date-fns#isValid TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use date-fns#isValid. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: helpers.ts    From glide-frontend with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
combineDateAndTime = (date: Date, time: Date) => {
  if (!isValid(date) || !isValid(time)) {
    return null

  const dateStr = format(date, 'yyyy-MM-dd')
  const timeStr = format(time, 'HH:mm:ss')

  return parseISO(`${dateStr}T${timeStr}`).getTime() / 1e3
Example #2
Source File: worklogs.ts    From tempomat with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
function parseWhenArg(now: Date, when: string | undefined): Date {
    if (when === undefined) return now
    if (YESTERDAY_LITERALS.includes(when)) {
        const nowAtMidnight = new Date(now)
        nowAtMidnight.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
        return addDays(nowAtMidnight, -1)
    if (when.match(TODAY_REFERENCE_REGEX)) {
        const nowAtMidnight = new Date(now)
        nowAtMidnight.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0)
        return addDays(nowAtMidnight, parseInt(when.replace(/[^\d+-]/g, '')))
    const date = fnsParse(when, DATE_FORMAT, new Date())
    if (isValid(date)) {
        return date
    } else {
        throw Error(`Cannot parse "${when}" to valid date. Try to use YYYY-MM-DD format. See ${appName} --help for more examples.`)
Example #3
Source File: timeParser.ts    From tempomat with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export function toInterval(seconds: number, startTime: string, referenceDate: Date): Interval | null {
    if (seconds < 0) return null
    const parsedStartTime = fnsParse(startTime, 'HH:mm:ss', referenceDate)
    if (isValid(parsedStartTime)) {
        const startTime = format(parsedStartTime, 'HH:mm')
        const endTime = format(addSeconds(parsedStartTime, seconds), 'HH:mm')
        return {
            startTime: startTime,
            endTime: endTime
    } else {
        return null
Example #4
Source File: RelativeRangePicker.tsx    From gio-design with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
function RelativeRangePicker({ disabledDate, timeRange, onSelect, onCancel, }: RangePickerProps) {
  const defaultDates = parseStartAndEndDate(timeRange ?? 'day:2,1');
  const [dates, setDates] = React.useState<[Date, Date]>(defaultDates as [Date, Date]);
  const [endDateHidden, setEndDateHidden] = React.useState<boolean>(isYesterday(dates[1]));
  const inputDisabled = !isNil(disabledDate);
  const handleDisabledDate = (current: Date) =>
    disabledDate?.(current) || isAfter(startOfDay(current), endDateHidden ? startOfYesterday() : startOfToday());
  const handleOnOK = () => {
    onSelect(`day:${differenceInDays(startOfToday(), dates[0]) + 1},${differenceInDays(startOfToday(), dates[1])}`);
  return (
      disableOK={!isValid(dates[0]) || !isValid(dates[1])}
      header={<RelativeRangeHeader inputDisabled={inputDisabled} dateRange={dates} onRangeChange={setDates} onModeChange={setEndDateHidden} />}
Example #5
Source File: Datepicker.stories.tsx    From atlas with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
Template: Story<DatepickerProps> = (args) => {
  const ref = useRef<HTMLInputElement | null>(null)
  const [date, setDate] = useState<Date | null>()
  const [validationError, setValidationError] = useState(false)

  const handleDateValidation = () => {
    if (!date) {
  return (
      <Datepicker {...args} ref={ref} onChange={setDate} onBlur={handleDateValidation} error={validationError} />
      <span>{date ? (isValid(date) ? date.toISOString() : 'Invalid date') : 'No date'}</span>
Example #6
Source File: predicates.ts    From ant-extensions with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
isDate = (value: AnyObject): value is Date => {
  try {
    const parsed = parseISO(value);
    return !isNaN(parsed.valueOf());
  } catch {
  return isValid(value);
Example #7
Source File: timeUtils.tsx    From symphony-ui-toolkit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
getFormattedTime = (time: Time, format: string = null): string => {
  if (!time) {
    // Time null or undefined
    return null;
  const date = new Date();
    parseInt(time.hours, 10),
    parseInt(time.minutes, 10),
    parseInt(time.seconds, 10)

  if (!isValid(date)) {
    // Not valid
    return null;

  if (!format) {
    // Return time formatted with locale time (Example: 08:50 AM or 14:55:00 ...)
    return date.toLocaleTimeString();
  // Format time
  return formatTime(date, format);
Example #8
Source File: dateUtils.tsx    From symphony-ui-toolkit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
export function autocompleteDate(value: string, format: string, locale: Locale): Date {
  if (!value) {
    return null;
  const date = parse(value, format, new Date(), { locale: locale });
  // If year not typed, take the current year
  if (!isValid(date)) {
    // regex: remove -yyyy, yyyy-, /yyyy, yyyy/, .yyyy, ...
    const autocompletedDate = parse(
      format.replace(/[\W]?y{4}[\W]?/, ''),
      new Date(),
        locale: locale,
    return autocompletedDate;
  return date;
Example #9
Source File: DatePicker.tsx    From symphony-ui-toolkit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private handleInputChange(e): void {
    const { format, onChange, onValidationChanged } = this.props;
    const { locale } = this.state;

