ahooks#useSize TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: Gantt.tsx From react-gantt-component with MIT License | 6 votes |
Body: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
const { store } = useContext(Context);
const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const size = useSize(ref);
useEffect(() => {
}, [size, store]);
return (
<div className={`${prefixCls}-body`} ref={ref}>
Example #2
Source File: index.tsx From scorpio-h5-design with MIT License | 6 votes |
export default function(props:IProps) {
const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const size = useSize(ref);
const { setStateByObjectKeys } = useModel('bridge');
if(history.location.pathname === '/manage/component/detail' && !props.loading){
showSelectComponentBorder: false,
}, [props.loading]);
return (
<div className="mobile-simulator-container">
{(history.location.pathname !== '/manage/component/detail' && !props.loading) && <SelectArea size={size} loading={props.loading}/>}
<div className="mobile-simulator">
<div className="mobile-head-bar"></div>
<div className="mobile-content" id="mobile-content" ref={ref} />
Example #3
Source File: AppWrapper.tsx From airtable-app-mind-flow with MIT License | 5 votes |
AppWrapper: FC = () => {
const { isShowSettings, setShowSettings } = useShowSettings();
const { settings, isValid } = useSettingsStore();
const { locale, messages } = useI18n();
const graph = useRef(null);
const canvas = useRef(null);
const size = useSize(canvas);
useEffect(() => {
if (!isValid && !isShowSettings) {
}, [setShowSettings, isValid, isShowSettings]);
return (
// @ts-ignore
messages={messages ? messages : {}}
width: isShowSettings ? 'calc(100% - 300px)' : '100%',
<MindFlow width={size.width} height={size.height} />
{isShowSettings && (
<Settings graph={graph} settings={settings} isValid={isValid} />
Example #4
Source File: index.tsx From fe-v5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
Hexbin: FunctionComponent<HoneyCombProps> = (props) => {
const { values, series } = props;
const { custom = {}, options } = values;
const { calc, colorRange = [], reverseColorOrder = false, colorDomainAuto, colorDomain } = custom as IHexbinStyles;
const groupEl = useRef<SVGGElement>(null);
const svgEl = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const svgSize = useSize(svgEl);
useEffect(() => {
const calculatedValues = getCalculatedValuesBySeries(
util: options?.standardOptions?.util,
decimals: options?.standardOptions?.decimals,
const colorScales = d3
.domain(getColorScaleLinearDomain(calculatedValues, colorDomainAuto, colorDomain))
.range(reverseColorOrder ? _.reverse(_.slice(colorRange)) : colorRange);
if (svgSize?.width && svgSize?.height) {
const renderProps = {
width: svgSize?.width,
height: svgSize?.height,
parentGroupEl: groupEl.current,
const data = _.map(calculatedValues, (item) => {
return {
value: item.text,
color: item.color || colorScales(item.stat) || '#3399CC',
if (data.length) {
renderFn(data, renderProps);
}, [JSON.stringify(series), JSON.stringify(options), svgSize?.width, svgSize?.height, calc, colorRange, reverseColorOrder, colorDomainAuto, colorDomain]);
return (
<div ref={svgEl} style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }}>
<svg style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }}>
<g ref={groupEl} />
Example #5
Source File: index.tsx From fe-v5 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
