path#normalize JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use path#normalize. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: index.js    From URT-BOT with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
parser = new YargsParser({
    cwd: process.cwd,
    env: () => {
        return env;
    // TODO: figure  out a  way to combine ESM and CJS coverage, such  that
    // we can exercise all the lines below:
    require: (path) => {
        if (typeof require !== 'undefined') {
            return require(path);
        else if (path.match(/\.json$/)) {
            // Addresses:
            return JSON.parse(readFileSync(path, 'utf8'));
        else {
            throw Error('only .json config files are supported in ESM');
Example #2
Source File: index.js    From bakabo with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
parser = new YargsParser({
    cwd: process.cwd,
    env: () => {
        return env;
    // TODO: figure  out a  way to combine ESM and CJS coverage, such  that
    // we can exercise all the lines below:
    require: (path) => {
        if (typeof require !== 'undefined') {
            return require(path);
        else if (path.match(/\.json$/)) {
            return readFileSync(path, 'utf8');
        else {
            throw Error('only .json config files are supported in ESM');
Example #3
Source File: installer.js    From setup-graalvm with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
decompressDownload = async (compressedFile, compressedFileExtension, destinationDir) => {
    await mkdirP(destinationDir);

    const graalvmFile = normalize(compressedFile);
    const stats       = statSync(graalvmFile);

    if (stats) {
        if (stats.isFile()) {
            await extractFiles(graalvmFile, compressedFileExtension, destinationDir);

            return join(destinationDir, readdirSync(destinationDir)[0]);
        } else {
            throw new Error(`Failed to extract ${graalvmFile} which is not a file`);
    } else {
        throw new Error(`${graalvmFile} does not exist`);
Example #4
Source File: appRootPath.js    From juggernaut-desktop with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
appRootPath = () => {
  return app.getAppPath().indexOf('default_app.asar') < 0
    ? normalize(`${app.getAppPath()}/..`)
    : '';
Example #5
Source File: index.js    From cs-wiki with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
function nodeResolve(opts = {}) {
  const { warnings } = handleDeprecatedOptions(opts);

  const options = { ...defaults, ...opts };
  const { extensions, jail, moduleDirectories, ignoreSideEffectsForRoot } = options;
  const conditionsEsm = [...baseConditionsEsm, ...(options.exportConditions || [])];
  const conditionsCjs = [...baseConditionsCjs, ...(options.exportConditions || [])];
  const packageInfoCache = new Map();
  const idToPackageInfo = new Map();
  const mainFields = getMainFields(options);
  const useBrowserOverrides = mainFields.indexOf('browser') !== -1;
  const isPreferBuiltinsSet = options.preferBuiltins === true || options.preferBuiltins === false;
  const preferBuiltins = isPreferBuiltinsSet ? options.preferBuiltins : true;
  const rootDir = resolve(options.rootDir || process.cwd());
  let { dedupe } = options;
  let rollupOptions;

  if (typeof dedupe !== 'function') {
    dedupe = (importee) =>
      options.dedupe.includes(importee) || options.dedupe.includes(getPackageName(importee));

  const resolveOnly = => {
    if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
      return pattern;
    const normalized = pattern.replace(/[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
    return new RegExp(`^${normalized}$`);

  const browserMapCache = new Map();
  let preserveSymlinks;

  return {
    name: 'node-resolve',

    buildStart(options) {
      rollupOptions = options;

      for (const warning of warnings) {

      ({ preserveSymlinks } = options);

    generateBundle() {

    async resolveId(importee, importer, opts) {
      if (importee === ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY) {
        return importee;
      // ignore IDs with null character, these belong to other plugins
      if (/\0/.test(importee)) return null;

      if (/\0/.test(importer)) {
        importer = undefined;

      // strip query params from import
      const [importPath, params] = importee.split('?');
      const importSuffix = `${params ? `?${params}` : ''}`;
      importee = importPath;

      const baseDir = !importer || dedupe(importee) ? rootDir : dirname(importer);

      const browser = browserMapCache.get(importer);
      if (useBrowserOverrides && browser) {
        const resolvedImportee = resolve(baseDir, importee);
        if (browser[importee] === false || browser[resolvedImportee] === false) {
          return ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY;
        const browserImportee =
          browser[importee] ||
          browser[resolvedImportee] ||
          browser[`${resolvedImportee}.js`] ||
        if (browserImportee) {
          importee = browserImportee;

      const parts = importee.split(/[/\\]/);
      let id = parts.shift();
      let isRelativeImport = false;

      if (id[0] === '@' && parts.length > 0) {
        // scoped packages
        id += `/${parts.shift()}`;
      } else if (id[0] === '.') {
        // an import relative to the parent dir of the importer
        id = resolve(baseDir, importee);
        isRelativeImport = true;

      if (
        !isRelativeImport &&
        resolveOnly.length &&
        !resolveOnly.some((pattern) => pattern.test(id))
      ) {
        if (normalizeInput(rollupOptions.input).includes(importee)) {
          return null;
        return false;

      const importSpecifierList = [];

      if (importer === undefined && !importee[0].match(/^\.?\.?\//)) {
        // For module graph roots (i.e. when importer is undefined), we
        // need to handle 'path fragments` like `foo/bar` that are commonly
        // found in rollup config files. If importee doesn't look like a
        // relative or absolute path, we make it relative and attempt to
        // resolve it. If we don't find anything, we try resolving it as we
        // got it.

