Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Limit the number of special cases where LABELs need to be handled. Only
 * BLOCK and loops are allowed to be labeled.  Loop labels must remain in
 * place as the named continues are not allowed for labeled blocks.
private void normalizeLabels(Node n) {

  Node last = n.getLastChild();
  switch (last.getType()) {
    case Token.LABEL:
    case Token.BLOCK:
    case Token.FOR:
    case Token.WHILE:
    case Token.DO:
      Node block = IR.block();
      n.replaceChild(last, block);
      reportCodeChange("LABEL normalization");
Example 2
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
private void checkNoTypeCheckSection(Node n, boolean enterSection) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.SCRIPT:
    case Token.BLOCK:
    case Token.VAR:
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.ASSIGN:
      JSDocInfo info = n.getJSDocInfo();
      if (info != null && info.isNoTypeCheck()) {
        if (enterSection) {
        } else {
      validator.setShouldReport(noTypeCheckSection == 0);
Example 3
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * @return Whether the node is used as a statement.
static boolean isStatement(Node n) {
  Node parent = n.getParent();
  // It is not possible to determine definitely if a node is a statement
  // or not if it is not part of the AST.  A FUNCTION node can be
  // either part of an expression or a statement.
  Preconditions.checkState(parent != null);
  switch (parent.getType()) {
    case Token.SCRIPT:
    case Token.BLOCK:
    case Token.LABEL:
      return true;
      return false;
Example 4
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
static boolean isStatementParent(Node parent) {
  // It is not possible to determine definitely if a node is a statement
  // or not if it is not part of the AST.  A FUNCTION node can be
  // either part of an expression or a statement.
  Preconditions.checkState(parent != null);
  switch (parent.getType()) {
    case Token.SCRIPT:
    case Token.BLOCK:
    case Token.LABEL:
      return true;
      return false;
Example 5
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @param maxCount The maximum number of children to look for.
 * @return The number of children of this node that are non empty up to
 * maxCount.
private static int getNonEmptyChildCount(Node n, int maxCount) {
  int i = 0;
  Node c = n.getFirstChild();
  for (; c != null && i < maxCount; c = c.getNext()) {
    if (c.getType() == Token.BLOCK) {
      i += getNonEmptyChildCount(c, maxCount-i);
    } else if (c.getType() != Token.EMPTY) {
  return i;
Example 6
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
static boolean isStatementParent(Node parent) {
  // It is not possible to determine definitely if a node is a statement
  // or not if it is not part of the AST.  A FUNCTION node can be
  // either part of an expression or a statement.
  Preconditions.checkState(parent != null);
  switch (parent.getType()) {
    case Token.SCRIPT:
    case Token.BLOCK:
    case Token.LABEL:
      return true;
      return false;
Example 7
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private void removeDeadExprStatementSafely(Node n) {
  Node parent = n.getParent();
  if (n.getType() == Token.EMPTY ||
      (n.getType() == Token.BLOCK && !n.hasChildren())) {
    // Not always trivial to remove, let FoldContants work its magic later.

  switch (n.getType()) {
    // Removing an unreachable DO node is messy because it means we still have
    // to execute one iteration. If the DO's body has breaks in the middle, it
    // can get even more trickier and code size might actually increase.
    case Token.DO:

    case Token.BLOCK:
      // BLOCKs are used in several ways including wrapping CATCH blocks in TRYs
      if (parent.getType() == Token.TRY) {
        if (NodeUtil.isTryCatchNodeContainer(n)) {

    case Token.CATCH:
      Node tryNode = parent.getParent();

