Java Code Examples for cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D#set()

The following examples show how to use cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D#set() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void doubleTest() {
int rows = 4;
int columns = 5; // make a 4*5 matrix
DoubleMatrix2D master = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(rows,columns);
master.assign(1); // set all cells to 1
master.viewPart(2,1,2,3).assign(2); // set [2,1] .. [3,3] to 2

DoubleMatrix2D copyPart = master.viewPart(2,1,2,3).copy();
copyPart.assign(3); // modify an independent copy
System.out.println("\n"+copyPart); // has changed
System.out.println("\n"+master); // master has not changed

DoubleMatrix2D view1 = master.viewPart(0,3,4,2); // [0,3] .. [3,4]
DoubleMatrix2D view2 = view1.viewPart(0,0,4,1); // a view from a view 
Example 2
Source File:    From OSPREY3 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private void makeDistConstrJac( DoubleMatrix2D constrJac, int constrNum,
        double coord1[], double coord2[],
        int atomNum1, int atomNum2 ) {
    //Enter the Jacobian of a distance constraint between the atoms as #constrNum
    //in constrJac.  Atom numbers (among free N, CA) and (initial) coordinates given
    //-1 for atomNum means fixed atom, so not part of gradient
    for(int dim=0; dim<3; dim++){
        if(atomNum1>=0 && 3*atomNum1<constrJac.columns()){
            constrJac.set(constrNum, 3*atomNum1+dim, 2*coord1[dim]-2*coord2[dim]);
            recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNum1+dim, 3*atomNum1+dim, 2);
            if(atomNum2>=0 && 3*atomNum2<constrJac.columns())//atomNum2 free to move
                recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNum1+dim, 3*atomNum2+dim, -2);
        if(atomNum2>=0 && 3*atomNum2<constrJac.columns()){
            constrJac.set(constrNum, 3*atomNum2+dim, 2*coord2[dim]-2*coord1[dim]);
            recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNum2+dim, 3*atomNum2+dim, 2);
            if(atomNum1>=0 && 3*atomNum1<constrJac.columns())//atomNum1 free to move
                recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNum2+dim, 3*atomNum1+dim, -2);
Example 3
Source File:    From OSPREY3 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
static void updateSeriesHessian(DoubleMatrix2D hess, DoubleMatrix1D x, double coeff, int...dofs ){
    //update the Hessian hess of a series at DOF values x
    //by adding in the Hessian of the term
    //coeff*prod_i x.get(dofs[i])
    int deg = dofs.length;
    for(int d1=0; d1<deg; d1++){
        for(int d2=0; d2<d1; d2++){//non diagonal Hessian contributions
            double dhess = coeff;
            for(int d3=0; d3<deg; d3++){
                if(d3!=d1 && d3!=d2)
                    dhess *= x.get(dofs[d3]);
            hess.set(dofs[d1],dofs[d2], hess.get(dofs[d1],dofs[d2])+dhess);
            hess.set(dofs[d2],dofs[d1], hess.get(dofs[d2],dofs[d1])+dhess);
Example 4
Source File:    From OSPREY3 with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
static DoubleMatrix2D getHessian(double coeffs[], int numDOFs, boolean includeConst){
    //Extract the Hessian from the given series coeffs, 
    //which are expected to have order>=2
    int count = numDOFs;//start at first index in coeffs for a second-order coefficient
    DoubleMatrix2D hess = DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(numDOFs,numDOFs);

    for(int a=0; a<numDOFs; a++){
        for(int b=0; b<=a; b++){
            double hessVal = coeffs[count];
                hessVal *= 2;
            hess.set(a, b, hessVal);
            hess.set(b, a, hessVal);
    return hess;
Example 5
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
private void calcTerms(DoubleMatrix2D terms){
	for(int x=0;x<windowLength;++x){
		for(int y=0;y<featureLength;++y){
			for(int i=0;i<k;++i){
				for(int j=0;j<l;++j){
Example 6
Source File:    From beast-mcmc with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
private static Matrix getMatrixSqrt(Matrix M, Boolean invert) {
    DoubleMatrix2D S = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(M.toComponents());
    RobustEigenDecomposition eigenDecomp = new RobustEigenDecomposition(S, 100);
    DoubleMatrix1D eigenValues = eigenDecomp.getRealEigenvalues();
    int dim = eigenValues.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
        double value = sqrt(eigenValues.get(i));
        if (invert) {
            value = 1 / value;
        eigenValues.set(i, value);

