util#format JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use util#format. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: tools-fetch.js    From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 7 votes vote down vote up
handler = async (m, { text }) => {
	if (!text) throw 'Masukkan url'
	let { href: url, origin } = new URL(text)
	let res = await fetch(url, { headers: { 'referer': origin }})
	if (res.headers.get('content-length') > 100 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) throw `Content-Length: ${res.headers.get('content-length')}`
	if (!/text|json/.test(res.headers.get('content-type'))) return conn.sendFile(m.chat, url, 'file', text, m)
	let txt = await res.buffer()
	try {
		txt = format(JSON.parse(txt + ''))
	} catch (e) {
		txt = txt + ''
	} finally {
		m.reply(txt.slice(0, 65536) + '')
Example #2
Source File: main.js    From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
global.reload = async (_ev, filename) => {
  if (pluginFilter(filename)) {
    let dir = global.__filename(join(pluginFolder, filename), true)
    if (filename in global.plugins) {
      if (existsSync(dir)) conn.logger.info(` updated plugin - '${filename}'`)
      else {
        conn.logger.warn(`deleted plugin - '${filename}'`)
        return delete global.plugins[filename]
    } else conn.logger.info(`new plugin - '${filename}'`)
    let err = syntaxerror(readFileSync(dir), filename, {
      sourceType: 'module',
      allowAwaitOutsideFunction: true
    if (err) conn.logger.error(`syntax error while loading '${filename}'\n${format(err)}`)
    else try {
      const module = (await import(`${global.__filename(dir)}?update=${Date.now()}`))
      global.plugins[filename] = module.default || module
    } catch (e) {
      conn.logger.error(`error require plugin '${filename}\n${format(e)}'`)
    } finally {
      global.plugins = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(global.plugins).sort(([a], [b]) => a.localeCompare(b)))
Example #3
Source File: owner-exec.js    From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
handler = async (m, _2) => {
  let { conn, usedPrefix, noPrefix, args, groupMetadata } = _2
  let _return
  let _syntax = ''
  let _text = (/^=/.test(usedPrefix) ? 'return ' : '') + noPrefix
  let old = m.exp * 1
  try {
    let i = 15
    let f = {
      exports: {}
    let exec = new (async () => { }).constructor('print', 'm', 'handler', 'require', 'conn', 'Array', 'process', 'args', 'groupMetadata', 'baileys', 'module', 'exports', 'argument', _text)
    _return = await exec.call(conn, (...args) => {
      if (--i < 1) return
      return conn.reply(m.chat, format(...args), m)
    }, m, handler, require, conn, CustomArray, process, args, groupMetadata, baileys, f, f.exports, [conn, _2])
  } catch (e) {
    let err = syntaxerror(_text, 'Execution Function', {
      allowReturnOutsideFunction: true,
      allowAwaitOutsideFunction: true,
        sourceType: 'module'
    if (err) _syntax = '```' + err + '```\n\n'
    _return = e
  } finally {
    conn.reply(m.chat, _syntax + format(_return), m)
    m.exp = old
Example #4
Source File: sticker-toimg.js    From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
handler = async (m, { conn, usedPrefix, command }) => {
    if (!global.support.convert &&
        !global.support.magick &&
        !global.support.gm) return handler.disabled = true // Disable if doesnt support
    const notStickerMessage = `Reply sticker with command *${usedPrefix + command}*`
    if (!m.quoted) throw notStickerMessage
    let q = m.quoted
    if (/sticker/.test(q.mediaType)) {
        let sticker = await q.download()
        if (!sticker) throw sticker
        let bufs = []
        const [_spawnprocess, ..._spawnargs] = [...(global.support.gm ? ['gm'] : global.support.magick ? ['magick'] : []), 'convert', 'webp:-', 'png:-']
        let im = spawn(_spawnprocess, _spawnargs)
        im.on('error', e => m.reply(format(e)))
        im.stdout.on('data', chunk => bufs.push(chunk))
        im.on('exit', () => {
            conn.sendFile(m.chat, Buffer.concat(bufs), 'image.png', author, m)
    } else throw notStickerMessage
Example #5
Source File: index.js    From URT-BOT with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
parser = new YargsParser({
    cwd: process.cwd,
    env: () => {
        return env;
    // TODO: figure  out a  way to combine ESM and CJS coverage, such  that
    // we can exercise all the lines below:
    require: (path) => {
        if (typeof require !== 'undefined') {
            return require(path);
        else if (path.match(/\.json$/)) {
            // Addresses: https://github.com/yargs/yargs/issues/2040
            return JSON.parse(readFileSync(path, 'utf8'));
        else {
            throw Error('only .json config files are supported in ESM');
Example #6
Source File: index.js    From bakabo with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
parser = new YargsParser({
    cwd: process.cwd,
    env: () => {
        return env;
    // TODO: figure  out a  way to combine ESM and CJS coverage, such  that
    // we can exercise all the lines below:
    require: (path) => {
        if (typeof require !== 'undefined') {
            return require(path);
        else if (path.match(/\.json$/)) {
            return readFileSync(path, 'utf8');
        else {
            throw Error('only .json config files are supported in ESM');
Example #7
Source File: nulis-nulis.js    From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
handler = async (m, { conn, args }) => {
    if (!global.support.convert &&
        !global.support.magick &&
        !global.support.gm) return handler.disabled = true // Disable if doesnt support
    let inputPath = 'src/kertas/magernulis1.jpg'
    let d = new Date()
    let tgl = d.toLocaleDateString('id-Id')
    let hari = d.toLocaleDateString('id-Id', { weekday: 'long' })
    let teks = args.join` `
    // conn.reply(m.chat, util.format({fontPath, inputPath, outputPath, tgl, hari, teks}), m)
    let bufs = []
    const [_spawnprocess, ..._spawnargs] = [...(global.support.gm ? ['gm'] : global.support.magick ? ['magick'] : []),
    spawn(_spawnprocess, _spawnargs)
        .on('error', e => m.reply(format(e)))
        .on('close', () => {
            conn.sendFile(m.chat, Buffer.concat(bufs), 'nulis.jpg', 'Hati² ketahuan:v', m)
        .stdout.on('data', chunk => bufs.push(chunk))
Example #8
Source File: nulis-nulis2.js    From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
handler = async (m, { conn, args }) => {
    if (!global.support.convert &&
        !global.support.magick &&
        !global.support.gm) return handler.disabled = true // Disable if doesnt support
    let inputPath = 'src/kertas/magernulis1.jpg'
    let d = new Date
    let tgl = d.toLocaleDateString('id-Id')
    let hari = d.toLocaleDateString('id-Id', { weekday: 'long' })
    let teks = args.join` `
    // conn.reply(m.chat, util.format({fontPath, inputPath, outputPath, tgl, hari, teks}), m)
    let bufs = []
    const [_spawnprocess, ..._spawnargs] = [...(global.support.gm ? ['gm'] : global.support.magick ? ['magick'] : []),
    spawn(_spawnprocess, _spawnargs)
        .on('error', e => m.reply(format(e)))
        .on('close', () => {
            conn.sendFile(m.chat, Buffer.concat(bufs), 'nulis.jpg', 'Hati² ketahuan:v', m)
        .stdout.on('data', chunk => bufs.push(chunk))
Example #9
Source File: sticker-getexif.js    From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
handler = async (m) => {
    if (!m.quoted) return m.reply('Tag stikernya!')
    if (/sticker/.test(m.quoted.mtype)) {
        let img = new Image()
        await img.load(await m.quoted.download())
Example #10
Source File: tools-getexif.js    From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
handler = async (m, { conn }) => {
    if (m.quoted && /sticker/.test(m.quoted.mtype)) {
        let img = await m.quoted.download()
        if (!img) throw 'Can\'t extract metadata sticker!'
        let metaData = await extractMetadata(img)
        await m.reply(format(metaData))
    } else throw 'Reply a sticker!'
Example #11
Source File: handler.js    From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Handle messages upsert
 * @param {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').BaileysEventMap<unknown>['messages.upsert']} groupsUpdate 
export async function handler(chatUpdate) {
    this.msgqueque = this.msgqueque || []
    if (!chatUpdate)
    let m = chatUpdate.messages[chatUpdate.messages.length - 1]
    if (!m)
    if (global.db.data == null)
        await global.loadDatabase()
    try {
        m = smsg(this, m) || m
        if (!m)
        m.exp = 0
        m.limit = false
        try {
            // TODO: use loop to insert data instead of this
            let user = global.db.data.users[m.sender]
            if (typeof user !== 'object')
                global.db.data.users[m.sender] = {}
            if (user) {
                if (!user.registered) {
                    if (!('name' in user)) user.name = m.name
                    if (!isNumber(user.age)) user.age = -1
                    if (!isNumber(user.anggur)) user.anggur = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.apel)) user.apel = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.bibitanggur)) user.bibitanggur = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.bibitapel)) user.bibitapel = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.bibitjeruk)) user.bibitjeruk = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.bibitmangga)) user.bibitmangga = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.bibitpisang)) user.bibitpisang = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.emas)) user.emas = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.jeruk)) user.jeruk = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.kayu)) user.kayu = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.makanan)) user.makanan = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.mangga)) user.mangga = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.pisang)) user.pisang = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.premiumDate)) user.premiumDate = -1
                    if (!isNumber(user.regTime)) user.regTime = -1
                    if (!isNumber(user.semangka)) user.semangka = 0
                    if (!isNumber(user.stroberi)) user.stroberi = 0
              if (!user.lbars) user.lbars = '[▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒]'
              if (!'afkReason' in user) user.afkReason = ''
              if (!'BannedReason' in user) user.BannedReason = ''
              if (!'Banneduser' in user) user.Banneduser = false
              if (!('afkReason' in user)) user.afkReason = ''
              if (!('autolevelup' in user)) user.autolevelup = false
              if (!('banned' in user)) user.banned = false
              if (!('job' in user)) user.job = ''
              if (!('kingdom' in user)) user.kingdom = true
              if (!('misi' in user)) user.misi = ''
              if (!('pasangan' in user)) user.pasangan = ''
              if (!('registered' in user)) user.registered = false
              if (!('role' in user)) user.role = 'Beginner'
              if (!('skill' in user)) user.skill = ''
              if (!('title' in user)) user.title = ''
              if (!isNumber(user.afk)) user.afk = -1
