spoon.reflect.reference.CtExecutableReference Java Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: MethodCollector.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
public void process(CtInvocation ctElement) {
CtExecutableReference executable = ctElement.getExecutable();
if (executable.isConstructor()) {
String key = executable.toString();
CtTypeReference declaringType = executable.getDeclaringType();
if (declaringType.getPackage() != null) {
key = declaringType.getPackage().getSimpleName() + "." + executable.getSimpleName();
if (!statMethod.containsKey(key)) {
statMethod.put(key, 1);
} else {
statMethod.put(key, statMethod.get(key) + 1);
Example #2
Source File: DynamothDataCollector.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
/** * Call static methods on imported class * @param ctExecutableReferences * @param threadRef * @param argsCandidates */ private Candidates collectStaticMethods(Set<CtExecutableReference> ctExecutableReferences, ThreadReference threadRef, Candidates argsCandidates) { Candidates results = new Candidates(); Iterator<CtExecutableReference> it = ctExecutableReferences.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { CtExecutableReference next = it.next(); List<ReferenceType> refs = threadRef.virtualMachine().classesByName(next.getDeclaringType().getQualifiedName()); if (refs.size() == 0) { continue; } ReferenceType ref = refs.get(0); Expression exp = AccessFactory.variable(next.getDeclaringType().getQualifiedName(), ref, nopolContext); List<Method> methods = getMethods(exp, ref, true, threadRef, next.getSimpleName()); results.addAll(callMethods(exp, threadRef, methods, argsCandidates)); } return results; }
Example #3
Source File: ExpressionGenerator.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
private static CtExpression fetchExpressionOnType(Factory factory, List<CtVariable> visiablevars, String type, String query, Boolean whetherEnum) {
if (type == null || type.equals(""))
return null;
CtCodeSnippetExpression typeexper = factory.Code().createCodeSnippetExpression(type+".class");
ArrayList<CtExpression> param = getParameter(factory, visiablevars, type, whetherEnum);
param.add(1, factory.Code().createCodeSnippetExpression(Integer.toString(0)));
param.add(3, typeexper);
CtExpression[] arr = param.toArray(new CtExpression[param.size()]);
CtExecutableReference<Object> ref = factory.Core().createExecutableReference();
CtInvocation methodcall=factory.Code().createInvocation(factory.Code().createCodeSnippetExpression("fr.inria.astor.approaches.scaffold.scaffoldsynthesis.ScaffoldSynthesisEntry"),
String castType = primToObj.containsKey(type) ? primToObj.get(type) : type;
CtCodeSnippetExpression castedexp = factory.Code().createCodeSnippetExpression("(" + castType+ ")"+"("+methodcall.toString()+
return castedexp;
Example #4
Source File: AssertReplacer.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public boolean isToBeProcessed(CtInvocation<?> candidate) {
if (!candidate.getExecutable().getSimpleName().contains("assert")) {
return false;
CtExecutableReference<?> executable = candidate.getExecutable();
CtPackageReference executablePackage = executable.getDeclaringType()
if (executablePackage == null
|| !executablePackage.getSimpleName().contains("junit")) {
return false;
CtMethod<?> parentMethod = candidate.getParent(CtMethod.class);
if (parentMethod == null) {
return false;
return super.isToBeProcessed(candidate);
* boolean found = false; for (TestCase testCase : faillingTest) { if
* (testCase.className().equals(parentClass.getQualifiedName())) { if
* (testCase.testName().equals(parentMethod.getSimpleName())) { found =
* true; break; } } }
* return found;
Example #5
Source File: Collector.java From spoon-examples with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
CtInvocation createObserve(CtMethod getter, CtInvocation invocationToGetter) {
CtTypeAccess accessToLogger =
CtExecutableReference refObserve = factory.Type().get(Logger.class)
return factory.createInvocation(
Example #6
Source File: AssertionAdder.java From spoon-examples with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public static CtInvocation createAssert(String name, CtExpression... parameters) {
final Factory factory = parameters[0].getFactory();
CtTypeAccess accessToAssert =
CtExecutableReference assertEquals = factory.Type().get(Assert.class)
return factory.createInvocation(
Example #7
Source File: FactoryProcessor.java From spoon-examples with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private List<CtTypeReference<?>> getCreatedTypes() {
if (createdTypes == null) {
createdTypes = new ArrayList<CtTypeReference<?>>();
for (CtExecutableReference<?> m : getFactoryType().getDeclaredExecutables()) {
return createdTypes;
