sinon#mock TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use sinon#mock. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: example.test.ts    From ardrive-cli with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
// Describe the function or behavior to test
describe('The basicInputOutputExample function', () => {
	// Define input
	const input = 42;

	// Define expectedOutput
	const expectedOutput = 1596;

	// Basic Mocha/Chai unit test example
	it('returns the expected output', () => {
		const actual = basicInputOutputExample(input);

	// Asynchronous mocha/chai example
	it('asynchronously returns the expected output', async () => {
		const actual = await asyncInputOutputExample(input);

		// Returning anything to `it()` will conclude an async test
		return expect(actual).to.equal(expectedOutput);

	// To more easily be used with Sinon, use test function inside of an object
	const objectWithExampleFunctions = { basicInputOutputExample };

	// Sinon spy example
	it('returns correct output when checked by Sinon spy', () => {
		// Setup spy
		const sinonSpy = spy(objectWithExampleFunctions, 'basicInputOutputExample');

		// Run test as normal
		const actual = objectWithExampleFunctions.basicInputOutputExample(input);

		// Verify spy calls with Chai

	// Sinon stub example
	it('can be stubbed by a Sinon stub', () => {
		// Stub in a fake function
		stub(objectWithExampleFunctions, 'basicInputOutputExample').callsFake(() => 1337);

		const actual = objectWithExampleFunctions.basicInputOutputExample(input);

		// Verify stubbed output

	// Sinon mock example
	it('can be used in a Sinon mock', () => {
		// Create mock
		const sinonMock = mock(objectWithExampleFunctions);

		// Setup mock expectations

		const actual = objectWithExampleFunctions.basicInputOutputExample(input);

		// Confirm output with Chai

		// Verify mock expectations

	// Power-assert debugging example
	it('can provide detailed error output when used with the power-assert library', () => {
		// Comment out the regular Chai test
		// const output = basicInputOutputExample(input);
		// expect(output).to.equal(expectedOutput);

		// Put everything relevant inside a power-assert assertion
		// More info inside the assertion results in a more detailed output
		assert(basicInputOutputExample(input) === expectedOutput);

		 * This test has been left in a passing state because all tests must pass
		 * To view the detailed error output example, change above assertion to fail in some way
		 * For instance:
		 * assert(basicInputOutputExample(56) === expectedOutput);
		 * assert(basicInputOutputExample(input) !== expectedOutput);
		 * And then use: yarn power-assert -g 'power-assert'