Java Code Examples for

The following examples show how to use . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Gets the boolean value of a node that represents a literal. This method
 * effectively emulates the <code>Boolean()</code> JavaScript cast function.
static TernaryValue getBooleanValue(Node n) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.STRING:
      return TernaryValue.forBoolean(n.getString().length() > 0);

    case Token.NUMBER:
      return TernaryValue.forBoolean(n.getDouble() != 0);

    case Token.NULL:
    case Token.FALSE:
    case Token.VOID:
      return TernaryValue.FALSE;

    case Token.NAME:
      String name = n.getString();
      if ("undefined".equals(name)
          || "NaN".equals(name)) {
        // We assume here that programs don't change the value of the keyword
        // undefined to something other than the value undefined.
        return TernaryValue.FALSE;
      } else if ("Infinity".equals(name)) {
        return TernaryValue.TRUE;

    case Token.TRUE:
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
    case Token.REGEXP:
      return TernaryValue.TRUE;

  return TernaryValue.UNKNOWN;
Example 2
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns true if this is a literal value. We define a literal value
 * as any node that evaluates to the same thing regardless of when or
 * where it is evaluated. So /xyz/ and [3, 5] are literals, but
 * the name a is not.
 * Function literals do not meet this definition, because they
 * lexically capture variables. For example, if you have
 * <code>
 * function() { return a; }
 * </code>
 * If it is evaluated in a different scope, then it
 * captures a different variable. Even if the function did not read
 * any captured variables directly, it would still fail this definition,
 * because it affects the lifecycle of variables in the enclosing scope.
 * However, a function literal with respect to a particular scope is
 * a literal.
 * @param includeFunctions If true, all function expressions will be
 *     treated as literals.
static boolean isLiteralValue(Node n, boolean includeFunctions) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if ((!child.isEmpty()) && !isLiteralValue(child, includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.REGEXP:
      // Return true only if all children are const.
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if (!isLiteralValue(child, includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      // Return true only if all values are const.
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if (!isLiteralValue(child.getFirstChild(), includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.FUNCTION:
      return includeFunctions && !NodeUtil.isFunctionDeclaration(n);

      return isImmutableValue(n);
Example 3
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Gets the boolean value of a node that represents a literal. This method
 * effectively emulates the <code>Boolean()</code> JavaScript cast function.
static TernaryValue getBooleanValue(Node n) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.STRING:
      return TernaryValue.forBoolean(n.getString().length() > 0);

    case Token.NUMBER:
      return TernaryValue.forBoolean(n.getDouble() != 0);

    case Token.NOT:
      return getBooleanValue(n.getLastChild()).not();

    case Token.NULL:
    case Token.FALSE:
    case Token.VOID:
      return TernaryValue.FALSE;

    case Token.NAME:
      String name = n.getString();
      if ("undefined".equals(name)
          || "NaN".equals(name)) {
        // We assume here that programs don't change the value of the keyword
        // undefined to something other than the value undefined.
        return TernaryValue.FALSE;
      } else if ("Infinity".equals(name)) {
        return TernaryValue.TRUE;

    case Token.TRUE:
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
    case Token.REGEXP:
      return TernaryValue.TRUE;

  return TernaryValue.UNKNOWN;
Example 4
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns true if this is a literal value. We define a literal value
 * as any node that evaluates to the same thing regardless of when or
 * where it is evaluated. So /xyz/ and [3, 5] are literals, but
 * the name a is not.
 * Function literals do not meet this definition, because they
 * lexically capture variables. For example, if you have
 * <code>
 * function() { return a; }
 * </code>
 * If it is evaluated in a different scope, then it
 * captures a different variable. Even if the function did not read
 * any captured vairables directly, it would still fail this definition,
 * because it affects the lifecycle of variables in the enclosing scope.
 * However, a function literal with respect to a particular scope is
 * a literal.
 * @param includeFunctions If true, all function expressions will be
 *     treated as literals.
static boolean isLiteralValue(Node n, boolean includeFunctions) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if (child.getType() != Token.EMPTY
            && !isLiteralValue(child, includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.REGEXP:
      // Return true only if all children are const.
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if (!isLiteralValue(child, includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      // Return true only if all values are const.
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if (!isLiteralValue(child.getFirstChild(), includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.FUNCTION:
      return includeFunctions && !NodeUtil.isFunctionDeclaration(n);

