immutable#fromJS JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: router-utils.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
function omitDefaultValues(urlState) {
// A couple of cases which require special handling because their URL state
// default values might be in different format than their Redux defaults.
if (!urlState.controlPipe) {
urlState = omit(urlState, 'controlPipe');
if (isEmpty(urlState.nodeDetails)) {
urlState = omit(urlState, 'nodeDetails');
if (isEmpty(urlState.topologyOptions)) {
urlState = omit(urlState, 'topologyOptions');
// Omit all the fields which match their initial Redux state values.
return omitBy(urlState, (value, key) => (
isDeepEqual(fromJS(value), initialRootState.get(key))
Example #2
Source File: layouter-utils-test.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
describe('LayouterUtils', () => {
describe('initEdgesFromNodes', () => {
it('should return map of edges', () => {
const input = fromJS({
a: { adjacency: ['b', 'c'] },
b: { adjacency: ['a', 'b'] },
c: {}
[edge('a', 'b')]: {
id: edge('a', 'b'), source: 'a', target: 'b', value: 1
[edge('a', 'c')]: {
id: edge('a', 'c'), source: 'a', target: 'c', value: 1
[edge('b', 'a')]: {
id: edge('b', 'a'), source: 'b', target: 'a', value: 1
[edge('b', 'b')]: {
id: edge('b', 'b'), source: 'b', target: 'b', value: 1
Example #3
Source File: index.js From strapi-plugin-config-sync with MIT License | 6 votes |
export default function configReducer(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return state
.update('configDiff', () => fromJS(action.config));
return state
.update('partialDiff', () => fromJS(action.config));
return state
.update('isLoading', () => fromJS(action.value));
return state
.update('appEnv', () => fromJS(action.value));
return state;
Example #4
Source File: node-metric.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
nodeMetricSelector = createMapSelector(
state => state.get('nodes'),
(node, selectedMetricId, topCardNode) => {
const isHighlighted = topCardNode && topCardNode.details && === node.get('id');
const sourceNode = isHighlighted ? fromJS(topCardNode.details) : node;
return sourceNode.get('metrics') && sourceNode.get('metrics')
.filter(m => m.get('id') === selectedMetricId)
Example #5
Source File: node-metric.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
availableMetricsSelector = createSelector(
state => state.get('nodes'),
(isGraphView, isResourceView, nodes) => {
// In graph view, we always look through the fresh state
// of topology nodes to get all the available metrics.
if (isGraphView) {
return nodes
.flatMap(n => n.get('metrics', makeList()))
.filter(m => !m.get('valueEmpty'))
.map(m => makeMap({ id: m.get('id'), label: m.get('label') }))
.sortBy(m => m.get('label'));
// In resource view, we're displaying only the hardcoded CPU and Memory metrics.
// TODO: Make this dynamic as well.
if (isResourceView) {
// Don't show any metrics in the table view mode.
return makeList();
Example #6
Source File: node-networks.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
nodeNetworksSelector = createMapSelector(
state => state.get('nodes'),
(node) => {
const metadata = node.get('metadata', makeList());
const networks = metadata.find(f => f.get('id') === NETWORKS_ID) || makeMap();
const networkValues = networks.has('value') ? networks.get('value').split(', ') : [];
return fromJS( => ({
colorKey: network, id: network, label: network
Example #7
Source File: layout.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
layoutEdgesSelector = createSelector(
(graphEdges, layoutNodes, focusedNodesIds) => (
// Update the edges in the circular layout to link the nodes in a straight line. => {
const source = edge.get('source');
const target = edge.get('target');
if (includes(focusedNodesIds, source) || includes(focusedNodesIds, target)) {
return edge.set('points', fromJS([
pick(layoutNodes.get(source).toJS(), ['x', 'y']),
pick(layoutNodes.get(target).toJS(), ['x', 'y']),
return edge;
Example #8
Source File: node-networks.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
selectedNetworkNodesIdsSelector = createSelector(
state => state.get('selectedNetwork'),
(nodeNetworks, selectedNetworkId) => {
const nodeIds = [];
nodeNetworks.forEach((networks, nodeId) => {
const networksIds = => n.get('id'));
if (networksIds.contains(selectedNetworkId)) {
return fromJS(nodeIds);
Example #9
Source File: root.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
// adds ID field to topology (based on last part of URL path) and save urls in
// map for easy lookup
function processTopologies(state, nextTopologies) {
// add IDs to topology objects in-place
const topologiesWithId = updateTopologyIds(nextTopologies);
// filter out hidden topos
const visibleTopologies = filterHiddenTopologies(topologiesWithId, state.get('currentTopology'));
// set `selectType` field for topology and sub_topologies options (recursive).
