react-router#RouteComponentProps TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use react-router#RouteComponentProps. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: DemoOnboardingLogin.tsx    From clearflask with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
class DemoOnboardingLogin extends Component<Props & RouteComponentProps & WithStyles<typeof styles, true>, State> {
  state: State = {};
  render() {
    const token = new URL(windowIso.location.href).searchParams.get(SSO_TOKEN_PARAM_NAME);
    if (token) {
      // Clear token from URL for safety

    if (!this.state.fakeLoggedIn) {
      return (<ErrorPage msg={(
        <div className={this.props.classes.loginContainer}>
          This is a demo login page for {this.props.type === 'sso' ? 'Single Sign-On' : 'OAuth'}
            onClick={() => {
              this.setState({ fakeLoggedIn: true });

              // Broadcast to onboarding demo that login was successfully faked
              const oauthFlow = new OAuthFlow({ accountType: 'user', redirectPath: '/oauth-demo' });

              // Close window
              !windowIso.isSsr && windowIso.self.close();
      )} variant='info' />);
    } else {
      return (<ErrorPage msg='Successfully logged in' variant='success' />);
Example #2
Source File: Characters.tsx    From Riakuto-StartingReact-ja3.1 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
Characters: VFC<RouteComponentProps> = ({ match }) => (
      <h1>『SLAM DUNK』登場人物</h1>
      <Route exact path={`${match.path}`}>
        <AllCharacters />
      <Route path={`${match.path}/:schoolCode`}>
        <SchoolCharacters />
      <Redirect to="/" />
    <Divider hidden />
    <HomeButton />
Example #3
Source File: EpiSpaRouter.tsx    From foundation-lib-spa-core with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
function createRouteNode(route: IRouteConfigItem, basePath = "", key ?: string, ctx ?: IEpiserverContext) : React.ReactElement<RouteProps> {
    let createdRoute : string = basePath ? (basePath.substr(-1) === "/" ? basePath.substr(0, -1) : basePath) : "";
    createdRoute = createdRoute + "/" + (route.path ? (route.path.substr(0,1) === "/" ? route.path.substr(1) : route.path) : "")

    if (ctx?.isDebugActive()) console.log('Generating Route Virtual DOM Node', createdRoute, route, key);

    const newRouteProps : RouteProps = {
        children: route.children,
        exact: route.exact,
        location: route.location,
        path: createdRoute,
        sensitive: route.sensitive,
        strict: route.strict,
        render: route.render ? (props: RouteComponentProps) => { return route.render ? route.render({ ...props, routes: route.routes, path: route.path }) : <div/> } : undefined,
        component: route.component ? (props: RouteComponentProps) => { const RouteComponent = route.component || 'div'; return <RouteComponent { ...props } routes={ route.routes } path={ route.path } />} : undefined
    return <Route { ...newRouteProps } key={ key } />
Example #4
Source File: Navbar.tsx    From covidex with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
Navbar = ({ history }: RouteComponentProps) => {
  return (
          <NavbarLogo tabIndex={0} onClick={() => history.push(HOME_ROUTE)}>
              rel="noopener noreferrer"
              <GithubLogo src={GithubImg} alt="Github logo" />
Example #5
Source File: VolunteersPage.tsx    From OpenVolunteerPlatform with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
VolunteersPage: React.FC<RouteComponentProps> = ({ match }) => {
  let { data, loading, error } = useFindVolunteersQuery()
  if (error) {

  if (loading) return <IonLoading

  let content;
  if (data?.findVolunteers?.items.length !== 0) {
    content = <VolunteersList volunteers={data?.findVolunteers.items as any} />
  } else {
    content = <Empty message={<p>No data!</p>} />;

  return (
      <Header title="Volunteer List" match={match} />

      <IonContent className="ion-padding" >
        <IonFab vertical="bottom" horizontal="end" slot="fixed">
          <IonFabButton routerLink="createVolunteer">
            <IonIcon icon={add} />
          OpenVolunteer Platform
    </IonPage >