function StatItem(props) { const ele = useRef(null); const eleSize = useSize(ele); const { item, idx, colSpan, textMode, colorMode, textSize } = props; const headerFontSize = textSize?.title ? textSize?.title : eleSize?.width! / _.toString(item.name).length || 12; let statFontSize = textSize?.value ? textSize?.value : eleSize?.width! / _.toString(item.text).length || 12; const color = item.color ? item.color : hexPalette[idx % hexPalette.length]; if (statFontSize > eleSize?.height! - 20) { statFontSize = eleSize?.height! - 20; } return ( <div key={item.name} className='renderer-stat-item' ref={ele} style={{ width: `${100 / colSpan}%`, flexBasis: `${100 / colSpan}%`, backgroundColor: colorMode === 'background' ? color : 'transparent', }} > <div className='renderer-stat-item-content'> {textMode === 'valueAndName' && ( <div className='renderer-stat-header' style={{ fontSize: headerFontSize > 100 ? 100 : headerFontSize, }} > {item.name} </div> )} <div className='renderer-stat-value' style={{ color: colorMode === 'value' ? color : '#fff', fontSize: statFontSize > 100 ? 100 : statFontSize, }} > {item.text} </div> </div> </div> ); }
Example #6
Source File: index.tsx From web-pdm with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
useLocal = () => {
const mst = useMst()
// window.kkk = mst
const containerRef = useRef(null)
const erdGraphRef = useRef<Graph>(null)
const miniMapRef = useRef<any>(null)
useEffect(() => {
}, [])
const checkRef = useRef(+new Date())
const size = useSize(containerRef);
useEffect(() => {
// alert()
// const { Nodes , edges } = mst
if (!erdGraphRef.current) {
// alert(mst.Nodes.length)
// alert(mst === window.kkk)
//alert('erdGraphRef.current = render')
const Obj = render(containerRef.current, mst.Nodes, mst.edges, mst)
erdGraphRef.current = Obj.graph
miniMapRef.current = Obj.miniMap
// alert(mst.graph.$modelId)
async(() => {
// layout(erdGraphRef.current, Nodes , edges, mst)
// window.kkk1 = mst
} else {
//alert(' layout(erdGraphRef.current, mst.Nodes ' + mst.Nodes.length)
layout(erdGraphRef.current, mst.Nodes, mst.edges, mst)
// erdGraphRef.current.fitView(0)
}, [JSON.stringify(mst.sys.checkedKeys), mst])
useEffect(() => {
if (erdGraphRef.current && size.width && size.height) {
// alert(erdGraphRef.current['isLayouting'])
if (!erdGraphRef.current['isLayouting']) {
const documentHeight =
window.innerHeight ||
document.documentElement.clientHeight ||
const height =
mst.sys.height === '100%'
? documentHeight - 45
: (mst.sys.height as number) - 45
erdGraphRef.current.changeSize(size.width, height)
}, [size.height, size.width])
const setRef = useCallback(
ref => {
containerRef.current = ref
useEffect(() => {
// debounce(()=> {
const graph = erdGraphRef.current
if (graph) {
const gwidth = graph.get('width')
const gheight = graph.get('height')
const point = graph.getCanvasByPoint(gwidth / 2, gheight / 2)
graph.zoomTo(mst.graph.zoom, point)
// }
// }, 100)()
}, [mst.graph.zoom])
const reloadRef = useRef(false)
useEffect(() => {
// debounce(()=> {
const graph = erdGraphRef.current
if (graph) {
if (!reloadRef.current) {
reloadRef.current = true
// alert()
// graph.clear()
// graph.data({ nodes: mst.Nodes, edges: mst.edges })
// graph.render()
const isLargar = graph.getNodes().length > 50
type: mst.sys.dagreLayout ? 'dagre' : 'fruchterman',
// condense: true,
// cols: 3,
workerEnabled: true,
linkDistance: 0,
pixelRatio: 2,
// alphaDecay: isLargar ? 0.3 : 0.15,
// preventOverlap: true,
// clustering: true,
clusterGravity: 100,
speed: 2,
gravity: 100,
gpuEnabled: true,
// collideStrength: 0.5,
// type: 'dagre',
// // controlPoints: true,
// // nodeSize: [40, 20],
// nodesep: 1,
// ranksep: 1,
// align: 'DL',
// nodesep: 100, // 节点水平间距(px)
// ranksep: 200, // 每一层节点之间间距
// nodeSpacing: isLargar ? -100 : -180,
onLayoutEnd: () => {
async(() => {
// alert()
graph['isLayouting'] = false
// graph['isLayouting'] = false
// alert('endlayout')
withoutUndo(() => {
// alert('onLayoutEnd')
}, 1000)