              if (!isNumber(user.agility)) user.agility = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.anakanjing)) user.anakanjing = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.anakcentaur)) user.anakcentaur = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.anakgriffin)) user.anakgriffin = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.anakkucing)) user.anakkucing = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.anakkuda)) user.anakkuda = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.anakkyubi)) user.anakkyubi = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.anaknaga)) user.anaknaga = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.anakphonix)) user.anakphonix = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.anakrubah)) user.anakrubah = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.anakserigala)) user.anakserigala = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.anjing)) user.anjing = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.anjinglastclaim)) user.anjinglastclaim = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.antispam)) user.antispam = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.antispamlastclaim)) user.antispamlastclaim = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.apel)) user.apel = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.aqua)) user.aqua = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.arc)) user.arc = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.arcdurability)) user.arcdurability = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.arlok)) user.arlok = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.armor)) user.armor = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.armordurability)) user.armordurability = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.as)) user.as = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.atm)) user.atm = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.ayam)) user.ayam = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.ayamb)) user.ayamb = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.ayamg)) user.ayamg = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.babi)) user.babi = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.babihutan)) user.babihutan = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.bank)) user.bank = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.banteng)) user.banteng = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.batu)) user.batu = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.bawal)) user.bawal = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.botol)) user.botol = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.bow)) user.bow = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.buaya)) user.buaya = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.buntal)) user.buntal = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.cat)) user.cat = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.catexp)) user.catexp = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.catlastfeed)) user.catlastfeed = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.centaur)) user.centaur = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.centaurlastclaim)) user.centaurlastclaim = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.coin)) user.coin = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.common)) user.common = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.crystal)) user.crystal = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.cumi)) user.cumi= 0
              if (!isNumber(user.diamond)) user.diamond = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.dog)) user.dog = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.dogexp)) user.dogexp = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.doglastfeed)) user.doglastfeed = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.dory)) user.dory = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.emas)) user.emas = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.emerald)) user.emerald = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.enchant)) user.enchant = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.esteh)) user.esteh = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.exp)) user.exp = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.fishingrod)) user.fishingrod = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.fishingroddurability)) user.fishingroddurability = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.fortress)) user.fortress = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.fox)) user.fox = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.foxhexp)) user.foxexp = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.foxlastfeed)) user.foxlastfeed = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.gajah)) user.gajah = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.gamemines)) user.gamemines = false
              if (!isNumber(user.gems)) user.gems = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.glimit)) user.glimit = 20
              if (!isNumber(user.glory)) user.glory = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.gold)) user.gold = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.griffin)) user.griffin = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.griffinlastclaim)) user.griffinlastclaim = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.gurita)) user.gurita = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.harimau)) user.harimau = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.haus)) user.haus = 100
              if (!isNumber(user.healt)) user.healt = 100
              if (!isNumber(user.health)) user.health = 100
              if (!isNumber(user.healthmonster)) user.healthmonster = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.hiu)) user.hiu = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.horse)) user.horse = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.horseexp)) user.horseexp = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.horselastfeed)) user.horselastfeed = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.ikan)) user.ikan = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.intelligence)) user.intelligence = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.iron)) user.iron = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.kaleng)) user.kaleng = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.kambing)) user.kambing = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.kardus)) user.kardus = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.katana)) user.katana = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.katanadurability)) user.katanadurability = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.kayu)) user.kayu = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.kepiting)) user.kepiting = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.kerbau)) user.kerbau = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.korbanngocok)) user.korbanngocok = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.kucing)) user.kucing = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.kucinglastclaim)) user.kucinglastclaim = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.kuda)) user.kuda = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.kudalastclaim)) user.kudalastclaim = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.kyubi)) user.kyubi = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.laper)) user.laper = 100
              if (!isNumber(user.lastadventure)) user.lastadventure = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastbansos)) user.lastbansos = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastberbru)) user.lastberbru = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastberkebon)) user.lastberkebon = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastbunuhi)) user.lastbunuhi = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastclaim)) user.lastclaim = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastcodereg)) user.lastcodereg = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastdagang)) user.lastdagang = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastduel)) user.lastduel = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastdungeon)) user.lastdungeon = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastfight)) user.lastfight = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastfishing)) user.lastfishing = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastgift)) user.lastgift = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastgrab)) user.lastgrab = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lasthourly)) user.lasthourly = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lasthunt)) user.lasthunt = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastIstigfar)) user.lastIstigfar = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastjb)) user.lastjb = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastkill)) user.lastkill = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastmining)) user.lastmining = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastmisi)) user.lastmisi = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastmonthly)) user.lastmonthly = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastngocok)) user.lastngocok = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastngojek)) user.lastngojek = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastroket)) user.lastroket = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastrampok)) user.lastrampok = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastrob)) user.lastrob = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastsda)) user.lastsda = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastseen)) user.lastseen = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastSetStatus)) user.lastSetStatus = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastturu)) user.lastturu = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastwar)) user.lastwar = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastweekly)) user.lastweekly = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lastwork)) user.lastwork = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.legendary)) user.legendary = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lele)) user.lele = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.leleb)) user.leleb = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.leleg)) user.leleg = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.level)) user.level = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.limit)) user.limit = 10
              if (!isNumber(user.lobster)) user.lobster = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.lumba)) user.lumba = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.magicwand)) user.magicwand = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.magicwanddurability)) user.magicwanddurability = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.makanancentaur)) user.makanancentaur = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.makanangriffin)) user.makanangriffin = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.makanannaga)) user.makanannaga = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.makananpet)) user.makananpet
              if (!isNumber(user.makananpet)) user.makananpet = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.makananphonix)) user.makananphonix = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.makananserigala)) user.makananserigala = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.mana)) user.mana = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.money)) user.money = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.monyet)) user.monyet = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.mythic)) user.mythic = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.naga)) user.naga = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.nagalastclaim)) user.nagalastclaim = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.net)) user.net = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.nila)) user.nila = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.ojekk)) user.ojekk = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.roket)) user.roket = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.orca)) user.orca = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.pancing)) user.pancing = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.panda)) user.panda = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.paus)) user.paus = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.pc)) user.pc = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.pertambangan)) user.pertambangan = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.pertanian)) user.pertanian = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.pet)) user.pet = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.petFood)) user.petFood = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.phonix)) user.phonix = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.phonixlastclaim)) user.phonixlastclaim = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.pickaxe)) user.pickaxe = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.pickaxedurability)) user.pickaxedurability = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.pointxp)) user.pointxp = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.potion)) user.potion = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.psenjata)) user.psenjata = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.psepick)) user.psepick = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.ramuan)) user.ramuan = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.rock)) user.rock = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.rubah)) user.rubah = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.rubahlastclaim)) user.rubahlastclaim = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.rumahsakit)) user.rumahsakit= 0