    const newValue =;
    this.setState({ inputValue: newValue });

    const newDate = autocompleteDate(newValue, format, locale);

    if (newDate && isValid(newDate)) {
      this.setState({ navigationDate: newDate });
    if (onValidationChanged) {
    if (onChange) {
      onChange({ target: { value: this.computeDate(newDate) } });
Example #10
Source File: DatePicker.tsx    From symphony-ui-toolkit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private computeError(date): ErrorMessages {
    const { disabledDays } = this.props;

    if (!date) {
      return null;

    if (!isValid(date)) {
      return { format: 'The date format is incorrect' };
    } else if (matchDayMax(date, disabledDays)) {
      return { maxDate: 'Date too far in the future' };
    } else if (matchDayMin(date, disabledDays)) {
      return { minDate: 'Date too far in the past' };
    } else if (matchDay(date, disabledDays)) {
      return { disabledDate: 'This date is not available' };
    } else {
      return null;
Example #11
Source File: helpers.ts    From glide-frontend with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
getFormErrors = (formData: FormState, t: ContextApi['t']) => {
  const { name, body, choices, startDate, startTime, endDate, endTime, snapshot } = formData
  const errors: { [key: string]: string[] } = {}

  if (!name) { = [t('%field% is required', { field: 'Title' })]

  if (!body) {
    errors.body = [t('%field% is required', { field: 'Body' })]

  if (choices.length < MINIMUM_CHOICES) {
    errors.choices = [t('Please create a minimum of %num% choices', { num: MINIMUM_CHOICES })]

  const hasEmptyChoice = choices.some((choice) => !choice.value)
  if (choices.length === MINIMUM_CHOICES && hasEmptyChoice) {
    errors.choices = Array.isArray(errors.choices)
      ? [...errors.choices, t('Choices must not be empty')]
      : (errors.choices = [t('Choices must not be empty')])

  if (!isValid(startDate)) {
    errors.startDate = [t('Please select a valid date')]

  if (!isValid(startTime)) {
    errors.startTime = [t('Please select a valid time')]

  if (!isValid(endDate)) {
    errors.endDate = [t('Please select a valid date')]

  if (!isValid(endTime)) {
    errors.endTime = [t('Please select a valid time')]

  const startDateTimestamp = combineDateAndTime(startDate, startTime)
  const endDateTimestamp = combineDateAndTime(endDate, endTime)

  if (endDateTimestamp < startDateTimestamp) {
    errors.endDate = Array.isArray(errors.endDate)
      ? [...errors.endDate, t('End date must be after the start date')]
      : (errors.endDate = [t('End date must be after the start date')])

  if (snapshot === 0) {
    errors.snapshot = [t('Invalid snapshot')]

  return errors
Example #12
Source File: AbsoluteRangePicker.tsx    From gio-design with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
function AbsoluteRangePicker({ disabledDate, timeRange, onSelect, onRangeSelect, onCancel }: RangePickerProps) {
  const [dates, setDates] = React.useState<[Date | undefined, Date | undefined]>(parseStartAndEndDate(timeRange));
  const prefixCls = usePrefixCls('range-panel__header');

  const locale = useLocale('StaticPastTimePicker');