    DoubleMatrix2D eigenVectors = eigenDecomp.getV();
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
            eigenVectors.set(i, j, eigenVectors.get(i, j) * eigenValues.get(j));

    DoubleMatrix2D storageMatrix = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(dim, dim);
    eigenVectors.zMult(eigenDecomp.getV(), storageMatrix, 1, 0, false, true);

    return new Matrix(storageMatrix.toArray());

Example 7
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
public static void doubleTest(int rows, int columns, int initialCapacity, double minLoadFactor, double maxLoadFactor) {
	DoubleMatrix2D matrix = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(rows,columns,initialCapacity,minLoadFactor,maxLoadFactor);
	int i=0;
	for (int column=0; column < columns; column++) {
		for (int row=0; row < rows; row++) {
			//if (i%1000 == 0) { 

	for (int column=0; column < columns; column++) {
		for (int row=0; row < rows; row++) {
			//if (i%1000 == 0) {

	System.out.println("bye bye.");
Example 8
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
private void calcTerms(DoubleMatrix2D terms){
	for(int x=0;x<windowLength;++x){
		for(int y=0;y<featureLength;++y){
			for(int i=0;i<xDim;++i){
				for(int j=0;j<yDim;++j){
Example 9
Source File:    From OSPREY3 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
static DoubleMatrix2D unflattenMatrix(double serCoeffs[], int nd, boolean removeLast, boolean coeffForm){
    //nd = number of dimensions
    int count=0;

    DoubleMatrix2D hess = DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(nd,nd);

    for(int a=0; a<nd; a++){
        for(int b=0; b<=a; b++){
                if(removeLast && a==nd-1)
                double co = serCoeffs[count];
                    co /= 2;
                hess.set(a,b,co);//Hessian is symmetric
                hess.set(b,a,co);//but computing by Hessian double-counts off-diagonal series coefficients


    return hess;
Example 10
Source File:    From OSPREY3 with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private void makeLastNCACCConstrJac( DoubleMatrix2D constrJac, int constrNum,
        double CACoord[], double CCoord[], int atomNumN ){ 
    //Last constraint is simpler, because CA and C' are both fixed
    for(int dim=0; dim<3; dim++)
        constrJac.set(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+dim, CCoord[dim] - CACoord[dim]);
    //no jac derivs because this constraint is linear
Example 11
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
private void calcTerms(DoubleMatrix2D terms){
	for(int x=0;x<windowLength;++x){
		for(int y=0;y<featureLength;++y){
			for(int i=0;i<k;++i){
				for(int j=0;j<l;++j){
Example 12
Source File:    From jAudioGIT with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
private void calcTerms(DoubleMatrix2D terms){
	for(int x=0;x<windowLength;++x){
		for(int y=0;y<featureLength;++y){
			for(int i=0;i<k;++i){
				for(int j=0;j<l;++j){
Example 13
Source File:    From OSPREY3 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
static DoubleMatrix2D invertX(DoubleMatrix2D X){
            throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Can't invert square matrix");
        if(X.rows()==1){//easy case of 1-D
                return DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(1,1,0);
                return DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(1,1,1./X.get(0,0));
        /*DoubleMatrix2D invX = null;
            invX = Algebra.DEFAULT.inverse(X);
        catch(Exception e){
            System.err.println("ERROR: Singular matrix in MinVolEllipse calculation");
        //Invert X, but if singular, this probably indicates a lack of points
        //but we can still make a meaningful lower-dimensional ellipsoid for the dimensions we have data
        //so we construct a pseudoinverse by setting those eigencomponents to 0
        //X is assumed to be symmetric (if not would need SVD instead...)
        EigenvalueDecomposition edec = new EigenvalueDecomposition(X);
        DoubleMatrix2D newD = edec.getD().copy();
        for(int m=0; m<X.rows(); m++){
            if( Math.abs(newD.get(m,m)) < 1e-8 ){
                //System.out.println("Warning: singular X in MinVolEllipse calculation");
                //this may come up somewhat routinely, especially with discrete DOFs in place