              if (!isNumber(user.sampah)) user.sampah = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.sapi)) user.sapi = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.sapir)) user.sapir = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.serigala)) user.serigala = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.serigalalastclaim)) user.serigalalastclaim = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.shield)) user.shield = false
              if (!isNumber(user.skillexp)) user.skillexp = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.ssapi)) user.ssapi = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.stamina)) user.stamina = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.stamina)) user.stamina = 100
              if (!isNumber(user.strength)) user.strength = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.string)) user.string = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.sword)) user.sword = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.sworddurability)) user.sworddurability = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.tigame)) user.tigame = 50
              if (!isNumber(user.tiketcoin)) user.tiketcoin = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.title)) user.title = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.tprem)) user.tprem = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.trash)) user.trash = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.trofi)) user.trofi= 0
              if (!isNumber(user.troopcamp)) user.troopcamp = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.udang)) user.udang = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.umpan)) user.umpan = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.uncommon)) user.uncommon = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.wallet)) user.wallet = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.warn)) user.warn = 0
              if (!isNumber(user.wood)) user.wood = 0
              if (!user.job) user.job = 'Pengangguran'
              if (!user.premium) user.premium = false
              if (!user.premium) user.premiumTime= 0
              if (!user.rtrofi) user.rtrofi = 'Perunggu'
            } else
                global.db.data.users[m.sender] = {
                    afk: -1,
                    afkReason: '',
                    age: -1,
                    agility: 16,
                    anakanjing: 0,
                    anakkucing: 0,
                    anakkuda: 0,
                    anakrubah: 0,
                    anjing: 0,
                    anjinglastclaim: 0,
                    antispam: 0,
                    antispamlastclaim: 0,
                    apel: 20,
                    arc: 0,
                    arcdurability: 0,
                    arlok: 0,
                    armor: 0,
                    armordurability: 0,
                    as: 0,
                    atm: 0,
                    autolevelup: false,
                    ayam: 0,
                    ayamb: 0,
                    ayamg: 0,
                    babi: 0,
                    babihutan: 0,
                    bank: 0,
                    banned: false,
                    BannedReason: '',
                    Banneduser: false,
                    banteng: 0,
                    batu: 0,
                    bawal: 0,
                    bow: 0,
                    buaya: 0,
                    buntal: 0,
                    cat: 0,
                    catlastfeed: 0,
                    catngexp: 0,
                    centaur: 0,
                    centaurlastclaim: 0,
                    coin: 0,
                    common: 0,
                    crystal: 0,
                    cumi: 0,
                    diamond: 0,
                    dog: 0,
                    dogexp: 0,
                    doglastfeed: 0,
                    dory: 0,
                    emas: 0,
                    emerald: 0,
                    esteh: 0,
                    exp: 0,
                    fishingrod: 0,
                    fishingroddurability: 0,
                    fortress: 0,
                    fox: 0,
                    foxexp: 0,
                    foxlastfeed: 0,
                    fullatm: 0,
                    gajah: 0,
                    gamemines: false,
                    gems: 0,
                    gold: 0,
                    griffin: 0,
                    griffinlastclaim: 0,
                    gurita: 0,
                    harimau: 0,
                    haus: 100,
                    healt: 100,
                    health: 100,
                    hiu: 0,
                    horse: 0,
                    horseexp: 0,
                    horselastfeed: 0,
                    ikan: 0,
                    intelligence: 10,
                    iron: 0,
                    jeruk: 0,
                    job: '',
                    job: 'Pengangguran', 
                    kambing: 0,
                    katana: 0,
                    katanadurability: 0,
                    kayu: 0,
                    kepiting: 0,
                    kerbau : 0,
                    korbanngocok: 0,
                    kucing: 0,
                    kucinglastclaim: 0,
                    kuda: 0,
                    kudalastclaim: 0,
                    laper: 100,
                    lastadventure: 0,
                    lastberbru: 0,
                    lastbunga: 0,
                    lastbunuhi: 0,
                    lastclaim: 0,
                    lastdaang: 0,
                    lastduel: 0,
                    lastdungeon: 0,
                    lastfight: 0,
                    lastfishing: 0,
                    lastgrab: 0,
                    lasthourly: 0,
                    lasthunt: 0,
                    lastjb: 0,
                    lastkill: 0,
                    lastmining: 0,
                    lastmisi: 0,
                    lastmonthly: 0,
                    lastngocok: 0,
                    lastngojek: 0,
                    lastrob: 0,
                    lastroket: 0,
                    lastseen: 0,
                    lastSetStatus: 0,
                    lastturu: 0,
                    lastweekly: 0,
                    lastwork: 0,
                    lbars: '[▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒]', 
                    legendary: 0,
                    lele: 0,
                    leleb: 0,
                    leleg: 0,
                    level: 0,
                    limit: 10,
                    limit: 20,
                    limit: 100,
                    lobster: 0,
                    lumba: 0,
                    magicwand: 0,
                    magicwanddurability: 0,
                    makanan: 0,
                    makanancentaur: 0,
                    makanannaga: 0,
                    makananpet: 0,
                    makananphonix: 0,
                    makananserigala: 0,
                    mana: 20,
                    mangga: 0,
                    misi: "",
                    money: 0,
                    monyet : 0,
                    mythic: 0,
                    naga: 0,
                    nagalastclaim: 0,
                    name: conn.getName(m.sender),
                    name: m.name,
                    name: this.getName(m.sender),
                    net: 0,
                    nila: 0,
                    ojekk: 0,
                    roket: 0,
                    orca: 0,
                    panda: 0,
                    pasangan: '',
                    paus: 0,
                    pc : 0,
                    pc: false,
                    pet: 0,
                    phonix: 0,
                    phonixlastclaim: 0,
                    pickaxe: 0,
                    pickaxedurability: 0,
                    pointxp: 0,
                    potion: 0,
                    potion: 10,
                    premium: false, 
                    premiumTime: 0,
                    registered: false,
                    regTime: -1,
                    rock: 0,
                    role: 'Beginner',
                    role: 'Newbie ㋡', 
                    rtrofi: 'perunggu',
                    rubah: 0,
                    rubahlastclaim: 0,
                    rumahsakit: 0,
                    sampah: 0,
                    sapi: 0,
                    sapir: 0,
                    semangka: 0,
                    serigala: 0,
                    serigalalastclaim: 0,
                    shield: 0,
                    skill: "",
                    skillexp: 0,
                    ssapi: 0,
                    stamina : 100,
                    stamina: 100,
                    strength: 30,
                    string: 0,
                    stroberi: 0,
                    superior: 0,
                    sword: 0,
                    sworddurability: 0,
                    tigame: 50,
                    tiketcoin: 0,
                    title: "",
                    title: '',
                    tprem: 0,
                    trash: 0,
                    trofi: 0,
                    troopcamp: 0,
                    udang: 0,
                    umpan: 0,
                    uncommon: 0,
                    upgrader: 0,
                    wallet: 0,
                    warn: 0,
                    wood: 0,
            let chat = global.db.data.chats[m.chat]
            if (typeof chat !== 'object')
                global.db.data.chats[m.chat] = {}
            if (chat) {
                if (!('isBanned' in chat))
                    chat.isBanned = false
                if (!('welcome' in chat))
                    chat.welcome = true
                if (!('detect' in chat))
                    chat.detect = true
                if (!('sWelcome' in chat))
                    chat.sWelcome = ''
                if (!('sBye' in chat))
                    chat.sBye = ''
                if (!('sPromote' in chat))
                    chat.sPromote = ''
                if (!('sDemote' in chat))
                    chat.sDemote = ''
                if (!('delete' in chat))
                    chat.delete = false
                if (!('antiLink' in chat))
                    chat.antiLink = false
                if (!('viewonce' in chat))
                    chat.viewonce = false
                if (!('antiToxic' in chat))
                    chat.antiToxic = true
                if (!('simi' in chat))
                    chat.simi = false
                if (!('nsfw' in chat))
                    chat.nsfw = false
                if (!('premnsfw' in chat))
                    chat.premnsfw = false
                if (!isNumber(chat.expired))
                    chat.expired = 0
               if (!('getmsg' in chat)) 
                    chat.getmsg = true
            } else
                global.db.data.chats[m.chat] = {
                    isBanned: false,
                    welcome: true,
                    detect: true,
                    sWelcome: '',
                    sBye: '',
                    sPromote: '',
                    sDemote: '',
                    delete: false,
                    antiLink: false,
                    viewonce: false,
                    antiToxic: true,
                    simi: false,
                    expired: 0,
                    nsfw: false,
                    premnsfw: false,
                    getmsg: true,
            let settings = global.db.data.settings[this.user.jid]
            if (typeof settings !== 'object') global.db.data.settings[this.user.jid] = {}
            if (settings) {
                if (!('self' in settings)) settings.self = false
                if (!('autoread' in settings)) settings.autoread = true
                if (!('restrict' in settings)) settings.restrict = true
                if (!'jadibot' in settings) settings.jadibot = true
                if (!('autorestart' in settings)) settings.autorestart = true
                if (!('restartDB' in settings)) settings.restartDB = 0
            } else global.db.data.settings[this.user.jid] = {
                self: false,
                autoread: true,
                jadibot: true,
                restrict: true,
                autorestart: true,
                restartDB: 0
        } catch (e) {
        if (opts['nyimak'])
        if (!m.fromMe && opts['self'])
        if (opts['pconly'] && m.chat.endsWith('g.us'))
        if (opts['gconly'] && !m.chat.endsWith('g.us'))
        if (opts['swonly'] && m.chat !== 'status@broadcast')
        if (typeof m.text !== 'string')
            m.text = ''