Example #6
Source File: routerUtil.tsx    From clearflask with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
// Redirect now (supports cross domain)
export function redirectIso(url: string, history: RouteComponentProps['history'], httpCode: number = 302) {
  if (windowIso.isSsr) {
    windowIso.staticRouterContext.statusCode = httpCode;
    windowIso.staticRouterContext.url = url;
  } else {
Example #7
Source File: Home.tsx    From itwin-viewer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
Home = ({ history }: RouteComponentProps) => {
  return (
    <div className={styles.container}>
      <div className={styles.content}>
        <div className={styles.title}>
            <Itwin className={styles.logo} />
            {"iTwinViewer Sample App"}
        <img className={styles.img} src={modelImg} alt={"modelImage"} />
        <div className={styles.signIn}>
            onClick={() => history.push("/usermanager")}
            {"Use Native OIDC Client"}
            onClick={() => history.push("/authclient")}
            {"Use iModel.js Auth Client"}
            onClick={() => history.push("/blankconnection")}
            {"Blank Connection"}
Example #8
Source File: ScrollToTop.tsx    From personal-archive with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
ScrollToTop: FC<RouteComponentProps> = ({ location }) => {
  const prevLocation = usePrevious(location)

  if (!location || !prevLocation) {
    return null

  if (location.pathname !== prevLocation.pathname) {
    window.scrollTo(0, 0)

  return null
Example #9
Source File: ProductsPage.tsx    From OpenVolunteerPlatform with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
ProductsPage: React.FC<RouteComponentProps> = ({ match }) => {
  let { data, loading, error } = useFindProductsQuery();

  if (error) {

  if (loading) return <IonLoading

  const products = data?.findProducts?.items || [];
  const content = <ProductList products={products as any} />
  return (
      <Header title="List of Products" match={match} />
      <IonContent className="ion-padding" >
        <IonFab vertical="bottom" horizontal="end" slot="fixed">
          <IonFabButton routerLink="createProduct">
            <IonIcon icon={add} />
          OpenVolunteer Platform
    </IonPage >

Example #10
Source File: URLParser.ts    From kfp-tekton-backend with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private _routeProps: RouteComponentProps;
Example #11
Source File: UserContributions.tsx    From clearflask with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
class UserContributions extends React.Component<Props & WithTranslation<'app'> & RouteComponentProps & WithStyles<typeof styles, true>> {
  render() {
    const postsPanel: Client.PagePanelWithHideIfEmpty = {
      search: {
        filterAuthorId: this.props.userId,
        sortBy: Client.IdeaSearchSortByEnum.New,
        limit: 2,
      display: {
        titleTruncateLines: 1,
        descriptionTruncateLines: 2,
        responseTruncateLines: 0,
      title: this.props.t('posts'),
      hideIfEmpty: true,
    const commentSearch: Client.CommentSearch = {
      filterAuthorId: this.props.userId,
      limit: 2,
    return (
Example #12
Source File: JoinPage.tsx    From whiteboard-demo with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public constructor(props: RouteComponentProps & WithTranslation) {
        const name = localStorage.getItem("userName");
        this.state = {
            roomId: "",
            name: name ? name : "",
Example #13
Source File: useRouter.ts    From firetable with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// used to transform routerContext into a hook
// TODO : find alternate solution as this uses an internal variable
export default function useRouter() {
  return useContext<RouteComponentProps<{ [key: string]: string }>>(
Example #14
Source File: NotificationList.tsx    From clearflask with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
class NotificationList extends Component<Props & ConnectProps & WithTranslation<'app'> & WithStyles<typeof styles, true> & RouteComponentProps> {

  constructor(props) {


  render() {
    if (!this.props.userId) {
      return (<ErrorMsg msg='You need to log in to see your notifications' variant='info' />);
    const hasNotifications = this.props.notifications && this.props.notifications.length > 0;
    return (
      <div className={this.props.className}>
        <div className={this.props.classes.table}>
          <Table size='medium'>
              {!hasNotifications ? (
              ) : this.props.notifications!.map(notification => (
                    onClick={() => this.clearNotification(notification)}
                    <TableCell key='date'><Typography><TimeAgo date={notification.created} /></Typography></TableCell>
                    <TableCell key='description'><Typography>{notification.description}</Typography></TableCell>
        {hasNotifications && (
          <Button fullWidth className={this.props.classes.button} onClick={() => this.clearAll()}>
        {this.props.getNextNotifications && (
          <Button fullWidth className={this.props.classes.button} onClick={() => this.props.getNextNotifications && this.props.getNextNotifications()}>

