vue#createTextVNode TypeScript Examples
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Example #1
Source File: FormKitSchema.ts From formkit with MIT License | 4 votes |
* @param library - A library of concrete components to use
* @param schema -
* @returns
function parseSchema(
library: FormKitComponentLibrary,
schema: FormKitSchemaNode | FormKitSchemaNode[]
): SchemaProvider {
* Given an if/then/else schema node, pre-compile the node and return the
* artifacts for the render function.
* @param data - The schema context object
* @param library - The available components
* @param node - The node to parse
function parseCondition(
library: FormKitComponentLibrary,
node: FormKitSchemaCondition
): [RenderContent[0], RenderContent[3], RenderContent[4]] {
const condition = provider(compile(node.if), { if: true })
const children = createElements(library, node.then)
const alternate = node.else ? createElements(library, node.else) : null
return [condition, children, alternate]
* Parses a conditional if/then/else attribute statement.
* @param data - The data object
* @param attr - The attribute
* @param _default - The default value
* @returns
function parseConditionAttr(
attr: FormKitSchemaAttributesCondition,
_default: FormKitAttributeValue
): () => FormKitAttributeValue | FormKitSchemaAttributes {
const condition = provider(compile(attr.if))
let b: () => FormKitAttributeValue = () => _default
let a: () => FormKitAttributeValue = () => _default
if (typeof attr.then === 'object') {
a = parseAttrs(attr.then, undefined)
} else if (typeof attr.then === 'string' && attr.then?.startsWith('$')) {
a = provider(compile(attr.then))
} else {
a = () => attr.then
if (has(attr, 'else')) {
if (typeof attr.else === 'object') {
b = parseAttrs(attr.else)
} else if (typeof attr.else === 'string' && attr.else?.startsWith('$')) {
b = provider(compile(attr.else))
} else {
b = () => attr.else
return () => (condition() ? a() : b())
* Parse attributes for dynamic content.
* @param attrs - Object of attributes
* @returns
function parseAttrs(
unparsedAttrs?: FormKitSchemaAttributes | FormKitSchemaAttributesCondition,
bindExp?: string,
_default = {}
): () => FormKitSchemaAttributes {
const explicitAttrs = new Set(Object.keys(unparsedAttrs || {}))
const boundAttrs = bindExp ? provider(compile(bindExp)) : () => ({})
const staticAttrs: FormKitSchemaAttributes = {}
const setters: Array<(obj: Record<string, any>) => void> = [
(attrs) => {
const bound: Record<string, any> = boundAttrs()
for (const attr in bound) {
if (!explicitAttrs.has(attr)) {
attrs[attr] = bound[attr]
if (unparsedAttrs) {
if (isConditional(unparsedAttrs)) {
// This is a root conditional object that must produce an object of
// attributes.
const condition = parseConditionAttr(
) as () => FormKitSchemaAttributes
return condition
// Some attributes are explicitly bound, we need to parse those ones
// using the compiler and create a dynamic "setter".
for (let attr in unparsedAttrs) {
const value = unparsedAttrs[attr]
let getValue: () => any
const isStr = typeof value === 'string'
if (attr.startsWith(raw)) {
// attributes prefixed with __raw__ should not be parsed
attr = attr.substring(7)
getValue = () => value
} else if (
isStr &&
value.startsWith('$') &&
value.length > 1 &&
!(value.startsWith('$reset') && isClassProp.test(attr))
) {
// Most attribute values starting with $ should be compiled
// -class attributes starting with `$reset` should not be compiled
getValue = provider(compile(value))
} else if (typeof value === 'object' && isConditional(value)) {
// Conditional attrs require further processing
getValue = parseConditionAttr(value, undefined)
} else if (typeof value === 'object' && isPojo(value)) {
// Sub-parse pojos
getValue = parseAttrs(value)
} else {
// In all other cases, the value is static
getValue = () => value
staticAttrs[attr] = value
setters.push((attrs) => {
attrs[attr] = getValue()
return () => {
const attrs = {}
setters.forEach((setter) => setter(attrs))
return attrs
* Given a single schema node, parse it and extract the value.