if (mst.sys.dagreLayout) {
async(() => {
// alert()
}, 1000)
}, [mst.sys.dagreLayout])
// alert('useUpdateItem' + mst.graph.zoom)
currentModel: mst.sys.currentModel,
graph: erdGraphRef.current as any,
showNameOrLabel: mst.sys.showNameOrLabel,
zoom: mst.graph.zoom,
checkNum: checkRef.current,
themeColor: mst.Ui.themeColor,
darkness: mst.Ui.darkness
useEffect(() => {
if (erdGraphRef.current && miniMapRef.current) {
// alert()
if (!mst.sys.disableMiniMap) {
} else {
const miniMap = new G6.Minimap({
type: 'delegate',
viewportClassName: 'g6-minimap-viewport-erd',
delegateStyle: {
fill: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.10)'
miniMapRef.current = miniMap
}, [mst.sys.disableMiniMap])
return {
erdGraph: erdGraphRef.current
Example #7
Source File: index.tsx From fe-v5 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
export default function Stat(props: IProps) { const eleRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const size = useSize(eleRef); const { dispatch } = useContext(Context); const { values, series } = props; const { custom, options, overrides } = values; const { showHeader, calc, aggrDimension, displayMode, columns, sortColumn, sortOrder } = custom; const [calculatedValues, setCalculatedValues] = React.useState([]); const [sortObj, setSortObj] = React.useState({ sortColumn, sortOrder, }); useEffect(() => { setSortObj({ sortColumn, sortOrder, }); }, [sortColumn, sortOrder]); useEffect(() => { const data = getCalculatedValuesBySeries( series, calc, { util: options?.standardOptions?.util, decimals: options?.standardOptions?.decimals, }, options?.valueMappings, ); if (dispatch) { dispatch({ type: 'updateMetric', payload: getColumnsKeys(data), }); } setCalculatedValues(data); }, [JSON.stringify(series), calc, JSON.stringify(options)]); let tableDataSource = calculatedValues; let tableColumns: any[] = [ { title: 'name', dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name', sorter: (a, b) => { return localeCompare(a.name, b.name); }, sortOrder: getSortOrder('name', sortObj), render: (text) => <div className='renderer-table-td-content'>{text}</div>, }, { title: 'value', dataIndex: 'text', key: 'text', sorter: (a, b) => { return a.stat - b.stat; }, sortOrder: getSortOrder('value', sortObj), render: (text, record) => { let textObj = { text, color: record.color, }; const overrideProps = getOverridePropertiesByName(overrides, record.fields.refId); if (!_.isEmpty(overrideProps)) { textObj = getSerieTextObj(record?.stat, overrideProps?.standardOptions, overrideProps?.valueMappings); } return ( <div className='renderer-table-td-content' style={{ color: textObj.color }}> {textObj.text} </div> ); }, }, ]; if (displayMode === 'labelsOfSeriesToRows') { const columnsKeys = _.isEmpty(columns) ? _.concat(getColumnsKeys(calculatedValues), 'value') : columns; tableColumns = _.map(columnsKeys, (key) => { return { title: key, dataIndex: key, key: key, sorter: (a, b) => { if (key === 'value') { return a.stat - b.stat; } return localeCompare(a.name, b.name); }, sortOrder: getSortOrder(key, sortObj), render: (_text, record) => { if (key === 'value') { return _.get(record, 'text'); } return _.get(record.metric, key); }, }; }); } if (displayMode === 'labelValuesToRows' && aggrDimension) { tableDataSource = formatToTable(calculatedValues, aggrDimension, 'refId'); const groupNames = _.reduce( tableDataSource, (pre, item) => { return _.union(_.concat(pre, item.groupNames)); }, [], ); tableColumns = [ { title: aggrDimension, dataIndex: aggrDimension, key: aggrDimension, sorter: (a, b) => { return localeCompare(a[aggrDimension], b[aggrDimension]); }, sortOrder: getSortOrder(aggrDimension, sortObj), render: (text) => <div className='renderer-table-td-content'>{text}</div>, }, ]; _.map(groupNames, (name) => { const result = _.find(tableDataSource, (item) => { return item[name]; }); tableColumns.push({ title: result[name]?.name, dataIndex: name, key: name, sorter: (a, b) => { return _.get(a[name], 'stat') - _.get(b[name], 'stat'); }, sortOrder: getSortOrder('value', sortObj), render: (text) => { let textObj = { text: text?.text, color: text?.color, }; const overrideProps = getOverridePropertiesByName(overrides, name); if (!