pg#QueryResult TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use pg#QueryResult. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: utils.ts    From posthog-foss with MIT License 7 votes vote down vote up
postgresGet = async (
    db: DB,
    pluginConfigId: PluginConfig['id'],
    key: string
): Promise<QueryResult<any>> => {
    return await db.postgresQuery(
        'SELECT * FROM posthog_pluginstorage WHERE "plugin_config_id"=$1 AND "key"=$2 LIMIT 1',
        [pluginConfigId, key],
Example #2
Source File: asset-table.ts    From livepeer-com with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
async getByPlaybackId(
    playbackId: string,
    opts?: QueryOptions
  ): Promise<WithID<Asset>> {
    const res: QueryResult<DBLegacyObject> = await this.db.queryWithOpts(
      sql`SELECT id, data FROM asset WHERE data->>'playbackId' = ${playbackId}`.setName(
    if (res.rowCount < 1) {
      return null;
    return assetStatusCompat(res.rows[0].data as WithID<Asset>);
Example #3
Source File: db.ts    From posthog-foss with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
// ClickHouse

    public clickhouseQuery(
        query: string,
        options?: ClickHouse.QueryOptions
    ): Promise<ClickHouse.QueryResult<Record<string, any>>> {
        return instrumentQuery(this.statsd, 'query.clickhouse', undefined, async () => {
            if (!this.clickhouse) {
                throw new Error('ClickHouse connection has not been provided to this DB instance!')
            const timeout = timeoutGuard('ClickHouse slow query warning after 30 sec', { query })
            try {
                return await this.clickhouse.querying(query, options)
            } finally {
Example #4
Source File: db.ts    From livepeer-com with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
queryWithOpts<T, I extends any[] = any[]>(
    query: QueryConfig<I>,
    opts: QueryOptions = { useReplica: true }
  ): Promise<QueryResult<T>> {
    const { useReplica = true } = opts;
    if (useReplica && this.replicaPool) {
      return this.replicaPool.query(query);
    return this.pool.query(query);
Example #5
Source File: db.ts    From livepeer-com with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
async runQueryNoMetrics<T, I extends any[] = any[]>(
    pool: Pool,
    query: string | QueryConfig<I>,
    values?: I
  ): Promise<QueryResult<T>> {
    let queryLog: string;
    if (typeof query === "string") {
      queryLog = JSON.stringify({ query: query.trim(), values });
    } else {
      queryLog = JSON.stringify(query);
    let result: QueryResult;`runQuery phase=start query=${queryLog}`);
    const start =;
    try {
      result = await pool.query(query, values);
    } catch (e) {
        `runQuery phase=error elapsed=${ - start}ms error=${
        } query=${queryLog}`
      throw e;
      `runQuery phase=success elapsed=${ - start}ms rows=${
      } query=${queryLog}`
    return result;
Example #6
Source File: db.ts    From livepeer-com with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
// Internal logging function — use query() or replicaQuery() externally
  async runQuery<T, I extends any[] = any[]>(
    pool: Pool,
    query: string | QueryConfig<I>,
    values?: I
  ): Promise<QueryResult<T>> {
    let labels: QueryHistogramLabels = {
      query: typeof query === "string" ? query.trim() : query.text,
      result: "success",
    const queryTimer = metricHistogram.startTimer();
    try {
      return await this.runQueryNoMetrics(pool, query, values);
    } catch (e) {
      labels.result = "error";
      throw e;
    } finally {
Example #7
Source File: stream-table.ts    From livepeer-com with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
async cachedUsageHistory(
    fromTime: number,
    toTime: number,
    opts?: QueryOptions
  ): Promise<UsageData[]> {
    let usage = [];
    const q1 = sql`SELECT
      (data->>'date')::real as date,
      (data->>'sourceSegmentsDuration')::real as sourceSegmentsDuration,
      (data->>'transcodedSegmentsDuration')::real as transcodedSegmentsDuration,
      (data->>'sourceSegments')::real as sourceSegments,
      (data->>'transcodedSegments')::real as transcodedSegments,
      (data->>'streamCount')::real as streamCount