const topologiesWithSelectType =;
// cache URLs by ID
state = state.set(
setTopologyUrlsById(state.get('topologyUrlsById'), topologiesWithSelectType)
const topologiesWithFullnames = addTopologyFullname(topologiesWithSelectType);
const immNextTopologies = fromJS(topologiesWithFullnames).sortBy(topologySorter);
return state.set('topologies', immNextTopologies);
Example #10
Source File: math-utils-test.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
describe('MathUtils', () => {
const MathUtils = require('../math-utils');
describe('modulo', () => {
const f = MathUtils.modulo;
it('it should calculate the modulo (also for negatives)', () => {
expect(f(5, 5)).toBe(0);
expect(f(4, 5)).toBe(4);
expect(f(3, 5)).toBe(3);
expect(f(2, 5)).toBe(2);
expect(f(1, 5)).toBe(1);
expect(f(0, 5)).toBe(0);
expect(f(-1, 5)).toBe(4);
expect(f(-2, 5)).toBe(3);
expect(f(-3, 5)).toBe(2);
expect(f(-4, 5)).toBe(1);
expect(f(-5, 5)).toBe(0);
describe('minEuclideanDistanceBetweenPoints', () => {
const f = MathUtils.minEuclideanDistanceBetweenPoints;
const entryA = { pointA: { x: 0, y: 0 } };
const entryB = { pointB: { x: 30, y: 0 } };
const entryC = { pointC: { x: 0, y: -40 } };
const entryD = { pointD: { x: -1000, y: 567 } };
const entryE = { pointE: { x: -999, y: 567 } };
const entryF = { pointF: { x: 30, y: 0 } };
it('it should return the minimal distance between any two points in the collection', () => {
expect(f(fromJS({...entryA, ...entryB}))).toBe(30);
expect(f(fromJS({...entryA, ...entryC}))).toBe(40);
expect(f(fromJS({...entryB, ...entryC}))).toBe(50);
...entryA, ...entryB, ...entryC, ...entryD
...entryA, ...entryB, ...entryC, ...entryD, ...entryE
...entryA, ...entryB, ...entryC, ...entryD, ...entryF
Example #11
Source File: debug-toolbar.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
function addMetrics(availableMetrics, node, v) {
const metrics = availableMetrics.size > 0 ? availableMetrics : fromJS([
{ id: 'host_cpu_usage_percent', label: 'CPU' }
return Object.assign({}, node, {
metrics: => Object.assign({}, m, {
id: 'zing', label: 'zing', max: 100, value: v
Example #12
Source File: nodes-layout.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
* Adds `points` array to edge based on location of source and target
* @param {Map} edge new edge
* @param {Map} nodeCache all nodes
* @returns {Map} modified edge
function setSimpleEdgePoints(edge, nodeCache) {
const source = nodeCache.get(edge.get('source'));
const target = nodeCache.get(edge.get('target'));
return edge.set('points', fromJS([
{x: source.get('x'), y: source.get('y')},
{x: target.get('x'), y: target.get('y')}
Example #13
Source File: nodes-layout.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
// Adds some additional waypoints to the edge to make sure the it connects the node
// centers and that the edge enters the target node relatively straight so that the
// arrow is drawn correctly. The total number of waypoints is capped to EDGE_WAYPOINTS_CAP.
function correctedEdgePath(waypoints, source, target) {
// Get the relevant waypoints that will be added/replicated.
const sourcePoint = fromJS({ x: source.get('x'), y: source.get('y') });
const targetPoint = fromJS({ x: target.get('x'), y: target.get('y') });
const entrancePoint = waypoints.last();
if (target !== source) {
// The strategy for the non-loop edges is the following:
// * Uniformly select at most CAP - 4 of the central waypoints ignoring the target node
// entrance point. Such a selection will ensure that both the source node exit point and
// the point before the target node entrance point are taken as boundaries of the interval.
// * Now manually add those 4 points that we always want to have included in the edge path -
// centers of source/target nodes and twice the target node entrance point to ensure the
// edge path actually goes through it and thus doesn't miss the arrow element.
// * In the end, what matters for the arrow is that the last 4 points of the array are always
// fixed regardless of the total number of waypoints. That way we ensure the arrow is drawn
// correctly, but also that the edge path enters the target node smoothly.
waypoints = fromJS(uniformSelect(waypoints.butLast().toJS(), EDGE_WAYPOINTS_CAP - 4));
waypoints = waypoints.unshift(sourcePoint);
waypoints = waypoints.push(entrancePoint);
waypoints = waypoints.push(entrancePoint);
waypoints = waypoints.push(targetPoint);
} else {
// For loops we simply set the endpoints at the center of source/target node to
// make them smoother and, of course, we cap the total number of waypoints.
waypoints = fromJS(uniformSelect(waypoints.toJS(), EDGE_WAYPOINTS_CAP));
waypoints = waypoints.set(0, sourcePoint);
waypoints = waypoints.set(waypoints.size - 1, targetPoint);
return waypoints;
Example #14
Source File: edge-container.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
render() { const { isAnimated, waypoints, scale, ...forwardedProps } = this.props; const { thickness, waypointsMap } = this.state; if (!isAnimated) { return transformedEdge(forwardedProps, waypoints.toJS(), thickness); } return ( // For the Motion interpolation to work, the waypoints need to be in a map format like // { x0: 11, y0: 22, x1: 33, y1: 44 } that we convert to the array format when rendering. <Motion style={{ interpolatedThickness: weakSpring(thickness), ...waypointsMap.toJS(), }}> { ({ interpolatedThickness, ...interpolatedWaypoints }) => transformedEdge( forwardedProps, waypointsMapToArray(fromJS(interpolatedWaypoints)), interpolatedThickness ) } </Motion> ); }
Example #15
Source File: multi-cloud-action.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
actionOptionsIndex = fromJS({
start_vulnerability_scan: {
label: 'Start vulnerability scan',
onClick: (param, triggerModal) => triggerCVEScanModal(param, triggerModal),
enabled: false,
stop_vulnerability_scan: {
label: 'Stop vulnerability scan',
onClick: (param, triggerModal, dispatch) =>
triggerStopCVEScanModal(param, triggerModal, dispatch),
enabled: false,
start_secrets_scan: {
label: 'Start secrets scan',
onClick: (param, triggerModal, dispatch) =>
triggerStartSecretsScanModal(param, triggerModal, dispatch),
enabled: false,
Example #16
Source File: request-actions.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
export function receiveApiDetails(apiDetails) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const isFirstTime = !getState().get('version');
const pausedAt = getState().get('pausedAt');
capabilities: fromJS(apiDetails.capabilities || {}),
hostname: apiDetails.hostname,
newVersion: apiDetails.newVersion,
plugins: apiDetails.plugins,
type: ActionTypes.RECEIVE_API_DETAILS,
version: apiDetails.version,
// On initial load either start time travelling at the pausedAt timestamp
// (if it was given as URL param) if time travelling is enabled, otherwise
// simply pause at the present time which is arguably the next best thing
// we could do.