        const isROwner = [conn.decodeJid(global.conn.user.id), ...global.owner.map(([number]) => number)].map(v => v.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '') + '@s.whatsapp.net').includes(m.sender)
        const isOwner = isROwner || m.fromMe
        const isMods = isOwner || global.mods.map(v => v.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '') + '@s.whatsapp.net').includes(m.sender)
        const isPrems = isROwner || global.prems.map(v => v.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '') + '@s.whatsapp.net').includes(m.sender)

        if (opts['queque'] && m.text && !(isMods || isPrems)) {
            let queque = this.msgqueque, time = 1000 * 5
            const previousID = queque[queque.length - 1]
            queque.push(m.id || m.key.id)
            setInterval(async function () {
                if (queque.indexOf(previousID) === -1) clearInterval(this)
                await delay(time)
            }, time)

        if (m.isBaileys)
        m.exp += Math.ceil(Math.random() * 10)

        let usedPrefix
        let _user = global.db.data && global.db.data.users && global.db.data.users[m.sender]

        const groupMetadata = (m.isGroup ? ((conn.chats[m.chat] || {}).metadata || await this.groupMetadata(m.chat).catch(_ => null)) : {}) || {}
        const participants = (m.isGroup ? groupMetadata.participants : []) || []
        const user = (m.isGroup ? participants.find(u => conn.decodeJid(u.id) === m.sender) : {}) || {} // User Data
        const bot = (m.isGroup ? participants.find(u => conn.decodeJid(u.id) == this.user.jid) : {}) || {} // Your Data
        const isRAdmin = user?.admin == 'superadmin' || false
        const isAdmin = isRAdmin || user?.admin == 'admin' || false // Is User Admin?
        const isBotAdmin = bot?.admin || false // Are you Admin?

        const ___dirname = path.join(path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)), './plugins')
        for (let name in global.plugins) {
            let plugin = global.plugins[name]
            if (!plugin)
            if (plugin.disabled)
            const __filename = join(___dirname, name)
            if (typeof plugin.all === 'function') {
                try {
                    await plugin.all.call(this, m, {
                        __dirname: ___dirname,
                } catch (e) {
                    // if (typeof e === 'string') continue
                    for (let [jid] of global.owner.filter(([number, _, isDeveloper]) => isDeveloper && number)) {
                        let data = (await conn.onWhatsApp(jid))[0] || {}
                        if (data.exists)
                            m.reply(`*?️ Plugin:* ${name}\n*? Sender:* ${m.sender}\n*? Chat:* ${m.chat}\n*? Command:* ${m.text}\n\n\`\`\`${format(e)}\`\`\``.trim(), data.jid)
            if (!opts['restrict'])
                if (plugin.tags && plugin.tags.includes('admin')) {
                    // global.dfail('restrict', m, this)
            const str2Regex = str => str.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&')
            let _prefix = plugin.customPrefix ? plugin.customPrefix : conn.prefix ? conn.prefix : global.prefix
            let match = (_prefix instanceof RegExp ? // RegExp Mode?
                [[_prefix.exec(m.text), _prefix]] :
                Array.isArray(_prefix) ? // Array?
                    _prefix.map(p => {
                        let re = p instanceof RegExp ? // RegExp in Array?
                            p :
                            new RegExp(str2Regex(p))
                        return [re.exec(m.text), re]
                    }) :
                    typeof _prefix === 'string' ? // String?
                        [[new RegExp(str2Regex(_prefix)).exec(m.text), new RegExp(str2Regex(_prefix))]] :
                        [[[], new RegExp]]
            ).find(p => p[1])
            if (typeof plugin.before === 'function') {
                if (await plugin.before.call(this, m, {
                    conn: this,
                    __dirname: ___dirname,
            if (typeof plugin !== 'function')
            if ((usedPrefix = (match[0] || '')[0])) {
                let noPrefix = m.text.replace(usedPrefix, '')
                let [command, ...args] = noPrefix.trim().split` `.filter(v => v)
                args = args || []
                let _args = noPrefix.trim().split` `.slice(1)
                let text = _args.join` `
                command = (command || '').toLowerCase()
                let fail = plugin.fail || global.dfail // When failed
                let isAccept = plugin.command instanceof RegExp ? // RegExp Mode?
                    plugin.command.test(command) :
                    Array.isArray(plugin.command) ? // Array?
                        plugin.command.some(cmd => cmd instanceof RegExp ? // RegExp in Array?
                            cmd.test(command) :
                            cmd === command
                        ) :
                        typeof plugin.command === 'string' ? // String?
                            plugin.command === command :

                if (!isAccept)
                m.plugin = name
                if (m.chat in global.db.data.chats || m.sender in global.db.data.users) {
                    let chat = global.db.data.chats[m.chat]
                    let user = global.db.data.users[m.sender]
                    if (name != 'owner-unbanchat.js' && chat?.isBanned)
                        return // Except this
                    if (name != 'owner-unbanuser.js' && user?.banned)
                if (plugin.rowner && plugin.owner && !(isROwner || isOwner)) { // Both Owner
                    fail('owner', m, this)
                if (plugin.rowner && !isROwner) { // Real Owner
                    fail('rowner', m, this)
                if (plugin.owner && !isOwner) { // Number Owner
                    fail('owner', m, this)
                if (plugin.mods && !isMods) { // Moderator
                    fail('mods', m, this)
                if (plugin.premium && !isPrems) { // Premium
                    fail('premium', m, this)
                if (plugin.group && !m.isGroup) { // Group Only
                    fail('group', m, this)
                } else if (plugin.botAdmin && !isBotAdmin) { // You Admin
                    fail('botAdmin', m, this)
                } else if (plugin.admin && !isAdmin) { // User Admin
                    fail('admin', m, this)
                if (plugin.private && m.isGroup) { // Private Chat Only
                    fail('private', m, this)
                if (plugin.register == true && _user.registered == false) { // Butuh daftar?
                    fail('unreg', m, this)
                m.isCommand = true
                let xp = 'exp' in plugin ? parseInt(plugin.exp) : 17 // XP Earning per command
                if (xp > 200)
                    // m.reply('Ngecit -_-') // Hehehe
                    this.sendButton(m.chat, `Jirr.. Ngecit -_- pake kalkulator.. Gpp lahh\nPencet dibawah, meresahkan`, wm, null, [
        ['Ngechit', `/ngechit`]
    ], m)
                    m.exp += xp
                if (!isPrems && plugin.limit && global.db.data.users[m.sender].limit < plugin.limit * 1) {
                    this.reply(m.chat, `[❗] Limit anda habis, silahkan beli melalui *${usedPrefix}buy limit*`, m)
                    continue // Limit habis
                if (plugin.level > _user.level) {
                    this.sendButton(m.chat, `[?] Diperlukan level *${plugin.level}* untuk menggunakan perintah ini. Level kamu *${_user.level}?*\n*${plugin.level}* level is required to use this command. Your level is *${_user.level}?*`, author, null,[["Ok", "ok"]] , m)
                    continue // If the level has not been reached
                let extra = {
                    conn: this,
                    __dirname: ___dirname,
                try {
                    await plugin.call(this, m, extra)
                    if (!isPrems)
                        m.limit = m.limit || plugin.limit || false
                } catch (e) {
                    // Error occured
                    m.error = e
                    if (e) {
                        let text = format(e)
                        for (let key of Object.values(global.APIKeys))
                            text = text.replace(new RegExp(key, 'g'), '#HIDDEN#')
                        if (e.name)
                            for (let [jid] of global.owner.filter(([number, _, isDeveloper]) => isDeveloper && number)) {
                                let data = (await conn.onWhatsApp(jid))[0] || {}
                                if (data.exists)
                                    return m.reply(`*?️ Plugin:* ${m.plugin}\n*? Sender:* ${m.sender}\n*? Chat:* ${m.chat}\n*? Command:* ${usedPrefix}${command} ${args.join(' ')}\n? *Error Logs:*\n\n\`\`\`${text}\`\`\``.trim(), data.jid)
                } finally {
                    // m.reply(util.format(_user))
                    if (typeof plugin.after === 'function') {
                        try {
                            await plugin.after.call(this, m, extra)
                        } catch (e) {
                    if (m.limit)
                        m.reply(+m.limit + ' Limit terpakai ✔️')
    } catch (e) {
    } finally {
        if (opts['queque'] && m.text) {
            const quequeIndex = this.msgqueque.indexOf(m.id || m.key.id)
            if (quequeIndex !== -1)
                this.msgqueque.splice(quequeIndex, 1)
        let user, stats = global.db.data.stats
        if (m) {
            if (m.sender && (user = global.db.data.users[m.sender])) {
                user.exp += m.exp
                user.limit -= m.limit * 1