  getNotificationTo(notification: Client.Notification): string {
    if (notification.relatedIdeaId) {
      if (notification.relatedCommentId) {
        return `/post/${notification.relatedIdeaId}/comment/${notification.relatedCommentId}`;
      } else {
        return `/post/${notification.relatedIdeaId}`;
    } else {
      return `/account`;

  clearNotification(notification: Client.Notification) {
    this.props.server.dispatch().then(d => d.notificationClear({
      projectId: this.props.server.getProjectId(),
      notificationId: notification.notificationId,

  clearAll() {
    this.props.server.dispatch().then(d => d.notificationClearAll({
      projectId: this.props.server.getProjectId(),
Example #15
Source File: URLParser.ts    From kfp-tekton-backend with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
constructor(routeProps: RouteComponentProps) {
    this._routeProps = routeProps;
    this._paramMap = new URLSearchParams(;
Example #16
Source File: MigrateV1Exchange.tsx    From dyp with Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License 5 votes vote down vote up
export default function MigrateV1Exchange({
  match: {
    params: { address }
}: RouteComponentProps<{ address: string }>) {
  const validatedAddress = isAddress(address)
  const { chainId, account } = useActiveWeb3React()

  const exchangeContract = useV1ExchangeContract(validatedAddress ? validatedAddress : undefined)
  const tokenAddress = useSingleCallResult(exchangeContract, 'tokenAddress', undefined, NEVER_RELOAD)?.result?.[0]

  const token = useToken(tokenAddress)

  const liquidityToken: Token | undefined = useMemo(
    () =>
      validatedAddress && chainId && token
        ? new Token(chainId, validatedAddress, 18, `UNI-V1-${token.symbol}`, 'Uniswap V1')
        : undefined,
    [chainId, validatedAddress, token]
  const userLiquidityBalance = useTokenBalance(account ?? undefined, liquidityToken)

  // redirect for invalid url params
  if (!validatedAddress || tokenAddress === AddressZero) {
    console.error('Invalid address in path', address)
    return <Redirect to="/migrate/v1" />

  return (
    <BodyWrapper style={{ padding: 24 }}>
      <AutoColumn gap="16px">
        <AutoRow style={{ alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between' }} gap="8px">
          <BackArrow to="/migrate/v1" />
          <TYPE.mediumHeader>Migrate V1 Liquidity</TYPE.mediumHeader>
            <QuestionHelper text="Migrate your liquidity tokens from Uniswap V1 to Uniswap V2." />

        {!account ? (
          <TYPE.largeHeader>You must connect an account.</TYPE.largeHeader>
        ) : validatedAddress && chainId && token?.equals(WETH[chainId]) ? (
            <TYPE.body my={9} style={{ fontWeight: 400 }}>
              Because Uniswap V2 uses WETH under the hood, your Uniswap V1 WETH/ETH liquidity cannot be migrated. You
              may want to remove your liquidity instead.

              onClick={() => {
        ) : userLiquidityBalance && token ? (
          <V1PairMigration liquidityTokenAmount={userLiquidityBalance} token={token} />
        ) : (
          <EmptyState message="Loading..." />
Example #17
Source File: Home.tsx    From viewer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
Home = ({ history }: RouteComponentProps) => {
  return (
    <div className={styles.container}>
      <div className={styles.content}>
        <div className={styles.title}>
            <Itwin className={styles.logo} />
            {"iTwinViewer Sample App"}
        <img className={styles.img} src={modelImg} alt={"modelImage"} />
        <div className={styles.signIn}>
            onClick={() => history.push("/viewer")}
            {"Remote Connection"}
            onClick={() => history.push("/blankconnection")}
            {"Blank Connection"}
            onClick={() => history.push("/imodelbank")}
            {"iModel Bank"}
Example #18
Source File: RoutedComponent.tsx    From foundation-lib-spa-core with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
RoutedComponent : FunctionComponent<RouteComponentProps> = (props: RouteComponentProps) =>
    const epi = useEpiserver();
    const repo = useIContentRepository();
    const ssr = useServerSideRendering();
    const path = props.location.pathname;
    const [iContent, setIContent] = useState<IContent | null>(ssr.getIContentByPath(path));
    const debug = epi.isDebugActive();
    const lang = epi.Language;