// NOTE: We can't make this decision before API details are received because
// we have no prior info on whether time travel would be available.
if (isFirstTime && pausedAt) {
if (apiDetails.capabilities && apiDetails.capabilities.historic_reports) {
} else {
Example #17
Source File: index.js From strapi-plugin-sitemap with MIT License | 6 votes |
initialState = fromJS({
info: {},
allowedFields: {},
settings: Map({}),
contentTypes: {},
languages: [],
initialData: Map({}),
modifiedContentTypes: Map({}),
modifiedCustomEntries: Map({}),
Example #18
Source File: customHTML2Content.js From spring-boot-ecommerce with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
createContentBlock = function createContentBlock(blockData, contentState) {
var key = blockData.key,
type = blockData.type,
text = blockData.text,
data =,
inlineStyles = blockData.inlineStyles,
entityData = blockData.entityData;
var blockSpec = {
type: type != null ? type : 'unstyled',
text: text != null ? text : '',
key: key != null ? key : genKey(),
data: null,
characterList: List([])
if (data) { = fromJS(data);
if (inlineStyles || entityData) {
var entityKey = void 0;
if (entityData) {
var _type = entityData.type,
mutability = entityData.mutability,
_data =;
contentState.createEntity(_type, mutability, _data);
entityKey = contentState.getLastCreatedEntityKey();
} else {
entityKey = null;
var style = OrderedSet(inlineStyles || []);
var charData = CharacterMetadata.create({ style: style, entityKey: entityKey });
blockSpec.characterList = List(Repeat(charData, text.length));
return new ContentBlock(blockSpec);
Example #19
Source File: search-utils-test.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
describe('SearchUtils', () => {
const nodeSets = {
someNodes: fromJS({
n1: {
id: 'n1',
label: 'node label 1',
metadata: [{
id: 'fieldId1',
label: 'Label 1',
value: 'value 1'
metrics: [{
id: 'metric1',
label: 'Metric 1',
value: 1
n2: {
id: 'n2',
label: 'node label 2',
metadata: [{
id: 'fieldId2',
label: 'Label 2',
value: 'value 2'
tables: [{
id: 'metric1',
rows: [{
entries: {
label: 'Label 1',
value: 'Label Value 1'
id: 'label1'
}, {
entries: {
label: 'Label 2',
value: 'Label Value 2'
id: 'label2'
type: 'property-list'
}, {
columns: [{
id: 'a',
label: 'A'
}, {
id: 'c',
label: 'C'
id: 'metric2',
rows: [{
entries: {
a: 'xxxa',
b: 'yyya',
c: 'zzz1'
id: 'row1'
}, {
entries: {
a: 'yyyb',
b: 'xxxb',
c: 'zzz2'
id: 'row2'
}, {
entries: {
a: 'Value 1',
b: 'Value 2',
c: 'Value 3'
id: 'row3'
type: 'multicolumn-table'
describe('applyPinnedSearches', () => {
const fun = SearchUtils.applyPinnedSearches;
it('should not filter anything when no pinned searches present', () => {
let nextState = fromJS({
nodes: nodeSets.someNodes,
pinnedSearches: []
nextState = fun(nextState);
expect(nextState.get('nodes').filter(node => node.get('filtered')).size).toEqual(0);
it('should filter nodes if nothing matches a pinned search', () => {
let nextState = fromJS({
nodes: nodeSets.someNodes,
pinnedSearches: ['cantmatch']
nextState = fun(nextState);
expect(nextState.get('nodes').filterNot(node => node.get('filtered')).size).toEqual(0);
it('should filter nodes if nothing matches a combination of pinned searches', () => {
let nextState = fromJS({
nodes: nodeSets.someNodes,
pinnedSearches: ['node label 1', 'node label 2']
nextState = fun(nextState);
expect(nextState.get('nodes').filterNot(node => node.get('filtered')).size).toEqual(0);
it('should filter nodes that do not match a pinned searches', () => {
let nextState = fromJS({
nodes: nodeSets.someNodes,
pinnedSearches: ['Label Value 1']
nextState = fun(nextState);
expect(nextState.get('nodes').filter(node => node.get('filtered')).size).toEqual(1);
describe('findNodeMatch', () => {
const fun = SearchUtils.findNodeMatch;
it('does not add a non-matching field', () => {
let matches = fromJS({});
matches = fun(
matches, ['node1', 'field1'],
'some value', 'some query', null, 'some label'
it('adds a matching field', () => {
let matches = fromJS({});
matches = fun(
matches, ['node1', 'field1'],
'samevalue', 'samevalue', null, 'some label'
expect(matches.getIn(['node1', 'field1'])).toBeDefined();
const {
text, label, start, length
} = matches.getIn(['node1', 'field1']);
expect(label).toBe('some label');
it('does not add a field when the prefix does not match the label', () => {
let matches = fromJS({});
matches = fun(
matches, ['node1', 'field1'],
'samevalue', 'samevalue', 'some prefix', 'some label'
it('adds a field when the prefix matches the label', () => {
let matches = fromJS({});
matches = fun(
matches, ['node1', 'field1'],
'samevalue', 'samevalue', 'prefix', 'prefixed label'
describe('findNodeMatchMetric', () => {
const fun = SearchUtils.findNodeMatchMetric;
it('does not add a non-matching field', () => {
let matches = fromJS({});
matches = fun(
matches, ['node1', 'field1'],
1, 'metric1', 'metric2', 'lt', 2
it('adds a matching field', () => {
let matches = fromJS({});
matches = fun(
matches, ['node1', 'field1'],
1, 'metric1', 'metric1', 'lt', 2
expect(matches.getIn(['node1', 'field1'])).toBeDefined();
const { metric } = matches.getIn(['node1', 'field1']);
matches = fun(
matches, ['node2', 'field1'],
1, 'metric1', 'metric1', 'gt', 0
matches = fun(
matches, ['node3', 'field1'],
1, 'metric1', 'metric1', 'eq', 1
matches = fun(
matches, ['node3', 'field1'],
1, 'metric1', 'metric1', 'other', 1
describe('makeRegExp', () => {
const fun = SearchUtils.makeRegExp;
it('should make a regexp from any string', () => {
expect(fun().source).toEqual((new RegExp()).source);
expect(fun('que').source).toEqual((new RegExp('que')).source);
// invalid string
expect(fun('que[').source).toEqual((new RegExp('que\\[')).source);
describe('matchPrefix', () => {
const fun = SearchUtils.matchPrefix;
it('returns true if the prefix matches the label', () => {
expect(fun('label', 'prefix')).toBeFalsy();
expect(fun('memory', 'mem')).toBeTruthy();