    FROM usage WHERE data->>'date' >= ${fromTime}
      AND data->>'date' < ${toTime}
      ORDER BY date

    let res: QueryResult<DBUsageData>;
    res = await this.db.queryWithOpts(q1, opts);

    if (res.rowCount > 0) {
      for (const row of res.rows) {
          sourceSegments: row.sourcesegments,
          transcodedSegments: row.transcodedsegments,
          sourceSegmentsDuration: row.sourcesegmentsduration,
          transcodedSegmentsDuration: row.transcodedsegmentsduration,
          streamCount: row.streamcount,
    return usage;
Example #8
Source File: stream-table.ts    From livepeer-com with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
async getByStreamKey(
    streamKey: string,
    opts?: QueryOptions
  ): Promise<DBStream> {
    const res: QueryResult<DBLegacyObject> = await this.db.queryWithOpts(
      sql`SELECT data FROM stream  WHERE data->>'streamKey'=${streamKey}`.setName(
    return res.rowCount < 1 ? null : (res.rows[0].data as DBStream);
Example #9
Source File: stream-table.ts    From livepeer-com with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
async getByPlaybackId(
    playbackId: string,
    opts?: QueryOptions
  ): Promise<DBStream> {
    const res: QueryResult<DBLegacyObject> = await this.db.queryWithOpts(
      sql`SELECT data FROM stream  WHERE data->>'playbackId'=${playbackId}`.setName(
    return res.rowCount < 1 ? null : (res.rows[0].data as DBStream);
Example #10
Source File: stream-table.ts    From livepeer-com with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
async getLastSession(id: string, opts?: QueryOptions): Promise<DBStream> {
    const res: QueryResult<DBLegacyObject> = await this.db.queryWithOpts(
      sql`SELECT data FROM stream  WHERE data->>'parentId'=${id} ORDER BY data->'createdAt' DESC LIMIT 1`.setName(
    return res.rowCount < 1 ? null : (res.rows[0].data as DBStream);
Example #11
Source File: table.ts    From livepeer-com with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
// get a single document by id
  async get(id: string, opts: GetOptions = { useReplica: true }): Promise<T> {
    if (!id) {
      throw new Error("missing id");
    let res: QueryResult<DBLegacyObject>;
    if (!opts.useReplica) {
      res = await this.db.query(
        sql`SELECT data FROM `
          .append(sql` WHERE id=${id}`.setName(`${}_by_id`))
    } else {
      res = await this.db.replicaQuery(
        sql`SELECT data FROM `
          .append(sql` WHERE id=${id}`.setName(`${}_by_id`))

    if (res.rowCount < 1) {
      return null;
    return res.rows[0].data as T;
Example #12
Source File: table.ts    From livepeer-com with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
async getMany(
    ids: Array<string>,
    opts: GetOptions = { useReplica: true }
  ): Promise<Array<T>> {
    if (!ids || !ids.length) {
      throw new Error("missing ids");
    let res: QueryResult<DBLegacyObject> = await this.db.queryWithOpts(
        name: `${}_by_ids_${ids.length}`,
        text: `SELECT data FROM ${}  WHERE id IN (${ids
          .map((_, i) => "$" + (i + 1))
        values: ids,

    if (res.rowCount < 1) {
      return null;
    return => as T);
Example #13
Source File: getAccountAction.ts    From eosio-contract-api with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
function getAssetCountByCollection(params: RequestValues, ctx: AtomicAssetsContext): Promise<QueryResult<{
    collection_name: string;
    assets: string;
}>> {
    const collectionQuery = new QueryBuilder(
        'SELECT collection_name, COUNT(*) as assets ' +
        'FROM atomicassets_assets asset'

    collectionQuery.equal('contract', ctx.coreArgs.atomicassets_account);
    collectionQuery.equal('owner', ctx.pathParams.account);

    buildGreylistFilter(params, collectionQuery, {collectionName: 'asset.collection_name'});
    buildHideOffersFilter(params, collectionQuery, 'asset');['contract', 'collection_name']);
    collectionQuery.append('ORDER BY assets DESC');