    // Handle path changes
    useEffect(() => {
        let isCancelled = false;
        repo.getByRoute(path).then(c => {
            if (isCancelled) return;
            epi.setRoutedContent(c || undefined);
        return () => { isCancelled = true; epi.setRoutedContent(); };
    }, [ path, repo, epi ]);

    // Handle content changes
    useEffect(() => {
        let isCancelled = false;
        if (!iContent) return () => { isCancelled = true; };
        const linkId = ContentLinkService.createLanguageId(iContent, lang, true);

        const afterPatch : (link: Readonly<ContentReference>, oldValue: Readonly<IContent>, newValue: IContent) => void = (link, oldValue, newValue) => {
            const itemApiId = ContentLinkService.createLanguageId(link, lang, true);
            if (debug) console.debug('RoutedComponent.onContentPatched => Checking content ids (link, received)', linkId, itemApiId);
            if (linkId === itemApiId && !isCancelled) {
                if (debug) console.debug('RoutedComponent.onContentPatched => Updating iContent', itemApiId, newValue);
        const afterUpdate : (item : IContent | null) => void = (item: IContent | null) => {
            if (!item) return;
            const itemApiId = ContentLinkService.createLanguageId(item, lang, true);
            if (debug) console.debug('RoutedComponent.onContentPatched => Checking content ids (link, received)', linkId, itemApiId);
            if (linkId === itemApiId) {
                if (debug) console.debug('RoutedComponent.onContentUpdated => Updating iContent', itemApiId, item);
        repo.addListener("afterPatch", afterPatch );
        repo.addListener("afterUpdate", afterUpdate);

        return () => {
            isCancelled = true;
            repo.removeListener("afterPatch", afterPatch);
            repo.removeListener("afterUpdate", afterUpdate);
    }, [ repo, debug, lang, iContent]);

    if (iContent === null) return <Spinner />
    return <IContentRenderer data={ iContent } path={ props.location.pathname } />
Example #19
Source File: MigrateV1Exchange.tsx    From goose-frontend-amm with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
export default function MigrateV1Exchange({
  match: {
    params: { address },
}: RouteComponentProps<{ address: string }>) {
  const validatedAddress = isAddress(address)
  const { chainId, account } = useActiveWeb3React()

  const exchangeContract = useV1ExchangeContract(validatedAddress || undefined)
  const tokenAddress = useSingleCallResult(exchangeContract, 'tokenAddress', undefined, NEVER_RELOAD)?.result?.[0]

  const token = useToken(tokenAddress)

  const liquidityToken: Token | undefined = useMemo(
    () =>
      validatedAddress && chainId && token
        ? new Token(chainId, validatedAddress, 18, `UNI-V1-${token.symbol}`, 'Uniswap V1')
        : undefined,
    [chainId, validatedAddress, token]
  const userLiquidityBalance = useTokenBalance(account ?? undefined, liquidityToken)

  // redirect for invalid url params
  if (!validatedAddress || tokenAddress === AddressZero) {
    console.error('Invalid address in path', address)
    return <Redirect to="/migrate/v1" />

  return (
      <AutoColumn gap="16px">
        <AutoRow style={{ alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between' }} gap="8px">
          <BackArrow to="/migrate/v1" />
          <MediumHeader>Migrate V1 Liquidity</MediumHeader>
            <QuestionHelper text="Migrate your liquidity tokens from Uniswap V1 to Uniswap V2." />

        {!account ? (
          <LargeHeader>You must connect an account.</LargeHeader>
        ) : validatedAddress && chainId && token?.equals(WETH[chainId]) ? (
            <Body my={9} style={{ fontWeight: 400 }}>
              Because Uniswap V2 uses WETH under the hood, your Uniswap V1 WETH/ETH liquidity cannot be migrated. You
              may want to remove your liquidity instead.

