spoon.reflect.code.CtLiteral Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: PatchGenerator.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public List<Transformation> process(ModificationPoint modificationPoint, LiteralPlaceholder literalPlaceholder) { List<Transformation> transformation = new ArrayList<>(); /// List<Ingredient> ingredients = getSpace(modificationPoint.getProgramVariant()) .getIngredients(modificationPoint.getCodeElement()); logger.debug("Ingredients lit (" + ingredients.size() + ") " + ingredients); // logger.debug("Placeholder vars "+ // varplaceholder.getPalceholders().keySet().size()); for (Ingredient ctCodeElement : ingredients) { CtLiteral literal4Space = (CtLiteral) ctCodeElement.getCode(); if (literal4Space.getType().isSubtypeOf(literalPlaceholder.getAffected().getType())) { Transformation t = new LiteralTransformation(literalPlaceholder, literalPlaceholder.getAffected(), literal4Space.getValue()); transformation.add(t); } } return transformation; }
Example #2
Source File: VariablesInSuspiciousCollector.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * get all dependencies added by a CtTypedElement * * @param element * @return all dependencies added by element */ private List<CtTypeReference<?>> getDependencies(CtTypedElement<?> element) { List<CtTypeReference<?>> listDependencies = new ArrayList<>(); // Literal if (element instanceof CtAnnotation) { return listDependencies; } if (element instanceof CtLiteral<?>) { CtLiteral<?> literal = (CtLiteral<?>) element; literal.getValue(); if (literal.getValue() instanceof CtTypeReference<?>) { listDependencies.add((CtTypeReference<?>) literal.getValue()); } else if (literal.getValue() instanceof CtTypedElement<?>) { listDependencies.add(((CtTypedElement<?>) literal.getValue()) .getType()); } } // method invocation if (element instanceof CtInvocation<?>) { CtInvocation<?> invocation = (CtInvocation<?>) element; // the class of the method listDependencies.add(invocation.getExecutable().getDeclaringType()); } listDependencies.add(element.getType()); return listDependencies; }
Example #3
Source File: PatchGenerator.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public List<Transformation> process(ModificationPoint modificationPoint, VarLiPlaceholder varLiPlaceholder) { List<Transformation> transformation = new ArrayList<>(); List<Ingredient> ingredients = getSpace(modificationPoint.getProgramVariant()) .getIngredients(modificationPoint.getCodeElement()); logger.debug("Ingredients lit (" + ingredients.size() + ") " + ingredients); for (Ingredient ctCodeElement : ingredients) { CtLiteral literal4Space = (CtLiteral) ctCodeElement.getCode(); if (literal4Space.getType().isSubtypeOf(varLiPlaceholder.getAffectedVariable().getType())) { Transformation t = new VarLiTransformation(varLiPlaceholder, varLiPlaceholder.getAffectedVariable(), literal4Space.clone()); transformation.add(t); } } return transformation; }
Example #4
Source File: ConditionRemoveTransform.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "static-access" })
public <T> void visitCtBinaryOperator(CtBinaryOperator<T> operator) {
if(operator.getKind()==BinaryOperatorKind.AND||operator.getKind()==BinaryOperatorKind.OR) {
CtExpression right = operator.getRightHandOperand();
CtLiteral<Boolean> literalvalue = this.mutSupporter.getFactory().Core().createLiteral();
Boolean bval=true;
CtExpression left = operator.getLeftHandOperand();
Example #5
Source File: ConditionRemoveTransform.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
@SuppressWarnings({ "static-access", "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public void visitCtIf(CtIf ifElement) {
CtExpression cond = ifElement.getCondition();
CtLiteral<Boolean> literalvalue = this.mutSupporter.getFactory().Core().createLiteral();
Boolean bval=false;
CtBinaryOperator<?> newcond = this.mutSupporter.getFactory().Core().createBinaryOperator();
ifElement.setCondition((CtExpression<Boolean>) newcond);
Example #6
Source File: ClassCollector.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * get all dependencies added by a CtTypedElement * * @param element * @return all dependencies added by element */ private List<CtTypeReference<?>> getDependencies(CtTypedElement<?> element) { List<CtTypeReference<?>> listDependencies = new ArrayList<>(); // Literal if (element instanceof CtAnnotation) { return listDependencies; } if (element instanceof CtLiteral<?>) { CtLiteral<?> literal = (CtLiteral<?>) element; literal.getValue(); if (literal.getValue() instanceof CtTypeReference<?>) { listDependencies.add((CtTypeReference<?>) literal.getValue()); } else if (literal.getValue() instanceof CtTypedElement<?>) { listDependencies.add(((CtTypedElement<?>) literal.getValue()) .getType()); } } // method invocation if (element instanceof CtInvocation<?>) { CtInvocation<?> invocation = (CtInvocation<?>) element; // the class of the method listDependencies.add(invocation.getExecutable().getDeclaringType()); } listDependencies.add(element.getType()); return listDependencies; }