expect(fun('mem', 'memory')).toBeFalsy();
expect(fun('com.domain.label', 'label')).toBeTruthy();
expect(fun('com.domain.Label', 'domainlabel')).toBeTruthy();
expect(fun('com-Domain-label', 'domainlabel')).toBeTruthy();
expect(fun('memory', 'mem.ry')).toBeTruthy();
describe('parseQuery', () => {
const fun = SearchUtils.parseQuery;
it('should parse a metric value from a string', () => {
expect(fun('text')).toEqual({query: 'text'});
expect(fun('prefix:text')).toEqual({prefix: 'prefix', query: 'text'});
expect(fun('cpu > 1')).toEqual({comp: 'gt', metric: 'cpu', value: 1});
expect(fun('cpu >')).toEqual(null);
describe('parseValue', () => {
const fun = SearchUtils.parseValue;
it('should parse a metric value from a string', () => {
expect(fun('10kB')).toEqual(1024 * 10);
expect(fun('1MB')).toEqual(Math.pow(1024, 2));
expect(fun('1m')).toEqual(Math.pow(1024, 2));
expect(fun('1GB')).toEqual(Math.pow(1024, 3));
expect(fun('1TB')).toEqual(Math.pow(1024, 4));
describe('searchTopology', () => {
const fun = SearchUtils.searchTopology;
it('should return no matches on an empty topology', () => {
const nodes = fromJS({});
const matches = fun(nodes, {query: 'value'});
it('should match on a node label', () => {
const nodes = nodeSets.someNodes;
let matches = fun(nodes, {query: 'node label 1'});
matches = fun(nodes, {query: 'node label'});
it('should match on a metadata field', () => {
const nodes = nodeSets.someNodes;
const matches = fun(nodes, {query: 'value'});
expect(matches.getIn(['n1', 'metadata', 'fieldId1']).text).toEqual('value 1');
it('should match on a metric field', () => {
const nodes = nodeSets.someNodes;
const matches = fun(nodes, {comp: 'eq', metric: 'metric1', value: 1});
expect(matches.getIn(['n1', 'metrics', 'metric1']).metric).toBeTruthy();
it('should match on a property list value', () => {
const nodes = nodeSets.someNodes;
const matches = fun(nodes, {query: 'Value 1'});
expect(matches.getIn(['n2', 'property-lists']).size).toEqual(1);
expect(matches.getIn(['n2', 'property-lists', 'label1']).text).toBe('Label Value 1');
it('should match on a generic table values', () => {
const nodes = nodeSets.someNodes;
const matches1 = fun(nodes, {query: 'xx'}).getIn(['n2', 'tables']);
const matches2 = fun(nodes, {query: 'yy'}).getIn(['n2', 'tables']);
const matches3 = fun(nodes, {query: 'zz'}).getIn(['n2', 'tables']);
const matches4 = fun(nodes, {query: 'a'}).getIn(['n2', 'tables']);
expect(matches4.get('row3_a').text).toBe('Value 1');
expect(matches4.get('row3_c').text).toBe('Value 3');
Example #20
Source File: topology-utils-test.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
describe('TopologyUtils', () => {
let TopologyUtils;
let nodes;
const nodeSets = {
initial4: {
edges: fromJS({
'n1-n3': {id: 'n1-n3', source: 'n1', target: 'n3'},
'n1-n4': {id: 'n1-n4', source: 'n1', target: 'n4'},
'n2-n4': {id: 'n2-n4', source: 'n2', target: 'n4'}
nodes: fromJS({
n1: {id: 'n1'},
n2: {id: 'n2'},
n3: {id: 'n3'},
n4: {id: 'n4'}
removeEdge24: {
edges: fromJS({
'n1-n3': {id: 'n1-n3', source: 'n1', target: 'n3'},
'n1-n4': {id: 'n1-n4', source: 'n1', target: 'n4'}
nodes: fromJS({
n1: {id: 'n1'},
n2: {id: 'n2'},
n3: {id: 'n3'},
n4: {id: 'n4'}
removeNode2: {
edges: fromJS({
'n1-n3': {id: 'n1-n3', source: 'n1', target: 'n3'},
'n1-n4': {id: 'n1-n4', source: 'n1', target: 'n4'}
nodes: fromJS({
n1: {id: 'n1'},
n3: {id: 'n3'},
n4: {id: 'n4'}
removeNode23: {
edges: fromJS({
'n1-n4': {id: 'n1-n4', source: 'n1', target: 'n4'}
nodes: fromJS({
n1: {id: 'n1'},
n4: {id: 'n4'}
single3: {
edges: fromJS({}),
nodes: fromJS({
n1: {id: 'n1'},
n2: {id: 'n2'},
n3: {id: 'n3'}
singlePortrait: {
edges: fromJS({
'n1-n4': {id: 'n1-n4', source: 'n1', target: 'n4'}
nodes: fromJS({
n1: {id: 'n1'},
n2: {id: 'n2'},
n3: {id: 'n3'},
n4: {id: 'n4'},
n5: {id: 'n5'}
beforeEach(() => {
TopologyUtils = require('../topology-utils');
it('sets node degrees', () => {
nodes = TopologyUtils.updateNodeDegrees(
nodes = TopologyUtils.updateNodeDegrees(
nodes = TopologyUtils.updateNodeDegrees(
describe('buildTopologyCacheId', () => {
it('should generate a cache ID', () => {
const fun = TopologyUtils.buildTopologyCacheId;
expect(fun(undefined, 'test')).toEqual('');
expect(fun('test', {a: 1})).toEqual('test{"a":1}');
describe('filterHiddenTopologies', () => {
it('should filter out empty topos that set hide_if_empty=true', () => {
const topos = [
{hide_if_empty: true, id: 'a', stats: {filtered_nodes: 0, node_count: 0}},
{hide_if_empty: true, id: 'b', stats: {filtered_nodes: 0, node_count: 1}},
{hide_if_empty: true, id: 'c', stats: {filtered_nodes: 1, node_count: 0}},
{hide_if_empty: false, id: 'd', stats: {filtered_nodes: 0, node_count: 0}}
const res = TopologyUtils.filterHiddenTopologies(topos);
expect( =>['b', 'c', 'd']);
Example #21
Source File: layout.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
layersTopologyIdsSelector = createSelector(
state => state.get('currentTopologyId'),
topologyId => fromJS(RESOURCE_VIEW_LAYERS[topologyId] || [])
Example #22
Source File: index.js From strapi-plugin-config-sync with MIT License | 5 votes |
initialState = fromJS({
configDiff: Map({}),
partialDiff: List([]),
isLoading: false,
appEnv: 'development',
Example #23
Source File: node-filters.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
loadedAllResourceLayersSelector = createSelector(
state => state.get('nodesByTopology').keySeq(),
resourceViewLoadedTopologyIds => fromJS(RESOURCE_VIEW_LAYERS).keySeq()
.every(topId => resourceViewLoadedTopologyIds.contains(topId))
Example #24
Source File: zoomable-canvas.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
cacheZoom() {
Example #25
Source File: nodes-layout.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
* Layout of nodes and edges
* If a previous layout was given and not too much changed, the previous layout
* is changed and returned. Otherwise does a new layout engine run.
