react-table#useFlexLayout TypeScript Examples
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Example #1
Source File: FeTable.tsx From frontegg-react with MIT License | 5 votes |
FeTable: FC<TableProps> = <T extends object>(props: TableProps<T>) => { const tableRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const firstRender = useRef<boolean>(true); const columns = useMemo(() => { const columns = ({ sortable, Filter, Header, }) => ({, disableSortBy: !sortable, disableFilters: !Filter, Filter, Header: Header ?? <div style={{ minWidth: rest.minWidth, maxWidth: rest.maxWidth }} />, } as FeTableColumnOptions<T>) ); if (props.expandable) { columns.unshift({ id: 'fe-expander', minWidth: 60, maxWidth: '60px' as any, Header: <div style={{ minWidth: '2rem', maxWidth: '2rem' }} />, Cell: (cell: Cell<T>) => { const row = cell.row as Row<T> & UseExpandedRowProps<T>; return ( <FeButton className={classNames('fe-table__expand-button', { 'is-expanded': row.isExpanded })} {...row.getToggleRowExpandedProps()} variant={row.isExpanded ? 'primary' : undefined} > <FeIcon name='right-arrow' /> </FeButton> ); }, }); } if (props.selection) { columns.unshift({ id: 'fe-selection', minWidth: 60, maxWidth: '60px' as any, Cell: (cell: Cell<T>) => { const row = cell.row as Row<T> & UseRowSelectRowProps<T>; return ( <FeCheckbox {...row.getToggleRowSelectedProps()} checked={row.isSelected} onChange={(e) => onRowSelected(row.original,} /> ); }, }); } return columns as Column<T>[]; }, [props.columns, props.expandable]); const { getTableProps, getTableBodyProps, headerGroups, rows, prepareRow, state, // The page controls ;) page, canPreviousPage, canNextPage, pageOptions, pageCount, gotoPage, nextPage, previousPage, setPageSize, // select props toggleAllRowsSelected, isAllRowsSelected, selectedFlatRows, toggleRowSelected, } = useTable( { columns, data:, getRowId: (row: any) => row[props.rowKey], manualSortBy: !!props.onSortChange, manualFilters: !!props.onFilterChange, manualPagination: !!props.onPageChange, manualRowSelectedKey: props.rowKey, pageCount: !!props.onPageChange ? props.pageCount : undefined, autoResetPage: !props.onPageChange, useControlledState: (state1: any, meta) => ({ ...state1, sortBy: props.sortBy ?? state1.sortBy, filters: props.filters ?? state1.filters, selectedRowIds: props.selectedRowIds ?? state1.selectedRowIds, } as FeTableState<T>), expandSubRows: false, autoResetExpanded: false, initialState: { pageIndex: 0, pageSize: props.pageSize, selectedRowIds: props.selectedRowIds || {}, }, } as FeUseTable<T>, useFilters, useSortBy, useExpanded, usePagination, useRowSelect, useFlexLayout ) as FeTableInstance<T>; checkTableProps(props); const tableState = state as UseSortByState<T> & UseFiltersState<T> & UsePaginationState<T> & UseRowSelectState<T>; const onSortChange = useCallback( (column: FeTableColumnProps<T>) => { if (props.hasOwnProperty('sortBy')) { const sortBy = props.isMultiSort ? tableState.sortBy.filter(({ id }) => id !== : []; if (!column.isSorted) { sortBy.push({ id:, desc: false }); } else if (!column.isSortedDesc) { sortBy.push({ id:, desc: true }); } props.onSortChange?.(sortBy); } else { if (column.isSorted && column.isSortedDesc) { column.clearSortBy(); } else { column.toggleSortBy(column.isSorted, props.isMultiSort ?? false); } } }, [props.onSortChange] ); const onFilterChange = useCallback( (column: FeTableColumnProps<T>, filterValue?: any) => { if (props.hasOwnProperty('filters')) { const filters = tableState.filters.filter(({ id }) => id !==; if (filterValue != null) { filters.push({ id:, value: filterValue }); } props.onFilterChange?.