* @param data - A state object provided to each node
* @param node - The schema node being parsed
* @returns
function parseNode(
library: FormKitComponentLibrary,
_node: FormKitSchemaNode
): RenderContent {
let element: RenderContent[1] = null
let attrs: () => FormKitSchemaAttributes = () => null
let condition: false | (() => boolean | number | string) = false
let children: RenderContent[3] = null
let alternate: RenderContent[4] = null
let iterator: RenderContent[5] = null
let resolve = false
const node = sugar(_node)
if (isDOM(node)) {
// This is an actual HTML DOM element
element = node.$el
attrs =
node.$el !== 'text' ? parseAttrs(node.attrs, node.bind) : () => null
} else if (isComponent(node)) {
// This is a Vue Component
if (typeof node.$cmp === 'string') {
if (has(library, node.$cmp)) {
element = library[node.$cmp]
} else {
element = node.$cmp
resolve = true
} else {
// in this case it must be an actual component
element = node.$cmp
attrs = parseAttrs(node.props, node.bind)
} else if (isConditional(node)) {
// This is an if/then schema statement
;[condition, children, alternate] = parseCondition(library, node)
// This is the same as a "v-if" statement — not an if/else statement
if (!isConditional(node) && 'if' in node) {
condition = provider(compile(node.if as string))
} else if (!isConditional(node) && element === null) {
// In this odd case our element is actually a partial and
// we only want to render the children.
condition = () => true
// Compile children down to a function
if ('children' in node && node.children) {
if (typeof node.children === 'string') {
// We are dealing with a raw string value
if (node.children.startsWith('$slots.')) {
// this is a lone text node, turn it into a slot
element = element === 'text' ? 'slot' : element
children = provider(compile(node.children))
} else if (node.children.startsWith('$') && node.children.length > 1) {
const value = provider(compile(node.children))
children = () => String(value())
} else {
children = () => String(node.children)
} else if (Array.isArray(node.children)) {
// We are dealing with node sub-children
children = createElements(library, node.children)
} else {
// This is a conditional if/else clause
const [childCondition, c, a] = parseCondition(library, node.children)
children = (iterationData?: Record<string, unknown>) =>
childCondition && childCondition()
? c && c(iterationData)
: a && a(iterationData)
if (isComponent(node)) {
if (children) {
// Children of components need to be provided as an object of slots
// so we provide an object with the default slot provided as children.
// We also create a new scope for this default slot, and then on each
// render pass the scoped slot props to the scope.
const produceChildren = children
children = (iterationData?: Record<string, unknown>) => {
return {
slotData?: Record<string, any>,
key?: symbol
): RenderableList {
// We need to switch the current instance key back to the one that
// originally called this component's render function.
const currentKey = instanceKey
if (key) instanceKey = key
if (slotData) instanceScopes.get(instanceKey)?.unshift(slotData)
if (iterationData)
const c = produceChildren(iterationData)
// Ensure our instance key never changed during runtime
if (slotData) instanceScopes.get(instanceKey)?.shift()
if (iterationData) instanceScopes.get(instanceKey)?.shift()
instanceKey = currentKey
return c as RenderableList
children.slot = true
} else {
// If we dont have any children, we still need to provide an object
// instead of an empty array (which raises a warning in vue)
children = () => ({})
// Compile the for loop down
if ('for' in node && node.for) {
const values = node.for.length === 3 ? node.for[2] : node.for[1]
const getValues =
typeof values === 'string' && values.startsWith('$')
? provider(compile(values))
: () => values
iterator = [
node.for.length === 3 ? String(node.for[1]) : null,
return [condition, element, attrs, children, alternate, iterator, resolve]
* Given a particular function that produces children, ensure that the second
* argument of all these slots is the original instance key being used to
* render the slots.