      const importeeIsBuiltin = builtins.has(importee);

      if (importeeIsBuiltin) {
        // The `resolve` library will not resolve packages with the same
        // name as a node built-in module. If we're resolving something
        // that's a builtin, and we don't prefer to find built-ins, we
        // first try to look up a local module with that name. If we don't
        // find anything, we resolve the builtin which just returns back
        // the built-in's name.

      // TypeScript files may import '.js' to refer to either '.ts' or '.tsx'
      if (importer && importee.endsWith('.js')) {
        for (const ext of ['.ts', '.tsx']) {
          if (importer.endsWith(ext) && extensions.includes(ext)) {
            importSpecifierList.push(importee.replace(/.js$/, ext));


      const warn = (...args) => this.warn(...args);
      const isRequire =
        opts && opts.custom && opts.custom['node-resolve'] && opts.custom['node-resolve'].isRequire;
      const exportConditions = isRequire ? conditionsCjs : conditionsEsm;

      const resolvedWithoutBuiltins = await resolveImportSpecifiers({

      const resolved =
        importeeIsBuiltin && preferBuiltins
          ? {
              packageInfo: undefined,
              hasModuleSideEffects: () => null,
              hasPackageEntry: true,
              packageBrowserField: false
          : resolvedWithoutBuiltins;
      if (!resolved) {
        return null;

      const { packageInfo, hasModuleSideEffects, hasPackageEntry, packageBrowserField } = resolved;
      let { location } = resolved;
      if (packageBrowserField) {
        if (, location)) {
          if (!packageBrowserField[location]) {
            browserMapCache.set(location, packageBrowserField);
            return ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY;
          location = packageBrowserField[location];
        browserMapCache.set(location, packageBrowserField);

      if (hasPackageEntry && !preserveSymlinks) {
        const fileExists = await exists(location);
        if (fileExists) {
          location = await realpath(location);

      idToPackageInfo.set(location, packageInfo);

      if (hasPackageEntry) {
        if (importeeIsBuiltin && preferBuiltins) {
          if (!isPreferBuiltinsSet && resolvedWithoutBuiltins && resolved !== importee) {
              `preferring built-in module '${importee}' over local alternative at '${resolvedWithoutBuiltins.location}', pass 'preferBuiltins: false' to disable this behavior or 'preferBuiltins: true' to disable this warning`
          return false;
        } else if (jail && location.indexOf(normalize(jail.trim(sep))) !== 0) {
          return null;

      if (options.modulesOnly && (await exists(location))) {
        const code = await readFile(location, 'utf-8');
        if (isModule(code)) {
          return {
            id: `${location}${importSuffix}`,
            moduleSideEffects: hasModuleSideEffects(location)
        return null;
      const result = {
        id: `${location}${importSuffix}`,
        moduleSideEffects: hasModuleSideEffects(location)
      return result;

    load(importee) {
      if (importee === ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY) {
        return 'export default {};';
      return null;

    getPackageInfoForId(id) {
      return idToPackageInfo.get(id);
Example #6
Source File:    From smart-contracts with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
function nodeResolve(opts = {}) {
  const options = Object.assign({}, defaults, opts);
  const customResolveOptions = options.customResolveOptions,
        extensions = options.extensions,
        jail = options.jail;
  const warnings = [];
  const packageInfoCache = new Map();
  const idToPackageInfo = new Map();
  const mainFields = getMainFields(options);
  const useBrowserOverrides = mainFields.indexOf('browser') !== -1;
  const isPreferBuiltinsSet = options.preferBuiltins === true || options.preferBuiltins === false;
  const preferBuiltins = isPreferBuiltinsSet ? options.preferBuiltins : true;
  const rootDir = options.rootDir || process.cwd();
  let dedupe = options.dedupe;
  let rollupOptions;

  if (options.only) {
    warnings.push('node-resolve: The `only` options is deprecated, please use `resolveOnly`');
    options.resolveOnly = options.only;

  if (typeof dedupe !== 'function') {
    dedupe = importee => options.dedupe.includes(importee) || options.dedupe.includes(getPackageName(importee));

  const resolveOnly = => {
    if (pattern instanceof RegExp) {
      return pattern;

    const normalized = pattern.replace(/[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
    return new RegExp(`^${normalized}$`);
  const browserMapCache = new Map();
  let preserveSymlinks;
  return {
    name: 'node-resolve',

    buildStart(options) {
      rollupOptions = options;
      var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
      var _didIteratorError = false;
      var _iteratorError = undefined;