              onClick={() => {
        ) : userLiquidityBalance && token ? (
          <V1PairMigration liquidityTokenAmount={userLiquidityBalance} token={token} />
        ) : (
          <EmptyState message="Loading..." />
Example #20
Source File: RecipientsPage.tsx    From OpenVolunteerPlatform with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
RecipientsPage: React.FC<RouteComponentProps> = ({ match }) => {
  let { data, loading, error } = useFindRecipientsQuery();

  if (error) {

  if (loading) return <IonLoading

  let content;
  if (data?.findRecipients?.items.length !== 0) {
    content = <RecipientList recipients={data?.findRecipients.items as any} />
  } else {
    content = <Empty message={<p>No data!</p>} />;

  return (
      <Header title="List of Recipients" match={match} />

      <IonContent className="ion-padding" >
        <IonFab vertical="bottom" horizontal="end" slot="fixed">
          <IonFabButton routerLink="createRecipient">
            <IonIcon icon={add} />
          OpenVolunteer Platform
    </IonPage >

Example #21
Source File: MigrateV1Exchange.tsx    From luaswap-interface with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
export default function MigrateV1Exchange({
  match: {
    params: { address }
}: RouteComponentProps<{ address: string }>) {
  const validatedAddress = isAddress(address)
  const { chainId, account } = useActiveWeb3React()

  const exchangeContract = useV1ExchangeContract(validatedAddress ? validatedAddress : undefined)
  const tokenAddress = useSingleCallResult(exchangeContract, 'tokenAddress', undefined, NEVER_RELOAD)?.result?.[0]

  const token = useToken(tokenAddress)

  const liquidityToken: Token | undefined = useMemo(
    () =>
      validatedAddress && chainId && token
        ? new Token(chainId, validatedAddress, 18, `LUA-V1-${token.symbol}`, 'LuaSwap LP Token V1')
        : undefined,
    [chainId, validatedAddress, token]
  const userLiquidityBalance = useTokenBalance(account ?? undefined, liquidityToken)

  // redirect for invalid url params
  if (!validatedAddress || tokenAddress === AddressZero) {
    console.error('Invalid address in path', address)
    return <Redirect to="/migrate/v1" />

  return (
    <BodyWrapper style={{ padding: 24 }}>
      <AutoColumn gap="16px">
        <AutoRow style={{ alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between' }} gap="8px">
          <BackArrow to="/migrate/v1" />
          <TYPE.mediumHeader>Migrate V1 Liquidity</TYPE.mediumHeader>
            <QuestionHelper text="Migrate your liquidity tokens from LuaSwap V1 to LuaSwap V2." />

        {!account ? (
          <TYPE.largeHeader>You must connect an account.</TYPE.largeHeader>
        ) : validatedAddress && chainId && token?.equals(WETH[chainId]) ? (
            <TYPE.body my={9} style={{ fontWeight: 400 }}>
              Because LuaSwap V2 uses WETH under the hood, your LuaSwap V1 WETH/ETH liquidity cannot be migrated. You
              may want to remove your liquidity instead.

              onClick={() => {
        ) : userLiquidityBalance && token ? (
          <V1PairMigration liquidityTokenAmount={userLiquidityBalance} token={token} />
        ) : (
          <EmptyState message="Loading..." />
Example #22
Source File: Profile.tsx    From with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
componentDidUpdate = (prevProps: RouteComponentProps<ProfileProps>) => {
    const { username } = this.props.match.params;
    const { username: prevUsername } = prevProps.match.params;

    if (username !== prevUsername) {
Example #23
Source File: ActionPage.tsx    From OpenVolunteerPlatform with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
ActionPage: React.FC<RouteComponentProps> = ({ match }) => {
  const { data, loading, error } = useFindVolunteerActionsQuery();

  if (error) {

  if (loading) return <IonLoading

  let content;
  if (data?.findVolunteerActions?.items.length !== 0) {
    content = <ActionsList actions={data?.findVolunteerActions?.items} />
  } else {
    content = <Empty message={<p>No actions!</p>} />;

  return (
      <Header title="OpenVolunteer Admin App" match={match} />

      <IonContent className="ion-padding" >
      <IonFab vertical="top" horizontal="end" slot="fixed">
          {/* TODO add handling */}
            <IonIcon icon={filter} />
        <IonFab vertical="bottom" horizontal="end" slot="fixed">
          <IonFabButton routerLink="createAction">
            <IonIcon icon={add} />
          OpenVolunteer Platform
    </IonPage >