    return ctx.db.query(collectionQuery.buildString(), collectionQuery.buildValues());
Example #14
Source File: getAccountAction.ts    From eosio-contract-api with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
function getAssetCountByTemplate(params: RequestValues, ctx: AtomicAssetsContext): Promise<QueryResult<{
    collection_name: string;
    assets: string;
    template_id: null | string;
}>> {
    const templateQuery = new QueryBuilder(
        'SELECT collection_name, template_id, COUNT(*) as assets ' +
        'FROM atomicassets_assets asset'
    templateQuery.equal('contract', ctx.coreArgs.atomicassets_account);
    templateQuery.equal('owner', ctx.pathParams.account);

    buildGreylistFilter(params, templateQuery, {collectionName: 'asset.collection_name'});
    buildHideOffersFilter(params, templateQuery, 'asset');['contract', 'collection_name', 'template_id']);
    templateQuery.append('ORDER BY assets DESC');

    return ctx.db.query(templateQuery.buildString(), templateQuery.buildValues());
Example #15
Source File: server.ts    From eosio-contract-api with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async query<T = any>(queryText: string, values?: any[]): Promise<QueryResult<T>> {
        const startTime =;

        logger.debug(queryText, values);

        try {
            const result = await this.database.query(queryText, values);
            const duration = - startTime;

            if (this.config.slow_query_threshold && duration >= this.config.slow_query_threshold) {
                logger.warn('Query took ' + duration + ' ms', {
                    queryText, values

            return result;
        } catch (error) {
            logger.warn('Query exception', {
                message: String(error), error, queryText, values

            throw error;
Example #16
Source File: database.ts    From eosio-contract-api with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async query(queryStr: string, values: any[] = [], lock: boolean = true): Promise<QueryResult> {
        await this.acquireLock(lock);

        try {
            await this.begin();

            return await this.clientQuery(queryStr, values);
        } finally {
Example #17
Source File: database.ts    From eosio-contract-api with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async delete(
        table: string, condition: Condition, reversible: boolean = true, lock: boolean = true
    ): Promise<QueryResult> {
        await this.acquireLock(lock);

        try {
            await this.begin();

            let selectQuery;
            if (this.currentBlock && reversible) {
                selectQuery = await this.clientQuery(
                    'SELECT * FROM ' + this.client.escapeIdentifier(table) + ' WHERE ' + condition.str + ';', condition.values

            const queryStr = 'DELETE FROM ' + this.client.escapeIdentifier(table) + ' WHERE ' + condition.str + ';';
            const query = await this.clientQuery(queryStr, condition.values);

            this.stats.operations += selectQuery ? selectQuery.rowCount : 1;

            if (selectQuery && selectQuery.rows.length > 0) {
                const rollback = this.buildRollbackQuery('insert', table, selectQuery.rows);

                await this.saveRollbackQueries([rollback]);

            return query;
        } finally {
Example #18
Source File: database.ts    From eosio-contract-api with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private async clientQuery(queryText: string, values: any[] = []): Promise<QueryResult> {
        try {
            logger.debug('contract db query: ' + queryText, values);

            return await this.client.query(queryText, values);
        } catch (error) {
            logger.error('Failed to execute SQL query ', {queryText, values, error});

            throw error;
Example #19
Source File: stream.ts    From livepeer-com with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
// sets 'isActive' field to false for many objects at once
  authorizer({ anyAdmin: true }),
  async (req, res) => {
    let upRes: QueryResult;
    try {
      upRes = await;

      // trigger the webhooks
      try {
        await triggerManyIdleStreamsWebhook(req.body.ids, req.queue);
      } catch (err) {
        console.error(`error while triggering the many idle webhooks`, err);

      if (upRes.rowCount) {
          `set isActive=false for ids=${req.body.ids} rowCount=${upRes.rowCount}`
    } catch (e) {
        `error setting stream active to false ids=${req.body.ids} err=${e}`
      upRes = { rowCount: 0 } as QueryResult;

    return res.json({ rowCount: upRes?.rowCount ?? 0 });
Example #20
Source File: db.ts    From posthog-foss with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
// Postgres

    public postgresQuery<R extends QueryResultRow = any, I extends any[] = any[]>(
        queryString: string,
        values: I | undefined,
        tag: string,
        client?: PoolClient
    ): Promise<QueryResult<R>> {
        return instrumentQuery(this.statsd, 'query.postgres', tag, async () => {
            let fullQuery = ''
            try {
                fullQuery = getFinalPostgresQuery(queryString, values as any[])
            } catch {}
            const timeout = timeoutGuard('Postgres slow query warning after 30 sec', {

