fs#existsSync TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use fs#existsSync. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: utils.ts    From atom-languageclient with MIT License 7 votes vote down vote up
 * Finds an exe file in the package assuming it is placed under `rootPath/platform-arch/exe`. If the exe file did not
 * exist, the given name is returned. For example on Windows x64, if the `exeName` is `serve-d`, it returns the absolute
 * path to `./bin/win32-x64/exeName.exe`, and if the file did not exist, `serve-d` is returned.
 * @param exeName Name of the exe file
 * @param rootPath The path of the folder of the exe file. Defaults to 'join("bin", `${process.platform}-${process.arch}`)'
 * @param exeExtention The extention of the exe file. Defaults to `process.platform === "win32" ? ".exe" : ""`
export function getExePath(exeName: string, rootPath = rootPathDefault, exeExtention = exeExtentionDefault): string {
  const exePath = resolve(join(rootPath, `${exeName}${exeExtention}`))
  if (existsSync(exePath)) {
    return exePath
  } else {
    return exeName
Example #2
Source File: main.ts    From node-mavlink with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async function configure() {
  return yargs(process.argv.slice(2))
    .command('e2e', 'Execute end to end serialization/deserialization verification',
      yargs => yargs.positional('input', {
        description: 'Input file (- for stdin)',
        default: '-'
      argv => {
        if (argv.input !== '-' && !existsSync(argv.input)) {
          console.error(`error: ${argv.input} not found`)
    .alias('help', 'h')
Example #3
Source File: breakpointHandler.ts    From vscode-autohotkey with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public buildBreakPoint(path: string, sourceBreakpoints: DebugProtocol.SourceBreakpoint[], callback: Callback): DebugProtocol.Breakpoint[] {

        if (!existsSync(path)) {
            return [];
        const sourceLines = readFileSync(path).toString().split('\n');
        const bps = sourceBreakpoints.map((sourceBreakpoint) => {
            const breakPoint = new Breakpoint(false, sourceBreakpoint.line, sourceBreakpoint.column, new Source(basename(path), path))
            const lineText = sourceLines[sourceBreakpoint.line];
            if (lineText && lineText.trim().charAt(0) != ';') {
                breakPoint.verified = true;
            return breakPoint;
        this._breakPoints.set(path, bps)
        return bps;
Example #4
Source File: bundle.ts    From luabundler with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
async run() {
		const {args, flags} = this.parse(BundleCommand)
		const options: BundleOptions = {
			luaVersion: flags.lua,
			isolate: flags.isolate,
			expressionHandler: (module: Module, expression: Expression) => {
				const start = expression.loc!.start
				console.warn(`WARNING: Non-literal require found in '${module.name}' at ${start.line}:${start.column}`)

		if (flags.path.length > 0) {
			options.paths = flags.path

		let content

		if (!args.file || args.file === '-') {
			content = bundleString(await readStdin(), options)
		} else {
			content = bundle(args.file, options)

		if (flags.output) {
			const resolvedPath = resolvePath(flags.output)
			const resolvedDir = dirname(resolvedPath)

			if (!existsSync(resolvedDir)) {
				mkdirSync(resolvedDir, {recursive: true})

			writeFileSync(flags.output, content)
		} else {
Example #5
Source File: test.jest.testRunner.ts    From askql with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
async function runAgainstTestResultFile({
}: AskScriptTestWithResultFileConfig) {
  const resultPath = join(testPath, `../${name}.test.result.ts`);
  if (existsSync(resultPath)) {
    const code = runtime.requireModule<AskCodeOrValue>(askJsonTargetPath);
    const result = await runUntyped(environment, code, args);
    const expectedResult = runtime.requireModule(resultPath);
    const isCorrect = compareAsJson(result, expectedResult);
    if ('ASK_PRINT_RESULT' in process.env && process.env.ASK_PRINT_RESULT) {
      console.log(`RESULT: ${JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)}`);
    testResults.computes = assertionResult({
      status: isCorrect ? 'passed' : 'failed',
      title: 'produces the expected result',
      failureMessages: isCorrect
        ? []
        : [
            `EXPECTED: ${JSON.stringify(expectedResult, null, 2)}
    GOT: ${JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)}`,
Example #6
Source File: index.ts    From ExpressLRS-Configurator with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async clearLocks(directory: string): Promise<void> {
    const indexLockPath = path.join(directory, '.git', 'index.lock');
    if (existsSync(indexLockPath)) {
      try {
        await fs.unlink(indexLockPath);
      } catch (e) {
        this.logger.error('failed to clear .git/index.lock', undefined, {
          err: e,
Example #7
Source File: init.ts    From jmix-frontend with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
function collectGeneratorsFromProject(
  clients: GeneratedClientInfo[]
) {
  const PROJECT_CLIENTS_RELATIVE_PATH = '../../../../generators';
  const projectClientsPath = path.join(__dirname, PROJECT_CLIENTS_RELATIVE_PATH);