      return isImmutableValue(n);
Example 5
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns true if this is a literal value. We define a literal value
 * as any node that evaluates to the same thing regardless of when or
 * where it is evaluated. So /xyz/ and [3, 5] are literals, but
 * the name a is not.
 * Function literals do not meet this definition, because they
 * lexically capture variables. For example, if you have
 * <code>
 * function() { return a; }
 * </code>
 * If it is evaluated in a different scope, then it
 * captures a different variable. Even if the function did not read
 * any captured variables directly, it would still fail this definition,
 * because it affects the lifecycle of variables in the enclosing scope.
 * However, a function literal with respect to a particular scope is
 * a literal.
 * @param includeFunctions If true, all function expressions will be
 *     treated as literals.
static boolean isLiteralValue(Node n, boolean includeFunctions) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if ((!child.isEmpty()) && !isLiteralValue(child, includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.REGEXP:
      // Return true only if all children are const.
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if (!isLiteralValue(child, includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      // Return true only if all values are const.
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if (!isLiteralValue(child.getFirstChild(), includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.FUNCTION:
      return includeFunctions && !NodeUtil.isFunctionDeclaration(n);

      return isImmutableValue(n);
Example 6
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns true if this is a literal value. We define a literal value
 * as any node that evaluates to the same thing regardless of when or
 * where it is evaluated. So /xyz/ and [3, 5] are literals, but
 * the name a is not.
 * Function literals do not meet this definition, because they
 * lexically capture variables. For example, if you have
 * <code>
 * function() { return a; }
 * </code>
 * If it is evaluated in a different scope, then it
 * captures a different variable. Even if the function did not read
 * any captured variables directly, it would still fail this definition,
 * because it affects the lifecycle of variables in the enclosing scope.
 * However, a function literal with respect to a particular scope is
 * a literal.
 * @param includeFunctions If true, all function expressions will be
 *     treated as literals.
static boolean isLiteralValue(Node n, boolean includeFunctions) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if ((!child.isEmpty()) && !isLiteralValue(child, includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.REGEXP:
      // Return true only if all children are const.
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if (!isLiteralValue(child, includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      // Return true only if all values are const.
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if (!isLiteralValue(child.getFirstChild(), includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.FUNCTION:
      return includeFunctions && !NodeUtil.isFunctionDeclaration(n);

      return isImmutableValue(n);
Example 7
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private void attachLiteralTypes(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.NULL:

    case Token.VOID:

    case Token.STRING:
      // Defer keys to the Token.OBJECTLIT case
      if (!NodeUtil.isObjectLitKey(n, n.getParent())) {

    case Token.NUMBER:

    case Token.TRUE:
    case Token.FALSE:

    case Token.REGEXP:

    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      defineObjectLiteral(t, n);

      // NOTE(nicksantos): If we ever support Array tuples,
      // we will need to put ARRAYLIT here as well.
Example 8
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Gets the boolean value of a node that represents a literal. This method
 * effectively emulates the <code>Boolean()</code> JavaScript cast function.
static TernaryValue getBooleanValue(Node n) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.STRING:
      return TernaryValue.forBoolean(n.getString().length() > 0);

    case Token.NUMBER:
      return TernaryValue.forBoolean(n.getDouble() != 0);

    case Token.NULL:
    case Token.FALSE:
    case Token.VOID:
      return TernaryValue.FALSE;

    case Token.NAME:
      String name = n.getString();
      if ("undefined".equals(name)
          || "NaN".equals(name)) {
        // We assume here that programs don't change the value of the keyword
        // undefined to something other than the value undefined.
        return TernaryValue.FALSE;
      } else if ("Infinity".equals(name)) {
        return TernaryValue.TRUE;

    case Token.TRUE:
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
    case Token.REGEXP:
      return TernaryValue.TRUE;

