (!(tag in tags) && tag) tags[tag] = tag
conn.menu = conn.menu ? conn.menu : {}
let before = conn.menu.before || defaultMenu.before
let header = conn.menu.header || defaultMenu.header
let body = conn.menu.body || defaultMenu.body
let footer = conn.menu.footer || defaultMenu.footer
let after = conn.menu.after || (conn.user.jid == global.conn.user.jid ? '' : `Powered by https://wa.me/${global.conn.user.jid.split`@`[0]}`) + defaultMenu.after
let _text = [
...Object.keys(tags).map(tag => {
return header.replace(/%category/g, tags[tag]) + '\n' + [
...help.filter(menu => menu.tags && menu.tags.includes(tag) && menu.help).map(menu => {
return menu.help.map(help => {
return body.replace(/%cmd/g, menu.prefix ? help : '%p' + help)
.replace(/%islimit/g, menu.limit ? '(Limit)' : '')
.replace(/%isPremium/g, menu.premium ? '(Premium)' : '')
let text = typeof conn.menu == 'string' ? conn.menu : typeof conn.menu == 'object' ? _text : ''
let replace = {
'%': '%',
p: _p, uptime, muptime,
me: conn.getName(conn.user.jid),
npmname: _package.name,
npmdesc: _package.description,
version: _package.version,
exp: exp - min,
maxexp: xp,
totalexp: exp,
xp4levelup: max - exp,
github: _package.homepage ? _package.homepage.url || _package.homepage : '[unknown github url]',
level, totalfeatures, limit, name, weton, week, date, dateIslamic, time, totalreg, rtotalreg, role,
readmore: readMore
text = text.replace(new RegExp(`%(${Object.keys(replace).sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length).join`|`})`, 'g'), (_, name) => '' + replace[name])
conn.sendHydrated(m.chat, text.trim(), wm + '\n\n' + botdate, hwaifu.getRandom(), gcwangsaf, 'Hinata Group', who.split`@`[0], 'Your Number', [
['Menu', '/menu'],
['Owner', '/owner'],
['Test', '/ping']
], null, false, { mentions: [text] })
try {
let wel = await new Canvas.Welcome()
.setDiscriminator(`${money} Money`)
.setColor("border", "#000000")
.setColor("username-box", "#000000")
.setColor("discriminator-box", "#000000")
.setColor("message-box", "#000000")
.setColor("title", "#FFFFFF")
.setColor("avatar", "#000000")
conn.sendHydrated2(m.chat, text.trim(), wm, wel.toBuffer(), webs, 'Website', gcwangsaf, 'Group WhatsApp', [
['Donate', '/donasi'],
['Owner', '/owner'],
['Test', '/ping']
], m)
} catch {
let wel = await new Canvas.Welcome()
.setDiscriminator(`${exp} Exp`)
.setMemberCount(`Money ${money}`)
.setColor("border", "#000000")
.setColor("username-box", "#000000")
.setColor("discriminator-box", "#000000")
.setColor("message-box", "#000000")
.setColor("title", "#FFFFFF")
.setColor("avatar", "#000000")
conn.sendHydrated2(m.chat, text.trim(), wm, wel.toBuffer(), webs, 'Website', gcwangsaf, 'Group WhatsApp', [
['Donate', '/donasi'],
['Owner', '/owner'],
['Test', '/ping']
], m)
} catch (e) {
conn.reply(m.chat, 'Maaf, menu sedang error', m)
throw e