vscode-languageclient#TextDocumentEdit TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use vscode-languageclient#TextDocumentEdit. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: extension.ts    From language-tools with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
function addRenameFileListener(getLS: () => LanguageClient) {
    workspace.onDidRenameFiles(async (evt) => {
        const oldUri = evt.files[0].oldUri.toString(true);
        const parts = oldUri.split(/\/|\\/);
        const lastPart = parts[parts.length - 1];
        // If user moves/renames a folder, the URI only contains the parts up to that folder,
        // and not files. So in case the URI does not contain a '.', check for imports to update.
        if (
            lastPart.includes('.') &&
            !['.ts', '.js', '.json', '.svelte'].some((ending) => lastPart.endsWith(ending))
        ) {

            { location: ProgressLocation.Window, title: 'Updating Imports..' },
            async () => {
                const editsForFileRename = await getLS().sendRequest<LSWorkspaceEdit | null>(
                    // Right now files is always an array with a single entry.
                    // The signature was only designed that way to - maybe, in the future -
                    // have the possibility to change that. If that ever does, update this.
                    // In the meantime, just assume it's a single entry and simplify the
                    // rest of the logic that way.
                        newUri: evt.files[0].newUri.toString(true)
                const edits = editsForFileRename?.documentChanges?.filter(TextDocumentEdit.is);
                if (!edits) {

                const workspaceEdit = new WorkspaceEdit();
                // We need to take into account multiple cases:
                // - A Svelte file is moved/renamed
                //      -> all updates will be related to that Svelte file, do that here. The TS LS won't even notice the update
                // - A TS/JS file is moved/renamed
                //      -> all updates will be related to that TS/JS file
                //      -> let the TS LS take care of these updates in TS/JS files, do Svelte file updates here
                // - A folder with TS/JS AND Svelte files is moved/renamed
                //      -> all Svelte file updates are handled here
                //      -> all TS/JS file updates that consist of only TS/JS import updates are handled by the TS LS
                //      -> all TS/JS file updates that consist of only Svelte import updates are handled here
                //      -> all TS/JS file updates that are mixed are handled here, but also possibly by the TS LS
                //         if the TS plugin doesn't prevent it. This trades risk of broken updates with certainty of missed updates
                edits.forEach((change) => {
                    const isTsOrJsFile =
                        change.textDocument.uri.endsWith('.ts') ||
                    const containsSvelteImportUpdate = change.edits.some((edit) =>
                    if (isTsOrJsFile && !containsSvelteImportUpdate) {

                    change.edits.forEach((edit) => {
                        if (
                            isTsOrJsFile &&
                            !TsPlugin.isEnabled() &&
                        ) {
                            // TS plugin enabled -> all mixed imports are handled here
                            // TS plugin disabled -> let TS/JS path updates be handled by the TS LS, Svelte here

                        // Renaming a file should only result in edits of existing files
                            new Range(
                                new Position(edit.range.start.line, edit.range.start.character),
                                new Position(edit.range.end.line, edit.range.end.character)