_.isEmpty(overrideProps)) { textObj = getSerieTextObj(text?.stat, overrideProps?.standardOptions, overrideProps?.valueMappings); } return ( <div className='renderer-table-td-content' style={{ color: textObj?.color }}> {textObj?.text} </div> ); }, }); }); } const headerHeight = showHeader ? 40 : 0; const height = _.get(size, 'height') - headerHeight; const realHeight = isNaN(height) ? 0 : height; return ( <div className='renderer-table-container' ref={eleRef}> <div className='renderer-table-container-box'> <Table rowKey='id' getPopupContainer={() => document.body} showSorterTooltip={false} showHeader={showHeader} dataSource={tableDataSource} columns={tableColumns} scroll={{ y: realHeight }} bordered={false} pagination={false} onChange={(pagination, filters, sorter: any) => { setSortObj({ sortColumn: sorter.columnKey, sortOrder: sorter.order, }); }} /> </div> </div> ); }
Example #8
Source File: index.tsx From fe-v5 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
export default function index(props: IProps) {
const { values, series, inDashboard = true, chartHeight = '200px', tableHeight = '200px' } = props;
const { custom, options = {} } = values;
const chartEleRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const chartRef = useRef<TsGraph>(null);
const legendEleRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const legendEleSize = useSize(legendEleRef);
const hasLegend = options.legend?.displayMode !== 'hidden';
const [legendData, setLegendData] = useState([]);
let _chartHeight = hasLegend ? '70%' : '100%';
let _tableHeight = hasLegend ? '30%' : '0px';
if (!inDashboard) {
_chartHeight = chartHeight;
_tableHeight = tableHeight;
useEffect(() => {
if (chartEleRef.current) {
if (chartRef.current) {
chartRef.current = new TsGraph({
colors: hexPalette,
timestamp: 'X',
xkey: 0,
ykey: 1,
ykeyFormatter: (value) => Number(value),
chart: {
renderTo: chartEleRef.current,
height: chartEleRef.current.clientHeight,
series: [],
line: {
width: 1,
if (hasLegend) {
util: options?.standardOptions?.util,
decimals: options?.standardOptions?.decimals,
} else {
return () => {
if (chartRef.current && typeof chartRef.current.destroy === 'function') {
}, [hasLegend]);
useEffect(() => {
if (chartRef.current) {
type: custom.drawStyle === 'lines' ? 'line' : 'bar',
area: {
opacity: custom.fillOpacity,
stack: {
enabled: custom.stack === 'noraml',
curve: {
enabled: true,
mode: custom.lineInterpolation,
tooltip: {
shared: options.tooltip?.mode === 'all',
sharedSortDirection: options.tooltip?.sort !== 'none' ? options.tooltip?.sort : undefined,
pointValueformatter: (val) => {
return valueFormatter(
util: options?.standardOptions?.util,
decimals: options?.standardOptions?.decimals,
yAxis: {
min: options?.standardOptions?.min,
max: options?.standardOptions?.max,
plotLines: options?.thresholds?.steps,
tickValueFormatter: (val) => {
return valueFormatter(
util: options?.standardOptions?.util,
decimals: options?.standardOptions?.decimals,
if (hasLegend) {
util: options?.standardOptions?.util,
decimals: options?.standardOptions?.decimals,
} else {
}, [JSON.stringify(series), JSON.stringify(custom), JSON.stringify(options)]);
return (
<div className='renderer-timeseries-container'>