Example #7
Source File: AbstractCodeAnalyzer.java From coming with MIT License | 6 votes |
public static String[] getLiteralTypeAndValue(CtLiteral inputLiteral) {
String[] literaltypeandvalue = new String[2];
if (inputLiteral.toString().trim().startsWith("'")) {
literaltypeandvalue[0] = "char";
literaltypeandvalue[1] = inputLiteral.getValue().toString();
} else if (inputLiteral.toString().trim().startsWith("\"")) {
literaltypeandvalue[0] = "string";
literaltypeandvalue[1] = inputLiteral.getValue().toString();
} else if (inputLiteral.toString().indexOf("null") != -1) {
literaltypeandvalue[0] = "null";
literaltypeandvalue[1] = "null";
} else {
if (inputLiteral.getValue().toString().equals("true")
|| inputLiteral.getValue().toString().equals("false")) {
literaltypeandvalue[0] = "boolean";
literaltypeandvalue[1] = inputLiteral.getValue().toString();
} else {
literaltypeandvalue[0] = "numerical";
literaltypeandvalue[1] = inputLiteral.getValue().toString();
return literaltypeandvalue;
Example #8
Source File: ExpressionIngredientSpaceProcessor.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public void process(CtExpression element) {
if (element instanceof CtAssignment || element instanceof CtNewArray || element instanceof CtTypeAccess
|| element instanceof CtVariableAccess || element instanceof CtLiteral)
if (element.getType() != null)
Example #9
Source File: VarLiTransformation.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public VarLiTransformation(VarLiPlaceholder varLiPlaceholder, CtVariableAccess previousVariable,
CtLiteral newLiteral) {
this.varLiPlaceholder = varLiPlaceholder;
this.previousVariable = previousVariable;
this.newLiteral = newLiteral;
Example #10
Source File: LiteralPlaceholderGenerator.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@Override public List<LiteralPlaceholder> createTOS(T ingredientSource) { List<LiteralPlaceholder> results = new ArrayList<>(); boolean mustclone = false; List<CtLiteral> literals = ip.createFixSpace(ingredientSource, mustclone); for (CtLiteral ctLiteral : literals) { //TODO: int i = 0; LiteralPlaceholder lp = new LiteralPlaceholder("_l_"+ctLiteral.getType().getSimpleName()+"_"+i, ctLiteral); results.add(lp); } return results; }
Example #11
Source File: ExpressionTransform.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public <T> void visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T> literal) {
CtExpression exp = null;
if(literal.getValue()!=null) {
literal.getValue().toString().toLowerCase().equals("false")) {
exp = ExpressionGenerator.fetchEXP(this.mutSupporter, this.modificationPoint, "boolean", querytype);
if (exp != null)
candidates.put(literal, exp);
Example #12
Source File: CodeElementInfo.java From coming with MIT License | 5 votes |
private void setLiteralsFromFaultyLine() { if (elementToStudy != null) literalsFromFaultyLine = elementToStudy.getElements(e -> (e instanceof CtLiteral)).stream() .map(CtLiteral.class::cast).collect(Collectors.toList()); else literalsFromFaultyLine = null; }
Example #13
Source File: DynamothConstantCollector.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public void process(CtLiteral ctLiteral) {
Literal constant = AccessFactory.literal(ctLiteral.getValue(), nopolContext);
if (candidates.add(constant)) {
logger.debug("[data] " + constant);
Example #14
Source File: DynamothConstantCollector.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public boolean isToBeProcessed(CtLiteral candidate) {
CtMethod parent = candidate.getParent(CtMethod.class);
Object value = candidate.getValue();
if (parent == null) {
return false;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean || value == null) {
return false;
return (this.buggyMethod == null || parent.getSimpleName().equals(this.buggyMethod)) &&
Example #15
Source File: DefaultConstantCollector.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public boolean isToBeProcessed(CtLiteral candidate) {
if (candidate.getValue() instanceof Boolean) {
return false;
Object value = candidate.getValue();
if (value == null) {
return false;
//Processing only Long and Integer
return Long.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()) ||
Example #16
Source File: StatementDeletionMetaMutator.java From metamutator with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