  if (!fs.existsSync(projectClientsPath)) {

  collectFromPath(clients, projectClientsPath);
Example #8
Source File: session.ts    From F95API with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
//#endregion Getters

   * Initializes the session by setting the path for saving information to disk.
  constructor(p: string) {
    if (!p || p === "") throw new ParameterError("Invalid path for the session file");
    this._path = p;
    this._isMapped = existsSync(this.path);
    this._created = new Date(Date.now());
    this._hash = null;
    this._token = null;
    this._cookieJar = new tough.CookieJar();
Example #9
Source File: snapshots-diagnostics-spec.ts    From ui5-language-assistant with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
describe(`The language server diagnostics capability`, () => {
  // The test files are in the source dir, not lib
  const snapshotTestsDir = toSourcesTestDir(__dirname);
  const klawItems = klawSync(snapshotTestsDir, { nodir: true });
  const inputFiles = filter(klawItems, (item) => {
    return item.path.endsWith(INPUT_FILE_NAME);
  const testDirs = map(inputFiles, (_) => dirname(_.path));

  forEach(testDirs, (dirPath) => {
    const dirName = basename(dirPath);

    // const onlyTestDirName = "my-test-dir";
    // if (dirName !== onlyTestDirName) {
    //   return;
    // }
    const optionsPath = resolve(dirPath, "options.js");
    let options: LSPDiagnosticOptions;
    if (existsSync(optionsPath)) {
      options = require(optionsPath);
    } else {
      options = { flexEnabled: false };

    it(`Can create diagnostic for ${dirName.replace(/-/g, " ")} (${relative(
    )})`, async () => {
      await snapshotTestLSPDiagnostic(dirPath, options);
Example #10
Source File: spFileHandlers.ts    From sourcepawn-vscode with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Recursively read the unparsed includes from a array of Include objects.
 * @param  {ItemsRepository} itemsRepo    The itemsRepository object constructed in the activation event.
 * @param  {Include[]} includes           The array of Include objects to parse.
 * @returns void
function readUnscannedImports(
  itemsRepo: ItemsRepository,
  includes: Include[]
): void {
  const debug = ["messages", "verbose"].includes(
  includes.forEach((include) => {
    if (debug) console.log("reading", include.uri.toString());

    const filePath = URI.parse(include.uri).fsPath;

    if (itemsRepo.fileItems.has(include.uri) || !existsSync(filePath)) {

    if (debug) console.log("found", include.uri.toString());

    let fileItems: FileItems = new FileItems(include.uri);
    try {
      parseFile(filePath, fileItems, itemsRepo, false, include.IsBuiltIn);
    } catch (err) {
      console.error(err, include.uri.toString());
    if (debug) console.log("parsed", include.uri.toString());

    itemsRepo.fileItems.set(include.uri, fileItems);
    if (debug) console.log("added", include.uri.toString());

    readUnscannedImports(itemsRepo, fileItems.includes);
Example #11
Source File: global.ts    From WebCord with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export function getAppIcon(sizes:number[]) {
	const defaultPath = resolve(getAppPath(), "sources/assets/icons/app.png")
		return defaultPath;
	for (const size of sizes)
			return "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/"+size.toString()+"x"+size.toString()+"/apps/webcord.png";
	return "";
Example #12
Source File: prerender.ts    From ng-event-plugins with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
// Iterate each route path
PRERENDERED_ROUTES.forEach(route => {
    const fullPath = join(DEMO_FOLDER, route);