  if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
    logger.fine("Removing " + n.toString());
  NodeUtil.removeChild(n.getParent(), n);
Example 8
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public boolean apply(Node n) {
  Node parent = n.getParent();
  return n.getType() == Token.BLOCK
      || (!isFunction(n) && (parent == null
          || isControlStructure(parent)
          || isStatementBlock(parent)));
Example 9
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * @param maxCount The maximum number of children to look for.
 * @return The number of children of this node that are non empty up to
 * maxCount.
private static int getNonEmptyChildCount(Node n, int maxCount) {
  int i = 0;
  Node c = n.getFirstChild();
  for (; c != null && i < maxCount; c = c.getNext()) {
    if (c.getType() == Token.BLOCK) {
      i += getNonEmptyChildCount(c, maxCount-i);
    } else if (c.getType() != Token.EMPTY) {
  return i;
Example 10
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
/** Safely remove children while maintaining a valid node structure. */
static void removeChild(Node parent, Node node) {
  // Node parent = node.getParent();
  if (isStatementBlock(parent)
      || isSwitchCase(node)
      || isTryFinallyNode(parent, node)) {
    // A statement in a block can simply be removed.
  } else if (parent.getType() == Token.VAR) {
    if (parent.hasMoreThanOneChild()) {
    } else {
      // Remove the node from the parent, so it can be reused.
      // This would leave an empty VAR, remove the VAR itself.
      removeChild(parent.getParent(), parent);
  } else if (node.getType() == Token.BLOCK) {
    // Simply empty the block.  This maintains source location and
    // "synthetic"-ness.
  } else if (parent.getType() == Token.LABEL
      && node == parent.getLastChild()) {
    // Remove the node from the parent, so it can be reused.
    // A LABEL without children can not be referred to, remove it.
    removeChild(parent.getParent(), parent);
  } else if (parent.getType() == Token.FOR
      && parent.getChildCount() == 4) {
    // Only Token.FOR can have an Token.EMPTY other control structure
    // need something for the condition. Others need to be replaced
    // or the structure removed.
    parent.replaceChild(node, new Node(Token.EMPTY));
  } else {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid attempt to remove node: " +
        node.toString() + " of "+ parent.toString());
Example 11
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private Node transformBlock(AstNode node) {
  Node irNode = transform(node);
  if (irNode.getType() != Token.BLOCK) {
    if (irNode.getType() == Token.EMPTY) {
    } else {
      Node newBlock = newNode(Token.BLOCK, irNode);
      irNode = newBlock;
  return irNode;
Example 12
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Rename or remove labels.
 * @param node  The label node.
 * @param parent The parent of the label node.
private void visitLabel(Node node, Node parent) {
  Node nameNode = node.getFirstChild();
  Preconditions.checkState(nameNode != null);
  String name = nameNode.getString();
  LabelInfo li = getLabelInfo(name);
  // This is a label...
  if (li.referenced || !removeUnused) {
    String newName = getNameForId(;
    if (!name.equals(newName)) {
      // ... and it is used, give it the short name.
  } else {
    // ... and it is not referenced, just remove it.
    Node newChild = node.getLastChild();
    parent.replaceChild(node, newChild);
    if (newChild.getType() == Token.BLOCK) {

  // Remove the label from the current stack of labels.
Example 13
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
  // VOID nodes appear when there are extra semicolons at the BLOCK level.
  // I've been unable to think of any cases where this indicates a bug,
  // and apparently some people like keeping these semicolons around,
  // so we'll allow it.
  if (n.isEmpty() ||
      n.isComma()) {

  if (parent == null) {

  // Do not try to remove a block or an expr result. We already handle
  // these cases when we visit the child, and the peephole passes will
  // fix up the tree in more clever ways when these are removed.
  if (n.isExprResult()) {

  // This no-op statement was there so that JSDoc information could
  // be attached to the name. This check should not complain about it.
  if (n.isQualifiedName() && n.getJSDocInfo() != null) {

  boolean isResultUsed = NodeUtil.isExpressionResultUsed(n);
  boolean isSimpleOp = NodeUtil.isSimpleOperatorType(n.getType());
  if (parent.getType() == Token.COMMA) {
    if (isResultUsed) {
    if (n == parent.getLastChild()) {
      for (Node an : parent.getAncestors()) {
        int ancestorType = an.getType();
        if (ancestorType == Token.COMMA) continue;
        if (ancestorType != Token.EXPR_RESULT && ancestorType != Token.BLOCK) return;
        else break;
  } else if (parent.getType() != Token.EXPR_RESULT && parent.getType() != Token.BLOCK) {
    if (! (parent.getType() == Token.FOR && parent.getChildCount() == 4 && (n == parent.getFirstChild() || n == parent.getFirstChild().getNext().getNext()))) {
  if (
      (isSimpleOp || !NodeUtil.mayHaveSideEffects(n, t.getCompiler()))) {
    String msg = "This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug?";
    if (n.isString()) {
      msg = "Is there a missing '+' on the previous line?";
    } else if (isSimpleOp) {
      msg = "The result of the '" + +
          "' operator is not being used.";