            let stat
            if (m.plugin) {
                let now = +new Date
                if (m.plugin in stats) {
                    stat = stats[m.plugin]
                    if (!isNumber(stat.total))
                        stat.total = 1
                    if (!isNumber(stat.success))
                        stat.success = m.error != null ? 0 : 1
                    if (!isNumber(stat.last))
                        stat.last = now
                    if (!isNumber(stat.lastSuccess))
                        stat.lastSuccess = m.error != null ? 0 : now
                } else
                    stat = stats[m.plugin] = {
                        total: 1,
                        success: m.error != null ? 0 : 1,
                        last: now,
                        lastSuccess: m.error != null ? 0 : now
                stat.total += 1
                stat.last = now
                if (m.error == null) {
                    stat.success += 1
                    stat.lastSuccess = now

        try {
            if (!opts['noprint']) await (await import(`./lib/print.js`)).default(m, this)
        } catch (e) {
            console.log(m, m.quoted, e)
        if (opts['autoread'])
            await this.chatRead(m.chat, m.isGroup ? m.sender : undefined, m.id || m.key.id).catch(() => { })
Example #12
Source File: simple.js    From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
export function makeWASocket(connectionOptions, options = {}) {
     * @type {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').WASocket | import('@adiwajshing/baileys').WALegacySocket}
    let conn = (global.opts['legacy'] ? makeWALegacySocket : _makeWaSocket)(connectionOptions)

    let sock = Object.defineProperties(conn, {
        chats: {
            value: { ...(options.chats || {}) },
            writable: true
        decodeJid: {
            value(jid) {
                if (!jid || typeof jid !== 'string') return (!nullish(jid) && jid) || null
                return jid.decodeJid()
        logger: {
            get() {
                return {
                    info(...args) {
                            chalk.bold.bgRgb(51, 204, 51)('INFO '),
                            `[${chalk.rgb(255, 255, 255)(new Date().toUTCString())}]:`,
                    error(...args) {
                            chalk.bold.bgRgb(247, 38, 33)('ERROR '),
                            `[${chalk.rgb(255, 255, 255)(new Date().toUTCString())}]:`,
                            chalk.rgb(255, 38, 0)(format(...args))
                    warn(...args) {
                            chalk.bold.bgRgb(255, 153, 0)('WARNING '),
                            `[${chalk.rgb(255, 255, 255)(new Date().toUTCString())}]:`,
                    trace(...args) {
                            chalk.grey('TRACE '),
                            `[${chalk.rgb(255, 255, 255)(new Date().toUTCString())}]:`,
                    debug(...args) {
                            chalk.bold.bgRgb(66, 167, 245)('DEBUG '),
                            `[${chalk.rgb(255, 255, 255)(new Date().toUTCString())}]:`,
            enumerable: true
        getFile: {
             * getBuffer hehe
             * @param {fs.PathLike} PATH 
             * @param {Boolean} saveToFile
            async value(PATH, saveToFile = false) {
                let res, filename
                const data = Buffer.isBuffer(PATH) ? PATH : PATH instanceof ArrayBuffer ? PATH.toBuffer() : /^data:.*?\/.*?;base64,/i.test(PATH) ? Buffer.from(PATH.split`,`[1], 'base64') : /^https?:\/\//.test(PATH) ? await (res = await fetch(PATH)).buffer() : fs.existsSync(PATH) ? (filename = PATH, fs.readFileSync(PATH)) : typeof PATH === 'string' ? PATH : Buffer.alloc(0)
                if (!Buffer.isBuffer(data)) throw new TypeError('Result is not a buffer')
                const type = await fileTypeFromBuffer(data) || {
                    mime: 'application/octet-stream',
                    ext: '.bin'
                if (data && saveToFile && !filename) (filename = path.join(__dirname, '../tmp/' + new Date * 1 + '.' + type.ext), await fs.promises.writeFile(filename, data))
                return {
                    deleteFile() {
                        return filename && fs.promises.unlink(filename)
            enumerable: true
        waitEvent: {
             * waitEvent
             * @param {String} eventName 
             * @param {Boolean} is 
             * @param {Number} maxTries 
            value(eventName, is = () => true, maxTries = 25) { //Idk why this exist?
                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    let tries = 0
                    let on = (...args) => {
                        if (++tries > maxTries) reject('Max tries reached')
                        else if (is()) {
                            conn.ev.off(eventName, on)
                    conn.ev.on(eventName, on)
        sendFile: {
             * Send Media/File with Automatic Type Specifier
             * @param {String} jid
             * @param {String|Buffer} path
             * @param {String} filename
             * @param {String} caption
             * @param {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.WebMessageInfo} quoted
             * @param {Boolean} ptt
             * @param {Object} options
            async value(jid, path, filename = '', caption = '', quoted, ptt = false, options = {}) {
                let type = await conn.getFile(path, true)
                let { res, data: file, filename: pathFile } = type
                if (res && res.status !== 200 || file.length <= 65536) {
                    try { throw { json: JSON.parse(file.toString()) } }
                    catch (e) { if (e.json) throw e.json }
                const fileSize = fs.statSync(pathFile).size / 1024 / 1024
                if (fileSize >= 100) throw new Error('File size is too big!')
                let opt = {}
                if (quoted) opt.quoted = quoted
                if (!type) options.asDocument = true
                let mtype = '', mimetype = options.mimetype || type.mime, convert
                if (/webp/.test(type.mime) || (/image/.test(type.mime) && options.asSticker)) mtype = 'sticker'
                else if (/image/.test(type.mime) || (/webp/.test(type.mime) && options.asImage)) mtype = 'image'
                else if (/video/.test(type.mime)) mtype = 'video'
                else if (/audio/.test(type.mime)) (
                    convert = await toAudio(file, type.ext),
                    file = convert.data,
                    pathFile = convert.filename,
                    mtype = 'audio',
                    mimetype = options.mimetype || 'audio/ogg; codecs=opus'
                else mtype = 'document'
                if (options.asDocument) mtype = 'document'

                delete options.asSticker
                delete options.asLocation
                delete options.asVideo
                delete options.asDocument
                delete options.asImage

                let message = {
                    [mtype]: { url: pathFile },
                    fileName: filename || pathFile.split('/').pop()
                 * @type {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.WebMessageInfo}
                let m
                try {
                    m = await conn.sendMessage(jid, message, { ...opt, ...options })
                } catch (e) {
                    m = null
                } finally {
                    if (!m) m = await conn.sendMessage(jid, { ...message, [mtype]: file }, { ...opt, ...options })
                    file = null // releasing the memory
                    return m
            enumerable: true
        sendContact: {
             * Send Contact
             * @param {String} jid 
             * @param {String[][]|String[]} data
             * @param {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.WebMessageInfo} quoted 
             * @param {Object} options 
            async value(jid, data, quoted, options) {
                if (!Array.isArray(data[0]) && typeof data[0] === 'string') data = [data]
                let contacts = []
                for (let [number, name] of data) {
                    number = number.replace(/[^0-9]/g, '')
                    let njid = number + '@s.whatsapp.net'
                    let biz = await conn.getBusinessProfile(njid).catch(_ => null) || {}
                    let vcard = `
N:;${name.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')};;;
FN:${name.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')}
TEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;waid=${number}:${PhoneNumber('+' + number).getNumber('international')}${biz.description ? `
X-WA-BIZ-NAME:${(conn.chats[njid]?.vname || conn.getName(njid) || name).replace(/\n/, '\\n')}
X-WA-BIZ-DESCRIPTION:${biz.description.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')}
`.trim() : ''}
                    contacts.push({ vcard, displayName: name })

                return await conn.sendMessage(jid, {
                    contacts: {
                        displayName: (contacts.length >= 2 ? `${contacts.length} kontak` : contacts[0].displayName) || null,
                }, { quoted, ...options })
            enumerable: true
        reply: {
             * Reply to a message
             * @param {String} jid
             * @param {String|Buffer} text
             * @param {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.WebMessageInfo} quoted
             * @param {Object} options
            value(jid, text = '', quoted, options) {
                return Buffer.isBuffer(text) ? conn.sendFile(jid, text, 'file', '', quoted, false, options) : conn.sendMessage(jid, { ...options, text }, { quoted, ...options })
        sendButton: {
             * send Button
             * @param {String} jid
             * @param {String} text
             * @param {String} footer
             * @param {Buffer} buffer
             * @param {String[] | String[][]} buttons
             * @param {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.WebMessageInfo} quoted
             * @param {Object} options
            async value(jid, text = '', footer = '', buffer, buttons, quoted, options) {
                let type
                if (Array.isArray(buffer)) (options = quoted, quoted = buttons, buttons = buffer, buffer = null)
                else if (buffer) try { (type = await conn.getFile(buffer), buffer = type.data) } catch { buffer = null }
                if (!Array.isArray(buttons[0]) && typeof buttons[0] === 'string') buttons = [buttons]
                if (!options) options = {}
                let message = {
                    [buffer ? 'caption' : 'text']: text || '',
                    buttons: buttons.map(btn => ({
                        buttonId: !nullish(btn[1]) && btn[1] || !nullish(btn[0]) && btn[0] || '',
                        buttonText: {
                            displayText: !nullish(btn[0]) && btn[0] || !nullish(btn[1]) && btn[1] || ''
                    ...(buffer ?
                        options.asLocation && /image/.test(type.mime) ? {
                            location: {
                                jpegThumbnail: buffer
                        } : {
                            [/video/.test(type.mime) ? 'video' : /image/.test(type.mime) ? 'image' : 'document']: buffer
                        } : {})