        DoubleMatrix2D invX = Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(edec.getV(),newD).zMult(edec.getV(), null, 1, 0, false, true);
        return invX;
Example 14
Source File:    From OSPREY3 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
private void makeNCACCConstrJac( DoubleMatrix2D constrJac, int constrNum,
        double NCoord[], double CACoord[], double NCoordNext[], double CACoordNext[],
        int atomNumN, int pepPlaneNum ){ 
    //constraint the dot product (C'-CA) dot (N-CA)
    //Uses N, CA coord variables for this residue and the next
    //(since C' coords are a linear function of this CA and next N, CA coords)
    //(For this purpose we constrain not the actual C' but its projection into the 
    //CA-N-C plane)
    //we'll need expansion coefficients for C'...
    double[] expansionCoeffs = pepPlanes[pepPlaneNum].getProjCAtomCoeffs();
    double a = expansionCoeffs[0];
    double b = expansionCoeffs[1];
    double c = expansionCoeffs[2];
    for(int dim=0; dim<3; dim++){
        if(atomNumN>=0){//not the first residue, which has fixed N & CA
            double NGrad = (a-1)*CACoord[dim] + b*NCoordNext[dim] + c*CACoordNext[dim];
            double CAGrad  = (a-1)*NCoord[dim] + 2*(1-a)*CACoord[dim] - b*NCoordNext[dim] - c*CACoordNext[dim];
            constrJac.set(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+dim, NGrad);
            constrJac.set(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+3+dim, CAGrad);
            //jac derivs for N
            recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+dim, 3*atomNumN+3+dim, a-1);
            recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+dim, 3*atomNumN+6+dim, b);
                recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+dim, 3*atomNumN+9+dim, c);
            //and for C
            recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+3+dim, 3*atomNumN+dim, a-1);
            recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+3+dim, 3*atomNumN+3+dim, 2*(1-a));
            recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+3+dim, 3*atomNumN+6+dim, -b);
                recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+3+dim, 3*atomNumN+9+dim, -c);
        constrJac.set(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+6+dim, b*NCoord[dim]-b*CACoord[dim]);
            recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+6+dim, 3*atomNumN+dim, b);
            recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+6+dim, 3*atomNumN+3+dim, -b);
        if(3*atomNumN+9<constrJac.columns()){//i.e., not second-to-last res (which has fixed CANext)
            constrJac.set(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+9+dim, c*NCoord[dim]-c*CACoord[dim]);
                recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+9+dim, 3*atomNumN+dim, c);
                recordJacDeriv(constrNum, 3*atomNumN+9+dim, 3*atomNumN+3+dim, -c);
Example 15
Source File:    From CFGScanDroid with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static boolean bfsCompare(	SparseDoubleMatrix2D candidateList, 
									SparseDoubleMatrix2D signatureAdjacencyMatrix, 
									SparseDoubleMatrix2D functionAdjacencyMatrix, 
									int[] signatureDepths,
									int[] functionDepths,
									int depth) {
	// System.out.println("DEPTH: " + depth);
	// get vectors for nodes at this depth by retrieving parents (depth - 1)
	DoubleMatrix2D signatureVector = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(1, signatureDepths.length);
	DoubleMatrix2D functionVector = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(1, functionDepths.length);
	DoubleMatrix2D parentSigVector = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(1, signatureDepths.length);
	DoubleMatrix2D parentFunVector = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(1, functionDepths.length);

	// get parents
	for(int i=0; i<signatureDepths.length; ++i) {
		if(signatureDepths[i] == (depth-1))
			parentSigVector.set(0, i, 1.0);

	for(int i=0; i<functionDepths.length; ++i) {
		if(functionDepths[i] == (depth-1))
			parentFunVector.set(0, i, 1.0);

	// get current nodes
	signatureVector = Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(parentSigVector, signatureAdjacencyMatrix);
	functionVector = Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(parentFunVector, functionAdjacencyMatrix);

	// mark nodes' depths if they are not currently set
	for(int i=0; i<signatureDepths.length; ++i) {
		if(signatureVector.get(0,i) > 0 && signatureDepths[i] < 0)
			signatureDepths[i] = depth;

	for(int i=0; i<functionDepths.length; ++i) {
		if(functionVector.get(0,i) > 0 && functionDepths[i] < 0)
			functionDepths[i] = depth;

	// make signatureVector only have nodes at this depth
	for(int i=0; i<signatureDepths.length; ++i) {
		if(signatureDepths[i] != depth) {
			signatureVector.set(0, i, 0.0);