Example #8
Source File: MethodAnalyzer.java From coming with MIT License | 5 votes |
private boolean checkTypeInParameter(CtMethod anotherMethod, CtExecutableReference minvokedInAffected) {
for (Object oparameter : anotherMethod.getParameters()) {
CtParameter parameter = (CtParameter) oparameter;
if (compareTypes(minvokedInAffected.getType(), parameter.getType())) {
return true;
return false;
Example #9
Source File: MethodAnalyzer.java From coming with MIT License | 5 votes |
private boolean checkTypeInParameter(CtExecutableReference anotherMethod, CtExecutableReference minvokedInAffected) { for (Object oparameter : anotherMethod.getParameters()) { CtTypeReference parameter = (CtTypeReferenceImpl) oparameter; if (compareTypes(minvokedInAffected.getType(), parameter)) { return true; } } return false; }
Example #10
Source File: OperatorGenerator.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "static-access" })
public static CtExpression fetchROP(CtBinaryOperator operator, MutationSupporter mutSupporter,
ModificationPoint modificationPoint, String type, String querytype) {
if (type == null || type.equals(""))
return null;
CtCodeSnippetExpression typeexper = mutSupporter.getFactory().Code().createCodeSnippetExpression(type+".class");
ArrayList<CtExpression> param = getParameter(mutSupporter.getFactory(), operator);
param.add(1, mutSupporter.getFactory().Code().createCodeSnippetExpression(Integer.toString(0)));
param.add(3, typeexper);
CtExpression[] arr = param.toArray(new CtExpression[param.size()]);
CtExecutableReference<Object> ref = mutSupporter.getFactory().Core().createExecutableReference();
CtInvocation methodcall=mutSupporter.getFactory().Code().createInvocation(mutSupporter.getFactory().Code().
CtCodeSnippetExpression invokemethod = mutSupporter.getFactory().Code().createCodeSnippetExpression(methodcall.toString()
return invokemethod;
Example #11
Source File: PatchGenerator.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
private void createTransformations(InvocationPlaceholder varplaceholder, List<Transformation> transformed,
CtExecutableReference executableTarget) {
if (executableTarget.getType().equals(varplaceholder.getType()) && varplaceholder.getInvocation()
.getExecutable().getParameters().equals(executableTarget.getParameters())) {
InvocationTransformation it = new InvocationTransformation(varplaceholder, executableTarget);
Example #12
Source File: InvocationPlaceholder.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
public void apply() {
CtExecutableReference execr = this.getInvocation().getExecutable();
this.oldName = execr.getSimpleName();
Example #13
Source File: InvocationResolver.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public static boolean chechSignatures(Collection<CtExecutableReference<?>> allExecutables, CtExecutableReference executable, boolean constructor) { String signatureTarget = executable.getSignature(); for (CtExecutableReference<?> ctExecutableReferenceOfMethod : allExecutables) { if (constructor && !ctExecutableReferenceOfMethod.isConstructor()) continue; if (ctExecutableReferenceOfMethod.getSignature().equals(signatureTarget)) return true; } return false; }
Example #14
Source File: StatCollector.java From nopol with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public Map<CtExecutableReference, Integer> getStatMethod() {
return statMethod;
Example #15
Source File: InvocationTransformation.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public InvocationTransformation(InvocationPlaceholder varplaceholder,
CtExecutableReference selectedExecutableTarget) {
this.selectedExecutableTarget = selectedExecutableTarget;
this.varplaceholder = varplaceholder;
Example #16
Source File: InvocationPlaceholder.java From astor with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public void revert() {
CtExecutableReference execr = this.getInvocation().getExecutable();
Example #17
Source File: CodeFeatureDetectorTest.java From coming with MIT License | 4 votes |
@Test public void testProperty_Missing_Feature_Groups() { String content = "" + "class X {" + // "public X() {" + "int b = 0;" + "System.out.println(b);" + "}" // + "public Object foo() {" // + "int a = 1;"// + "int b = a;" + "float f = 0;" + "" + "return f;" + "}" // + "public float getFloat(){return 1.0;}"// + "public double getConvertFloat(int i){return 0.0;}"// + "public double getConvert2Float(int i){String s2;Integer.valueOf(s2);return 0.0;}"// + "};"; CtType type = getCtType(content); assertNotNull(type); CtExecutable method = (CtExecutable) type.getAllExecutables().stream() .filter(e -> ((CtExecutableReference) e).getExecutableDeclaration().getSimpleName().equals("X") || ((CtExecutableReference) e).getExecutableDeclaration().getSimpleName().equals("<init>")) .findFirst().get().getExecutableDeclaration(); assertNotNull(method); CtElement