(filters); } else { column.setFilter(filterValue); } }, [props.onFilterChange, tableState] ); const onToggleAllRowsSelected = useCallback( (value: boolean) => { if (props.hasOwnProperty('selectedRowIds')) { const selectedIds =, n: any) => ({ ...p, [n[props.rowKey]]: true }), {}); props.onRowSelected?.(value ? selectedIds : {}); } else { toggleAllRowsSelected(value); } }, [props.onRowSelected] ); const onRowSelected = useCallback( (row: any, value: boolean) => { const id = row[props.rowKey]; if (props.hasOwnProperty('selectedRowIds')) { const newSelectedRows: any = { ...props.selectedRowIds }; if (value) { newSelectedRows[id] = true; } else { delete newSelectedRows[id]; } props.onRowSelected?.(newSelectedRows); } else { toggleRowSelected(id, value); } }, [props.onRowSelected] ); const handleOnPageChange = useCallback(() => { if (pagination === 'pages') { tableRef.current?.querySelector(`.${prefixCls}__tbody`)?.scroll?.({ top: 0, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }); } props.onPageChange?.(tableState.pageSize, tableState.pageIndex); }, [tableState.pageIndex]); useEffect(() => { !props.hasOwnProperty('sortBy') && props.onSortChange?.(tableState.sortBy); }, [props.sortBy, tableState.sortBy]); useEffect(() => { !props.hasOwnProperty('filters') && props.onFilterChange?.(tableState.filters); }, [props.filters, tableState.filters]); useEffect(() => { firstRender.current ? (firstRender.current = false) : handleOnPageChange(); }, [tableState.pageIndex]); useEffect(() => { !props.hasOwnProperty('selectedRowIds') && props.onRowSelected?.(tableState.selectedRowIds as any); }, [tableState.selectedRowIds]); const tableHeadProps: FeTableTHeadProps<T> = { prefixCls, headerGroups, onSortChange, onFilterChange, toggleAllRowsSelected, isAllRowsSelected, selectedFlatRows, }; const tableRows: (Row<T> & UseExpandedRowProps<T>)[] = useMemo( () => (props.pagination ? page : rows) as (Row<T> & UseExpandedRowProps<T>)[], [page, rows, props.pagination] ); const tablePaginationProps: FeTablePaginationProps<T> = { pageIndex: tableState.pageIndex, pageSize: tableState.pageSize, canPreviousPage, canNextPage, pageOptions, pageCount, gotoPage, nextPage, previousPage, setPageSize, }; const { className, toolbar, loading, pagination, pageSize } = props; return ( <div className='fe-table__container'> <div ref={tableRef} className={classNames(prefixCls, className)} {...getTableProps()}> {toolbar && <FeTableToolbar />} <div className={classNames( `${prefixCls}__table-container`, loading && pagination === 'pages' && `${prefixCls}__table-container-loading` )} > <FeTableTBody pageSize={pageSize} pagination={pagination} onInfiniteScroll={handleOnPageChange} loading={props.loading} prefixCls={prefixCls} prepareRow={prepareRow} getTableBodyProps={getTableBodyProps} renderExpandedComponent={props.renderExpandedComponent} rows={tableRows} /> <FeTableTHead {...tableHeadProps} /> </div> {loading && pagination === 'pages' && rows.length > 0 && <FeLoader center size={24} />} {pagination === 'pages' && <FeTablePagination {...tablePaginationProps} />} </div> </div> ); }
Example #2
Source File: Table.tsx From frontegg-react with MIT License | 4 votes |