* @param {Map} immNodes All nodes
* @param {Map} immEdges All edges
* @param {object} opts width, height, margins, etc...
* @return {object} graph object with nodes, edges, dimensions
export function doLayout(immNodes, immEdges, opts) {
const options = opts || {};
const cacheId = buildTopologyCacheId(options.topologyId, options.topologyOptions);
// one engine and node and edge caches per topology, to keep renderings similar
if (options.noCache || !topologyCaches[cacheId]) {
topologyCaches[cacheId] = {
edgeCache: makeMap(),
graph: new dagre.graphlib.Graph({}),
nodeCache: makeMap()
const cache = topologyCaches[cacheId];
const cachedLayout = options.cachedLayout || cache.cachedLayout;
const nodeCache = options.nodeCache || cache.nodeCache;
const edgeCache = options.edgeCache || cache.edgeCache;
const useCache = !options.forceRelayout && cachedLayout && nodeCache && edgeCache;
const nodesWithDegrees = updateNodeDegrees(immNodes, immEdges);
let layout;
layoutRuns += 1;
if (useCache && !hasUnseenNodes(immNodes, nodeCache)) {
layoutRunsTrivial += 1;
// trivial case: no new nodes have been added
log('skip layout, trivial adjustment', layoutRunsTrivial, layoutRuns);
layout = cloneLayout(cachedLayout, immNodes, immEdges);
layout = copyLayoutProperties(layout, nodeCache, edgeCache);
} else if (useCache
&& featureIsEnabledAny('layout-dance', 'layout-dance-single')
&& hasNewSingleNode(nodesWithDegrees, nodeCache)) {
// special case: new nodes are 0-degree nodes, no need for layout run,
// they will be laid out further below
log('skip layout, only 0-degree node(s) added');
layout = cloneLayout(cachedLayout, nodesWithDegrees, immEdges);
layout = copyLayoutProperties(layout, nodeCache, edgeCache);
layout = layoutSingleNodes(layout, opts);
} else if (useCache
&& featureIsEnabledAny('layout-dance', 'layout-dance-rank')
&& hasNewNodesOfExistingRank(nodesWithDegrees, immEdges, nodeCache)) {
// special case: few new nodes were added, no need for layout run,
// they will inserted according to ranks
log('skip layout, used rank-based insertion');
layout = cloneLayout(cachedLayout, nodesWithDegrees, immEdges);
layout = copyLayoutProperties(layout, nodeCache, edgeCache);
layout = doLayoutNewNodesOfExistingRank(layout, nodeCache);
layout = layoutSingleNodes(layout, opts);
} else {
// default case: the new layout is too different and refreshing is required
layout = runLayoutEngine(cache.graph, nodesWithDegrees, immEdges, opts);
if (layout) {
// Last line of defense - re-render everything if two nodes are too close to one another.
if (minEuclideanDistanceBetweenPoints(layout.nodes) < NODE_CENTERS_SEPARATION_FACTOR) {
layout = runLayoutEngine(cache.graph, nodesWithDegrees, immEdges, opts);
// cache results
cache.cachedLayout = layout;
// only cache layout-related properties
// NB: These properties must be immutable wrt a given node because properties of updated nodes
// will be overwritten with the cached values, see copyLayoutProperties()
cache.nodeCache = cache.nodeCache.merge( => fromJS(pick(n.toJS(), ['x', 'y', 'rank']))));
cache.edgeCache = cache.edgeCache.merge(layout.edges);
return layout;
Example #26
Source File: nodes-chart-elements.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
render() {
const nodes = this.props.layoutNodes.toIndexedSeq()
const edges = this.props.layoutEdges.toIndexedSeq()
// NOTE: The elements need to be arranged into a single array outside
// of DOM structure for React rendering engine to do smart rearrangements
// without unnecessary re-rendering of the elements themselves. So e.g.
// rendering the element layers individually below would be significantly slower.