stassig = method.getBody().getStatements().stream() .filter(e -> e.toString().contains("System.out.println(b)")).findFirst().get(); CodeFeatureDetector cntxResolver = new CodeFeatureDetector(); Cntx cntx = cntxResolver.analyzeFeatures(stassig); printJSon(cntx.toJSON()); Boolean hasFeat_vars = cntx.getInformation().containsKey("FEATURES_VARS"); assertTrue(hasFeat_vars); Boolean hasFeat_method = cntx.getInformation().containsKey("FEATURES_METHODS"); assertTrue(hasFeat_method); Cntx feat_vars = (Cntx) cntx.getInformation().get("FEATURES_VARS"); assertFalse(feat_vars.getInformation().isEmpty()); Cntx feat_method = (Cntx) cntx.getInformation().get("FEATURES_METHODS"); assertFalse(feat_method.getInformation().isEmpty()); Boolean hasS6 = cntx.getInformation().containsKey(CodeFeatures.S6_METHOD_THROWS_EXCEPTION.toString()); assertTrue(hasS6); }
Example #18
Source File: CodeFeatureDetectorTest.java From coming with MIT License | 4 votes |
@Test public void testProperty_Missing_S6_METHOD_THROWS_EXCEPTION() { String content = "" + "class X {" // + "public X() {" + "int b = 0;" + "}" // + "public Object foo() {" // + "int a = 1;"// + "int b = a;" + "float f = 0;" + "" + "return f;" + "}" // + "public float getFloat(){return 1.0;}"// + "public double getConvertFloat(int i){return 0.0;}"// + "public double getConvert2Float(int i){String s2;Integer.valueOf(s2);return 0.0;}"// + "};"; CtType type = getCtType(content); assertNotNull(type); CtExecutable method = (CtExecutable) type.getAllExecutables().stream() .filter(e -> ((CtExecutableReference) e).getExecutableDeclaration().getSimpleName().equals("X") || ((CtExecutableReference) e).getExecutableDeclaration().getSimpleName().equals("<init>")) .findFirst().get().getExecutableDeclaration(); assertNotNull(method); System.out.println(method); CtElement stassig = method.getBody().getStatements().stream().filter(e -> e.toString().startsWith("int b = 0")) .findFirst().get(); System.out.println(stassig); CodeFeatureDetector cntxResolver = new CodeFeatureDetector(); Cntx cntx = cntxResolver.analyzeFeatures(stassig); printJSon(cntx.toJSON()); Cntx feat_vars = (Cntx) cntx.getInformation().get("FEATURES_VARS"); assertTrue(feat_vars.getInformation().isEmpty()); Boolean hasFeat_method = cntx.getInformation().containsKey("FEATURES_METHOD_INVOCATION"); assertTrue(hasFeat_method); Cntx feat_method = (Cntx) cntx.getInformation().get("FEATURES_METHOD_INVOCATION"); assertTrue(feat_method.getInformation().isEmpty()); Boolean hasS6 = cntx.getInformation().containsKey(CodeFeatures.S6_METHOD_THROWS_EXCEPTION.toString()); assertTrue(hasS6); }
Example #19
Source File: S4ROFeatureExtractor.java From coming with MIT License | 4 votes |
private EnumSet<ValueFeature> getValueFeature(final String valueStr, final Repair repair, Map<String, CtElement> valueExprInfo) { EnumSet<ValueFeature> valueFeatures = EnumSet.noneOf(ValueFeature.class); if (repair.oldRExpr != null && repair.newRExpr != null) { String oldStr = repair.oldRExpr.toString(); String newStr = repair.newRExpr.toString(); if (valueStr.equals(newStr)) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.MODIFIED_VF); // I can not figure out the meaning of MODIFIED_SIMILAR_VF if (oldStr.length() > 0 && newStr.length() > 0) { double ratio = ((double)oldStr.length()) / newStr.length(); if (ratio > 0.5 && ratio < 2 && oldStr.length() > 3 && newStr.length() > 3) if (oldStr.contains(newStr) || newStr.contains(oldStr)) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.MODIFIED_SIMILAR_VF); } } CtElement element = repair.dstElem; if (element != null) { CtMethod FD = element.getParent(new TypeFilter<>(CtMethod.class)); if (FD != null) { for (Object parameter: FD.getParameters()) { if (parameter instanceof CtParameter) { CtParameter VD = (CtParameter) parameter; if (VD.getSimpleName().equals(valueStr)) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.FUNC_ARGUMENT_VF); } } } } assert(valueExprInfo.containsKey(valueStr)); CtElement E = valueExprInfo.get(valueStr); if (E instanceof CtVariableAccess || E instanceof CtArrayAccess || E instanceof CtLocalVariable) { if (E instanceof CtLocalVariable) { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); } else { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.GLOBAL_VARIABLE_VF); } } else if (E instanceof CtExecutableReference){ // just make CALLEE_AF be meaningful if (((CtExecutableReference) E).getParameters().size() > 0){ valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); } } else if (E instanceof CtIf){ // just make R_STMT_COND_AF be meaningful valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); } // if (E instanceof