Table: FC<TableProps> = <T extends object>(props: TableProps<T>) => { const classes = useStyles(); const tableRef = useRef<HTMLTableElement>(null); const firstRender = useRef<boolean>(true); const columns = useMemo(() => { const columns = ({ sortable, Filter, Header, }) => ({, disableSortBy: !sortable, disableFilters: !Filter, Filter, Header: Header ?? <div style={{ minWidth: rest.minWidth, maxWidth: rest.maxWidth }} />, } as FeTableColumnOptions<T>) ); if (props.expandable) { columns.unshift({ id: 'fe-expander', minWidth: 60, maxWidth: '60px' as any, Header: <div style={{ minWidth: '1.5rem', maxWidth: '1.5rem' }} />, Cell: (cell: Cell<T>) => { const row = cell.row as Row<T> & UseExpandedRowProps<T>; return ( <IconButton className={classes.expandIcon} {...row.getToggleRowExpandedProps()}> {row.isExpanded ? <KeyboardArrowUpIcon /> : <KeyboardArrowDownIcon />} </IconButton> ); }, }); } if (props.selection) { columns.unshift({ id: 'fe-selection', minWidth: 60, maxWidth: '60px' as any, Cell: (cell: Cell<T>) => { const row = cell.row as Row<T> & UseRowSelectRowProps<T>; return ( <Checkbox className={classes.checkBox} {...row.getToggleRowSelectedProps()} checked={row.isSelected} onChange={(e) => onRowSelected(row.original,} /> ); }, }); } return columns as Column<T>[]; }, [props.columns, props.expandable]); const tableHooks: PluginHook<T>[] = [useFilters, useSortBy]; if (props.expandable) { tableHooks.push(useExpanded); } if (props.pagination) { tableHooks.push(usePagination); } if (props.selection) { tableHooks.push(useRowSelect); } tableHooks.push(useFlexLayout); const { getTableProps, getTableBodyProps, headerGroups, rows, prepareRow, state, // The page controls ;) page, // canPreviousPage, // canNextPage, pageOptions, pageCount, gotoPage, nextPage, previousPage, // setPageSize, // select props toggleAllRowsSelected, isAllRowsSelected, selectedFlatRows, toggleRowSelected, } = useTable( { columns, data:, getRowId: (row: any) => row[props.rowKey], manualSortBy: !!props.onSortChange, manualFilters: !!props.onFilterChange, manualPagination: !!props.onPageChange, manualRowSelectedKey: props.rowKey, pageCount: !!props.onPageChange ? props.pageCount : undefined, autoResetPage: !props.onPageChange, useControlledState: (state1: any) => { return { ...state1, sortBy: props.sortBy ?? state1.sortBy, filters: props.filters ?? state1.filters, selectedRowIds: props.selectedRowIds ?? state1.selectedRowIds, } as TableState<T> & UseFiltersState<T> & UseSortByState<T> & UseRowSelectState<T>; }, expandSubRows: false, initialState: { pageIndex: 0, pageSize: props.pageSize ?? 0, selectedRowIds: props.selectedRowIds || {}, }, } as UseTableOptions<T> & UseFiltersOptions<T> & UseSortByOptions<T> & UseExpandedOptions<T> & UseRowSelectOptions<T> & UsePaginationOptions<T>, ...tableHooks ) as TableInstance<T> & UseTableInstanceProps<T> & UsePaginationInstanceProps<T> & UseRowSelectInstanceProps<T>; if (props.expandable && !props.renderExpandedComponent) { throw Error('FeTable: you must provide renderExpandedComponent property if the table is expandable'); } if (props.hasOwnProperty('sortBy') && !props.onSortChange) { throw Error('FeTable: you must provide onSortChange property if sortBy is controlled'); } if (props.hasOwnProperty('filters') && !props.onFilterChange) { throw Error('FeTable: you must provide onFilterChange property if filters is controlled'); } if (props.hasOwnProperty('pagination') && !props.pageSize) { throw Error('FeTable: you must provide pageSize property if pagination enabled'); } if (props.hasOwnProperty('onPageChange') && !props.pageCount) { throw Error('FeTable: you must provide pageCount property if onPageChange is controlled'); } const tableState = state as UseSortByState<T> & UseFiltersState<T> & UsePaginationState<T> & UseRowSelectState<T>; const onSortChange = useCallback( (column: FeTableColumnProps<T>) => { if (props.hasOwnProperty('sortBy')) { const sortBy = props.isMultiSort ? tableState.sortBy.filter(({ id }) => id !== : []; if (!column.isSorted) { sortBy.push({ id:, desc: false }); } else if (!column.isSortedDesc) { sortBy.push({ id:, desc: true }); } props.onSortChange?.