	// make signatureVector only have nodes at this depth
	for(int i=0; i<functionDepths.length; ++i) {
		if(functionDepths[i] != depth) {
			functionVector.set(0, i, 0.0);

	// check signode count <= funnode count
	if(	Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(signatureVector, signatureAdjacencyMatrix).cardinality() > 
		Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(functionVector, functionAdjacencyMatrix).cardinality()) {
		// System.out.println("Insufficient function basic blocks at depth " + depth + " to satisfy signature!");
		return false;

	// TODO: edge check needed?
	// build candidate list 
	candidateList = buildCandidateList(	candidateList, 

	if(bipartiteMatchingVector(candidateList, signatureVector, functionVector, signatureDepths, functionDepths)) {
	//if(bipartiteMatchingDepth(candidateList, signatureDepths, functionDepths, depth)) {

		// check if we've reached end of graph
		if(Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(signatureVector, signatureAdjacencyMatrix).cardinality() == 0)
			return true;

	} else {
		// System.out.println("Bipartite matching failed!");
		return false;

	if(depth > MAX_DEPTH)
		return false;

	return bfsCompare(candidateList, signatureAdjacencyMatrix, functionAdjacencyMatrix, signatureDepths, functionDepths, depth+1);
Example 16
Source File:    From CFGScanDroid with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static SparseDoubleMatrix2D checkIncestConditionParents(	DoubleMatrix2D signatureNodeIncestVector,
																DoubleMatrix2D functionNodeIncestVector,
																SparseDoubleMatrix2D signatureAdjacencyMatrix, 
																SparseDoubleMatrix2D functionAdjacencyMatrix,
																int[] signatureDepths,
																int[] functionDepths,
																int depth,
																SparseDoubleMatrix2D candidateList) {

	SparseDoubleMatrix2D signatureSelector = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(1, signatureDepths.length);
	SparseDoubleMatrix2D functionSelector = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(1, functionDepths.length);

	for(int i=0; i<signatureNodeIncestVector.size(); ++i) {
		if(signatureNodeIncestVector.get(0, i) == 0.0)

		signatureSelector.set(0, i, 1.0);

		DoubleMatrix2D signatureNodeParentVector = Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(signatureSelector, Algebra.DEFAULT.transpose(signatureAdjacencyMatrix));

		// only bipartite match on incest parents
		for(int iParent = 0; iParent < signatureNodeParentVector.columns(); ++iParent) {
			if(signatureNodeParentVector.get(0, iParent) > 0 && signatureDepths[iParent] != depth) {
				signatureNodeParentVector.set(0, iParent, 0.0);

		int signatureIncestParentCount = signatureNodeParentVector.cardinality();

		for(int j=0; j<functionNodeIncestVector.size(); ++j) {
			if(candidateList.get(i, j) == 0.0)

			functionSelector.set(0, j, 1.0);

			DoubleMatrix2D functionNodeParentVector = Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(functionSelector, Algebra.DEFAULT.transpose(functionAdjacencyMatrix));

			// only bipartite match on incest parents
			for(int iParent = 0; iParent < functionNodeParentVector.columns(); ++iParent) {
				if(functionNodeParentVector.get(0, iParent) > 0 && functionDepths[iParent] != depth) {
					functionNodeParentVector.set(0, iParent, 0.0);

			int functionIncestParentCount = functionNodeParentVector.cardinality();

			// bipartite matching, if !sufficient
			if(	candidateList.get(i, j) > 0 && (signatureIncestParentCount > functionIncestParentCount ||
				!bipartiteMatchingVector(candidateList, signatureNodeParentVector, functionNodeParentVector, signatureDepths, functionDepths))) {
				// remove candidacy
				candidateList.set(i, j, 0.0);

	return candidateList;
Example 17
Source File:    From CFGScanDroid with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public static SparseDoubleMatrix2D checkPreviouslyVisitedChildren(	IntArrayList signatureNonZeros, 
																	IntArrayList functionNonZeros,
																	SparseDoubleMatrix2D signatureAdjacencyMatrix, 
																	SparseDoubleMatrix2D functionAdjacencyMatrix,
																	int[] signatureDepths,
																	int[] functionDepths,
 																	SparseDoubleMatrix2D candidateList) {
	SparseDoubleMatrix2D signatureSelector = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(1, signatureDepths.length);
	SparseDoubleMatrix2D functionSelector = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(1, functionDepths.length);