  return TernaryValue.UNKNOWN;
Example 9
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @param locals A predicate to apply to unknown local values.
 * @return Whether the node is known to be a value that is not a reference
 *     outside the expression scope.
static boolean evaluatesToLocalValue(Node value, Predicate<Node> locals) {
  switch (value.getType()) {
    case Token.ASSIGN:
      // A result that is aliased by a non-local name, is the effectively the
      // same as returning a non-local name, but this doesn't matter if the
      // value is immutable.
      return NodeUtil.isImmutableValue(value.getLastChild())
          || (locals.apply(value)
              && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals));
    case Token.COMMA:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.AND:
    case Token.OR:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild(), locals)
         && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.HOOK:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild().getNext(), locals)
         && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.INC:
    case Token.DEC:
      if (value.getBooleanProp(Node.INCRDECR_PROP)) {
        return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild(), locals);
      } else {
        return true;
    case Token.THIS:
      return locals.apply(value);
    case Token.NAME:
      return isImmutableValue(value) || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.GETELEM:
    case Token.GETPROP:
      // There is no information about the locality of object properties.
      return locals.apply(value);
    case Token.CALL:
      return callHasLocalResult(value)
          || isToStringMethodCall(value)
          || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.NEW:
      return newHasLocalResult(value)
             || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.REGEXP:
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      // Literals objects with non-literal children are allowed.
      return true;
    case Token.DELPROP:
    case Token.IN:
      // TODO(johnlenz): should IN operator be included in #isSimpleOperator?
      return true;
      // Other op force a local value:
      //  x = '' + g (x is now an local string)
      //  x -= g (x is now an local number)
      if (isAssignmentOp(value)
          || isSimpleOperator(value)
          || isImmutableValue(value)) {
        return true;

      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Unexpected expression node" + value +
          "\n parent:" + value.getParent());
Example 10
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @param locals A predicate to apply to unknown local values.
 * @return Whether the node is known to be a value that is not a reference
 *     outside the expression scope.
static boolean evaluatesToLocalValue(Node value, Predicate<Node> locals) {
  switch (value.getType()) {
    case Token.ASSIGN:
      // A result that is aliased by a non-local name, is the effectively the
      // same as returning a non-local name, but this doesn't matter if the
      // value is immutable.
      return NodeUtil.isImmutableValue(value.getLastChild())
          || (locals.apply(value)
              && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals));
    case Token.COMMA:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.AND:
    case Token.OR:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild(), locals)
         && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.HOOK:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild().getNext(), locals)
         && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.INC:
    case Token.DEC:
      if (value.getBooleanProp(Node.INCRDECR_PROP)) {
        return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild(), locals);
      } else {
        return true;
    case Token.THIS:
      return locals.apply(value);
    case Token.NAME:
      return isImmutableValue(value) || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.GETELEM:
    case Token.GETPROP:
      // There is no information about the locality of object properties.
      return locals.apply(value);
    case Token.CALL:
      return callHasLocalResult(value)
          || isToStringMethodCall(value)
          || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.NEW:
      return newHasLocalResult(value)
             || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.REGEXP:
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      // Literals objects with non-literal children are allowed.
      return true;
    case Token.DELPROP:
    case Token.IN:
      // TODO(johnlenz): should IN operator be included in #isSimpleOperator?
      return true;
      // Other op force a local value:
      //  x = '' + g (x is now an local string)
      //  x -= g (x is now an local number)
      if (isAssignmentOp(value)
          || isSimpleOperator(value)
          || isImmutableValue(value)) {
        return true;

      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Unexpected expression node" + value +
          "\n parent:" + value.getParent());
Example 11
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @param locals A predicate to apply to unknown local values.
 * @return Whether the node is known to be a value that is not a reference
 *     outside the expression scope.
static boolean evaluatesToLocalValue(Node value, Predicate<Node> locals) {
  switch (value.getType()) {
    case Token.CAST:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild(), locals);
    case Token.ASSIGN:
      // A result that is aliased by a non-local name, is the effectively the
      // same as returning a non-local name, but this doesn't matter if the
      // value is immutable.
      return NodeUtil.isImmutableValue(value.getLastChild())
          || (locals.apply(value)
              && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals));
    case Token.COMMA:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.AND:
    case Token.OR:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild(), locals)
         && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.HOOK:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild().getNext(), locals)
         && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.INC:
    case Token.DEC:
      if (value.getBooleanProp(Node.INCRDECR_PROP)) {
        return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild(), locals);
      } else {
        return true;
    case Token.THIS:
      return locals.apply(value);
    case Token.NAME:
      return isImmutableValue(value) || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.GETELEM:
    case Token.GETPROP:
      // There is no information about the locality of object properties.
      return locals.apply(value);
    case Token.CALL:
      return callHasLocalResult(value)
          || isToStringMethodCall(value)
          || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.NEW:
      return newHasLocalResult(value)
             || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.REGEXP:
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      // Literals objects with non-literal children are allowed.
      return true;
    case Token.DELPROP:
    case Token.IN:
      // TODO(johnlenz): should IN operator be included in #isSimpleOperator?
      return true;
      // Other op force a local value:
      //  x = '' + g (x is now an local string)
      //  x -= g (x is now an local number)
      if (isAssignmentOp(value)
          || isSimpleOperator(value)
          || isImmutableValue(value)) {
        return true;