(sortBy); } else { if (column.isSorted && column.isSortedDesc) { column.clearSortBy(); } else { column.toggleSortBy(column.isSorted, props.isMultiSort ?? false); } } }, [props.onSortChange] ); const onFilterChange = useCallback( (column: FeTableColumnProps<T>, filterValue?: any) => { if (props.hasOwnProperty('filters')) { const filters = tableState.filters.filter(({ id }) => id !==; if (filterValue != null) { filters.push({ id:, value: filterValue }); } props.onFilterChange?.(filters); } else { column.setFilter(filterValue); } }, [props.onFilterChange, tableState] ); const onToggleAllRowsSelected = useCallback( (value: boolean) => { if (props.hasOwnProperty('selectedRowIds')) { const selectedIds =, n: any) => ({ ...p, [n[props.rowKey]]: true }), {}); props.onRowSelected?.(value ? selectedIds : {}); } else { toggleAllRowsSelected(value); } }, [props.onRowSelected] ); const onRowSelected = useCallback( (row: any, value: boolean) => { const id = row[props.rowKey]; if (props.hasOwnProperty('selectedRowIds')) { const newSelectedRows: any = { ...props.selectedRowIds }; if (value) { newSelectedRows[id] = true; } else { delete newSelectedRows[id]; } props.onRowSelected?.(newSelectedRows); } else { toggleRowSelected(id, value); } }, [props.onRowSelected] ); const handleOnPageChange = useCallback(() => { if (pagination === 'pages') { tableRef.current?.scroll?.({ top: 0, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }); } props.onPageChange?.(tableState.pageSize, tableState.pageIndex); }, [tableState.pageIndex]); useEffect(() => { !props.hasOwnProperty('sortBy') && props.onSortChange?.(tableState.sortBy); }, [props.sortBy, tableState.sortBy]); useEffect(() => { !props.hasOwnProperty('filters') && props.onFilterChange?.(tableState.filters); }, [props.filters, tableState.filters]); useEffect(() => { firstRender.current ? (firstRender.current = false) : handleOnPageChange(); }, [tableState.pageIndex]); useEffect(() => { !props.hasOwnProperty('selectedRowIds') && props.onRowSelected?.(tableState.selectedRowIds as any); }, [tableState.selectedRowIds]); const onPageChangeHandler = (page: number) => { if (page > tableState.pageIndex) { nextPage(); } else { previousPage(); } }; const { className, loading, pagination, totalData, pageSize } = props; return ( <Paper ref={tableRef} className={classes.paper}> <MaUTable className={classNames(classes.table, className)} {...getTableProps()}> <TableHead headerGroups={headerGroups} onSortChange={onSortChange} onFilterChange={onFilterChange} toggleAllRowsSelected={onToggleAllRowsSelected} isAllRowsSelected={isAllRowsSelected} selectedFlatRows={selectedFlatRows} /> <TableBody pageSize={pageSize} pagination={pagination} getTableBodyProps={getTableBodyProps} prepareRow={prepareRow} loading={loading} rows={(pagination ? page : rows) as (Row<T> & UseExpandedRowProps<T>)[]} renderExpandedComponent={props.renderExpandedComponent} onInfiniteScroll={handleOnPageChange} /> </MaUTable> {loading && pagination === 'pages' && rows.length > 0 && <Loader center size={24} />} {pagination === 'pages' && ( <TablePagination className={classes.footer} rowsPerPageOptions={[]} component='div' count={totalData || rows.length} rowsPerPage={tableState.pageSize} page={tableState.pageIndex} onChangePage={(e, page) => onPageChangeHandler(page)} ActionsComponent={(props) => ( <TablePaginationActions {...props} gotoPage={gotoPage} pageOptions={pageOptions} /> )} /> )} </Paper> ); }
Example #3
Source File: Table.tsx From opensaas with MIT License | 4 votes |