	// reduce candidacy based on previously visited children
	for(int i=0; i<signatureNonZeros.size(); ++i) {
		// for node N, this sets the Nth bit of the vector to 1.0
		signatureSelector.set(0, signatureNonZeros.get(i), 1.0);

		// get children at depth <= current
		DoubleMatrix2D signatureNodeChildVector = Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(signatureSelector, signatureAdjacencyMatrix);

		// remove signature node's unvisited children
		for(int iChild = 0; iChild < signatureNodeChildVector.columns(); ++iChild) {
			if(signatureNodeChildVector.get(0, iChild) > 0 && signatureDepths[iChild] == -1) { // for the oposite conditional && signatureDepths[iChild] <= depth) {
				signatureNodeChildVector.set(0, iChild, 0.0);

		int signatureVisitedChildCount = signatureNodeChildVector.cardinality();

		for(int j=0; j<functionNonZeros.size(); ++j) {
			functionSelector.set(0, functionNonZeros.get(j), 1.0);
			// get children at depth <= current
			DoubleMatrix2D functionNodeChildVector = Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(functionSelector, functionAdjacencyMatrix);

			// remove function node's unvisited children
			for(int iChild = 0; iChild < functionNodeChildVector.columns(); ++iChild) {
				if(functionNodeChildVector.get(0, iChild) > 0 && functionDepths[iChild] == -1) { // for the oposite conditional && functionDepths[iChild] <= depth) {
					functionNodeChildVector.set(0, iChild, 0.0);

			int functionVisitedChildCount = functionNodeChildVector.cardinality();
			// bipartite matching, if !sufficient
			if(	candidateList.get(signatureNonZeros.get(i), functionNonZeros.get(j)) > 0 && 
				(signatureVisitedChildCount > functionVisitedChildCount ||
				!bipartiteMatchingVector(candidateList, signatureNodeChildVector, functionNodeChildVector, signatureDepths, functionDepths))) {
				// remove candidacy
				candidateList.set(signatureNonZeros.get(i), functionNonZeros.get(j), 0.0);

	return candidateList;
Example 18
Source File:    From CFGScanDroid with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public void normalize() {
	// System.out.println(adjacencyMatrix);
	int adjacencyMatrixSize = adjacencyMatrix.columns();
	if(adjacencyMatrixSize < 1)

	DoubleMatrix2D selector = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(1, adjacencyMatrixSize);
	selector.set(0, 0, 1.0);
	// System.out.println(selector);
	// get vertices reachable from V0
	int cardinality = selector.cardinality();
	int lastCardinality = 0;

	DoubleDoubleFunction merge = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
		public double apply(double a, double b) { 
			return (a > 0 || b > 0) ? 1 : 0; 

	while(cardinality != lastCardinality) {
		lastCardinality = cardinality;
		// selector = Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(selector, adjacencyMatrix);
		selector.assign(Algebra.DEFAULT.mult(selector, adjacencyMatrix), merge);
		// System.out.println(selector);
		cardinality = selector.cardinality();

	// System.out.println(selector);

	if(cardinality == adjacencyMatrixSize) {

	// IntArrayList nonZeros = new IntArrayList();
	// IntArrayList unusedInt = new IntArrayList();
	// DoubleArrayList unusedDouble = new DoubleArrayList();
	// selector.getNonZeros(unusedInt, nonZeros, unusedDouble);
	// SparseDoubleMatrix2D reduced = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(adjacencyMatrix.viewSelection(nonZeros.elements(), nonZeros.elements()).toArray());