      try {
        for (var _iterator = warnings[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
          const warning = _step.value;
      } catch (err) {
        _didIteratorError = true;
        _iteratorError = err;
      } finally {
        try {
          if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
        } finally {
          if (_didIteratorError) {
            throw _iteratorError;

      preserveSymlinks = options.preserveSymlinks;

    generateBundle() {

    resolveId(importee, importer) {
      var _this = this;

      return _asyncToGenerator(function* () {
        if (importee === ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY) {
          return importee;
        } // ignore IDs with null character, these belong to other plugins

        if (/\0/.test(importee)) return null;
        const basedir = !importer || dedupe(importee) ? rootDir : dirname(importer); //

        const browser = browserMapCache.get(importer);

        if (useBrowserOverrides && browser) {
          const resolvedImportee = resolve(basedir, importee);

          if (browser[importee] === false || browser[resolvedImportee] === false) {
            return ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY;

          const browserImportee = browser[importee] || browser[resolvedImportee] || browser[`${resolvedImportee}.js`] || browser[`${resolvedImportee}.json`];

          if (browserImportee) {
            importee = browserImportee;

        const parts = importee.split(/[/\\]/);
        let id = parts.shift();

        if (id[0] === '@' && parts.length > 0) {
          // scoped packages
          id += `/${parts.shift()}`;
        } else if (id[0] === '.') {
          // an import relative to the parent dir of the importer
          id = resolve(basedir, importee);

        const input = normalizeInput(rollupOptions.input);

        if (resolveOnly.length && !resolveOnly.some(pattern => pattern.test(id))) {
          if (input.includes(id)) {
            return null;

          return false;

        let hasModuleSideEffects = nullFn;
        let hasPackageEntry = true;
        let packageBrowserField = false;
        let packageInfo;

        const filter = (pkg, pkgPath) => {
          const info = getPackageInfo({
            cache: packageInfoCache,
          packageInfo = info.packageInfo;
          hasModuleSideEffects = info.hasModuleSideEffects;
          hasPackageEntry = info.hasPackageEntry;
          packageBrowserField = info.packageBrowserField;
          return info.cachedPkg;

        let resolveOptions = {
          packageFilter: filter,
          readFile: readCachedFile,
          isFile: isFileCached,
          isDirectory: isDirCached,

        if (preserveSymlinks !== undefined) {
          resolveOptions.preserveSymlinks = preserveSymlinks;

        const importSpecifierList = [];

        if (importer === undefined && !importee[0].match(/^\.?\.?\//)) {
          // For module graph roots (i.e. when importer is undefined), we
          // need to handle 'path fragments` like `foo/bar` that are commonly
          // found in rollup config files. If importee doesn't look like a
          // relative or absolute path, we make it relative and attempt to
          // resolve it. If we don't find anything, we try resolving it as we
          // got it.

        const importeeIsBuiltin = builtins.has(importee);

        if (importeeIsBuiltin && (!preferBuiltins || !isPreferBuiltinsSet)) {
          // The `resolve` library will not resolve packages with the same
          // name as a node built-in module. If we're resolving something
          // that's a builtin, and we don't prefer to find built-ins, we
          // first try to look up a local module with that name. If we don't
          // find anything, we resolve the builtin which just returns back
          // the built-in's name.

        resolveOptions = Object.assign(resolveOptions, customResolveOptions);

        try {
          let resolved = yield resolveImportSpecifiers(importSpecifierList, resolveOptions);

          if (resolved && packageBrowserField) {
            if (, resolved)) {
              if (!packageBrowserField[resolved]) {
                browserMapCache.set(resolved, packageBrowserField);
                return ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY;

              resolved = packageBrowserField[resolved];

            browserMapCache.set(resolved, packageBrowserField);

          if (hasPackageEntry && !preserveSymlinks && resolved) {
            const fileExists = yield exists(resolved);

            if (fileExists) {
              resolved = yield realpath(resolved);

          idToPackageInfo.set(resolved, packageInfo);

          if (hasPackageEntry) {
            if (builtins.has(resolved) && preferBuiltins && isPreferBuiltinsSet) {
              return null;
            } else if (importeeIsBuiltin && preferBuiltins) {
              if (!isPreferBuiltinsSet) {
                _this.warn(`preferring built-in module '${importee}' over local alternative at '${resolved}', pass 'preferBuiltins: false' to disable this behavior or 'preferBuiltins: true' to disable this warning`);

              return null;
            } else if (jail && resolved.indexOf(normalize(jail.trim(sep))) !== 0) {
              return null;

          if (resolved && options.modulesOnly) {
            const code = yield readFile(resolved, 'utf-8');

            if (isModule(code)) {
              return {
                id: resolved,
                moduleSideEffects: hasModuleSideEffects(resolved)

            return null;

          const result = {
            id: resolved,
            moduleSideEffects: hasModuleSideEffects(resolved)
          return result;
        } catch (error) {
          return null;

    load(importee) {
      if (importee === ES6_BROWSER_EMPTY) {
        return 'export default {};';

      return null;

    getPackageInfoForId(id) {
      return idToPackageInfo.get(id);