Table: React.FC<TableProps> = <T extends object>(props: TableProps<T>) => { const { expandable, selection, pagination, sortBy, pageCount, data, selectedRowIds, pageSize, rowKey, loading, isMultiSort, renderExpandedComponent, onPageChange, filters: propsFilters, onSortChange: propsOnSortChange, onRowSelected: propsOnRowSelected, onFilterChange: propsOnFilterChange, columns: propsColumns, } = props; const classes = useStyles(); const tableRef = useRef<HTMLTableElement>(null); const hasSortBy = props.hasOwnProperty('sortBy'); const hasFilters = props.hasOwnProperty('filters'); const hasPagination = props.hasOwnProperty('pagination'); const hasOnPageChange = props.hasOwnProperty('onPageChange'); const hasSelectedRowIds = props.hasOwnProperty('selectedRowIds'); const onRowSelected = useCallback( (row: UseRowSelectRowProps<T> & Row<T> & UseTableRowProps<T>, value: boolean) => { const id = (row.original as any)[rowKey]; if (hasSelectedRowIds) { const newSelectedRows: any = { ...selectedRowIds }; if (value) { newSelectedRows[id] = true; } else { delete newSelectedRows[id]; } propsOnRowSelected?.(newSelectedRows); } else { row.toggleRowSelected(value); } }, [hasSelectedRowIds, rowKey, selectedRowIds, propsOnRowSelected], ); const columns = useMemo(() => { const columns = ({ sortable, Filter, Header, }) => ({, disableSortBy: !sortable, disableFilters: !Filter, Filter, Header: Header ?? <div style={{ minWidth: rest.minWidth, maxWidth: rest.maxWidth }} />, } as TableColumnOptions<T>), ); if (expandable) { columns.unshift({ id: 'expander', minWidth: 60, maxWidth: '60px' as any, Cell: (cell: UseTableCellProps<T>) => { const row = cell.row as Row<T> & UseExpandedRowProps<T>; return ( <IconButton className={classes.expandIcon} {...row.getToggleRowExpandedProps()}> {row.isExpanded ? <KeyboardArrowUpIcon /> : <KeyboardArrowDownIcon />} </IconButton> ); }, }); } if (selection) { columns.unshift({ id: 'selection', minWidth: 60, maxWidth: '60px' as any, Cell: (cell: UseTableCellProps<T>) => { const row = cell.row as UseRowSelectRowProps<T> & Row<T> & UseTableRowProps<T>; return ( <Checkbox className={classes.checkBox} {...row.getToggleRowSelectedProps()} checked={row.isSelected} onChange={(e) => onRowSelected(row,} /> ); }, }); } return columns as Column<T>[]; }, [propsColumns, expandable, classes, selection, onRowSelected]); const tableHooks: PluginHook<T>[] = [useFilters, useSortBy]; if (expandable) { tableHooks.push(useExpanded); } if (pagination) { tableHooks.push(usePagination); } if (selection) { tableHooks.push(useRowSelect); } tableHooks.push(useFlexLayout); const { getTableProps, getTableBodyProps, headerGroups, rows, prepareRow, state, page, pageOptions, gotoPage, nextPage, previousPage, toggleAllRowsSelected, isAllRowsSelected, selectedFlatRows, } = useTable( { columns, data, getRowId: (row: any) => row[rowKey], manualSortBy: !!propsOnSortChange, manualFilters: !!propsOnFilterChange, manualPagination: !!onPageChange, manualRowSelectedKey: rowKey, pageCount: pageCount ?? 0, useControlledState: (state1: any) => ({ ...state1, sortBy: sortBy ?? state1.sortBy, filters: propsFilters ?? state1.filters, selectedRowIds: selectedRowIds ?? state1.selectedRowIds, } as TableState<T> & UseFiltersState<T> & UseSortByState<T> & UseRowSelectState<T>), expandSubRows: false, initialState: { pageIndex: 0, pageSize: pageSize ?? 