    // Make sure the directory structure is there
    if (!existsSync(fullPath)) {

    // Writes rendered HTML to index.html, replacing the file if it already exists.
    previousRender = previousRender
        .then(() =>
            renderModuleFactory(AppServerModuleNgFactory, {
                document: index,
                url: route,
                extraProviders: [
                        provide: APP_BASE_HREF,
                        useValue: process.env.ORIGIN || localFallback,
        .then(html => writeFileSync(join(fullPath, 'index.html'), html));
Example #13
Source File: base.provider.ts    From nx-extend with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public async push(language: string): Promise<void> {
    await this.assureRequirementsExists()

    if (!existsSync(this.sourceFile)) {
      throw new Error('Source file does not exist!')

    const languageToPush = language || this.config.defaultLanguage
    const termsToPush = languageToPush === this.config.defaultLanguage
      ? this.getSourceTerms()
      : this.getLanguageTerms(languageToPush)

    if (languageToPush === this.config.defaultLanguage) {
      logger.info(`Going to upload ${Object.keys(termsToPush).length} source terms!`)

    } else {
      logger.info(`Going to upload ${Object.keys(termsToPush).length} terms to "${languageToPush}"!`)

    await this.uploadTranslations(languageToPush, termsToPush)
Example #14
Source File: sourceFilesHelper.ts    From elephize with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
// Try find d.ts source in typescript folder
function getDtsSourceFile(name: string, target?: ScriptTarget) {
  if (sourceFiles[name] === undefined) {
    let path;
    try {
      path = name.startsWith('/') ? name : require.resolve('typescript/lib/' + name);
    } catch (e) {
      path = require.resolve(name.replace(/^node_modules\//, ''));
    if (existsSync(path)) {
      const input = readFileSync(path, { encoding: 'utf-8' });
      sourceFiles[name] = createSourceFile(name, input, target!);
    } else {
      sourceFiles[name] = null;

  return sourceFiles[name];
Example #15
Source File: server.ts    From svvs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
// The Express app is exported so that it can be used by serverless Functions.
export function app(): express.Express {
  const server = express()
  const distFolder = join(process.cwd(), 'dist/frontend-client/browser')
  const indexHtml = existsSync(join(distFolder, 'index.original.html')) ? 'index.original.html' : 'index'

  // Our Universal express-engine (found @ https://github.com/angular/universal/tree/master/modules/express-engine)
  server.engine('html', ngExpressEngine({
    bootstrap: AppServerModule,

  server.set('view engine', 'html')
  server.set('views', distFolder)

  // Example Express Rest API endpoints
  // server.get('/api/**', (req, res) => { });
  // Serve static files from /browser
  server.get('*.*', express.static(distFolder, {
    maxAge: '1y',

  // All regular routes use the Universal engine
  server.get('*', (req, res) => {
    res.render(indexHtml, {
      req, providers: [
        {provide: APP_BASE_HREF, useValue: req.baseUrl},
        {provide: REQUEST, useValue: req},
        {provide: RESPONSE, useValue: res},

  return server
Example #16
Source File: utils.ts    From HomebridgeMagicHome-DynamicPlatform with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
export function loadJson<T>(file: string, replacement: T): T {
  if (!existsSync(file)) {
    return replacement;
  return parseJson<T>(readFileSync(file).toString(), replacement);
Example #17
Source File: doxygen.ts    From setup-cpp with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async function activateWinDoxygen() {
  switch (process.platform) {
    case "win32": {
      for (const binDir of [
        "C:/Program Files/doxygen/bin",
        "C:/Program Files (x86)/doxygen",
      ]) {
        if (existsSync(join(binDir, "doxygen.exe"))) {
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
          await addPath(binDir)
          return binDir
      throw new Error("Failed to find doxygen binary")
    default: {
      throw new Error(`Unsupported platform`)
Example #18
Source File: prerender.ts    From fab-menu with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
// Iterate each route path
ROUTES.forEach(route => {
  const fullPath = join(BROWSER_FOLDER, route);