private void SetElseStatementWithReturn(CtIf ifStatement){ //search the first parent method CtMethod parentMethod = ifStatement.getParent(CtMethod.class); //we go out of while with null of a CtMethod. If null, return without method in parents...? if(parentMethod == null){ return; } //create returned expression from template. CtLiteral returnedExpression = null; Class classOfReturn = parentMethod.getType().getActualClass(); if(PrimitiveTemplateExpressions.containsKey(classOfReturn)){ CtLiteral templateExpression = PrimitiveTemplateExpressions.get(classOfReturn); returnedExpression = getFactory().Core().clone(templateExpression); }else{ returnedExpression = new CtLiteralImpl().setValue(null); } CtReturn theReturn = getFactory().Core().createReturn(); theReturn.setReturnedExpression(returnedExpression); CtBlock elseBlock = ifStatement.getElseStatement(); if(elseBlock == null){ elseBlock = getFactory().Core().createBlock(); } elseBlock.addStatement(theReturn); ifStatement.setElseStatement(elseBlock); }
Example #17
Source File: VariableResolver.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public static List<CtLiteral> collectLiteralsNoString(CtElement element) { List<CtLiteral> literalsValues = new ArrayList<>(); CtScanner scanner = new CtScanner() { @Override public <T> void visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T> literal) { super.visitCtLiteral(literal); if (!literalsValues.contains(literal) && !"String".equals(literal.getType().getSimpleName())) literalsValues.add(literal); } }; scanner.scan(element); return literalsValues; }
Example #18
Source File: VariableResolver.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public static List<CtLiteral> collectLiterals(CtElement element) { List<CtLiteral> literalsValues = new ArrayList<>(); CtScanner scanner = new CtScanner() { @Override public <T> void visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T> literal) { super.visitCtLiteral(literal); if (!literalsValues.contains(literal)) literalsValues.add(literal); } }; scanner.scan(element); return literalsValues; }
Example #19
Source File: DataCombinerSpoon.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public CtExpression create(Operator operator, List<CtExpression> expressions, NopolContext nopolContext) { switch (expressions.size()) { case 1: // return create((UnaryOperator) operator, expressions.get(0), nopolContext); CtUnaryOperatorImpl unaryOp = new CtUnaryOperatorImpl<>(); unaryOp.setKind(((UnaryOperatorSpoon) operator).getOp()); unaryOp.setOperand(expressions.get(0)); Class aClassReturnOp1 = operator.getReturnType(); CtClass ctofClass1 = getCtClassFromClass(aClassReturnOp1); // Put the type if (ctofClass1 != null) unaryOp.setType(ctofClass1.getReference()); else { System.out.println("We could not determine the ct class of " + aClassReturnOp1.getSimpleName()); } return unaryOp; case 2: if (expressions.get(0) instanceof CtLiteral && expressions.get(1) instanceof CtLiteral) return null; // return create((BinaryOperator) operator, expressions.get(0), // expressions.get(1), nopolContext); CtBinaryOperatorImpl op = new CtBinaryOperatorImpl<>(); op.setKind(((BinaryOperatorSpoon) operator).getOpKind()); op.setLeftHandOperand((CtExpression) expressions.get(0)); op.setRightHandOperand((CtExpression) expressions.get(1)); // Class aClassReturnOp = operator.getReturnType(); CtClass ctofClass = getCtClassFromClass(aClassReturnOp); // Put the type if (ctofClass != null) op.setType(ctofClass.getReference()); else { System.out.println("We could not determine the ct class of " + aClassReturnOp.getSimpleName()); } return op; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Combination expression with " + expressions.size() + " is not supported"); } }
Example #20
Source File: LabelFinder.java From gumtree-spoon-ast-diff with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
public <T> void visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T> literal) {
label = literal.toString();
Example #21
Source File: StatementDeletionMetaMutator.java From metamutator with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
private void mutateOperator(final CtStatement expression) { /*if (alreadyInHotsSpot(expression)) { System.out .println(String .format("Expression '%s' ignored because it is included in previous hot spot", expression)); return; }*/ int thisIndex = ++selectorIndex; ACTIVABLE kind = ACTIVABLE.ENABLED; String expressionContent = String.format("("+ PREFIX + "%s.is(%s))", thisIndex, kind.getClass().getCanonicalName()+"."