* @param children - The children() function that will produce slots
function createSlots(
children: RenderChildren,
iterationData?: Record<string, unknown>
): RenderableSlots | null {
const slots = children(iterationData) as RenderableSlots
const currentKey = instanceKey
return Object.keys(slots).reduce((allSlots, slotName) => {
const slotFn = slots && slots[slotName]
allSlots[slotName] = (data?: Record<string, any>) => {
return (slotFn && slotFn(data, currentKey)) || null
return allSlots
}, {} as RenderableSlots)
* Creates an element
* @param data - The context data available to the node
* @param node - The schema node to render
* @returns
function createElement(
library: FormKitComponentLibrary,
node: FormKitSchemaNode
): RenderNodes {
// Parses the schema node into pertinent parts
const [condition, element, attrs, children, alternate, iterator, resolve] =
parseNode(library, node)
// This is a sub-render function (called within a render function). It must
// only use pre-compiled features, and be organized in the most efficient
// manner possible.
let createNodes: RenderNodes = ((
iterationData?: Record<string, unknown>
) => {
if (condition && element === null && children) {
// Handle conditional if/then statements
return condition()
? children(iterationData)
: alternate && alternate(iterationData)
if (element && (!condition || condition())) {
// handle text nodes
if (element === 'text' && children) {
return createTextVNode(String(children()))
// Handle lone slots
if (element === 'slot' && children) return children(iterationData)
// Handle resolving components
const el = resolve ? resolveComponent(element as string) : element
// If we are rendering slots as children, ensure their instanceKey is properly added
const slots: RenderableSlots | null = children?.slot
? createSlots(children, iterationData)
: null
// Handle dom elements and components
return h(
(slots || (children ? children(iterationData) : [])) as Renderable[]
return typeof alternate === 'function'
? alternate(iterationData)
: alternate
}) as RenderNodes
if (iterator) {
const repeatedNode = createNodes
const [getValues, valueName, keyName] = iterator
createNodes = (() => {
const _v = getValues()
const values = !isNaN(_v as number)
? Array(Number(_v))
.map((_, i) => i)
: _v
const fragment = []
if (typeof values !== 'object') return null
const instanceScope = instanceScopes.get(instanceKey) || []
for (const key in values) {
const iterationData: Record<string, unknown> = Object.defineProperty(
previousIterationData: Record<string, undefined>,
scopedData: Record<string, undefined>
) => {
if (previousIterationData.__idata) {
return { ...previousIterationData, ...scopedData }
return scopedData
{} as Record<string, undefined>
[valueName]: values[key],
...(keyName !== null ? { [keyName]: key } : {}),
{ enumerable: false, value: true }
fragment.push(repeatedNode.bind(null, iterationData)())
return fragment
}) as RenderNodes
return createNodes as RenderNodes
* Given a schema, parse it and return the resulting renderable nodes.
* @param data - The schema context object
* @param library - The available components
* @param node - The node to parse
* @returns
function createElements(
library: FormKitComponentLibrary,
schema: FormKitSchemaNode | FormKitSchemaNode[]
): RenderChildren {
if (Array.isArray(schema)) {
const els =, library))
return (iterationData?: Record<string, unknown>) => => element(iterationData))
// Single node to render
const element = createElement(library, schema)
return (iterationData?: Record<string, unknown>) => element(iterationData)
* Data providers produced as a result of the compiler.
const providers: ProviderRegistry = []
* Append the requisite compiler provider and return the compiled function.
* @param compiled - A compiled function
* @returns
function provider(
compiled: FormKitCompilerOutput,
hints: Record<string, boolean> = {}
) {
const compiledFns: Record<symbol, FormKitCompilerOutput> = {}
providers.push((callback: SchemaProviderCallback, key: symbol) => {
compiledFns[key] = compiled.provide((tokens) => callback(tokens, hints))
return () => compiledFns[instanceKey]()
* Creates a new instance of a given schema — this either comes from a
* memoized copy of the parsed schema or a freshly parsed version. An symbol
* instance key, and dataProvider functions are passed in.
* @param providerCallback - A function that is called for each required provider
* @param key - a symbol representing the current instance
return function createInstance(
providerCallback: SchemaProviderCallback,
) {
const memoKey = JSON.stringify(schema)
const [render, compiledProviders] = has(memo, memoKey)
? memo[memoKey]
: [createElements(library, schema), providers]
memo[memoKey] = [render, compiledProviders]
compiledProviders.forEach((compiledProvider) => {
compiledProvider(providerCallback, key)
return () => {
instanceKey = key
return render()