        t.makeError(n, level, USELESS_CODE_ERROR, msg));
    // TODO(johnlenz): determine if it is necessary to
    // try to protect side-effect free statements as well.
    if (!NodeUtil.isStatement(n)) {
Example 14
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @returns false iff the result of the expression is not consumed.
static boolean isExpressionResultUsed(Node expr) {
  // TODO(johnlenz): consider sharing some code with trySimpleUnusedResult.
  Node parent = expr.getParent();
  switch (parent.getType()) {
    case Token.BLOCK:
    case Token.EXPR_RESULT:
      return false;
    case Token.HOOK:
    case Token.AND:
    case Token.OR:
      return (expr == parent.getFirstChild())
          ? true : isExpressionResultUsed(parent);
    case Token.COMMA:
      Node gramps = parent.getParent();
      if (gramps.isCall() &&
          parent == gramps.getFirstChild()) {
        // Semantically, a direct call to eval is different from an indirect
        // call to an eval. See ECMA-262 S15.1.2.1. So it's OK for the first
        // expression to a comma to be a no-op if it's used to indirect
        // an eval. This we pretend that this is "used".
        if (expr == parent.getFirstChild() &&
            parent.getChildCount() == 2 &&
            expr.getNext().isName() &&
            "eval".equals(expr.getNext().getString())) {
          return true;

      return (expr == parent.getFirstChild())
          ? false : isExpressionResultUsed(parent);
    case Token.FOR:
      if (!NodeUtil.isForIn(parent)) {
        // Only an expression whose result is in the condition part of the
        // expression is used.
        return (parent.getChildAtIndex(1) == expr);
  return true;
Example 15
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
  // VOID nodes appear when there are extra semicolons at the BLOCK level.
  // I've been unable to think of any cases where this indicates a bug,
  // and apparently some people like keeping these semicolons around,
  // so we'll allow it.
  if (n.isEmpty() ||
      n.isComma()) {

  if (parent == null) {

  // Do not try to remove a block or an expr result. We already handle
  // these cases when we visit the child, and the peephole passes will
  // fix up the tree in more clever ways when these are removed.
  if (parent.getType() == Token.COMMA) {
    Node gramps = parent.getParent();
    if (gramps.isCall() && parent == gramps.getFirstChild()) {
      if (n == parent.getFirstChild() && parent.getChildCount() == 2 && n.getNext().isName() && "eval".equals(n.getNext().getString())) {

  // This no-op statement was there so that JSDoc information could
  // be attached to the name. This check should not complain about it.
    if (n == parent.getLastChild()) {
      for (Node an : parent.getAncestors()) {
        int ancestorType = an.getType();
        if (ancestorType == Token.COMMA)
        if (ancestorType != Token.EXPR_RESULT && ancestorType > Token.BLOCK)
  } else if (parent.getType() != Token.EXPR_RESULT && parent.getType() != Token.BLOCK) {
    if (parent.getType() == Token.FOR && parent.getChildCount() == 4 && (n == parent.getFirstChild() ||
         n == parent.getFirstChild().getNext().getNext())) {
    } else {

  boolean isResultUsed = NodeUtil.isExpressionResultUsed(n);
  boolean isSimpleOp = NodeUtil.isSimpleOperatorType(n.getType());
  if (!isResultUsed &&
      (isSimpleOp || !NodeUtil.mayHaveSideEffects(n, t.getCompiler()))) {
    if (n.isQualifiedName() && n.getJSDocInfo() != null) {
    } else if (n.isExprResult()) {
    String msg = "This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug?";
    if (n.isString()) {
      msg = "Is there a missing '+' on the previous line?";
    } else if (isSimpleOp) {
      msg = "The result of the '" + +
          "' operator is not being used.";

        t.makeError(n, level, USELESS_CODE_ERROR, msg));
    // TODO(johnlenz): determine if it is necessary to
    // try to protect side-effect free statements as well.
    if (!NodeUtil.isStatement(n)) {
Example 16
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Simplify a toplevel expression, while preserving program
 * behavior.
private void replaceTopLevelExpressionWithRhs(Node parent, Node n) {
  // validate inputs
  switch (parent.getType()) {
    case Token.BLOCK:
    case Token.SCRIPT:
    case Token.FOR:
    case Token.LABEL:
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Unsupported parent node type in replaceWithRhs " +