                return await conn.sendMessage(jid, message, {
                    upload: conn.waUploadToServer,
            enumerable: true
        sendHydrated: {
             * @param {String} jid 
             * @param {String} text 
             * @param {String} footer 
             * @param {fs.PathLike} buffer
             * @param {String|string[]} url
             * @param {String|string[]} urlText
             * @param {String|string[]} call
             * @param {String|string[]} callText
             * @param {String[][]} buttons
             * @param {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.WebMessageInfo} quoted
             * @param {Object} options
            async value(jid, text = '', footer = '', buffer, url, urlText, call, callText, buttons, quoted, options) {
                let type
                if (buffer) try { (type = await conn.getFile(buffer), buffer = type.data) } catch { buffer = buffer }
                if (buffer && !Buffer.isBuffer(buffer) && (typeof buffer === 'string' || Array.isArray(buffer))) (options = quoted, quoted = buttons, buttons = callText, callText = call, call = urlText, urlText = url, url = buffer, buffer = null)
                if (!options) options = {}
                let templateButtons = []
                if (url || urlText) {
                    if (!Array.isArray(url)) url = [url]
                    if (!Array.isArray(urlText)) urlText = [urlText]
                        url.map((v, i) => [v, urlText[i]])
                            .map(([url, urlText], i) => ({
                                index: templateButtons.length + i + 1,
                                urlButton: {
                                    displayText: !nullish(urlText) && urlText || !nullish(url) && url || '',
                                    url: !nullish(url) && url || !nullish(urlText) && urlText || ''
                            })) || []
                if (call || callText) {
                    if (!Array.isArray(call)) call = [call]
                    if (!Array.isArray(callText)) callText = [callText]
                        call.map((v, i) => [v, callText[i]])
                            .map(([call, callText], i) => ({
                                index: templateButtons.length + i + 1,
                                callButton: {
                                    displayText: !nullish(callText) && callText || !nullish(call) && call || '',
                                    phoneNumber: !nullish(call) && call || !nullish(callText) && callText || ''
                            })) || []
                if (buttons.length) {
                    if (!Array.isArray(buttons[0])) buttons = [buttons]
                        buttons.map(([text, id], index) => ({
                            index: templateButtons.length + index + 1,
                            quickReplyButton: {
                                displayText: !nullish(text) && text || !nullish(id) && id || '',
                                id: !nullish(id) && id || !nullish(text) && text || ''
                        })) || []
                let message = {
                    [buffer ? 'caption' : 'text']: text || '',
                    ...(buffer ?
                        options.asLocation && /image/.test(type.mime) ? {
                            location: {
                                jpegThumbnail: buffer
                        } : {
                            [/video/.test(type.mime) ? 'video' : /image/.test(type.mime) ? 'image' : 'document']: buffer
                        } : {})
                return await conn.sendMessage(jid, message, {
                    upload: conn.waUploadToServer,
            enumerable: true
        sendHydrated2: {
             * @param {String} jid 
             * @param {String} text 
             * @param {String} footer 
             * @param {fs.PathLike} buffer
             * @param {String|string[]} url
             * @param {String|string[]} urlText
             * @param {String|string[]} call
             * @param {String|string[]} callText
             * @param {String[][]} buttons
             * @param {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.WebMessageInfo} quoted
             * @param {Object} options
            async value(jid, text = '', footer = '', buffer, url, urlText, url2, urlText2, buttons, quoted, options) {
                let type
                if (buffer) try { (type = await conn.getFile(buffer), buffer = type.data) } catch { buffer = buffer }
                if (buffer && !Buffer.isBuffer(buffer) && (typeof buffer === 'string' || Array.isArray(buffer))) (options = quoted, quoted = buttons, buttons = callText, callText = call, call = urlText, urlText = url, url = buffer, buffer = null)
                if (!options) options = {}
                let templateButtons = []
                if (url || urlText) {
                    if (!Array.isArray(url)) url = [url]
                    if (!Array.isArray(urlText)) urlText = [urlText]
                        url.map((v, i) => [v, urlText[i]])
                            .map(([url, urlText], i) => ({
                                index: templateButtons.length + i + 1,
                                urlButton: {
                                    displayText: !nullish(urlText) && urlText || !nullish(url) && url || '',
                                    url: !nullish(url) && url || !nullish(urlText) && urlText || ''
                            })) || []
                if (url2 || urlText2) {
                    if (!Array.isArray(url2)) url2 = [url2]
                    if (!Array.isArray(urlText2)) urlText2 = [urlText2]
                        url2.map((v, i) => [v, urlText2[i]])
                            .map(([url2, urlText2], i) => ({
                                index: templateButtons.length + i + 1,
                                urlButton: {
                                    displayText: !nullish(urlText2) && urlText2 || !nullish(url2) && url2 || '',
                                    url: !nullish(url2) && url2 || !nullish(urlText2) && urlText2 || ''
                            })) || []
                if (buttons.length) {
                    if (!Array.isArray(buttons[0])) buttons = [buttons]
                        buttons.map(([text, id], index) => ({
                            index: templateButtons.length + index + 1,
                            quickReplyButton: {
                                displayText: !nullish(text) && text || !nullish(id) && id || '',
                                id: !nullish(id) && id || !nullish(text) && text || ''
                        })) || []
                let message = {
                    [buffer ? 'caption' : 'text']: text || '',
                    ...(buffer ?
                        options.asLocation && /image/.test(type.mime) ? {
                            location: {
                                jpegThumbnail: buffer
                        } : {
                            [/video/.test(type.mime) ? 'video' : /image/.test(type.mime) ? 'image' : 'document']: buffer
                        } : {})
                return await conn.sendMessage(jid, message, {
                    upload: conn.waUploadToServer,
            enumerable: true
        cMod: {
             * cMod
             * @param {String} jid 
             * @param {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.WebMessageInfo} message 
             * @param {String} text 
             * @param {String} sender 
             * @param {*} options 
             * @returns 
            value(jid, message, text = '', sender = conn.user.jid, options = {}) {
                if (options.mentions && !Array.isArray(options.mentions)) options.mentions = [options.mentions]
                let copy = message.toJSON()
                delete copy.message.messageContextInfo
                delete copy.message.senderKeyDistributionMessage
                let mtype = Object.keys(copy.message)[0]
                let msg = copy.message
                let content = msg[mtype]
                if (typeof content === 'string') msg[mtype] = text || content
                else if (content.caption) content.caption = text || content.caption
                else if (content.text) content.text = text || content.text
                if (typeof content !== 'string') {
                    msg[mtype] = { ...content, ...options }
                    msg[mtype].contextInfo = {
                        ...(content.contextInfo || {}),
                        mentionedJid: options.mentions || content.contextInfo?.mentionedJid || []
                if (copy.participant) sender = copy.participant = sender || copy.participant
                else if (copy.key.participant) sender = copy.key.participant = sender || copy.key.participant
                if (copy.key.remoteJid.includes('@s.whatsapp.net')) sender = sender || copy.key.remoteJid
                else if (copy.key.remoteJid.includes('@broadcast')) sender = sender || copy.key.remoteJid
                copy.key.remoteJid = jid
                copy.key.fromMe = areJidsSameUser(sender, conn.user.id) || false
                return proto.WebMessageInfo.fromObject(copy)
            enumerable: true
        copyNForward: {
             * Exact Copy Forward
             * @param {String} jid
             * @param {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.WebMessageInfo} message
             * @param {Boolean|Number} forwardingScore
             * @param {Object} options
            async value(jid, message, forwardingScore = true, options = {}) {
                let vtype
                if (options.readViewOnce && message.message.viewOnceMessage?.message) {
                    vtype = Object.keys(message.message.viewOnceMessage.message)[0]
                    delete message.message.viewOnceMessage.message[vtype].viewOnce
                    message.message = proto.Message.fromObject(
                    message.message[vtype].contextInfo = message.message.viewOnceMessage.contextInfo
                let mtype = Object.keys(message.message)[0]
                let m = generateForwardMessageContent(message, !!forwardingScore)
                let ctype = Object.keys(m)[0]
                if (forwardingScore && typeof forwardingScore === 'number' && forwardingScore > 1) m[ctype].contextInfo.forwardingScore += forwardingScore
                m[ctype].contextInfo = {
                    ...(message.message[mtype].contextInfo || {}),
                    ...(m[ctype].contextInfo || {})
                m = generateWAMessageFromContent(jid, m, {
                    userJid: conn.user.jid
                await conn.relayMessage(jid, m.message, { messageId: m.key.id, additionalAttributes: { ...options } })
                return m
            enumerable: true
        fakeReply: {
             * Fake Replies
             * @param {String} jid
             * @param {String|Object} text
             * @param {String} fakeJid
             * @param {String} fakeText
             * @param {String} fakeGroupJid
             * @param {String} options
            value(jid, text = '', fakeJid = this.user.jid, fakeText = '', fakeGroupJid, options) {
                return conn.reply(jid, text, { key: { fromMe: areJidsSameUser(fakeJid, conn.user.id), participant: fakeJid, ...(fakeGroupJid ? { remoteJid: fakeGroupJid } : {}) }, message: { conversation: fakeText }, ...options })
        downloadM: {
             * Download media message
             * @param {Object} m
             * @param {String} type
             * @param {fs.PathLike | fs.promises.FileHandle} saveToFile
             * @returns {Promise<fs.PathLike | fs.promises.FileHandle | Buffer>}
            async value(m, type, saveToFile) {
                let filename
                if (!m || !(m.url || m.directPath)) return Buffer.alloc(0)
                const stream = await downloadContentFromMessage(m, type)
                let buffer = Buffer.from([])
                for await (const chunk of stream) {
                    buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, chunk])
                if (saveToFile) ({ filename } = await conn.getFile(buffer, true))
                return saveToFile && fs.existsSync(filename) ? filename : buffer
            enumerable: true
        parseMention: {
             * Parses string into mentionedJid(s)
             * @param {String} text
             * @returns {Array<String>}
            value(text = '') {
                return [...text.matchAll(/@([0-9]{5,16}|0)/g)].map(v => v[1] + '@s.whatsapp.net')
            enumerable: true
        getName: {
             * Get name from jid
             * @param {String} jid
             * @param {Boolean} withoutContact
            value(jid = '', withoutContact = false) {
                jid = conn.decodeJid(jid)
                withoutContact = conn.withoutContact || withoutContact
                let v
                if (jid.endsWith('@g.us')) return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
                    v = conn.chats[jid] || {}
                    if (!(v.name || v.subject)) v = await conn.groupMetadata(jid) || {}
                    resolve(v.name || v.subject || PhoneNumber('+' + jid.replace('@s.whatsapp.net', '')).getNumber('international'))
                else v = jid === '[email protected]' ? {
                    vname: 'WhatsApp'
                } : areJidsSameUser(jid, conn.user.id) ?
                    conn.user :
                    (conn.chats[jid] || {})
                return (withoutContact ? '' : v.name) || v.subject || v.vname || v.notify || v.verifiedName || PhoneNumber('+' + jid.replace('@s.whatsapp.net', '')).getNumber('international')
            enumerable: true
        loadMessage: {
             * @param {String} messageID 
             * @returns {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.WebMessageInfo}
            value(messageID) {
                return Object.entries(conn.chats)
                    .filter(([_, { messages }]) => typeof messages === 'object')
                    .find(([_, { messages }]) => Object.entries(messages)
                        .find(([k, v]) => (k === messageID || v.key?.id === messageID)))