      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Unexpected expression node" + value +
          "\n parent:" + value.getParent());
Example 12
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
static int precedence(int type) {
  switch (type) {
    case Token.COMMA:  return 0;
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITOR:
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITXOR:
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITAND:
    case Token.ASSIGN_LSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_RSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_URSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_ADD:
    case Token.ASSIGN_SUB:
    case Token.ASSIGN_MUL:
    case Token.ASSIGN_DIV:
    case Token.ASSIGN_MOD:
    case Token.ASSIGN: return 1;
    case Token.HOOK:   return 2;  // ?: operator
    case Token.OR:     return 3;
    case Token.AND:    return 4;
    case Token.BITOR:  return 5;
    case Token.BITXOR: return 6;
    case Token.BITAND: return 7;
    case Token.EQ:
    case Token.NE:
    case Token.SHEQ:
    case Token.SHNE:   return 8;
    case Token.LT:
    case Token.GT:
    case Token.LE:
    case Token.GE:
    case Token.INSTANCEOF:
    case Token.IN:     return 9;
    case Token.LSH:
    case Token.RSH:
    case Token.URSH:   return 10;
    case Token.SUB:
    case Token.ADD:    return 11;
    case Token.MUL:
    case Token.MOD:
    case Token.DIV:    return 12;
    case Token.INC:
    case Token.DEC:
    case Token.NEW:
    case Token.DELPROP:
    case Token.TYPEOF:
    case Token.VOID:
    case Token.NOT:
    case Token.BITNOT:
    case Token.POS:
    case Token.NEG:    return 13;

    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.CALL:
    case Token.EMPTY:
    case Token.FALSE:
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.GETELEM:
    case Token.GETPROP:
    case Token.GET_REF:
    case Token.IF:
    case Token.LP:
    case Token.NAME:
    case Token.NULL:
    case Token.NUMBER:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
    case Token.REGEXP:
    case Token.RETURN:
    case Token.STRING:
    case Token.THIS:
    case Token.TRUE:
      return 15;

    default: throw new Error("Unknown precedence for " +
                             Node.tokenToName(type) +
                             " (type " + type + ")");
Example 13
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @param locals A predicate to apply to unknown local values.
 * @return Whether the node is known to be a value that is not a reference
 *     outside the expression scope.
static boolean evaluatesToLocalValue(Node value, Predicate<Node> locals) {
  switch (value.getType()) {
    case Token.ASSIGN:
      // A result that is aliased by a non-local name, is the effectively the
      // same as returning a non-local name, but this doesn't matter if the
      // value is immutable.
      return NodeUtil.isImmutableValue(value.getLastChild())
          || (locals.apply(value)
              && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals));
    case Token.COMMA:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.AND:
    case Token.OR:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild(), locals)
         && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.HOOK:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild().getNext(), locals)
         && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.INC:
    case Token.DEC:
      if (value.getBooleanProp(Node.INCRDECR_PROP)) {
        return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild(), locals);
      } else {
        return true;
    case Token.THIS:
      return locals.apply(value);
    case Token.NAME:
      return isImmutableValue(value) || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.GETELEM:
    case Token.GETPROP:
      // There is no information about the locality of object properties.
      return locals.apply(value);
    case Token.CALL:
      return callHasLocalResult(value)
          || isToStringMethodCall(value)
          || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.NEW:
      return newHasLocalResult(value)
             || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.REGEXP:
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      // Literals objects with non-literal children are allowed.
      return true;
    case Token.DELPROP:
    case Token.IN:
      // TODO(johnlenz): should IN operator be included in #isSimpleOperator?
      return true;
      // Other op force a local value:
      //  x = '' + g (x is now an local string)
      //  x -= g (x is now an local number)
      if (isAssignmentOp(value)
          || isSimpleOperator(value)
          || isImmutableValue(value)) {
        return true;

