reactstrap#CardSubtitle TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use reactstrap#CardSubtitle. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: CovidCard.tsx    From health-cards-tests with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
CovidCard: React.FC<{
    holderState: HolderState,
    smartState: SmartState,
    uiState: UiState,
    displayQr: (vc) => Promise<void>,
    openScannerUi: () => Promise<void>,
    connectToIssuer: () => Promise<void>,
    connectToFhir: () => Promise<void>,
    dispatchToHolder: (e: Promise<any>) => Promise<void>
}> = ({ holderState, smartState, uiState, displayQr, openScannerUi, connectToFhir, connectToIssuer, dispatchToHolder }) => {
    const issuerInteractions = holderState.interactions.filter(i => i.siopPartnerRole === 'issuer').slice(-1)
    const issuerInteraction = issuerInteractions.length ? issuerInteractions[0] : null

    let currentStep = CardStep.CONFIGURE_WALLET;
    /* tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-conditional-expression */
    if (issuerInteraction?.status !== 'complete') {
        currentStep = CardStep.CONNECT_TO_ISSUER;
    } else {
        currentStep = CardStep.DOWNLOAD_CREDENTIAL;
    if (holderState.vcStore.length) {
        currentStep = CardStep.COMPLETE

    const retrieveVcClick = async () => {
        const onMessage = async ({ data, source }) => {
            const { verifiableCredential } = data
            window.removeEventListener("message", onMessage)
            await dispatchToHolder(receiveVcs(verifiableCredential, holderState))
        window.addEventListener("message", onMessage)

    useEffect(() => {
        if (smartState?.access_token && holderState.vcStore.length === 0) {
            const credentials = + `/Patient/${smartState.patient}/$health-cards-issue`, {
                "resourceType": "Parameters",
                "parameter": [{
                    "name": "credentialType",
                    "valueUri": ""
                    "name": "presentationContext",
                    "valueUri": ""
                }, {
                    "name": "encryptForKeyId",
                    "valueString": "#encryption-key-1"
            credentials.then(response => {
                const vcs = => === 'verifiableCredential').map(p => p.valueString)
                dispatchToHolder(receiveVcs(vcs, holderState))
    }, [smartState])

    const covidVcs = holderState.vcStore.filter(vc => vc.type.includes(""));

    const resources = covidVcs.flatMap(vc =>
            .flatMap(e => e.resource))

    const doses = resources.filter(r => r.resourceType === 'Immunization').length;
    const patient = resources.filter(r => r.resourceType === 'Patient')[0];
    console.log("P", patient);

    useEffect(() => {
        if (covidVcs.length === 0) {
        let file = new File([JSON.stringify({
            "verifiableCredential": => v.vcSigned)
        })], "", {
            type: "application/smart-health-card"
        const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(file);
    }, [covidVcs.length])
    const [downloadFileUrl, setDownloadFileUrl] = useState("");

    return <> {
        currentStep === CardStep.COMPLETE && <Card style={{ border: "1px solid grey", padding: ".5em", marginBottom: "1em" }}>
            <CardTitle style={{ fontWeight: "bolder" }}>
                COVID Cards ({covidVcs.length})

            <CardSubtitle className="text-muted">Your COVID results are ready to share, based on {" "}
                {resources && <>{resources.length} FHIR Resource{resources.length > 1 ? "s" : ""} <br /> </>}
                <li> Name: {[0].given[0]} {[0].family}</li>
                <li> Birthdate: {patient.birthDate}</li>
                <li> Immunization doses received: {doses}</li>
            <Button className="mb-1" color="info" onClick={() => displayQr(covidVcs[0])}>Display QR</Button>
            <a href={downloadFileUrl} download="">Download file</a>
    } {currentStep < CardStep.COMPLETE &&
        <Card style={{ border: ".25em dashed grey", padding: ".5em", marginBottom: "1em" }}>
            <CardTitle>COVID Cards </CardTitle>
            <CardSubtitle className="text-muted">You don't have any COVID cards in your wallet yet.</CardSubtitle>

            <Button disabled={true} className="mb-1" color="info">
                {currentStep > CardStep.CONFIGURE_WALLET && '✓ '} 1. Set up your Health Wallet</Button>