            enumerable: true
        sendGroupV4Invite: {
             * sendGroupV4Invite
             * @param {String} jid 
             * @param {*} participant 
             * @param {String} inviteCode 
             * @param {Number} inviteExpiration 
             * @param {String} groupName 
             * @param {String} caption 
             * @param {Buffer} jpegThumbnail
             * @param {*} options 
            async value(jid, participant, inviteCode, inviteExpiration, groupName = 'unknown subject', caption = 'Invitation to join my WhatsApp group', jpegThumbnail, options = {}) {
                const msg = proto.Message.fromObject({
                    groupInviteMessage: proto.GroupInviteMessage.fromObject({
                        inviteExpiration: parseInt(inviteExpiration) || + new Date(new Date + (3 * 86400000)),
                        groupJid: jid,
                        groupName: (groupName ? groupName : await conn.getName(jid)) || null,
                        jpegThumbnail: Buffer.isBuffer(jpegThumbnail) ? jpegThumbnail : null,
                const message = generateWAMessageFromContent(participant, msg, options)
                await conn.relayMessage(participant, message.message, { messageId: message.key.id, additionalAttributes: { ...options } })
                return message
            enumerable: true
        processMessageStubType: {
             * to process MessageStubType
             * @param {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.WebMessageInfo} m 
            async value(m) {
                if (!m.messageStubType) return
                const chat = conn.decodeJid(m.key.remoteJid || m.message?.senderKeyDistributionMessage?.groupId || '')
                if (!chat || chat === 'status@broadcast') return
                const emitGroupUpdate = (update) => {
                    ev.emit('groups.update', [{ id: chat, ...update }])
                switch (m.messageStubType) {
                    case WAMessageStubType.REVOKE:
                    case WAMessageStubType.GROUP_CHANGE_INVITE_LINK:
                        emitGroupUpdate({ revoke: m.messageStubParameters[0] })
                    case WAMessageStubType.GROUP_CHANGE_ICON:
                        emitGroupUpdate({ icon: m.messageStubParameters[0] })
                    default: {
                            messageStubType: m.messageStubType,
                            messageStubParameters: m.messageStubParameters,
                            type: WAMessageStubType[m.messageStubType]
                const isGroup = chat.endsWith('@g.us')
                if (!isGroup) return
                let chats = conn.chats[chat]
                if (!chats) chats = conn.chats[chat] = { id: chat }
                chats.isChats = true
                const metadata = await conn.groupMetadata(chat).catch(_ => null)
                if (!metadata) return
                chats.subject = metadata.subject
                chats.metadata = metadata
        insertAllGroup: {
            async value() {
                const groups = await conn.groupFetchAllParticipating().catch(_ => null) || {}
                for (const group in groups) conn.chats[group] = { ...(conn.chats[group] || {}), id: group, subject: groups[group].subject, isChats: true, metadata: groups[group] }
                return conn.chats
        pushMessage: {
             * pushMessage
             * @param {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.WebMessageInfo[]} m 
            async value(m) {
                if (!m) return
                if (!Array.isArray(m)) m = [m]
                for (const message of m) {
                    try {
                        // if (!(message instanceof proto.WebMessageInfo)) continue // https://github.com/adiwajshing/Baileys/pull/696/commits/6a2cb5a4139d8eb0a75c4c4ea7ed52adc0aec20f
                        if (!message) continue
                        if (message.messageStubType && message.messageStubType != WAMessageStubType.CIPHERTEXT) conn.processMessageStubType(message).catch(console.error)
                        const _mtype = Object.keys(message.message || {})
                        const mtype = (!['senderKeyDistributionMessage', 'messageContextInfo'].includes(_mtype[0]) && _mtype[0]) ||
                            (_mtype.length >= 3 && _mtype[1] !== 'messageContextInfo' && _mtype[1]) ||
                            _mtype[_mtype.length - 1]
                        const chat = conn.decodeJid(message.key.remoteJid || message.message?.senderKeyDistributionMessage?.groupId || '')
                        if (message.message?.[mtype]?.contextInfo?.quotedMessage) {
                             * @type {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.IContextInfo}
                            let context = message.message[mtype].contextInfo
                            let participant = conn.decodeJid(context.participant)
                            const remoteJid = conn.decodeJid(context.remoteJid || participant)
                             * @type {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.IMessage}
                            let quoted = message.message[mtype].contextInfo.quotedMessage
                            if ((remoteJid && remoteJid !== 'status@broadcast') && quoted) {
                                let qMtype = Object.keys(quoted)[0]
                                if (qMtype == 'conversation') {
                                    quoted.extendedTextMessage = { text: quoted[qMtype] }
                                    delete quoted.conversation
                                    qMtype = 'extendedTextMessage'
                                if (!quoted[qMtype].contextInfo) quoted[qMtype].contextInfo = {}
                                quoted[qMtype].contextInfo.mentionedJid = context.mentionedJid || quoted[qMtype].contextInfo.mentionedJid || []
                                const isGroup = remoteJid.endsWith('g.us')
                                if (isGroup && !participant) participant = remoteJid
                                const qM = {
                                    key: {
                                        fromMe: areJidsSameUser(conn.user.jid, remoteJid),
                                        id: context.stanzaId,
                                    message: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(quoted)),
                                    ...(isGroup ? { participant } : {})
                                let qChats = conn.chats[participant]
                                if (!qChats) qChats = conn.chats[participant] = { id: participant, isChats: !isGroup }
                                if (!qChats.messages) qChats.messages = {}
                                if (!qChats.messages[context.stanzaId] && !qM.key.fromMe) qChats.messages[context.stanzaId] = qM
                                let qChatsMessages
                                if ((qChatsMessages = Object.entries(qChats.messages)).length > 40) qChats.messages = Object.fromEntries(qChatsMessages.slice(30, qChatsMessages.length)) // maybe avoid memory leak
                        if (!chat || chat === 'status@broadcast') continue
                        const isGroup = chat.endsWith('@g.us')
                        let chats = conn.chats[chat]
                        if (!chats) {
                            if (isGroup) await conn.insertAllGroup().catch(console.error)
                            chats = conn.chats[chat] = { id: chat, isChats: true, ...(conn.chats[chat] || {}) }
                        let metadata, sender
                        if (isGroup) {
                            if (!chats.subject || !chats.metadata) {
                                metadata = await conn.groupMetadata(chat).catch(_ => ({})) || {}
                                if (!chats.subject) chats.subject = metadata.subject || ''
                                if (!chats.metadata) chats.metadata = metadata
                            sender = conn.decodeJid(message.key?.fromMe && conn.user.id || message.participant || message.key?.participant || chat || '')
                            if (sender !== chat) {
                                let chats = conn.chats[sender]
                                if (!chats) chats = conn.chats[sender] = { id: sender }
                                if (!chats.name) chats.name = message.pushName || chats.name || ''
                        } else if (!chats.name) chats.name = message.pushName || chats.name || ''
                        if (['senderKeyDistributionMessage', 'messageContextInfo'].includes(mtype)) continue
                        chats.isChats = true
                        if (!chats.messages) chats.messages = {}
                        const fromMe = message.key.fromMe || areJidsSameUser(sender || chat, conn.user.id)
                        if (!['protocolMessage'].includes(mtype) && !fromMe && message.messageStubType != WAMessageStubType.CIPHERTEXT && message.message) {
                            delete message.message.messageContextInfo
                            delete message.message.senderKeyDistributionMessage
                            chats.messages[message.key.id] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(message, null, 2))
                            let chatsMessages
                            if ((chatsMessages = Object.entries(chats.messages)).length > 40) chats.messages = Object.fromEntries(chatsMessages.slice(30, chatsMessages.length))
                    } catch (e) {
        serializeM: {
             * Serialize Message, so it easier to manipulate
             * @param {import('@adiwajshing/baileys').proto.WebMessageInfo} m
            value(m) {
                return smsg(conn, m)
        ...(typeof conn.chatRead !== 'function' ? {
            chatRead: {
                 * Read message
                 * @param {String} jid 
                 * @param {String|undefined|null} participant 
                 * @param {String} messageID 
                value(jid, participant = conn.user.jid, messageID) {
                    return conn.sendReadReceipt(jid, participant, [messageID])
                enumerable: true
        } : {}),
        ...(typeof conn.setStatus !== 'function' ? {
            setStatus: {
                 * setStatus bot
                 * @param {String} status 
                value(status) {
                    return conn.query({
                        tag: 'iq',
                        attrs: {
                            to: S_WHATSAPP_NET,
                            type: 'set',
                            xmlns: 'status',
                        content: [
                                tag: 'status',
                                attrs: {},
                                content: Buffer.from(status, 'utf-8')
                enumerable: true
        } : {})
    if (sock.user?.id) sock.user.jid = sock.decodeJid(sock.user.id)
    return sock
Example #13
Source File: games-_tictactoe.js    From HinataMd with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
export async function before(m) {
    let ok
    let isWin = !1
    let isTie = !1
    let isSurrender = !1
    this.game = this.game ? this.game : {}
    let room = Object.values(this.game).find(room => room.id && room.game && room.state && room.id.startsWith('tictactoe') && [room.game.playerX, room.game.playerO].includes(m.sender) && room.state == 'PLAYING')
    if (room) {
        // m.reply(`[DEBUG]\n${parseInt(m.text)}`)
        if (!/^([1-9]|(me)?nyerah|surr?ender)$/i.test(m.text))
            return !0
        isSurrender = !/^[1-9]$/.test(m.text)
        if (m.sender !== room.game.currentTurn) { // nek wayahku
            if (!isSurrender)
                return !0
        if (debugMode)
            m.reply('[DEBUG]\n' + require('util').format({
                text: m.text
        if (!isSurrender && 1 > (ok = room.game.turn(m.sender === room.game.playerO, parseInt(m.text) - 1))) {
                '-3': 'Game telah berakhir',
                '-2': 'Invalid',
                '-1': 'Posisi Invalid',
                0: 'Posisi Invalid',
            return !0
        if (m.sender === room.game.winner)
            isWin = true
        else if (room.game.board === 511)
            isTie = true
        let arr = room.game.render().map(v => {
            return {
                X: '❌',
                O: '⭕',
                1: '1️⃣',
                2: '2️⃣',
                3: '3️⃣',
                4: '4️⃣',
                5: '5️⃣',
                6: '6️⃣',
                7: '7️⃣',
                8: '8️⃣',
                9: '9️⃣',
        if (isSurrender) {
            room.game._currentTurn = m.sender === room.game.playerX
            isWin = true
        let winner = isSurrender ? room.game.currentTurn : room.game.winner
        let str = `
${arr.slice(0, 3).join('')}
${arr.slice(3, 6).join('')}
${isWin ? `@${winner.split('@')[0]} Menang! (+${winScore} XP)` : isTie ? `Game berakhir (+${playScore} XP)` : `Giliran ${['❌', '⭕'][1 * room.game._currentTurn]} (@${room.game.currentTurn.split('@')[0]})`}
❌: @${room.game.playerX.split('@')[0]}
⭕: @${room.game.playerO.split('@')[0]}
Ketik *nyerah* untuk nyerah
Room ID: ${room.id}
        let users = global.db.data.users
        if ((room.game._currentTurn ^ isSurrender ? room.x : room.o) !== m.chat)
            room[room.game._currentTurn ^ isSurrender ? 'x' : 'o'] = m.chat
        const btn = isTie ? ['TicTacToe', '/ttt'] : ['Nyerah', 'nyerah']
        if (room.x !== room.o)
            await this.sendButton(room.x, str, author, btn, m, {
                mentions: this.parseMention(str)
        await this.sendButton(room.o, str, author, btn, m, {
            mentions: this.parseMention(str)
        if (isTie || isWin) {
            users[room.game.playerX].exp += playScore
            users[room.game.playerO].exp += playScore
            if (isWin)
                users[winner].exp += winScore - playScore
            if (debugMode)
                m.reply('[DEBUG]\n' + format(room))
            delete this.game[room.id]
    return !0
Example #14
Source File: Tabs-test.js    From Lambda with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
describe('<Tabs />', () => {
  beforeEach(() => resetIdCounter());