  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.EXPR_RESULT:
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.VAR:
    case Token.ASSIGN:
          "Unsupported assignment in replaceWithRhs. parent: %s",
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Unsupported node type in replaceWithRhs " +

  // gather replacements
  List<Node> replacements = Lists.newArrayList();
  for (Node rhs : getRhsSubexpressions(n)) {

  if (parent.isFor()) {
    // tweak replacements array s.t. it is a single expression node.
    if (replacements.isEmpty()) {
    } else {
      Node expr = collapseReplacements(replacements);

  changeProxy.replaceWith(parent, n, replacements);
Example 17
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
  // VOID nodes appear when there are extra semicolons at the BLOCK level.
  // I've been unable to think of any cases where this indicates a bug,
  // and apparently some people like keeping these semicolons around,
  // so we'll allow it.
  if (n.isEmpty() ||
      n.isComma()) {

  if (parent == null) {

  // Do not try to remove a block or an expr result. We already handle
  // these cases when we visit the child, and the peephole passes will
  // fix up the tree in more clever ways when these are removed.
  if (parent.getType() == Token.COMMA) {
    Node gramps = parent.getParent();
    if (gramps.isCall() && parent == gramps.getFirstChild()) {
      if (n == parent.getFirstChild() && parent.getChildCount() == 2 && n.getNext().isName() && "eval".equals(n.getNext().getString())) {

  // This no-op statement was there so that JSDoc information could
  // be attached to the name. This check should not complain about it.
    if (n == parent.getLastChild()) {
      for (Node an : parent.getAncestors()) {
        int ancestorType = an.getType();
        if (ancestorType == Token.COMMA)
        if (ancestorType > Token.EXPR_RESULT && ancestorType != Token.BLOCK)
  } else if (parent.getType() != Token.EXPR_RESULT && parent.getType() != Token.BLOCK) {
    if (parent.getType() == Token.FOR && parent.getChildCount() == 4 && (n == parent.getFirstChild() ||
         n == parent.getFirstChild().getNext().getNext())) {
    } else {

  boolean isResultUsed = NodeUtil.isExpressionResultUsed(n);
  boolean isSimpleOp = NodeUtil.isSimpleOperatorType(n.getType());
  if (!isResultUsed &&
      (isSimpleOp || !NodeUtil.mayHaveSideEffects(n, t.getCompiler()))) {
    if (n.isQualifiedName() && n.getJSDocInfo() != null) {
    } else if (n.isExprResult()) {
    String msg = "This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug?";
    if (n.isString()) {
      msg = "Is there a missing '+' on the previous line?";
    } else if (isSimpleOp) {
      msg = "The result of the '" + +
          "' operator is not being used.";

        t.makeError(n, level, USELESS_CODE_ERROR, msg));
    // TODO(johnlenz): determine if it is necessary to
    // try to protect side-effect free statements as well.
    if (!NodeUtil.isStatement(n)) {
Example 18
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
  // VOID nodes appear when there are extra semicolons at the BLOCK level.
  // I've been unable to think of any cases where this indicates a bug,
  // and apparently some people like keeping these semicolons around,
  // so we'll allow it.
  if (n.isEmpty() ||
      n.isComma()) {

  if (parent == null) {

  // Do not try to remove a block or an expr result. We already handle
  // these cases when we visit the child, and the peephole passes will
  // fix up the tree in more clever ways when these are removed.
  if (n.isExprResult()) {

  // This no-op statement was there so that JSDoc information could
  // be attached to the name. This check should not complain about it.
  if (n.isQualifiedName() && n.getJSDocInfo() != null) {

  boolean isResultUsed = NodeUtil.isExpressionResultUsed(n);
  boolean isSimpleOp = NodeUtil.isSimpleOperatorType(n.getType());
  if (parent.getType() == Token.COMMA) {
    if (isResultUsed) {
    if (n == parent.getLastChild()) {
      for (Node an : parent.getAncestors()) {
        int ancestorType = an.getType();
        if (ancestorType == Token.COMMA) continue;
        if (ancestorType != Token.EXPR_RESULT && ancestorType != Token.BLOCK) return;
        else break;
  } else if (parent.getType() != Token.EXPR_RESULT && parent.getType() != Token.BLOCK) {
    if (! (parent.getType() == Token.FOR && parent.getChildCount() == 4 && (n == parent.getFirstChild() || n == parent.getFirstChild().getNext().getNext()))) {
  if (
      (isSimpleOp || !NodeUtil.mayHaveSideEffects(n, t.getCompiler()))) {
    String msg = "This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug?";
    if (n.isString()) {
      msg = "Is there a missing '+' on the previous line?";
    } else if (isSimpleOp) {
      msg = "The result of the '" + +
          "' operator is not being used.";