      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Unexpected expression node" + value +
          "\n parent:" + value.getParent());
Example 14
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @param locals A predicate to apply to unknown local values.
 * @return Whether the node is known to be a value that is not a reference
 *     outside the expression scope.
static boolean evaluatesToLocalValue(Node value, Predicate<Node> locals) {
  switch (value.getType()) {
    case Token.ASSIGN:
      // A result that is aliased by a non-local name, is the effectively the
      // same as returning a non-local name, but this doesn't matter if the
      // value is immutable.
      return NodeUtil.isImmutableValue(value.getLastChild())
          || (locals.apply(value)
              && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals));
    case Token.COMMA:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.AND:
    case Token.OR:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild(), locals)
         && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.HOOK:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild().getNext(), locals)
         && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.INC:
    case Token.DEC:
      if (value.getBooleanProp(Node.INCRDECR_PROP)) {
        return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild(), locals);
      } else {
        return true;
    case Token.THIS:
      return locals.apply(value);
    case Token.NAME:
      return isImmutableValue(value) || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.GETELEM:
    case Token.GETPROP:
      // There is no information about the locality of object properties.
      return locals.apply(value);
    case Token.CALL:
      return callHasLocalResult(value)
          || isToStringMethodCall(value)
          || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.NEW:
      return newHasLocalResult(value)
             || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.REGEXP:
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      // Literals objects with non-literal children are allowed.
      return true;
    case Token.DELPROP:
    case Token.IN:
      // TODO(johnlenz): should IN operator be included in #isSimpleOperator?
      return true;
      // Other op force a local value:
      //  x = '' + g (x is now an local string)
      //  x -= g (x is now an local number)
      if (isAssignmentOp(value)
          || isSimpleOperator(value)
          || isImmutableValue(value)) {
        return true;

      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Unexpected expression node" + value +
          "\n parent:" + value.getParent());
Example 15
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
static int precedence(int type) {
  switch (type) {
    case Token.COMMA:  return 0;
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITOR:
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITXOR:
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITAND:
    case Token.ASSIGN_LSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_RSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_URSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_ADD:
    case Token.ASSIGN_SUB:
    case Token.ASSIGN_MUL:
    case Token.ASSIGN_DIV:
    case Token.ASSIGN_MOD:
    case Token.ASSIGN: return 1;
    case Token.HOOK:   return 2;  // ?: operator
    case Token.OR:     return 3;
    case Token.AND:    return 4;
    case Token.BITOR:  return 5;
    case Token.BITXOR: return 6;
    case Token.BITAND: return 7;
    case Token.EQ:
    case Token.NE:
    case Token.SHEQ:
    case Token.SHNE:   return 8;
    case Token.LT:
    case Token.GT:
    case Token.LE:
    case Token.GE:
    case Token.INSTANCEOF:
    case Token.IN:     return 9;
    case Token.LSH:
    case Token.RSH:
    case Token.URSH:   return 10;
    case Token.SUB:
    case Token.ADD:    return 11;
    case Token.MUL:
    case Token.MOD:
    case Token.DIV:    return 12;
    case Token.INC:
    case Token.DEC:
    case Token.NEW:
    case Token.DELPROP:
    case Token.TYPEOF:
    case Token.VOID:
    case Token.NOT:
    case Token.BITNOT:
    case Token.POS:
    case Token.NEG:    return 13;

    case Token.CALL:
    case Token.GETELEM:
    case Token.GETPROP:
    // Data values
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.EMPTY:  // TODO(johnlenz): remove this.
    case Token.FALSE:
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.NAME:
    case Token.NULL:
    case Token.NUMBER:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
    case Token.REGEXP:
    case Token.STRING:
    case Token.THIS:
    case Token.TRUE:
      return 15;