const orderedElements = makeList([
edges.get(BLURRED_EDGES_LAYER, makeList()),
nodes.get(BLURRED_NODES_LAYER, makeList()),
fromJS([{ isActive: !!nodes.get(BLURRED_NODES_LAYER), isOverlay: true }]),
edges.get(NORMAL_EDGES_LAYER, makeList()),
nodes.get(NORMAL_NODES_LAYER, makeList()),
edges.get(HIGHLIGHTED_EDGES_LAYER, makeList()),
nodes.get(HIGHLIGHTED_NODES_LAYER, makeList()),
edges.get(HOVERED_EDGES_LAYER, makeList()),
nodes.get(HOVERED_NODES_LAYER, makeList()),
return (
<g className="tour-step-anchor nodes-chart-elements">
Example #27
Source File: index.js From strapi-plugin-sitemap with MIT License | 5 votes |
export default function sitemapReducer(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return state
.update('settings', () => fromJS(action.settings))
.updateIn(['settings', 'contentTypes'], () => fromJS(action.settings.get('contentTypes')))
.updateIn(['settings', 'customEntries'], () => fromJS(action.settings.get('customEntries')))
.update('initialData', () => fromJS(action.settings))
.updateIn(['initialData', 'contentTypes'], () => fromJS(action.settings.get('contentTypes')))
.updateIn(['initialData', 'customEntries'], () => fromJS(action.settings.get('customEntries')))
.update('modifiedContentTypes', () => fromJS(action.settings.get('contentTypes')))
.update('modifiedCustomEntries', () => fromJS(action.settings.get('customEntries')));
return state
.update('modifiedContentTypes', () => fromJS(action.settings.get('contentTypes')))
.updateIn(['settings', 'contentTypes'], () => fromJS(action.settings.get('contentTypes')));
if (action.lang) {
return state
.updateIn(['modifiedContentTypes', action.contentType, 'languages', action.lang, action.key], () => action.value);
} else {
return state
.updateIn(['modifiedContentTypes', action.contentType, action.key], () => action.value);
return state
.updateIn(['modifiedCustomEntries', action.url, action.key], () => action.value);
return state
.updateIn(['settings', action.key], () => action.value);
return state
.update('settings', () => state.get('initialData'))
.update('modifiedContentTypes', () => state.getIn(['initialData', 'contentTypes']))
.update('modifiedCustomEntries', () => state.getIn(['initialData', 'customEntries']));
return state
.update('modifiedContentTypes', () => state.getIn(['settings', 'contentTypes']))
.update('modifiedCustomEntries', () => state.getIn(['settings', 'customEntries']));
return state
.updateIn(['settings', 'contentTypes'], () => state.get('modifiedContentTypes'))
.updateIn(['settings', 'customEntries'], () => state.get('modifiedCustomEntries'));
if (state.getIn(['settings', 'contentTypes', action.key, 'languages']).size > 1) {
return state
.deleteIn(['settings', 'contentTypes', action.key, 'languages', action.lang])
.deleteIn(['modifiedContentTypes', action.key, 'languages', action.lang]);
} else {
return state
.deleteIn(['settings', 'contentTypes', action.key])
.deleteIn(['modifiedContentTypes', action.key]);
return state
.deleteIn(['settings', 'customEntries', action.key])
.deleteIn(['modifiedCustomEntries', action.key]);
return state
.update('contentTypes', () => action.contentTypes);
return state
.update('languages', () => action.languages);
return state
.update('initialData', () => state.get('settings'));
return state
.update('info', () => fromJS(;
return state
.update('allowedFields', () => action.fields);
return state;
Example #28
Source File: search-test.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
describe('Search selectors', () => {
const nodeSets = {
someNodes: fromJS({
n1: {
id: 'n1',
label: 'node label 1',
metadata: [{
id: 'fieldId1',
label: 'Label 1',
value: 'value 1'
metrics: [{
id: 'metric1',
label: 'Metric 1',
value: 1
n2: {
id: 'n2',
label: 'node label 2',
metadata: [{
id: 'fieldId2',
label: 'Label 2',
value: 'value 2'
tables: [{
id: 'metric1',
rows: [{
entries: {
label: 'Label 1',
value: 'Label Value 1'
id: 'label1'
}, {
entries: {
label: 'Label 2',
value: 'Label Value 2'
id: 'label2'
type: 'property-list'
}, {
columns: [{
id: 'a',
label: 'A'
}, {
id: 'c',
label: 'C'
id: 'metric2',
rows: [{
entries: {
a: 'xxxa',
b: 'yyya',
c: 'zzz1'
id: 'row1'
}, {
entries: {
a: 'yyyb',
b: 'xxxb',
c: 'zzz2'
id: 'row2'
}, {
entries: {
a: 'Value 1',
b: 'Value 2',
c: 'Value 3'
id: 'row3'
type: 'multicolumn-table'
describe('searchNodeMatchesSelector', () => {
const selector = SearchSelectors.searchNodeMatchesSelector;
it('should return no matches on an empty topology', () => {
const result = selector(fromJS({
nodes: makeMap(),
searchQuery: '',
expect(result.filter(m => !m.isEmpty()).size).toEqual(0);
it('should return no matches when no query is present', () => {
const result = selector(fromJS({
nodes: nodeSets.someNodes,
searchQuery: '',
expect(result.filter(m => !m.isEmpty()).size).toEqual(0);
it('should return no matches when query matches nothing', () => {
const result = selector(fromJS({
nodes: nodeSets.someNodes,
searchQuery: 'cantmatch',
expect(result.filter(m => !m.isEmpty()).size).toEqual(0);
it('should return a matches when a query matches something', () => {
const result = selector(fromJS({
nodes: nodeSets.someNodes,
searchQuery: 'value 2',
expect(result.filter(m => !m.isEmpty()).size).toEqual(1);
Example #29
Source File: root.js From ThreatMapper with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
export function rootReducer(state = initialState, action) {
if (!action.type) {
error('Payload missing a type!', action);
switch (action.type) {
case ActionTypes.BLUR_SEARCH: {
return state.set('searchFocused', false);
case ActionTypes.FOCUS_SEARCH: {
return state.set('searchFocused', true);
// set option on parent topology
const topology = findTopologyById(state.get('topologies'), action.topologyId);
if (topology) {
const topologyId = topology.get('parentId') || topology.get('id');
const optionKey = ['topologyOptions', topologyId, action.option];
const currentOption = state.getIn(optionKey);
if (!isEqual(currentOption, action.value)) {
state = clearNodes(state);
state = state.setIn(optionKey, action.value);
return state;
return state.mergeIn(['viewport'], {
height: action.height,
width: action.width,