CtVariable) { // if (E instanceof CtLocalVariable) // valueFeatures.add(SchemaFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); // else // valueFeatures.add(SchemaFeature.GLOBAL_VARIABLE_VF); // } else if (E instanceof CtVariableReference) { // if (E instanceof CtLocalVariableReference) // valueFeatures.add(SchemaFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); // else // valueFeatures.add(SchemaFeature.GLOBAL_VARIABLE_VF); // } if (valueStr.contains("length") || valueStr.contains("size")) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.SIZE_LITERAL_VF); if (E.getElements(new TypeFilter<>(CtField.class)).size() > 0) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.MEMBER_VF); if (E instanceof CtLiteral) { Object value = ((CtLiteral)E).getValue(); if (value instanceof String) { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.STRING_LITERAL_VF); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { // ? if ((Integer) value == 0) { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.ZERO_CONST_VF); } else { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.NONZERO_CONST_VF); } } } return valueFeatures; }
Example #20
Source File: OriginalFeatureExtractor.java From coming with MIT License | 4 votes |
private EnumSet<ValueFeature> getValueFeature(final String valueStr, final Repair repair, Map<String, CtElement> valueExprInfo) { EnumSet<ValueFeature> valueFeatures = EnumSet.noneOf(ValueFeature.class); if (repair.oldRExpr != null && repair.newRExpr != null) { String oldStr = repair.oldRExpr.toString(); String newStr = repair.newRExpr.toString(); if (valueStr.equals(newStr)) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.MODIFIED_VF); // I can not figure out the meaning of MODIFIED_SIMILAR_VF if (oldStr.length() > 0 && newStr.length() > 0) { double ratio = ((double)oldStr.length()) / newStr.length(); if (ratio > 0.5 && ratio < 2 && oldStr.length() > 3 && newStr.length() > 3) if (oldStr.contains(newStr) || newStr.contains(oldStr)) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.MODIFIED_SIMILAR_VF); } } CtElement element = repair.dstElem; if (element != null) { CtMethod FD = element.getParent(new TypeFilter<>(CtMethod.class)); if (FD != null) { for (Object parameter: FD.getParameters()) { if (parameter instanceof CtParameter) { CtParameter VD = (CtParameter) parameter; if (VD.getSimpleName().equals(valueStr)) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.FUNC_ARGUMENT_VF); } } } } assert(valueExprInfo.containsKey(valueStr)); CtElement E = valueExprInfo.get(valueStr); if (E instanceof CtVariableAccess || E instanceof CtArrayAccess || E instanceof CtLocalVariable) { if (E instanceof CtLocalVariable) { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); } else { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.GLOBAL_VARIABLE_VF); } } else if (E instanceof CtExecutableReference){ // just make CALLEE_AF be meaningful if (((CtExecutableReference) E).getParameters().size() > 0){ valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); } } else if (E instanceof CtIf){ // just make R_STMT_COND_AF be meaningful valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); } // if (E instanceof CtVariable) { // if (E instanceof CtLocalVariable) // valueFeatures.add(SchemaFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); // else // valueFeatures.add(SchemaFeature.GLOBAL_VARIABLE_VF); // } else if (E instanceof CtVariableReference) { // if (E instanceof CtLocalVariableReference) // valueFeatures.add(SchemaFeature.LOCAL_VARIABLE_VF); // else // valueFeatures.add(SchemaFeature.GLOBAL_VARIABLE_VF); // } if (valueStr.contains("length") || valueStr.contains("size")) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.SIZE_LITERAL_VF); if (E.getElements(new TypeFilter<>(CtField.class)).size() > 0) valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.MEMBER_VF); if (E instanceof CtLiteral) { Object value = ((CtLiteral)E).getValue(); if (value instanceof String) { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.STRING_LITERAL_VF); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { // ? if ((Integer) value == 0) { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.ZERO_CONST_VF); } else { valueFeatures.add(ValueFeature.NONZERO_CONST_VF); } } } return valueFeatures; }
Example #21
Source File: Util.java From spoon-examples with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
public static CtInvocation invok(CtMethod method, CtLocalVariable localVariable) {
final CtExecutableReference reference = method.getReference();
final CtVariableAccess variableRead = method.getFactory().createVariableRead(localVariable.getReference(), false);
return method.getFactory().createInvocation(variableRead, reference);