+kind.name()); //create IfChoice with right condition CtIf ifChoice = getFactory().Core().createIf(); CtCodeSnippetExpression expIf = getFactory().Code().createCodeSnippetExpression(expressionContent); ifChoice.setCondition(expIf); //create block from a clone of expression CtStatement exp2 = getFactory().Core().clone(expression); CtBlock thenBlock = getFactory().Code().createCtBlock(exp2); //set if and replace the expression with the new if ifChoice.setThenStatement(thenBlock); expression.replace(ifChoice); //to be sure ifChoice.getParent().updateAllParentsBelow(); //if there are return or throws, set else with value of return. Filter<CtCFlowBreak> filterReturn = new ReturnOrThrowFilter(); if(!thenBlock.getElements(filterReturn).isEmpty()){ SetElseStatementWithReturn(ifChoice); } //to avoid to delete assignement in statement, we assign a default value to all local variable. Filter<CtLocalVariable> filterLocalVariable = new TypeFilter<CtLocalVariable>(CtLocalVariable.class); CtMethod method = ifChoice.getParent(CtMethod.class); if(method != null && !method.getElements(filterLocalVariable).isEmpty()){ for(CtLocalVariable var : method.getElements(filterLocalVariable)){ if(var.getAssignment() == null){ //create right side expression from template. Class classOfAssignment = var.getType().getActualClass(); CtLiteral rightHand = null; //Particular case of ForEach (int x : numbers) can't be (int x = 0 : numbers) if(var.getParent() instanceof CtForEach){ continue; } if(PrimitiveTemplateExpressions.containsKey(classOfAssignment)){ CtLiteral templateExpression = PrimitiveTemplateExpressions.get(classOfAssignment); rightHand = getFactory().Core().clone(templateExpression); }else{ rightHand = getFactory().createLiteral().setValue(null); } var.setAssignment(rightHand); } } } Selector.generateSelector(expression, ACTIVABLE.ENABLED, thisIndex, ActivableSet, PREFIX); //hotSpots.add(expression); }
Example #22
Source File: ConstReplacementOp.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public boolean checkTargetCompatibility(CtElement target) {
return target instanceof CtLiteral;
Example #23
Source File: ConstReplacementOp.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
@Override public List<MetaOperatorInstance> createMetaOperatorInstances(ModificationPoint modificationPoint) { MetaOperatorInstance opMega = new MetaOperatorInstance(this, MetaGenerator.getNewIdentifier()); List<OperatorInstance> opsOfVariant = new ArrayList(); List<MetaOperatorInstance> opsMega = new ArrayList(); Map<Integer, Ingredient> ingredientOfMapped = new HashMap<>(); List<CtLiteral> literalsInModificationPoints = null; if (targetElement == null) { literalsInModificationPoints = modificationPoint.getCodeElement() .getElements(new TypeFilter<>(CtLiteral.class)); } else { literalsInModificationPoints = new ArrayList<>(); literalsInModificationPoints.add((CtLiteral) targetElement); } List<CtLiteral> getAllLiteralsFromClass = modificationPoint.getCtClass() .getElements(new TypeFilter<>(CtLiteral.class)).stream().distinct().collect(Collectors.toList()); log.debug("\nModifcationPoint: \n" + modificationPoint); int variableCounter = 0; for (CtLiteral variableAccessToReplace : literalsInModificationPoints) { // The return type of the new method correspond to the type of variable to // change CtTypeReference returnType = variableAccessToReplace.getType(); List<Ingredient> ingredients = this.computeIngredientsFromLiteralsToReplace(modificationPoint, variableAccessToReplace, getAllLiteralsFromClass); if (ingredients.isEmpty()) { // Nothing to replace continue; } // The parameters to be included in the new method List<CtVariableAccess> varsToBeParameters = ingredients.stream() .filter(e -> e.getCode() instanceof CtVariableAccess).map(e -> e.getCode()) .map(CtVariableAccess.class::cast).collect(Collectors.toList()); // The variable to be replaced must also be a parameter // List of parameters List<CtParameter<?>> parameters = new ArrayList<>(); List<CtExpression<?>> realParameters = new ArrayList<>(); for (CtVariableAccess ctVariableAccess : varsToBeParameters) { // the parent is null, it is setter latter CtParameter pari = MutationSupporter.getFactory().createParameter(null, ctVariableAccess.getType(), ctVariableAccess.getVariable().getSimpleName()); parameters.add(pari); realParameters.add(ctVariableAccess.clone().setPositions(new NoSourcePosition())); } variableCounter++; MetaGenerator.createMetaForSingleElement(opMega, modificationPoint, variableAccessToReplace, variableCounter, ingredients, parameters, realParameters, returnType, opsOfVariant, ingredientOfMapped); } // End variable opMega.setOperatorInstances(opsOfVariant); opMega.setAllIngredients(ingredientOfMapped); opMega.setOperationApplied(this); opMega.setOriginal(modificationPoint.getCodeElement()); opMega.setModificationPoint(modificationPoint); opsMega.add(opMega); return opsMega; }
Example #24
Source File: LiteralTransformation.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public LiteralTransformation(LiteralPlaceholder literalPlaceholder, CtLiteral target, Object newValue) {
this.literalPlaceholder = literalPlaceholder;