  // Make sure the directory structure is there
  if (!existsSync(fullPath)) {

  // Writes rendered HTML to index.html, replacing the file if it already exists.
  previousRender = previousRender
    .then(_ =>
      renderModuleFactory(AppServerModuleNgFactory, {
        document: index,
        url: route,
        extraProviders: [provideModuleMap(LAZY_MODULE_MAP)]
    .then(html => writeFileSync(join(fullPath, 'index.html'), html));
Example #19
Source File: createWskdeployProject.test.ts    From openwhisk-vscode-extension with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
suite('templateGenerator.createWskdeployProject', async function () {
    test('Create wskdeploy project files', async () => {
        const fakeConfirm = sinon.fake.returns(Promise.resolve({ action: 'confirm' }));
        sinon.replace(vscode.window, 'showInformationMessage', fakeConfirm);
        await createWskdeployProject();
        await timeout(1000);

    test('Show warning message if manifest file exists', async () => {
        writeFileSync(MANIFESTFILE_PATH, '');
        sinon.spy(vscode.window, 'showErrorMessage');
        await createWskdeployProject();
        // @ts-ignore
        const spyCall = vscode.window.showErrorMessage.getCall(0);
        expect(spyCall.args[0].includes('already exists')).to.be.true;

    afterEach(() => {
Example #20
Source File: evm.ts    From airnode with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
deployContract = async (artifactsFolderPath: string, args: any[] = []) => {
  const artifact = getArtifact(artifactsFolderPath);

  // Deploy the contract
  const contractFactory = new ethers.ContractFactory(artifact.abi, artifact.bytecode, await getUserWallet());
  const contract = await contractFactory.deploy(...args);
  await contract.deployed();

  // Make sure the deployments folder exist
  const deploymentsPath = join(__dirname, '../deployments');
  if (!existsSync(deploymentsPath)) mkdirSync(deploymentsPath);

  // Try to load the existing deployments file for this network - we want to preserve deployments of other contracts
  const network = readIntegrationInfo().network;
  const deploymentPath = join(deploymentsPath, network + '.json');
  let deployment: any = {};
  if (existsSync(deploymentPath)) deployment = JSON.parse(readFileSync(deploymentPath).toString());

  // The key name for this contract is the path of the artifact without the '.sol' extension
  const deploymentName = removeExtension(artifactsFolderPath);
  // Write down the address of deployed contract
  writeFileSync(deploymentPath, JSON.stringify({ ...deployment, [deploymentName]: contract.address }, null, 2));

  return contract;
Example #21
Source File: testHelper.ts    From cli with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
newCommandHelper() {
    return {
      deleteSpecFile: () => {
        const specficicationFilePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'specification.yaml');
        if (existsSync(specficicationFilePath)) {
Example #22
Source File: key_store.ts    From aurora.js with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal 6 votes vote down vote up
static loadLocalKeys(env?: KeyStoreEnv): NEAR.keyStores.KeyStore {
    const keyStore = new InMemoryKeyStore();
    if (env && env.HOME) {
      const localValidatorKeyPath = `${env.HOME}/.near/validator_key.json`;
      if (existsSync(localValidatorKeyPath)) {
        const [accountID, keyPair] = _loadKeyFile(localValidatorKeyPath);
        keyStore.setKey('local', accountID, keyPair);
    return keyStore;
Example #23
Source File: add-codegen.ts    From amplify-codegen with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
export async function testAddCodegen(config: AmplifyFrontendConfig, projectRoot: string, schema: string) {
    // init project and add API category
    await initProjectWithProfile(projectRoot, { ...config });
    const projectName = createRandomName();
    await addApiWithoutSchema(projectRoot, { apiName: projectName });
    await updateApiSchema(projectRoot, projectName, schema);

    const userSourceCodePath = testSetupBeforeAddCodegen(projectRoot, config);

    // add codegen succeeds
    await expect(addCodegen(projectRoot, { ...config })).resolves.not.toThrow();

