date-fns#sub JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: NotificationsPopover.js From course-manager with MIT License | 5 votes |
id: faker.datatype.uuid(),
title: 'Your order is placed',
description: 'waiting for shipping',
avatar: null,
type: 'order_placed',
createdAt: set(new Date(), { hours: 10, minutes: 30 }),
isUnRead: true
id: faker.datatype.uuid(),
description: 'answered to your comment on the Minimal',
avatar: mockImgAvatar(2),
type: 'friend_interactive',
createdAt: sub(new Date(), { hours: 3, minutes: 30 }),
isUnRead: true
id: faker.datatype.uuid(),
title: 'You have new message',
description: '5 unread messages',
avatar: null,
type: 'chat_message',
createdAt: sub(new Date(), { days: 1, hours: 3, minutes: 30 }),
isUnRead: false
id: faker.datatype.uuid(),
title: 'You have new mail',
description: 'sent from Guido Padberg',
avatar: null,
type: 'mail',
createdAt: sub(new Date(), { days: 2, hours: 3, minutes: 30 }),
isUnRead: false
id: faker.datatype.uuid(),
title: 'Delivery processing',
description: 'Your order is being shipped',
avatar: null,
type: 'order_shipped',
createdAt: sub(new Date(), { days: 3, hours: 3, minutes: 30 }),
isUnRead: false
Example #2
Source File: date-filters.js From product-collector with MIT License | 5 votes |
dateFilters = [
label: 'Últimos 7 días',
startAt: format(sub(today, { days: 7 }), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
endAt: todayFormat,
label: 'Últimos 15 días',
startAt: format(sub(today, { days: 15 }), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
endAt: todayFormat,
label: 'Mes actual',
startAt: format(new Date(getYear(today), getMonth(today), 1), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
endAt: todayFormat,
label: 'Últimos 30 días',
startAt: format(sub(today, { days: 30 }), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
endAt: todayFormat,
label: 'Últimos 90 días',
startAt: format(sub(today, { days: 90 }), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
endAt: todayFormat,
label: 'Año actual',
startAt: format(new Date(getYear(today), 1, 1), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
endAt: todayFormat,
label: 'Último año',
startAt: format(sub(today, { years: 1 }), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
endAt: todayFormat,
label: 'Últimos dos años',
startAt: format(sub(today, { years: 2 }), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
endAt: todayFormat,
Example #3
Source File: TicketsSoldGraph.jsx From v3-ui with MIT License | 5 votes |
TicketsSoldGraph = (props) => {
const { pool } = props
const { t } = useTranslation()
let { data: prizes } = usePastPrizes(pool, 1, CHART_PRIZE_PAGE_SIZE)
const { symbol, decimals } = pool.tokens.underlyingToken
// Filter out prize objects that are being awarded right now
prizes = prizes.filter((prize) => !isEmpty(prize))
const lastPrize = prizes[0]
let currentPrize
if (lastPrize?.awardedBlock) {
currentPrize = {
ticketSupply: pool.tokens.ticket.totalSupplyUnformatted,
awardedTimestamp: / 1000
const dataArray = => {
const tickets = prize?.awardedBlock ? prize?.totalTicketSupply : prize?.ticketSupply
const ticketsSold = ethers.utils.formatUnits(
tickets || '0',
return {
value: parseFloat(ticketsSold),
date: fromUnixTime(prize.awardedTimestamp)
if (dataArray.length < CHART_PRIZE_PAGE_SIZE) {
value: 0,
date: sub(dataArray[dataArray.length - 1]?.date, {
years: 0,
months: 0,
weeks: 1,
days: 0,
hours: 0,
minutes: 0,
seconds: 0
return (
valueLabel={t('depositedTicker', { ticker: symbol.toUpperCase() })}