case ActionTypes.SET_EXPORTING_GRAPH: {
return state.set('exportingGraph', action.exporting);
case ActionTypes.SORT_ORDER_CHANGED: {
return state.merge({
gridSortedBy: action.sortedBy,
gridSortedDesc: action.sortedDesc,
case ActionTypes.SET_VIEW_MODE: {
return state.set('topologyViewMode', action.viewMode);
case ActionTypes.CACHE_ZOOM_STATE: {
return state.setIn(activeTopologyZoomCacheKeyPathSelector(state), action.zoomState);
case ActionTypes.CLEAR_CONTROL_ERROR: {
return state.removeIn(['controlStatus', action.nodeId, 'error']);
case ActionTypes.CLICK_BACKGROUND: {
if (state.get('showingHelp')) {
state = state.set('showingHelp', false);
if (state.get('showingTroubleshootingMenu')) {
state = state.set('showingTroubleshootingMenu', false);
return closeAllNodeDetails(state);
case ActionTypes.CLICK_CLOSE_DETAILS: {
return closeNodeDetails(state, action.nodeId);
case ActionTypes.CLOSE_TERMINAL: {
return state.update('controlPipes', controlPipes => controlPipes.clear());
case ActionTypes.CLICK_FORCE_RELAYOUT: {
return state.set('forceRelayout', action.forceRelayout);
case ActionTypes.CLICK_NODE: {
const prevSelectedNodeId = state.get('selectedNodeId');
const prevDetailsStackSize = state.get('nodeDetails').size;
// click on sibling closes all
state = closeAllNodeDetails(state);
// select new node if it's not the same (in that case just delesect)
if (prevDetailsStackSize > 1 || prevSelectedNodeId !== action.nodeId) {
// dont set origin if a node was already selected, suppresses animation
const origin = prevSelectedNodeId === null ? action.origin : null;
state = state.setIn(
['nodeDetails', action.nodeId],
id: action.nodeId,
label: action.label,
topologyId: action.topologyId || state.get('currentTopologyId'),
state = state.set('selectedNodeId', action.nodeId);
return state;
case ActionTypes.CLICK_RELATIVE: {
if (state.hasIn(['nodeDetails', action.nodeId])) {
// bring to front
const details = state.getIn(['nodeDetails', action.nodeId]);
state = state.deleteIn(['nodeDetails', action.nodeId]);
state = state.setIn(['nodeDetails', action.nodeId], details);
} else {
state = state.setIn(
['nodeDetails', action.nodeId],
id: action.nodeId,
label: action.label,
origin: action.origin,
topologyId: action.topologyId
return state;
state = state.update(
nodeDetails => nodeDetails.filter((v, k) => k === action.nodeId)
state = state.update('controlPipes', controlPipes => controlPipes.clear());
state = state.set('selectedNodeId', action.nodeId);
if (action.topologyId !== state.get('currentTopologyId')) {
state = setTopology(state, action.topologyId);
state = clearNodes(state);
return state;
case ActionTypes.CLICK_TOPOLOGY: {
state = closeAllNodeDetails(state);
const currentTopologyId = state.get('currentTopologyId');
if (action.topologyId !== currentTopologyId) {
state = setTopology(state, action.topologyId);
state = clearNodes(state);
return state;
// time control
case ActionTypes.RESUME_TIME: {
state = state.set('timeTravelTransitioning', true);
return state.set('pausedAt', null);
case ActionTypes.PAUSE_TIME_AT_NOW: {
state = state.set('timeTravelTransitioning', false);
return state.set('pausedAt', moment().utc().format());
case ActionTypes.JUMP_TO_TIME: {
state = state.set('timeTravelTransitioning', true);
return state.set('pausedAt', action.timestamp);
state = state.set('timeTravelTransitioning', false);
return clearNodes(state);
// websockets
case ActionTypes.OPEN_WEBSOCKET: {
return state.set('websocketClosed', false);
case ActionTypes.CLOSE_WEBSOCKET: {
return state.set('websocketClosed', true);
// networks
case ActionTypes.SHOW_NETWORKS: {
if (!action.visible) {
state = state.set('selectedNetwork', null);
state = state.set('pinnedNetwork', null);
return state.set('showingNetworks', action.visible);
case ActionTypes.SELECT_NETWORK: {
return state.set('selectedNetwork', action.networkId);
case ActionTypes.PIN_NETWORK: {
return state.merge({
pinnedNetwork: action.networkId,
selectedNetwork: action.networkId
case ActionTypes.UNPIN_NETWORK: {
return state.merge({
pinnedNetwork: null,
// metrics
case ActionTypes.HOVER_METRIC: {
return state.set('hoveredMetricType', action.metricType);
case ActionTypes.UNHOVER_METRIC: {
return state.set('hoveredMetricType', null);
case ActionTypes.PIN_METRIC: {
return state.set('pinnedMetricType', action.metricType);
case ActionTypes.UNPIN_METRIC: {
return state.set('pinnedMetricType', null);
case ActionTypes.SHOW_HELP: {
return state.set('showingHelp', true);
case ActionTypes.HIDE_HELP: {
return state.set('showingHelp', false);
case ActionTypes.DESELECT_NODE: {
return closeNodeDetails(state);
case ActionTypes.DO_CONTROL: {
return state.setIn(['controlStatus', action.nodeId], makeMap({
error: null,
pending: true
case ActionTypes.ENTER_EDGE: {
return state.set('mouseOverEdgeId', action.edgeId);
case ActionTypes.ENTER_NODE: {
return state.set('mouseOverNodeId', action.nodeId);
case ActionTypes.LEAVE_EDGE: {
return state.set('mouseOverEdgeId', null);
case ActionTypes.LEAVE_NODE: {
return state.set('mouseOverNodeId', null);
case ActionTypes.DO_CONTROL_ERROR: {
return state.setIn(['controlStatus', action.nodeId], makeMap({
error: action.error,
pending: false
case ActionTypes.DO_CONTROL_SUCCESS: {
return state.setIn(['controlStatus', action.nodeId], makeMap({
error: null,
pending: false
case ActionTypes.UPDATE_SEARCH: {
state = state.set('pinnedSearches', makeList(action.pinnedSearches));
state = state.set('searchQuery', action.searchQuery || '');
return applyPinnedSearches(state);
return closeNodeDetails(state, action.nodeId);
case ActionTypes.RECEIVE_CONTROL_PIPE: {
return state.setIn(['controlPipes', action.pipeId], makeOrderedMap({
control: action.control,
id: action.pipeId,
nodeId: action.nodeId,
raw: action.rawTty,
resizeTtyControl: action.resizeTtyControl
if (state.hasIn(['controlPipes', action.pipeId])) {
state = state.setIn(['controlPipes', action.pipeId, 'status'], action.status);
return state;
case ActionTypes.RECEIVE_ERROR: {
if (state.get('errorUrl') !== null) {
state = state.set('errorUrl', action.errorUrl);
return state;
case ActionTypes.RECEIVE_NODE_DETAILS: {
// Ignore the update if paused and the timestamp didn't change.