0, selectedRowIds: selectedRowIds || {}, }, } as UseTableOptions<T> & UseFiltersOptions<T> & UseSortByOptions<T> & UseExpandedOptions<T> & UseRowSelectOptions<T> & UsePaginationOptions<T>, ...tableHooks, ) as TableInstance<T> & UseTableInstanceProps<T> & UsePaginationInstanceProps<T> & UseRowSelectInstanceProps<T>; if (expandable && !renderExpandedComponent) { throw Error('Table: you must provide renderExpandedComponent property if the table is expandable'); } if (hasSortBy && !propsOnSortChange) { throw Error('Table: you must provide onSortChange property if sortBy is controlled'); } if (hasFilters && !propsOnFilterChange) { throw Error('Table: you must provide onFilterChange property if filters is controlled'); } if (hasPagination && !pageSize) { throw Error('Table: you must provide pageSize property if pagination enabled'); } if (hasOnPageChange && !pageCount) { throw Error('Table: you must provide pageCount property if onPageChange is controlled'); } const tableState = state as UseSortByState<T> & UseFiltersState<T> & UsePaginationState<T> & UseRowSelectState<T>; const onSortChange = useCallback( (column: TableColumnProps<T>) => { if (hasSortBy) { const sortBy = isMultiSort ? tableState.sortBy.filter(({ id }) => id !== : []; if (!column.isSorted) { sortBy.push({ id:, desc: false }); } else if (!column.isSortedDesc) { sortBy.push({ id:, desc: true }); } propsOnSortChange?.(sortBy); } else { if (column.isSorted && column.isSortedDesc) { column.clearSortBy(); } else { column.toggleSortBy(column.isSorted, isMultiSort ?? false); } } }, [hasSortBy, isMultiSort, tableState.sortBy, propsOnSortChange], ); const onFilterChange = useCallback( (column: TableColumnProps<T>, filterValue?: any) => { if (hasFilters) { const filters = tableState.filters.filter(({ id }) => id !==; if (filterValue != null) { filters.push({ id:, value: filterValue }); } propsOnFilterChange?.(filters); } else { column.setFilter(filterValue); } }, [propsOnFilterChange, hasFilters, tableState.filters], ); const onToggleAllRowsSelected = useCallback( (value: boolean) => { if (hasSelectedRowIds) { const selectedIds = data.reduce((p, n: any) => ({ ...p, [n[rowKey]]: true }), {}); propsOnRowSelected?.(value ? selectedIds : {}); } else { toggleAllRowsSelected(value); } }, [hasSelectedRowIds, data, rowKey, propsOnRowSelected, toggleAllRowsSelected], ); useEffect(() => { if (!hasSortBy) propsOnSortChange?.(tableState.sortBy); }, [hasSortBy, propsOnSortChange, tableState.sortBy]); useEffect(() => { if (!hasFilters) propsOnFilterChange?.(tableState.filters); }, [hasFilters, propsOnFilterChange, tableState.filters]); useEffect(() => { tableRef.current?.querySelector('.table-tbody')?.scroll?.({ top: 0, left: 0, behavior: 'smooth' }); onPageChange?.(tableState.pageSize, tableState.pageIndex); }, [onPageChange, tableState.pageSize, tableState.pageIndex]); useEffect(() => { if (!hasSelectedRowIds) propsOnRowSelected?.(tableState.selectedRowIds as any); }, [hasSelectedRowIds, propsOnRowSelected, tableState.selectedRowIds]); const onPageChangeHandler = (page: number) => { if (page > tableState.pageIndex) { nextPage(); } else { previousPage(); } }; return ( <Paper className={classes.paper}> <MaterialUITable className={classes.table} ref={tableRef} {...getTableProps()}> <TableHead headerGroups={headerGroups} onSortChange={onSortChange} onFilterChange={onFilterChange} toggleAllRowsSelected={onToggleAllRowsSelected} isAllRowsSelected={isAllRowsSelected} selectedFlatRows={selectedFlatRows} /> <TableBody getTableBodyProps={getTableBodyProps} prepareRow={prepareRow} loading={loading} rows={(pagination ? page : rows) as (Row<T> & UseExpandedRowProps<T>)[]} renderExpandedComponent={renderExpandedComponent} /> </MaterialUITable> {pagination === 'pages' && ( <TablePagination className={classes.footer} rowsPerPageOptions={[]} component='div' count={rows.length} rowsPerPage={tableState.pageSize} page={tableState.pageIndex} onChangePage={(e, page) => onPageChangeHandler(page)} ActionsComponent={(props) => ( <TablePaginationActions {...props} gotoPage={gotoPage} pageOptions={pageOptions} /> )} /> )} </Paper> ); }