        t.makeError(n, level, USELESS_CODE_ERROR, msg));
    // TODO(johnlenz): determine if it is necessary to
    // try to protect side-effect free statements as well.
    if (!NodeUtil.isStatement(n)) {
Example 19
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
  // VOID nodes appear when there are extra semicolons at the BLOCK level.
  // I've been unable to think of any cases where this indicates a bug,
  // and apparently some people like keeping these semicolons around,
  // so we'll allow it.
  if (n.isEmpty() ||
      n.isComma()) {

  if (parent == null) {

  // Do not try to remove a block or an expr result. We already handle
  // these cases when we visit the child, and the peephole passes will
  // fix up the tree in more clever ways when these are removed.
  if (n.isExprResult()) {

  // This no-op statement was there so that JSDoc information could
  // be attached to the name. This check should not complain about it.
  if (n.isQualifiedName() && n.getJSDocInfo() != null) {

  boolean isResultUsed = NodeUtil.isExpressionResultUsed(n);
  boolean isSimpleOp = NodeUtil.isSimpleOperatorType(n.getType());
  if (parent.getType() == Token.COMMA) {
    if (isResultUsed) {
    if (n == parent.getLastChild()) {
      for (Node an : parent.getAncestors()) {
        int ancestorType = an.getType();
        if (ancestorType == Token.COMMA) continue;
        if (((((((( && ((n.getFirstChild()) == n)) || (( && ((n.getFirstChild()) == n))) || (n.isVar())) || ((n.isFunction()) && ((n.getFirstChild()) == n))) || (n.isDec())) || (n.isInc())) || (n.isParamList())) return;
        else break;
  } else if (parent.getType() != Token.EXPR_RESULT && parent.getType() != Token.BLOCK) {
    if (! (parent.getType() == Token.FOR && parent.getChildCount() == 4 && (n == parent.getFirstChild() || n == parent.getFirstChild().getNext().getNext()))) {
  if (
      (isSimpleOp || !NodeUtil.mayHaveSideEffects(n, t.getCompiler()))) {
    String msg = "This code lacks side-effects. Is there a bug?";
    if (n.isString()) {
      msg = "Is there a missing '+' on the previous line?";
    } else if (isSimpleOp) {
      msg = "The result of the '" + +
          "' operator is not being used.";

        t.makeError(n, level, USELESS_CODE_ERROR, msg));
    // TODO(johnlenz): determine if it is necessary to
    // try to protect side-effect free statements as well.
    if (!NodeUtil.isStatement(n)) {
Example 20
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @returns false iff the result of the expression is not consumed.
static boolean isExpressionResultUsed(Node expr) {
  // TODO(johnlenz): consider sharing some code with trySimpleUnusedResult.
  Node parent = expr.getParent();
  switch (parent.getType()) {
    case Token.BLOCK:
    case Token.EXPR_RESULT:
      return false;
    case Token.HOOK:
    case Token.AND:
    case Token.OR:
      return (expr == parent.getFirstChild())
          ? true : isExpressionResultUsed(parent);
    case Token.COMMA:
      Node gramps = parent.getParent();
      if (gramps.isCall() &&
          parent == gramps.getFirstChild()) {
        // Semantically, a direct call to eval is different from an indirect
        // call to an eval. See ECMA-262 S15.1.2.1. So it's OK for the first
        // expression to a comma to be a no-op if it's used to indirect
        // an eval. This we pretend that this is "used".
        if (expr == parent.getFirstChild() &&
            parent.getChildCount() == 2 &&
            expr.getNext().isName() &&
            "eval".equals(expr.getNext().getString())) {
          return true;

      return (expr == parent.getFirstChild())
          ? false : isExpressionResultUsed(parent);
    case Token.FOR:
      if (!NodeUtil.isForIn(parent)) {
        // Only an expression whose result is in the condition part of the
        // expression is used.
        return (parent.getChildAtIndex(1) == expr);
  return true;