const setTimestamp = state.getIn(['nodeDetails',, 'timestamp']);
if (isPausedSelector(state) && action.requestTimestamp === setTimestamp) {
return state;
state = state.set('errorUrl', null);
// disregard if node is not selected anymore
if (state.hasIn(['nodeDetails',])) {
state = state.updateIn(['nodeDetails',], obj => ({
details: action.details,
notFound: false,
timestamp: action.requestTimestamp,
return state;
// Turn on the table view if the graph is too complex, but skip
// this block if the user has already loaded topologies once.
if (!state.get('initialNodesLoaded') && !state.get('nodesLoaded')) {
if (state.get('topologyViewMode') === GRAPH_VIEW_MODE) {
state = graphExceedsComplexityThreshSelector(state)
? state.set('topologyViewMode', TABLE_VIEW_MODE) : state;
state = state.set('initialNodesLoaded', true);
return state.set('nodesLoaded', true);
case ActionTypes.RECEIVE_NODES_DELTA: {
// Ignore periodic nodes updates after the first load when paused.
if (state.get('nodesLoaded') && state.get('pausedAt')) {
return state;
'remove', size(,
'update', size(,
'add', size(,
if ( {
state = state.set('nodes', makeMap());
// remove nodes that no longer exist
each(, (nodeId) => {
state = state.deleteIn(['nodes', nodeId]);
// update existing nodes
each(, (node) => {
if (state.hasIn(['nodes',])) {
// TODO: Implement a manual deep update here, as it might bring a great benefit
// to our nodes selectors (e.g. layout engine would be completely bypassed if the
// adjacencies would stay the same but the metrics would get updated).
state = state.setIn(['nodes',], fromJS(node));
// add new nodes
each(, (node) => {
state = state.setIn(['nodes',], fromJS(node));
return updateStateFromNodes(state);
case ActionTypes.RECEIVE_NODES: {
state = state.set('timeTravelTransitioning', false);
state = state.set('nodes', fromJS(action.nodes));
state = state.set('nodesLoaded', true);
return updateStateFromNodes(state);
return state.setIn(['nodesByTopology', action.topologyId], fromJS(action.nodes));
case ActionTypes.RECEIVE_NOT_FOUND: {
if (state.hasIn(['nodeDetails', action.nodeId])) {
state = state.updateIn(['nodeDetails', action.nodeId], obj => ({
notFound: true,
timestamp: action.requestTimestamp,
return state;
case ActionTypes.RECEIVE_TOPOLOGIES: {
state = state.set('errorUrl', null);
state = state.update('topologyUrlsById', topologyUrlsById => topologyUrlsById.clear());
state = processTopologies(state, action.topologies);
const currentTopologyId = state.get('currentTopologyId');
if (!currentTopologyId || !findTopologyById(state.get('topologies'), currentTopologyId)) {
state = state.set('currentTopologyId', getDefaultTopology(state.get('topologies')));
log(`Set currentTopologyId to ${state.get('currentTopologyId')}`);
state = setTopology(state, state.get('currentTopologyId'));
// Expand topology options with topologies' defaults on first load, but let
// the current state of topologyOptions (which at this point reflects the
// URL state) still take the precedence over defaults.
if (!state.get('topologiesLoaded')) {
const options = getDefaultTopologyOptions(state).mergeDeep(state.get('topologyOptions'));
state = state.set('topologyOptions', options);
state = state.set('topologiesLoaded', true);
return state;
case ActionTypes.RECEIVE_API_DETAILS: {
state = state.set('errorUrl', null);
return state.merge({
capabilities: action.capabilities,
hostname: action.hostname,
plugins: action.plugins,
version: action.version,
versionUpdate: action.newVersion,
case ActionTypes.ROUTE_TOPOLOGY: {
state = state.set('routeSet', true);
state = state.set('pinnedSearches', makeList(action.state.pinnedSearches));
state = state.set('searchQuery', action.state.searchQuery || '');
if (state.get('currentTopologyId') !== action.state.topologyId) {
state = clearNodes(state);
state = setTopology(state, action.state.topologyId);
state = state.merge({
pinnedMetricType: action.state.pinnedMetricType,
selectedNodeId: action.state.selectedNodeId,
if (action.state.topologyOptions) {
const options = getDefaultTopologyOptions(state).mergeDeep(action.state.topologyOptions);
state = state.set('topologyOptions', options);
if (action.state.topologyViewMode) {
state = state.set('topologyViewMode', action.state.topologyViewMode);
if (action.state.gridSortedBy) {
state = state.set('gridSortedBy', action.state.gridSortedBy);
if (action.state.gridSortedDesc !== undefined) {
state = state.set('gridSortedDesc', action.state.gridSortedDesc);
if (action.state.contrastMode !== undefined) {
state = state.set('contrastMode', action.state.contrastMode);
if (action.state.showingNetworks) {
state = state.set('showingNetworks', action.state.showingNetworks);
if (action.state.pinnedNetwork) {
state = state.set('pinnedNetwork', action.state.pinnedNetwork);
state = state.set('selectedNetwork', action.state.pinnedNetwork);
if (action.state.controlPipe) {
state = state.set('controlPipes', makeOrderedMap({
} else {
state = state.update('controlPipes', controlPipes => controlPipes.clear());
if (action.state.nodeDetails) {
const actionNodeDetails = makeOrderedMap( => [, h]));
// check if detail IDs have changed
if (!isDeepEqual(state.get('nodeDetails').keySeq(), actionNodeDetails.keySeq())) {
state = state.set('nodeDetails', actionNodeDetails);
} else {
state = state.update('nodeDetails', nodeDetails => nodeDetails.clear());
return state;
return action.fn(state);
return state.set('showingTroubleshootingMenu', !state.get('showingTroubleshootingMenu'));
case ActionTypes.CHANGE_INSTANCE: {
state = closeAllNodeDetails(state);
return state;
case ActionTypes.TOGGLE_CONTRAST_MODE: {
return state.set('contrastMode', action.enabled);
case ActionTypes.SHUTDOWN: {
return clearNodes(state);
case ActionTypes.MONITOR_STATE: {
return state.set('monitor', action.monitor);
case ActionTypes.SET_STORE_VIEW_STATE: {
return state.set('storeViewState', action.storeViewState);
default: {
return state;