    default: throw new Error("Unknown precedence for " +
                             Node.tokenToName(type) +
                             " (type " + type + ")");
Example 16
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * @param locals A predicate to apply to unknown local values.
 * @return Whether the node is known to be a value that is not a reference
 *     outside the expression scope.
static boolean evaluatesToLocalValue(Node value, Predicate<Node> locals) {
  switch (value.getType()) {
    case Token.ASSIGN:
      // A result that is aliased by a non-local name, is the effectively the
      // same as returning a non-local name, but this doesn't matter if the
      // value is immutable.
      return NodeUtil.isImmutableValue(value.getLastChild())
          || (locals.apply(value)
              && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals));
    case Token.COMMA:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.AND:
    case Token.OR:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild(), locals)
         && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.HOOK:
      return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild().getNext(), locals)
         && evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getLastChild(), locals);
    case Token.INC:
    case Token.DEC:
      if (value.getBooleanProp(Node.INCRDECR_PROP)) {
        return evaluatesToLocalValue(value.getFirstChild(), locals);
      } else {
        return true;
    case Token.THIS:
      return locals.apply(value);
    case Token.NAME:
      return isImmutableValue(value) || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.GETELEM:
    case Token.GETPROP:
      // There is no information about the locality of object properties.
      return locals.apply(value);
    case Token.CALL:
      return callHasLocalResult(value)
          || isToStringMethodCall(value)
          || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.NEW:
      return newHasLocalResult(value)
             || locals.apply(value);
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.REGEXP:
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      // Literals objects with non-literal children are allowed.
      return true;
    case Token.DELPROP:
    case Token.IN:
      // TODO(johnlenz): should IN operator be included in #isSimpleOperator?
      return true;
      // Other op force a local value:
      //  x = '' + g (x is now an local string)
      //  x -= g (x is now an local number)
      if (isAssignmentOp(value)
          || isSimpleOperator(value)
          || isImmutableValue(value)) {
        return true;

      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "Unexpected expression node" + value +
          "\n parent:" + value.getParent());
Example 17
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns true if this is a literal value. We define a literal value
 * as any node that evaluates to the same thing regardless of when or
 * where it is evaluated. So /xyz/ and [3, 5] are literals, but
 * the name a is not.
 * Function literals do not meet this definition, because they
 * lexically capture variables. For example, if you have
 * <code>
 * function() { return a; }
 * </code>
 * If it is evaluated in a different scope, then it
 * captures a different variable. Even if the function did not read
 * any captured variables directly, it would still fail this definition,
 * because it affects the lifecycle of variables in the enclosing scope.
 * However, a function literal with respect to a particular scope is
 * a literal.
 * @param includeFunctions If true, all function expressions will be
 *     treated as literals.
static boolean isLiteralValue(Node n, boolean includeFunctions) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.CAST:
      return isLiteralValue(n.getFirstChild(), includeFunctions);

    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if ((!child.isEmpty()) && !isLiteralValue(child, includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.REGEXP:
      // Return true only if all children are const.
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if (!isLiteralValue(child, includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      // Return true only if all values are const.
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null;
           child = child.getNext()) {
        if (!isLiteralValue(child.getFirstChild(), includeFunctions)) {
          return false;
      return true;

    case Token.FUNCTION:
      return includeFunctions && !NodeUtil.isFunctionDeclaration(n);

      return isImmutableValue(n);
Example 18
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Gets the boolean value of a node that represents a literal. This method
 * effectively emulates the <code>Boolean()</code> JavaScript cast function
 * except it return UNKNOWN for known values with side-effects, use
 * getExpressionBooleanValue if you don't care about side-effects.
static TernaryValue getPureBooleanValue(Node n) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.STRING:
      return TernaryValue.forBoolean(n.getString().length() > 0);

    case Token.NUMBER:
      return TernaryValue.forBoolean(n.getDouble() != 0);

    case Token.NOT:
      return getPureBooleanValue(n.getLastChild()).not();

    case Token.NULL:
    case Token.FALSE:
      return TernaryValue.FALSE;

    case Token.VOID:
      if (!mayHaveSideEffects(n.getFirstChild())) {
        return TernaryValue.FALSE;

    case Token.NAME:
      String name = n.getString();
      if ("undefined".equals(name)
          || "NaN".equals(name)) {
        // We assume here that programs don't change the value of the keyword
        // undefined to something other than the value undefined.
        return TernaryValue.FALSE;
      } else if ("Infinity".equals(name)) {
        return TernaryValue.TRUE;

    case Token.TRUE:
    case Token.REGEXP:
      return TernaryValue.TRUE;

