Java Code Examples for java.awt.datatransfer.FlavorTable#getNativesForFlavor()

The following examples show how to use java.awt.datatransfer.FlavorTable#getNativesForFlavor() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From dragonwell8_jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data
 * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key
 * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested
 * when converting to the format.
 * <p>
 * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference
 * order.
 * @param flavors the data flavors
 * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between
 *            DataFlavors and data formats
 * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is <code>null</code>
public SortedMap <Long, DataFlavor> getFormatsForFlavors(
    DataFlavor[] flavors, FlavorTable map)
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> formatMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> textPlainMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats
    // according to the preference order.
    // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format.
    Map indexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);
    Map textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);

    int currentIndex = 0;

    // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over
    // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for
    // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.)
    for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i];
        if (flavor == null) continue;

        // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special
        // case of Serializable
        if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() ||
            flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() ||
            DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() ||
            List natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

            currentIndex += natives.size();

            for (Iterator iter = natives.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Long lFormat =
                Integer index = Integer.valueOf(currentIndex--);

                formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                indexMap.put(lFormat, index);

                // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return
                // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good
                // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that
                // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor.
                if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) &&
                     "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) ||
                    textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                    textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index);

            currentIndex += natives.size();


    // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order.
    Comparator comparator =
        new IndexOrderComparator(indexMap, IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST);
    SortedMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(comparator);

    return sortedMap;
Example 2
Source File:    From TencentKona-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data
 * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key
 * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested
 * when converting to the format.
 * <p>
 * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference
 * order.
 * @param flavors the data flavors
 * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between
 *            DataFlavors and data formats
 * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is <code>null</code>
public SortedMap <Long, DataFlavor> getFormatsForFlavors(
    DataFlavor[] flavors, FlavorTable map)
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> formatMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> textPlainMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats
    // according to the preference order.
    // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format.
    Map indexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);
    Map textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);

    int currentIndex = 0;

    // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over
    // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for
    // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.)
    for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i];
        if (flavor == null) continue;

        // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special
        // case of Serializable
        if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() ||
            flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() ||
            DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() ||
            List natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

            currentIndex += natives.size();

            for (Iterator iter = natives.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Long lFormat =
                Integer index = Integer.valueOf(currentIndex--);

                formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                indexMap.put(lFormat, index);

                // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return
                // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good
                // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that
                // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor.
                if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) &&
                     "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) ||
                    textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                    textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index);

            currentIndex += natives.size();


    // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order.
    Comparator comparator =
        new IndexOrderComparator(indexMap, IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST);
    SortedMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(comparator);

    return sortedMap;
Example 3
Source File:    From jdk8u60 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data
 * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key
 * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested
 * when converting to the format.
 * <p>
 * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference
 * order.
 * @param flavors the data flavors
 * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between
 *            DataFlavors and data formats
 * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is <code>null</code>
public SortedMap <Long, DataFlavor> getFormatsForFlavors(
    DataFlavor[] flavors, FlavorTable map)
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> formatMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> textPlainMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats
    // according to the preference order.
    // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format.
    Map indexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);
    Map textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);

    int currentIndex = 0;

    // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over
    // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for
    // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.)
    for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i];
        if (flavor == null) continue;

        // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special
        // case of Serializable
        if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() ||
            flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() ||
            DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() ||
            List natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

            currentIndex += natives.size();

            for (Iterator iter = natives.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Long lFormat =
                Integer index = Integer.valueOf(currentIndex--);

                formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                indexMap.put(lFormat, index);

                // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return
                // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good
                // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that
                // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor.
                if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) &&
                     "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) ||
                    textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                    textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index);

            currentIndex += natives.size();


    // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order.
    Comparator comparator =
        new IndexOrderComparator(indexMap, IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST);
    SortedMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(comparator);

    return sortedMap;
Example 4
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data
 * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key
 * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested
 * when converting to the format.
 * <p>
 * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference
 * order.
 * @param flavors the data flavors
 * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between
 *            DataFlavors and data formats
 * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is <code>null</code>
public SortedMap <Long, DataFlavor> getFormatsForFlavors(
    DataFlavor[] flavors, FlavorTable map)
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> formatMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> textPlainMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats
    // according to the preference order.
    // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format.
    Map indexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);
    Map textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);

    int currentIndex = 0;

    // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over
    // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for
    // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.)
    for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i];
        if (flavor == null) continue;

        // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special
        // case of Serializable
        if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() ||
            flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() ||
            DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() ||
            List natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

            currentIndex += natives.size();

            for (Iterator iter = natives.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Long lFormat =
                Integer index = Integer.valueOf(currentIndex--);

                formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                indexMap.put(lFormat, index);

                // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return
                // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good
                // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that
                // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor.
                if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) &&
                     "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) ||
                    textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                    textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index);

            currentIndex += natives.size();


    // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order.
    Comparator comparator =
        new IndexOrderComparator(indexMap, IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST);
    SortedMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(comparator);

    return sortedMap;
Example 5
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk8u-backup with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data
 * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key
 * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested
 * when converting to the format.
 * <p>
 * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference
 * order.
 * @param flavors the data flavors
 * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between
 *            DataFlavors and data formats
 * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is <code>null</code>
public SortedMap <Long, DataFlavor> getFormatsForFlavors(
    DataFlavor[] flavors, FlavorTable map)
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> formatMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> textPlainMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats
    // according to the preference order.
    // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format.
    Map indexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);
    Map textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);

    int currentIndex = 0;

    // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over
    // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for
    // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.)
    for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i];
        if (flavor == null) continue;

        // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special
        // case of Serializable
        if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() ||
            flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() ||
            DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() ||
            List natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

            currentIndex += natives.size();

            for (Iterator iter = natives.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Long lFormat =
                Integer index = Integer.valueOf(currentIndex--);

                formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                indexMap.put(lFormat, index);

                // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return
                // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good
                // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that
                // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor.
                if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) &&
                     "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) ||
                    textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                    textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index);

            currentIndex += natives.size();


    // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order.
    Comparator comparator =
        new IndexOrderComparator(indexMap, IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST);
    SortedMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(comparator);

    return sortedMap;
Example 6
Source File:    From Bytecoder with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data
 * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key
 * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested
 * when converting to the format.
 * <p>
 * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference
 * order.
 * @param flavors the data flavors
 * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between
 *            DataFlavors and data formats
 * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is {@code null}
public SortedMap<Long, DataFlavor> getFormatsForFlavors(DataFlavor[] flavors,
                                                        FlavorTable map)
    Map<Long,DataFlavor> formatMap = new HashMap<>(flavors.length);
    Map<Long,DataFlavor> textPlainMap = new HashMap<>(flavors.length);
    // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats
    // according to the preference order.
    // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format.
    Map<Long, Integer> indexMap = new HashMap<>(flavors.length);
    Map<Long, Integer> textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap<>(flavors.length);

    int currentIndex = 0;

    // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over
    // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for
    // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.)
    for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i];
        if (flavor == null) continue;

        // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special
        // case of Serializable
        if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() ||
            flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() ||
            DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() ||
            List<String> natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

            currentIndex += natives.size();

            for (String aNative : natives) {
                Long lFormat = getFormatForNativeAsLong(aNative);
                Integer index = currentIndex--;

                formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                indexMap.put(lFormat, index);

                // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return
                // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good
                // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that
                // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor.
                if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) &&
                        "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) ||
                        flavor.equals(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) {
                    textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                    textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index);

            currentIndex += natives.size();


    // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order.
    Comparator<Long> comparator = DataFlavorUtil.getIndexOrderComparator(indexMap).reversed();
    SortedMap<Long, DataFlavor> sortedMap = new TreeMap<>(comparator);

    return sortedMap;
Example 7
Source File:    From openjdk-jdk9 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data
 * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key
 * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested
 * when converting to the format.
 * <p>
 * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference
 * order.
 * @param flavors the data flavors
 * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between
 *            DataFlavors and data formats
 * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is {@code null}
public SortedMap<Long, DataFlavor> getFormatsForFlavors(DataFlavor[] flavors,
                                                        FlavorTable map)
    Map<Long,DataFlavor> formatMap = new HashMap<>(flavors.length);
    Map<Long,DataFlavor> textPlainMap = new HashMap<>(flavors.length);
    // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats
    // according to the preference order.
    // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format.
    Map<Long, Integer> indexMap = new HashMap<>(flavors.length);
    Map<Long, Integer> textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap<>(flavors.length);

    int currentIndex = 0;

    // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over
    // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for
    // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.)
    for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i];
        if (flavor == null) continue;

        // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special
        // case of Serializable
        if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() ||
            flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() ||
            DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() ||
            List<String> natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

            currentIndex += natives.size();

            for (String aNative : natives) {
                Long lFormat = getFormatForNativeAsLong(aNative);
                Integer index = currentIndex--;

                formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                indexMap.put(lFormat, index);

                // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return
                // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good
                // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that
                // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor.
                if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) &&
                        "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) ||
                        flavor.equals(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) {
                    textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                    textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index);

            currentIndex += natives.size();


    // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order.
    Comparator<Long> comparator = DataFlavorUtil.getIndexOrderComparator(indexMap).reversed();
    SortedMap<Long, DataFlavor> sortedMap = new TreeMap<>(comparator);

    return sortedMap;
Example 8
Source File:    From jdk8u-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data
 * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key
 * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested
 * when converting to the format.
 * <p>
 * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference
 * order.
 * @param flavors the data flavors
 * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between
 *            DataFlavors and data formats
 * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is <code>null</code>
public SortedMap <Long, DataFlavor> getFormatsForFlavors(
    DataFlavor[] flavors, FlavorTable map)
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> formatMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> textPlainMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats
    // according to the preference order.
    // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format.
    Map indexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);
    Map textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);

    int currentIndex = 0;

    // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over
    // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for
    // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.)
    for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i];
        if (flavor == null) continue;

        // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special
        // case of Serializable
        if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() ||
            flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() ||
            DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() ||
            List natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

            currentIndex += natives.size();

            for (Iterator iter = natives.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Long lFormat =
                Integer index = Integer.valueOf(currentIndex--);

                formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                indexMap.put(lFormat, index);

                // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return
                // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good
                // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that
                // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor.
                if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) &&
                     "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) ||
                    textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                    textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index);

            currentIndex += natives.size();


    // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order.
    Comparator comparator =
        new IndexOrderComparator(indexMap, IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST);
    SortedMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(comparator);

    return sortedMap;
Example 9
Source File:    From hottub with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data
 * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key
 * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested
 * when converting to the format.
 * <p>
 * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference
 * order.
 * @param flavors the data flavors
 * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between
 *            DataFlavors and data formats
 * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is <code>null</code>
public SortedMap <Long, DataFlavor> getFormatsForFlavors(
    DataFlavor[] flavors, FlavorTable map)
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> formatMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> textPlainMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats
    // according to the preference order.
    // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format.
    Map indexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);
    Map textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);

    int currentIndex = 0;

    // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over
    // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for
    // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.)
    for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i];
        if (flavor == null) continue;

        // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special
        // case of Serializable
        if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() ||
            flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() ||
            DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() ||
            List natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

            currentIndex += natives.size();

            for (Iterator iter = natives.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Long lFormat =
                Integer index = Integer.valueOf(currentIndex--);

                formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                indexMap.put(lFormat, index);

                // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return
                // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good
                // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that
                // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor.
                if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) &&
                     "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) ||
                    textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                    textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index);

            currentIndex += natives.size();


    // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order.
    Comparator comparator =
        new IndexOrderComparator(indexMap, IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST);
    SortedMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(comparator);

    return sortedMap;
Example 10
Source File:    From openjdk-8-source with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data
 * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key
 * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested
 * when converting to the format.
 * <p>
 * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference
 * order.
 * @param flavors the data flavors
 * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between
 *            DataFlavors and data formats
 * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is <code>null</code>
public SortedMap <Long, DataFlavor> getFormatsForFlavors(
    DataFlavor[] flavors, FlavorTable map)
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> formatMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> textPlainMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats
    // according to the preference order.
    // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format.
    Map indexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);
    Map textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);

    int currentIndex = 0;

    // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over
    // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for
    // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.)
    for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i];
        if (flavor == null) continue;

        // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special
        // case of Serializable
        if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() ||
            flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() ||
            DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() ||
            List natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

            currentIndex += natives.size();

            for (Iterator iter = natives.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Long lFormat =
                Integer index = Integer.valueOf(currentIndex--);

                formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                indexMap.put(lFormat, index);

                // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return
                // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good
                // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that
                // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor.
                if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) &&
                     "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) ||
                    textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                    textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index);

            currentIndex += natives.size();


    // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order.
    Comparator comparator =
        new IndexOrderComparator(indexMap, IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST);
    SortedMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(comparator);

    return sortedMap;
Example 11
Source File:    From openjdk-8 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data
 * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key
 * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested
 * when converting to the format.
 * <p>
 * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference
 * order.
 * @param flavors the data flavors
 * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between
 *            DataFlavors and data formats
 * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is <code>null</code>
public SortedMap <Long, DataFlavor> getFormatsForFlavors(
    DataFlavor[] flavors, FlavorTable map)
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> formatMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> textPlainMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats
    // according to the preference order.
    // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format.
    Map indexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);
    Map textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);

    int currentIndex = 0;

    // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over
    // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for
    // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.)
    for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i];
        if (flavor == null) continue;

        // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special
        // case of Serializable
        if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() ||
            flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() ||
            DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() ||
            List natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

            currentIndex += natives.size();

            for (Iterator iter = natives.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Long lFormat =
                Integer index = Integer.valueOf(currentIndex--);

                formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                indexMap.put(lFormat, index);

                // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return
                // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good
                // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that
                // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor.
                if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) &&
                     "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) ||
                    textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                    textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index);

            currentIndex += natives.size();


    // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order.
    Comparator comparator =
        new IndexOrderComparator(indexMap, IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST);
    SortedMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(comparator);

    return sortedMap;
Example 12
Source File:    From jdk8u-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data
 * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key
 * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested
 * when converting to the format.
 * <p>
 * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference
 * order.
 * @param flavors the data flavors
 * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between
 *            DataFlavors and data formats
 * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is <code>null</code>
public SortedMap <Long, DataFlavor> getFormatsForFlavors(
    DataFlavor[] flavors, FlavorTable map)
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> formatMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> textPlainMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats
    // according to the preference order.
    // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format.
    Map indexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);
    Map textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);

    int currentIndex = 0;

    // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over
    // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for
    // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.)
    for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i];
        if (flavor == null) continue;

        // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special
        // case of Serializable
        if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() ||
            flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() ||
            DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() ||
            List natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

            currentIndex += natives.size();

            for (Iterator iter = natives.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Long lFormat =
                Integer index = Integer.valueOf(currentIndex--);

                formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                indexMap.put(lFormat, index);

                // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return
                // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good
                // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that
                // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor.
                if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) &&
                     "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) ||
                    textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                    textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index);

            currentIndex += natives.size();


    // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order.
    Comparator comparator =
        new IndexOrderComparator(indexMap, IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST);
    SortedMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(comparator);

    return sortedMap;
Example 13
Source File:    From jdk8u-dev-jdk with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a Map whose keys are all of the possible formats into which data
 * in the specified DataFlavors can be translated. The value of each key
 * is the DataFlavor in which the Transferable's data should be requested
 * when converting to the format.
 * <p>
 * The map keys are sorted according to the native formats preference
 * order.
 * @param flavors the data flavors
 * @param map the FlavorTable which contains mappings between
 *            DataFlavors and data formats
 * @throws NullPointerException if flavors or map is <code>null</code>
public SortedMap <Long, DataFlavor> getFormatsForFlavors(
    DataFlavor[] flavors, FlavorTable map)
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> formatMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    Map <Long,DataFlavor> textPlainMap =
        new HashMap <> (flavors.length);
    // Maps formats to indices that will be used to sort the formats
    // according to the preference order.
    // Larger index value corresponds to the more preferable format.
    Map indexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);
    Map textPlainIndexMap = new HashMap(flavors.length);

    int currentIndex = 0;

    // Iterate backwards so that preferred DataFlavors are used over
    // other DataFlavors. (See javadoc for
    // Transferable.getTransferDataFlavors.)
    for (int i = flavors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        DataFlavor flavor = flavors[i];
        if (flavor == null) continue;

        // Don't explicitly test for String, since it is just a special
        // case of Serializable
        if (flavor.isFlavorTextType() ||
            flavor.isFlavorJavaFileListType() ||
            DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor) ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassSerializable() ||
            flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream() ||
            List natives = map.getNativesForFlavor(flavor);

            currentIndex += natives.size();

            for (Iterator iter = natives.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Long lFormat =
                Integer index = Integer.valueOf(currentIndex--);

                formatMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                indexMap.put(lFormat, index);

                // SystemFlavorMap.getNativesForFlavor will return
                // text/plain natives for all text/*. While this is good
                // for a single text/* flavor, we would prefer that
                // text/plain native data come from a text/plain flavor.
                if (("text".equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()) &&
                     "plain".equals(flavor.getSubType())) ||
                    textPlainMap.put(lFormat, flavor);
                    textPlainIndexMap.put(lFormat, index);

            currentIndex += natives.size();


    // Sort the map keys according to the formats preference order.
    Comparator comparator =
        new IndexOrderComparator(indexMap, IndexedComparator.SELECT_WORST);
    SortedMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(comparator);

    return sortedMap;