<div ref={chartEleRef} style={{ height: _chartHeight }} />
<div className='renderer-timeseries-legend' style={{ [inDashboard ? 'height' : 'maxHeight']: _tableHeight, overflow: 'hidden' }} ref={legendEleRef}>
scroll={{ x: 650, y: legendEleSize?.height || 100 - 46 }}
title: `Series (${series.length})`,
dataIndex: 'name',
width: 150,
ellipsis: {
showTitle: false,
render: (_text, record: any) => {
return (
<div>{_.get(record, 'metric.__name__')}</div>
<div>{record.offset && record.offset !== 'current' ? `offfset ${record.offset}` : ''}</div>
{_.map(_.omit(record.metric, '__name__'), (val, key) => {
return (
<div key={key}>
getTooltipContainer={() => document.body}
<span style={{ color: record.color, fontSize: 14, paddingRight: 5, position: 'relative', top: 2 }}>ꔷ</span>
{record.offset && record.offset !== 'current' ? <span style={{ paddingRight: 5 }}>offfset {record.offset}</span> : ''}
title: 'Max',
dataIndex: 'max',
title: 'Min',
dataIndex: 'min',
title: 'Avg',
dataIndex: 'avg',
title: 'Sum',
dataIndex: 'sum',
title: 'Last',
dataIndex: 'last',
emptyText: '暂无数据',
Example #9
Source File: index.tsx From fe-v5 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
export default function Stat(props: IProps) { const eleRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const size = useSize(eleRef); const { values, series } = props; const { custom, options, overrides } = values; const { showHeader, calc, aggrDimension } = custom; const calculatedValues = getCalculatedValuesBySeries( series, calc, { util: options?.standardOptions?.util, decimals: options?.standardOptions?.decimals, }, options?.valueMappings, ); let tableDataSource = calculatedValues; let columns: any[] = [ { title: 'name', dataIndex: 'name', key: 'name', render: (text) => <div className='renderer-table-td-content'>{text}</div>, }, { title: 'value', dataIndex: 'text', key: 'text', render: (text, record) => { let textObj = { text, color: record.color, }; const overrideProps = getOverridePropertiesByName(overrides, record.fields.refId); if (!_.isEmpty(overrideProps)) { textObj = getSerieTextObj(record?.stat, overrideProps?.standardOptions, overrideProps?.valueMappings); } return ( <div className='renderer-table-td-content' style={{ color: textObj.color }}> {textObj.text} </div> ); }, }, ]; if (aggrDimension) { tableDataSource = formatToTable(calculatedValues, aggrDimension, 'refId'); const groupNames = _.reduce( tableDataSource, (pre, item) => { return _.union(_.concat(pre, item.groupNames)); }, [], ); columns = [ { title: aggrDimension, dataIndex: aggrDimension, key: aggrDimension, render: (text) => <div className='renderer-table-td-content'>{text}</div>, }, ]; _.map(groupNames, (name) => { const result = _.find(tableDataSource, (item) => { return item[name]; }); columns.push({ title: result[name]?.name, dataIndex: name, key: name, render: (text) => { let textObj = { text: text?.text, color: text?.color, }; const overrideProps = getOverridePropertiesByName(overrides, name); if (!_.isEmpty(overrideProps)) { textObj = getSerieTextObj(text?.stat, overrideProps?.standardOptions, overrideProps?.valueMappings); } return ( <div className='renderer-table-td-content' style={{ color: textObj?.color }}> {textObj?.text} </div> ); }, }); }); } const headerHeight = showHeader ? 40 : 0; const height = _.get(size, 'height') - headerHeight; const realHeight = isNaN(height) ? 0 : height; return ( <div className='renderer-table-container' ref={eleRef}> <div className='renderer-table-container-box'> <Table rowKey='id' showHeader={showHeader} dataSource={tableDataSource} columns={columns} scroll={{ y: realHeight }} bordered={false} pagination={false} /> </div> </div> ); }