            <RS.UncontrolledButtonDropdown className="mb-1" >
                <DropdownToggle caret color={currentStep === CardStep.CONNECT_TO_ISSUER ? 'success' : 'info'} >
                    {currentStep > CardStep.CONNECT_TO_ISSUER && '✓ '}
                                    2. Get your Vaccination Credential
                <DropdownMenu style={{ width: "100%" }}>
                    <DropdownItem onClick={connectToFhir} >Connect with SMART on FHIR </DropdownItem>
                    <DropdownItem >Load from file (todo)</DropdownItem>
                disabled={currentStep !== CardStep.DOWNLOAD_CREDENTIAL}
                color={currentStep === CardStep.DOWNLOAD_CREDENTIAL ? 'success' : 'info'} >
                3. Save COVID card to wallet</Button>

Example #2
Source File: holder-page.tsx    From health-cards-tests with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
App: React.FC<AppProps> = (props) => {
    const [holderState, setHolderState] = useState<HolderState>(props.initialHolderState)
    const [uiState, dispatch] = useReducer(uiReducer, props.initialUiState)

    const [smartState, setSmartState] = useState<SmartState | null>(null)

    const issuerInteractions = holderState.interactions.filter(i => i.siopPartnerRole === 'issuer').slice(-1)
    const verifierInteractions = holderState.interactions.filter(i => i.siopPartnerRole === 'verifier').slice(-1)
    const siopAtNeedQr = issuerInteractions.concat(verifierInteractions).filter(i => i.status === 'need-qrcode').slice(-1)

    useEffect(() => {
        holderState.interactions.filter(i => i.status === 'need-redirect').forEach(i => {
            const redirectUrl = i.siopRequest.client_id + '#' + qs.encode(i.siopResponse.formPostBody)
            const opened =, "_blank")
            dispatchToHolder({ 'type': "siop-response-complete" })
    }, [holderState.interactions])

    const dispatchToHolder = async (ePromise) => {
        const e = await ePromise
        const holder = await holderReducer(holderState, e)
        setHolderState(state => holder)
        console.log("After event", e, "Holder state is", holder)

    const connectTo = who => async () => {
        dispatchToHolder({ 'type': 'begin-interaction', who })

    const onScanned = async (qrCodeUrl: string) => {
        dispatch({ type: 'scan-barcode' })
        await dispatchToHolder(receiveSiopRequest(qrCodeUrl, holderState));

    const connectToFhir = async () => {
        const connected = await makeFhirConnector(uiState, holderState)

    const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
    const toggle = () => setIsOpen(!isOpen);

    return <div style={{ paddingTop: "5em" }}>
        <RS.Navbar expand="" className="navbar-dark bg-info fixed-top">
                <NavbarBrand style={{ marginRight: "2em" }} href="/">
                    <img className="d-inline-block" style={{ maxHeight: "1em", maxWidth: "1em", marginRight: "10px" }} src={logo} />
                            Health Wallet Demo
                <NavbarToggler onClick={toggle} />
                <Collapse navbar={true} isOpen={isOpen}>
                    <Nav navbar={true}>
                        <NavLink href="#" onClick={() => {
                            dispatch({ type: 'open-scanner', 'label': 'Verifier' })
                        }}>Scan QR to Share</NavLink>
                        <NavLink href="#" onClick={connectTo('verifier')}> Open Employer Portal</NavLink>
                        <NavLink href="#config" onClick={e => dispatch({ type: 'toggle-editing-config' })}> Edit Config</NavLink>
                        <NavLink target="_blank" href="">Source on GitHub</NavLink>

        {uiState.scanningBarcode?.active &&
                onCancel={() => dispatch({'type': 'close-scanner'})}

        {siopAtNeedQr.length > 0 &&
                onCancel={() => dispatch({'type': 'close-scanner'})}
                startUrl={siopAtNeedQr[0].siopPartnerRole === 'issuer' ? uiState.issuer.issuerStartUrl : uiState.verifier.verifierStartUrl}

        {uiState.editingConfig && <ConfigEditModal uiState={uiState} defaultUiState={props.defaultUiState} dispatch={dispatch} />}
        {uiState.presentingQr?.active && <QRPresentationModal healthCard={uiState.presentingQr.vcToPresent} dispatch={dispatch} />}

        <SiopApprovalModal  {...parseSiopApprovalProps(holderState, dispatchToHolder)} />

        <RS.Container >
                <RS.Col xs="12">
                        displayQr={async (vc) => {
                            dispatch({type: 'begin-qr-presentation', vc})
                        openScannerUi={async () => {
                            dispatch({ type: 'open-scanner', 'label': 'Lab' })
                    <Card style={{ padding: ".5em" }}>
                        <CardTitle style={{ fontWeight: "bolder" }}>
                            Debugging Details
                        <CardSubtitle className="text-muted">Your browser's dev tools will show details on current page state + events </CardSubtitle>