this.target = target;
this.newValue = newValue;
Example #25
Source File: LiteralPlaceholder.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public CtLiteral getAffected() {
return affected;
Example #26
Source File: LiteralPlaceholder.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public LiteralPlaceholder(Object newValue, CtLiteral affected) {
this.placeholder_name = newValue;
this.affected = affected;
Example #27
Source File: LiteralsProcessor.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public void process(CtLiteral element) {
Example #28
Source File: OriginalFeatureExtractor.java From coming with MIT License | 4 votes |
private EnumSet<ValueFeature> getValueFeature(final String valueStr, final Repair repair, Map<String, CtElement> valueExprInfo) { EnumSet<ValueFeature> valueFeatures = EnumSet.noneOf(ValueFeature.class); if (repair.oldRExpr != null && repair.newRExpr != null) { String oldStr = repair.oldRExpr.toString(); String newStr = repair.newRExpr.toString(); if (valueStr.equals(newStr)) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.MODIFIED_VF); // I can not figure out the meaning of MODIFIED_SIMILAR_VF if (oldStr.length() > 0 && newStr.length() > 0) { double ratio = ((double)oldStr.length()) / newStr.length(); if (ratio > 0.5 && ratio < 2 && oldStr.length() > 3 && newStr.length() > 3) if (oldStr.contains(newStr) || newStr.contains(oldStr)) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.MODIFIED_SIMILAR_VF); } } CtElement element = repair.dstElem; if (element != null) { CtMethod FD = element.getParent(new TypeFilter<>(CtMethod.class)); if (FD != null) { for (Object parameter: FD.getParameters()) { if (parameter instanceof CtParameter) { CtParameter VD = (CtParameter) parameter; if (VD.getSimpleName().equals(valueStr)) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.FUNC_ARGUMENT_VF); } } } } assert(valueExprInfo.containsKey(valueStr)); CtElement E = valueExprInfo.get(valueStr); if (E instanceof CtVariableAccess || E instanceof CtArrayAccess || E instanceof CtLocalVariable) { if (E instanceof CtLocalVariable) { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); } else { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.GLOBAL_VARIABLE_VF); } } else if (E instanceof CtExecutableReference){ // just make CALLEE_AF be meaningful if (((CtExecutableReference) E).getParameters().size() > 0){ valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); } } else if (E instanceof CtIf){ // just make R_STMT_COND_AF be meaningful valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); } // if (E instanceof CtVariable) { // if (E instanceof CtLocalVariable) // valueFeatures.add(SchemaFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); // else // valueFeatures.add(SchemaFeature.GLOBAL_VARIABLE_VF); // } else if (E instanceof CtVariableReference) { // if (E instanceof CtLocalVariableReference) // valueFeatures.add(SchemaFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); // else // valueFeatures.add(SchemaFeature.GLOBAL_VARIABLE_VF); // } if (valueStr.contains("length") || valueStr.contains("size")) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.SIZE_LITERAL_VF); if (E.getElements(new TypeFilter<>(CtField.class)).size() > 0) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.MEMBER_VF); if (E instanceof CtLiteral) { Object value = ((CtLiteral)E).getValue(); if (value instanceof String) { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.STRING_LITERAL_VF); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { // ? if ((Integer) value == 0) { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.ZERO_CONST_VF); } else { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.NONZERO_CONST_VF); } } } return valueFeatures; }
Example #29
Source File: VariableResolver.java From coming with MIT License | 4 votes |
public static List<CtLiteral> collectLiteralsNoString(CtElement element) { List<CtLiteral> literalsValues = new ArrayList<>(); CtScanner scanner = new CtScanner() { @Override public <T> void visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T> literal) { super.visitCtLiteral(literal); if (!literalsValues.contains(literal) && !"String".equals(literal.getType().getSimpleName())) literalsValues.add(literal); } }; scanner.scan(element); return literalsValues; }
Example #30
Source File: VariableResolver.java From coming with MIT License | 4 votes |
public static List<CtLiteral> collectLiterals(CtElement element) { List<CtLiteral> literalsValues = new ArrayList<>(); CtScanner scanner = new CtScanner() { @Override public <T> void visitCtLiteral(CtLiteral<T> literal) { super.visitCtLiteral(literal); if (!literalsValues.contains(literal)) literalsValues.add(literal); } }; scanner.scan(element); return literalsValues; }