            // Annotate query string to give context when looking at DB logs
            queryString = `/* plugin-server:${tag} */ ${queryString}`
            try {
                if (client) {
                    return await client.query(queryString, values)
                } else {
                    return await this.postgres.query(queryString, values)
            } finally {
Example #21
Source File: db.ts    From posthog-foss with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public async fetchPerson(
        teamId: number,
        distinctId: string,
        client?: PoolClient,
        options: { forUpdate?: boolean } = {}
    ): Promise<Person | undefined> {
        let queryString = `SELECT
      , posthog_person.created_at, posthog_person.team_id,,
                posthog_person.properties_last_updated_at, posthog_person.properties_last_operation, posthog_person.is_user_id, posthog_person.is_identified,
                posthog_person.uuid, posthog_persondistinctid.team_id AS persondistinctid__team_id,
                posthog_persondistinctid.distinct_id AS persondistinctid__distinct_id
            FROM posthog_person
            JOIN posthog_persondistinctid ON (posthog_persondistinctid.person_id =
                posthog_person.team_id = $1
                AND posthog_persondistinctid.team_id = $1
                AND posthog_persondistinctid.distinct_id = $2`
        if (options.forUpdate) {
            // Locks the teamId and distinctId tied to this personId + this person's info
            queryString = queryString.concat(` FOR UPDATE`)
        const values = [teamId, distinctId]

        const selectResult: QueryResult = await this.postgresQuery(queryString, values, 'fetchPerson', client)

        if (selectResult.rows.length > 0) {
            const rawPerson: RawPerson = selectResult.rows[0]
            return {
                created_at: DateTime.fromISO(rawPerson.created_at).toUTC(),
                version: Number(rawPerson.version || 0),
Example #22
Source File: db.ts    From posthog-foss with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public async updatePerson(
        client: PoolClient,
        personId: number,
        createdAt: DateTime,
        properties: Properties,
        propertiesLastUpdatedAt: PropertiesLastUpdatedAt,
        propertiesLastOperation: PropertiesLastOperation
    ): Promise<number> {
        const updateResult: QueryResult = await this.postgresQuery(
            `UPDATE posthog_person SET
            created_at = $1,
            properties = $2,
            properties_last_updated_at = $3,
            properties_last_operation = $4,
            version = COALESCE(version, 0)::numeric + 1
        WHERE id = $5
        RETURNING version`,

        if (updateResult.rows.length === 0) {
            // this function should always be called in a transaction with person fetch locking for update before
            throw new RaceConditionError('Failed updating person properties')
        return Number(updateResult.rows[0].version)
Example #23
Source File: db.ts    From posthog-foss with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public async createPersonalApiKey({
    }: CreatePersonalApiKeyPayload): Promise<QueryResult> {
        return await this.postgresQuery(
            `INSERT INTO posthog_personalapikey (id, user_id, label, value, created_at)
            VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)
            RETURNING value`,
            [id, user_id, label, value, created_at.toISOString()],
Example #24
Source File: db.ts    From posthog-foss with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public async fetchGroup(
        teamId: TeamId,
        groupTypeIndex: GroupTypeIndex,
        groupKey: string,
        client?: PoolClient,
        options: { forUpdate?: boolean } = {}
    ): Promise<Group | undefined> {
        let queryString = `SELECT * FROM posthog_group WHERE team_id = $1 AND group_type_index = $2 AND group_key = $3`

        if (options.forUpdate) {
            queryString = queryString.concat(` FOR UPDATE`)

        const selectResult: QueryResult = await this.postgresQuery(
            [teamId, groupTypeIndex, groupKey],