    // pre-existing file should still exist
    // GraphQL statements are generated
    expect(isNotEmptyDir(path.join(projectRoot, config.graphqlCodegenDir))).toBe(true);
    testValidGraphQLConfig(projectRoot, config);
Example #24
Source File: aws-image-builder-stack.ts    From amazon-ec2-image-builder-samples with MIT No Attribution 6 votes vote down vote up
getData = (dir: string, file: string) => {
    const filePath = path.join(__dirname, "..", dir, file);
    if (!existsSync(filePath)) {
        `Component file ${filePath} does not exists`
      return "";
    return readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "..", dir, file)).toString();
Example #25
Source File: hardhat.config.ts    From balancer-v2-monorepo with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
task('check-deployments', `Check that all tasks' deployments correspond to their build-info and inputs`)
  .addOptionalParam('id', 'Specific task ID')
  .setAction(async (args: { id?: string; force?: boolean; verbose?: boolean }, hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) => {
    // The force argument above is actually not passed (and not required or used in CHECK mode), but it is the easiest
    // way to address type issues.

    Logger.setDefaults(false, args.verbose || false);

    if (args.id) {
      await new Task(args.id, TaskMode.CHECK, hre.network.name).run(args);
    } else {
      const taskDirectory = path.resolve(__dirname, './tasks');

      for (const taskID of readdirSync(taskDirectory)) {
        const outputDir = path.resolve(taskDirectory, taskID, 'output');
        if (existsSync(outputDir) && statSync(outputDir).isDirectory()) {
          const outputFiles = readdirSync(outputDir);
          if (outputFiles.some((outputFile) => outputFile.includes(hre.network.name))) {
            // Not all tasks have outputs for all networks, so we skip those that don't
            await new Task(taskID, TaskMode.CHECK, hre.network.name).run(args);
Example #26
Source File: cli.ts    From diablo2 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
async function main(): Promise<void> {
  if (process.argv.length < 3) {
    return usage();
  const args = process.argv.slice(2);
  const isWriteDump = args.indexOf('--dump');
  if (isWriteDump > -1) args.splice(isWriteDump, 1);

  const localNetworks = findLocalIps();
  const networkAdapterIndex = args.findIndex((arg) => localNetworks.find((iface) => iface.interface === arg));

  if (networkAdapterIndex == null) {
    return usage('Cannot find network adapter');
  const [networkAdapter] = args.splice(networkAdapterIndex, 1);
  Log.debug({ networkAdapter }, 'StartingSniffer');

  const gamePath = process.env['DIABLO2_PATH'];
  if (gamePath == null || !existsSync(gamePath)) {
    Log.error({ gamePath }, 'Path does not exist');
    return usage('Cannot find game path, set $DIABLO2_PATH');

  const sniffer = new Diablo2PacketSniffer(networkAdapter, gamePath);
  sniffer.isWriteDump = isWriteDump > 0;

  await sniffer.start(Log);
Example #27
Source File: invalidPaths.ts    From ue4-intellisense-fixes with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 *  * 
 * @param outPaths 
 * @param key of outPaths that we're trying to replace, using 'any'. shame...
 * @param fromTos reMatch: Regex for matching and replacement of the match, replace: string that replaces the match
 * @returns true if outPaths modified
function checkAndReplacePathSubstring(outPaths: string[], key: any, ...fromTos: { reMatch: RegExp, replace: string }[]): boolean {

    const paths = outPaths;
    let currentPath: string = paths[key];

    for (const fromTo of fromTos) {
        currentPath = currentPath.replace(fromTo.reMatch, fromTo.replace);

    if (!existsSync(currentPath)) {
        return false;
    else {
        paths[key] = currentPath;
        return true;

Example #28
Source File: server.ts    From omegga with ISC License 6 votes vote down vote up
async getEnvironmentData(): Promise<EnvironmentPreset> {
    const saveName =
      this._tempSavePrefix + Date.now() + '_' + this._tempCounter.save++;

    await this.saveEnvironment(saveName);
    const data = this.readEnvironmentData(saveName);
    const file = join(this.presetPath, 'Environment', saveName + '.bp');
    if (existsSync(file)) unlinkSync(file);

    return data;
Example #29
Source File: parseCheckovConfig.ts    From checkov-vscode with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
getConfigFilePath = (logger: Logger): string | undefined => {
    const workspacePath = getWorkspacePath(logger);
    if (workspacePath) {
        const paths =  [path.join(workspacePath, '.checkov.yml'), path.join(workspacePath, '.checkov.yaml')];
        for (const path of paths) {
            if(existsSync(path)) return path;
    return undefined;