    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      if (!mayHaveSideEffects(n)) {
        return TernaryValue.TRUE;

  return TernaryValue.UNKNOWN;
Example 19
Source File:    From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
static int precedence(int type) {
  switch (type) {
    case Token.COMMA:  return 0;
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITOR:
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITXOR:
    case Token.ASSIGN_BITAND:
    case Token.ASSIGN_LSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_RSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_URSH:
    case Token.ASSIGN_ADD:
    case Token.ASSIGN_SUB:
    case Token.ASSIGN_MUL:
    case Token.ASSIGN_DIV:
    case Token.ASSIGN_MOD:
    case Token.ASSIGN: return 1;
    case Token.HOOK:   return 2;  // ?: operator
    case Token.OR:     return 3;
    case Token.AND:    return 4;
    case Token.BITOR:  return 5;
    case Token.BITXOR: return 6;
    case Token.BITAND: return 7;
    case Token.EQ:
    case Token.NE:
    case Token.SHEQ:
    case Token.SHNE:   return 8;
    case Token.LT:
    case Token.GT:
    case Token.LE:
    case Token.GE:
    case Token.INSTANCEOF:
    case Token.IN:     return 9;
    case Token.LSH:
    case Token.RSH:
    case Token.URSH:   return 10;
    case Token.SUB:
    case Token.ADD:    return 11;
    case Token.MUL:
    case Token.MOD:
    case Token.DIV:    return 12;
    case Token.INC:
    case Token.DEC:
    case Token.NEW:
    case Token.DELPROP:
    case Token.TYPEOF:
    case Token.VOID:
    case Token.NOT:
    case Token.BITNOT:
    case Token.POS:
    case Token.NEG:    return 13;

    case Token.CALL:
    case Token.GETELEM:
    case Token.GETPROP:
    // Data values
    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.EMPTY:  // TODO(johnlenz): remove this.
    case Token.FALSE:
    case Token.FUNCTION:
    case Token.NAME:
    case Token.NULL:
    case Token.NUMBER:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
    case Token.REGEXP:
    case Token.STRING:
    case Token.STRING_KEY:
    case Token.THIS:
    case Token.TRUE:
      return 15;
    case Token.CAST:
      return 16;

    default: throw new Error("Unknown precedence for " +
                             " (type " + type + ")");
Example 20
Source File:    From coming with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Gets the boolean value of a node that represents a literal. This method
 * effectively emulates the <code>Boolean()</code> JavaScript cast function
 * except it return UNKNOWN for known values with side-effects, use
 * getExpressionBooleanValue if you don't care about side-effects.
static TernaryValue getPureBooleanValue(Node n) {
  switch (n.getType()) {
    case Token.STRING:
      return TernaryValue.forBoolean(n.getString().length() > 0);

    case Token.NUMBER:
      return TernaryValue.forBoolean(n.getDouble() != 0);

    case Token.NOT:
      return getPureBooleanValue(n.getLastChild()).not();

    case Token.NULL:
    case Token.FALSE:
      return TernaryValue.FALSE;

    case Token.VOID:
      if (!mayHaveSideEffects(n.getFirstChild())) {
        return TernaryValue.FALSE;

    case Token.NAME:
      String name = n.getString();
      if ("undefined".equals(name)
          || "NaN".equals(name)) {
        // We assume here that programs don't change the value of the keyword
        // undefined to something other than the value undefined.
        return TernaryValue.FALSE;
      } else if ("Infinity".equals(name)) {
        return TernaryValue.TRUE;

    case Token.TRUE:
    case Token.REGEXP:
      return TernaryValue.TRUE;

    case Token.ARRAYLIT:
    case Token.OBJECTLIT:
      if (!mayHaveSideEffects(n)) {
        return TernaryValue.TRUE;

  return TernaryValue.UNKNOWN;