        if (selectResult.rows.length > 0) {
            const rawGroup: RawGroup = selectResult.rows[0]
            return {
                created_at: DateTime.fromISO(rawGroup.created_at).toUTC(),
                version: Number(rawGroup.version || 0),
Example #25
Source File: postgres.ts    From watchparty with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export async function updateObject(
  postgres: Client,
  table: string,
  object: any,
  condition: any
): Promise<QueryResult<any>> {
  const columns = Object.keys(object);
  const values = Object.values(object);
  // TODO support compound conditions, not just one
  let query = `UPDATE ${table} SET ${columns
    .map((c, i) => `"${c}" = $${i + 1}`)
    WHERE "${Object.keys(condition)[0]}" = $${Object.keys(object).length + 1}
  const result = await postgres.query(query, [
  return result;
Example #26
Source File: postgres.ts    From watchparty with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export async function insertObject(
  postgres: Client,
  table: string,
  object: any
): Promise<QueryResult<any>> {
  const columns = Object.keys(object);
  const values = Object.values(object);
  let query = `INSERT INTO ${table} (${ => `"${c}"`).join(',')})
    VALUES (${, i) => '$' + (i + 1)).join(',')})
  // console.log(query);
  const result = await postgres.query(query, values);
  return result;
Example #27
Source File: postgres.ts    From watchparty with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export async function upsertObject(
  postgres: Client,
  table: string,
  object: any,
  conflict: any
): Promise<QueryResult<any>> {
  const columns = Object.keys(object);
  const values = Object.values(object);
  let query = `INSERT INTO ${table} (${ => `"${c}"`).join(',')})
    VALUES (${, i) => '$' + (i + 1)).join(',')})
    ON CONFLICT ("${Object.keys(conflict).join(',')}")
    DO UPDATE SET ${Object.keys(object)
      .map((c) => `"${c}" = EXCLUDED."${c}"`)
  // console.log(query);
  const result = await postgres.query(query, values);
  return result;
Example #28
Source File: blockchain-repository.ts    From cardano-rosetta with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
parseTransactionRows = (result: QueryResult<FindTransaction>): Transaction[] => => ({
    hash: hexFormatter(row.hash),
    blockHash: hexFormatter(row.blockHash),
    blockNo: row.blockNo,
    fee: row.fee,
    size: row.size,
    scriptSize: row.scriptSize,
    validContract: row.validContract
Example #29
Source File: db.ts    From posthog-foss with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public async moveDistinctIds(source: Person, target: Person, client?: PoolClient): Promise<ProducerRecord[]> {
        let movedDistinctIdResult: QueryResult<any> | null = null
        try {
            movedDistinctIdResult = await this.postgresQuery(
                    UPDATE posthog_persondistinctid
                    SET person_id = $1, version = COALESCE(version, 0)::numeric + 1
                    WHERE person_id = $2
                      AND team_id = $3
                    RETURNING *
                [,, target.team_id],
        } catch (error) {
            if (
                (error as Error).message.includes(
                    'insert or update on table "posthog_persondistinctid" violates foreign key constraint'
            ) {
                // this is caused by a race condition where the _target_ person was deleted after fetching but
                // before the update query ran and will trigger a retry with updated persons
                throw new RaceConditionError(
                    'Failed trying to move distinct IDs because target person no longer exists.'

            throw error

        // this is caused by a race condition where the _source_ person was deleted after fetching but
        // before the update query ran and will trigger a retry with updated persons
        if (movedDistinctIdResult.rows.length === 0) {
            throw new RaceConditionError(
                `Failed trying to move distinct IDs because the source person no longer exists.`

        const kafkaMessages = []
        if (this.kafkaProducer) {
            for (const row of movedDistinctIdResult.rows) {
                const { id, version: versionStr, ...usefulColumns } = row as PersonDistinctId
                const version = Number(versionStr || 0)
                    topic: KAFKA_PERSON_DISTINCT_ID,
                    messages: [
                            value: Buffer.from(
                                JSON.stringify({ ...usefulColumns, version, person_id: target.uuid, is_deleted: 0 })

                if (await this.fetchWriteToPersonUniqueId()) {
                        topic: KAFKA_PERSON_UNIQUE_ID,
                        messages: [
                                value: Buffer.from(
                                    JSON.stringify({ ...usefulColumns, person_id: target.uuid, is_deleted: 0 })
                                value: Buffer.from(
                                    JSON.stringify({ ...usefulColumns, person_id: source.uuid, is_deleted: 1 })
        return kafkaMessages