  const { startDayText, endDayText, FromText, ToText } = {

  const renderHeader = () => {
    const placeholder = [startDayText, endDayText];
    const dateString = formatDates(dates);
    const dateTexts = dateString?.split('-')?.map((d) => (d === ' ' ? undefined : d)) || [];
    const text = [dateTexts[0] ?? placeholder[0], dateTexts[1] ?? placeholder[1]];
    return <span className={`${prefixCls}__text`}>{`${FromText} ${text[0]} ${ToText} ${text[1]}`}</span>;
  const handleDisabledDate = (current: Date) => disabledDate?.(current) || isAfter(current, startOfToday());
  const handleOnOK = () => {
    onSelect(`abs:${getTime(startOfDay(dates[0] as Date))},${getTime(endOfDay(dates[1] as Date))}`);
  const handleOnSelect = (date: [Date, Date], index: number) => {
    onRangeSelect?.(date, index);
  const endDay = dates[1] !== undefined && isValid(dates[1]) ? dates[1] : new Date();
  return (
      disableOK={!isValid(dates[0]) || !isValid(dates[1])}
          defaultViewDates={[subMonths(startOfDay(endDay), 1), startOfDay(endDay)]}
          value={dates as [Date, Date]}
Example #13
Source File: DatePicker.tsx    From symphony-ui-toolkit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private computeDate(date): Date {
    const { disabledDays } = this.props;
    if (date && isValid(date) && !matchDay(date, disabledDays)) {
      return date;
    } else {
      return null;
Example #14
Source File: SinceRangePicker.tsx    From gio-design with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
function SinceRangePicker({ disabledDate, timeRange, onSelect, onCancel, experimental, }: RangePickerProps) {
  const endDateKeys = ['today', experimental ? 'yesterday' : undefined];
  const dates = parseStartAndEndDate(timeRange);
  const prefixCls = usePrefixCls('range-panel__header');
  const [startDate, setStartDate] = React.useState<Date | undefined>(dates[0]);
  const [endKey, setEndKey] = React.useState(
    endDateKeys[timeRange && timeRange.split(':')[0] === 'since' ? 0 : 1] || 0
  const locale = useLocale<typeof defaultLocale>('StaticPastTimePicker') || defaultLocale;

  const { startDayText, FromText, toTodayText, toYesterdayText } = {

  const END_DATE_MAPPING: Record<string, string> = {
    today: toTodayText,
    yesterday: toYesterdayText,

  const renderHeader = () => {
    const startDateString = startDate ? format(startDate, DATE_FORMAT) : startDayText;
    return (
        <span className={`${prefixCls}__text`}>{`${FromText} ${startDateString}`}</span>
        <span className={`${prefixCls}__options`}>
            onChange={(e) => {
              (o: string) =>
                o && (
                  <Switch.Item key={o} value={o}>
  const handleDisabledDate = (current: Date) =>
    disabledDate?.(current) || isAfter(current, endKey === 'yesterday' ? startOfYesterday() : startOfToday());

  const handleOnOK = () => {
    onSelect(`${endKey === 'yesterday' ? 'since-lt-today' : 'since'}:${getTime(startOfDay(startDate as Date))}`);
  return (
      body={<DatePicker disabledDate={handleDisabledDate} value={startDate} onSelect={setStartDate} />}
Example #15
Source File: db.ts    From command-bot with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
getSortedTasks = async (
  { taskDb: { db }, logger }: Pick<Context, "taskDb" | "logger">,
  }: {
    onlyNotAlive?: boolean
  } = {},
) => {
  type Item = {
    id: DbKey
    queuedDate: Date
    task: Task

  const items = await new Promise<Item[]>((resolve, reject) => {
    const databaseItems: Item[] = []

          key: rawKey,
          value: rawValue,
        }: {
          key: ToString
          value: ToString
        }) => {
          try {
            const key = rawKey.toString()
            const value = rawValue.toString()

            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
            const task: Task = JSON.parse(value)
            if (!onlyNotAlive || !queuedTasks.has( {
              const queuedDate = parseTaskQueuedDate(task.queuedDate)
              if (isValid(queuedDate)) {
                databaseItems.push({ id: key, queuedDate, task })
              } else {
                  { key, value },
                  "Found key with invalid date in the database",
                void db.del(key)
          } catch (error) {
      .on("error", (error) => {
      .on("end", () => {

      { queuedDate: dateA, task: taskA },
      { queuedDate: dateB, task: taskB },
    ) => {
      if (isBefore(dateA, dateB)) {
        return -1
      } else if (isBefore(dateB, dateA)) {
        return 1
      } else if ( < {
        return -1
      } else if ( < {
        return 1
      return 0

  return items
Example #16
Source File: formValidationOptions.ts    From atlas with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
pastDateValidation = (date: Date | null, required = false) => {
  if (!date) return !required

  if (!isValid(date)) return false

  const currentDate = new Date()
  return currentDate >= date
Example #17
Source File: timeParser.ts    From tempomat with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
function validDateOrNull(date: Date): Date | null {
    if (isValid(date)) {
        return date
    } else {
        return null
Example #18
Source File: Datepicker.tsx    From atlas with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
DatepickerComponent: React.ForwardRefRenderFunction<HTMLInputElement, DatepickerProps> = (
  { name, value, required, error, disabled, helperText, onChange, onBlur },
) => {
  const [rawValue, setRawValue] = useState<string>()

  useEffect(() => {
    if (value && isValid(value)) {
      setRawValue(format(value, DATE_FORMAT))
    } else if (!value) {
  }, [value])

  const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
    const value =

    const parsedDate = value ? parse(, DATE_FORMAT, new Date()) : null

  return (
      placeholder="DD / MM / YYYY"
      mask={['D', 'D', 'M', 'M', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y']}