Example #24
Source File: RemoveV1Exchange.tsx    From luaswap-interface with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
export default function RemoveV1Exchange({
  match: {
    params: { address }
}: RouteComponentProps<{ address: string }>) {
  const validatedAddress = isAddress(address)
  const { chainId, account } = useActiveWeb3React()

  const exchangeContract = useV1ExchangeContract(validatedAddress ? validatedAddress : undefined, true)
  const tokenAddress = useSingleCallResult(exchangeContract, 'tokenAddress', undefined, NEVER_RELOAD)?.result?.[0]
  const token = useToken(tokenAddress)

  const liquidityToken: Token | undefined = useMemo(
    () =>
      validatedAddress && chainId && token
        ? new Token(chainId, validatedAddress, 18, `LUA-V1-${token.symbol}`, 'LuaSwap LP Token V1')
        : undefined,
    [chainId, validatedAddress, token]
  const userLiquidityBalance = useTokenBalance(account ?? undefined, liquidityToken)

  // redirect for invalid url params
  if (!validatedAddress || tokenAddress === AddressZero) {
    console.error('Invalid address in path', address)
    return <Redirect to="/migrate/v1" />

  return (
    <BodyWrapper style={{ padding: 24 }} id="remove-v1-exchange">
      <AutoColumn gap="16px">
        <AutoRow style={{ alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between' }} gap="8px">
          <BackArrow to="/migrate/v1" />
          <TYPE.mediumHeader>Remove V1 Liquidity</TYPE.mediumHeader>
            <QuestionHelper text="Remove your LuaSwap V1 liquidity tokens." />

        {!account ? (
          <TYPE.largeHeader>You must connect an account.</TYPE.largeHeader>
        ) : userLiquidityBalance && token && exchangeContract ? (
        ) : (
          <EmptyState message="Loading..." />
Example #25
Source File: MigrateV1Exchange.tsx    From sushiswap-exchange with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
export default function MigrateV1Exchange({
  match: {
    params: { address }
}: RouteComponentProps<{ address: string }>) {
  const validatedAddress = isAddress(address)
  const { chainId, account } = useActiveWeb3React()

  const exchangeContract = useV1ExchangeContract(validatedAddress ? validatedAddress : undefined)
  const tokenAddress = useSingleCallResult(exchangeContract, 'tokenAddress', undefined, NEVER_RELOAD)?.result?.[0]

  const token = useToken(tokenAddress)

  const liquidityToken: Token | undefined = useMemo(
    () =>
      validatedAddress && chainId && token
        ? new Token(chainId, validatedAddress, 18, `UNI-V1-${token.symbol}`, 'Uniswap V1')
        : undefined,
    [chainId, validatedAddress, token]
  const userLiquidityBalance = useTokenBalance(account ?? undefined, liquidityToken)

  // redirect for invalid url params
  if (!validatedAddress || tokenAddress === AddressZero) {
    console.error('Invalid address in path', address)
    return <Redirect to="/migrate/v1" />

  return (
    <BodyWrapper style={{ padding: 24 }}>
      <AutoColumn gap="16px">
        <AutoRow style={{ alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'space-between' }} gap="8px">
          <BackArrow to="/migrate/v1" />
          <TYPE.mediumHeader>Migrate V1 Liquidity</TYPE.mediumHeader>
            <QuestionHelper text="Migrate your liquidity tokens from Uniswap V1 to SushiSwap LP Token." />

        {!account ? (
          <TYPE.largeHeader>You must connect an account.</TYPE.largeHeader>
        ) : validatedAddress && chainId && token?.equals(WETH[chainId]) ? (
            <TYPE.body my={9} style={{ fontWeight: 400 }}>
              Because SushiSwap LP Token uses WETH under the hood, your Uniswap V1 WETH/ETH liquidity cannot be migrated. You
              may want to remove your liquidity instead.