	SparseDoubleMatrix2D reduced = new SparseDoubleMatrix2D(cardinality, cardinality);
	int iCurrentVertex = 0;
	for(int i=0; i<adjacencyMatrixSize; ++i) {
		if(selector.get(0, i) != 0.0) {
			int jCurrentVertex = 0;
			for(int j=0; j<adjacencyMatrixSize; ++j) {
				if(selector.get(0, j) != 0.0){
					reduced.set(iCurrentVertex, jCurrentVertex, adjacencyMatrix.get(i, j));
	// System.out.println(reduced);
	// System.out.println("=======");
	adjacencyMatrix = reduced;
	vertexCount = adjacencyMatrix.columns();
	edgeCount = adjacencyMatrix.cardinality();
Example 19
Source File:    From OSPREY3 with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
public HashMap<DegreeOfFreedom,Double> calcSpecialCenter(){
    //center for some degrees of freedom may, due to non-box constr, 
    //differ from center of box constr
    //NOTE: the map only contains those degrees of freedom where center is special
    //(not just middle of lb,ub)
    //DEBUG!!! This assumes the particular form of lin constr (pairs of parallel constr,
    //DOFs not in constrained space assumed to center at 0) used in basis big CATS stuff
    HashMap<DegreeOfFreedom,Double> ans = new HashMap<>();
    int numSpecialDOFConstr = voxLinConstr.size()/2;
        return ans;
    HashSet<Integer> specialDOFSet = new HashSet<>();
    for(int spesh=0; spesh<numSpecialDOFConstr; spesh++){
        RealVector coeff = voxLinConstr.get(2*spesh).getCoefficients();
        if(coeff.getDistance(voxLinConstr.get(2*spesh+1).getCoefficients()) > 0)
            throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: voxLinConstr not paired like expected");
        for(int d=0; d<dofIntervals.size(); d++){
    int numSpecialDOFs = specialDOFSet.size();
    ArrayList<Integer> specialDOFList = new ArrayList<>();
    DoubleMatrix2D specialConstr = DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(numSpecialDOFConstr, numSpecialDOFs);
    //we will constrain values first of the lin combs of DOFs given in voxLinConstr,
    //then of lin combs orth to those
    DoubleMatrix2D target = DoubleFactory2D.dense.make(numSpecialDOFs,1);
    for(int spesh=0; spesh<numSpecialDOFConstr; spesh++){
        RealVector coeffs = voxLinConstr.get(2*spesh).getCoefficients();
        for(int d=0; d<numSpecialDOFs; d++)
            specialConstr.set(spesh, d, coeffs.getEntry(specialDOFList.get(d)));
        target.set( spesh, 0, 0.5*(voxLinConstr.get(2*spesh).getValue()+voxLinConstr.get(2*spesh+1).getValue()) );
    //remaining targets (orth components to voxLinConstr) are 0
    DoubleMatrix2D orthComponents = getOrthogVectors(specialConstr);
    DoubleMatrix2D M = DoubleFactory2D.dense.compose(
            new DoubleMatrix2D[][] {
                new DoubleMatrix2D[] {specialConstr},
                new DoubleMatrix2D[] {Algebra.DEFAULT.transpose(orthComponents)}
    DoubleMatrix1D specialDOFVals = Algebra.DEFAULT.solve(M, target).viewColumn(0);
    for(int d=0; d<numSpecialDOFs; d++){
        ans.put(dofIntervals.get(specialDOFList.get(d)).dof, specialDOFVals.get(d));
    return ans;
Example 20
Source File:    From beast-mcmc with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
private void computeStationaryDistribution(double[] stationaryDistribution) {

        if (allRatesAreZero(switchingRates)) {

        // Uses an LU decomposition to solve Q^t \pi = 0 and \sum \pi_i = 1
        DoubleMatrix2D mat2 = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(numBaseModel + 1, numBaseModel);
        int index2 = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numBaseModel; ++i) {
            for (int j = i + 1; j < numBaseModel; ++j) {
                mat2.set(j, i, switchingRates.getParameterValue(index2)); // Transposed
        for (int j = 0; j < numBaseModel; ++j) {
            for (int i = j + 1; i < numBaseModel; ++i) {
                mat2.set(j, i, switchingRates.getParameterValue(index2)); // Transposed
        for (int i = 0; i < numBaseModel; ++i) {
            double rowTotal = 0.0;
            for (int j = 0; j < numBaseModel; ++j) {
                if (i != j) {
                    rowTotal += mat2.get(j, i); // Transposed

            mat2.set(i, i, -rowTotal);

        // Add row for sum-to-one constraint
        for (int i = 0; i < numBaseModel; ++i) {
            mat2.set(numBaseModel, i, 1.0);

        LUDecomposition decomposition = new LUDecomposition(mat2);
        DoubleMatrix2D x = new DenseDoubleMatrix2D(numBaseModel + 1, 1);
        x.set(numBaseModel, 0, 1.0);
        DoubleMatrix2D y = decomposition.solve(x);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBaseModel; ++i) {
            stationaryDistribution[i] = y.get(i, 0);