              onClick={() => {
        ) : userLiquidityBalance && token ? (
          <V1PairMigration liquidityTokenAmount={userLiquidityBalance} token={token} />
        ) : (
          <EmptyState message="Loading..." />
Example #26
Source File: DistributionCentrePage.tsx    From OpenVolunteerPlatform with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
DistributionCentrePage: React.FC<RouteComponentProps> = ({ match }) => {
  const history = useHistory();
  let { data, loading, error } = useFindFlatDistributionCentresQuery();

  if (error) {

  if (loading) return <IonLoading

  const distributionCentres = data?.findDistributionCentres?.items || [];

  let mapContent = <Empty />;
  const size = distributionCentres.length;

  if (size > 0) {
    const totalLatLong = {
      lat: 0, lng: 0

    const distributionMarkers = distributionCentres
      .map((distributionCentre, index) => {
        const lat = distributionCentre?.lat!;
        const lng = distributionCentre?.long!; += lat;
        totalLatLong.lng += lng;

        const title = `${distributionCentre?.address1} ${distributionCentre?.address2} ${distributionCentre?.city}`;

        return <Marker
          onClick={() => history.push(`/manageDistributionCentre/${distributionCentre?._id}`)}
          }} />

    mapContent = <Map
        lat: / size,
        lng: totalLatLong.lng / size

  return (
      <Header title="Distribution Centers Map" match={match} />
      <IonContent className="ion-padding" >
        <IonFab vertical="bottom" horizontal="end" slot="fixed">
          <IonFabButton routerLink="createDistributionCentre">
            <IonIcon icon={add} />
          OpenVolunteer Platform
    </IonPage >
Example #27
Source File: DocsImagesInner.tsx    From companion-kit with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
DocsImagesInner = observer((props: RouteComponentProps<{ clientId: string}>) => {
    const model = React.useMemo(() => new DocsImageInnerPage(props.match.params.clientId), [props.match.params.clientId]);

    const { inProgress, clientName, images } = model;

    return (
            <Page inProgress={inProgress} className="prompts-page interventions-page docs-images-inner-page">
                    <View className="heading-wrap">
                        <View onClick={onGoBack} className="arrow-link">
                            <Image className="arrow-icon" src={ProjectImages.backArrow} />
                        <View className="nav-wrap">
                            <Text className="title-h2 type5">Check-Ins</Text>
                            <Text className="breadcrumbs label-draganddrop">{`${clientName} / `}<Text className="last-breadcrumb">Docs</Text></Text>
                    <View className="content">
                        <View className="prompt-wrap interventions-wrap docs-images-wrap">
                            <SRLWrapper options={optionsLightbox}>
                                <View className="images-list">
                                    {, index) => (
                                        !item.image.url ?
                                            <View className="placeholder"></View>
                                                key={item.image.url || index}
Example #28
Source File: ProfilePage.tsx    From OpenVolunteerPlatform with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
ProfilePage: React.FC<RouteComponentProps> = ({ match }) => {
  let { keycloak, profile } = useContext(AuthContext);

  if (!keycloak || !profile) return (
        <IonCardTitle>Authentication not configured</IonCardTitle>
        <IonCardSubtitle>IDM service required</IonCardSubtitle>
        Profile page cannot be displayed.
        Please enable Auth SDK by providing configuration pointing to your IDM service

  return (
      <Header title="Profile" match={match} />
              <IonItemDivider color="light">
                <h2>Admin user information</h2>
                model={{ ...profile }}
                <AutoFields />
                <ErrorsField />

Example #29
Source File: ClientDetails.tsx    From companion-kit with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
export function ClientDetailsWithTabs(props: RouteComponentProps<{ clientId: string, tab: string }>) {
    const tabValue = Routes.ClientDetails.Tabs.fromKey(;
    const clientId = props.match.params.clientId;
    // console.log('ClientDetailsWithTabs',, props.match.params.clientId);
    return (
        <ClientDetails clientId={clientId} tab={tabValue} />