  beforeAll(() => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    console.error = (error, ...args) => {
      if (args.length > 0 && typeof error === 'string') {
        if (error.endsWith('%s%s')) {
          throw new Error(format(error.slice(0, -2), ...args.slice(0, -1)));
        throw new Error(format(error, ...args));
      throw new Error(error);

  describe('props', () => {
    test('should have sane defaults', () => {

    test('should honor positive defaultIndex prop', () => {
      expectToMatchSnapshot(createTabs({ defaultIndex: 1 }));

    test('should honor negative defaultIndex prop', () => {
      expectToMatchSnapshot(createTabs({ defaultIndex: -1 }));

    test('should call onSelect when selection changes', () => {
      const called = { index: -1, last: -1 };
          onSelect(index, last) {
            called.index = index;
            called.last = last;



    test('should accept className', () => {
      expectToMatchSnapshot(createTabs({ className: 'foobar' }));

    test('should accept domRef', () => {
      let domNode;
          domRef: (node) => {
            domNode = node;


  describe('child props', () => {
    test('should reset ids correctly', () => {



  describe('interaction', () => {
    describe('mouse', () => {
      test('should update selectedIndex when clicked', () => {


      test('should update selectedIndex when tab child is clicked', () => {


      test('should not change selectedIndex when clicking a disabled tab', () => {
        render(createTabs({ defaultIndex: 0 }));


    describe('keyboard', () => {
      test('should update selectedIndex when arrow right key pressed', () => {
        const element = screen.getByTestId('tab1');
        userEvent.type(element, '{arrowright}');


      test('should update selectedIndex when arrow left key pressed (RTL)', () => {
        render(createTabs({ direction: 'rtl' }));
        const element = screen.getByTestId('tab1');
        userEvent.type(element, '{arrowleft}');


      test.skip('should not change selectedIndex when arrow left key pressed on a disabled tab', () => {
        const element = screen.getByTestId('tab4');
        userEvent.type(element, '{arrowleft}');


  describe('performance', () => {
    test('should only render the selected tab panel', () => {
      const tabPanels = screen.getAllByRole('tabpanel');

      expect(tabPanels[0]).toHaveTextContent('Hello Tab1');


      expect(tabPanels[1]).toHaveTextContent('Hello Tab2');


      expect(tabPanels[2]).toHaveTextContent('Hello Tab3');

    test('should render all tabs if forceRenderTabPanel is true', () => {
      expectToMatchSnapshot(createTabs({ forceRenderTabPanel: true }));

  describe('validation', () => {
    test('should result with warning when tabs/panels are imbalanced', () => {
      expect(() =>

    test('should result with warning when tab outside of tablist', () => {
      expect(() =>
            <TabPanel />
            <TabPanel />

    test('should result with warning when multiple tablist components exist', () => {
      expect(() =>
            <TabPanel />
            <TabPanel />

    test('should result with warning when onSelect missing when selectedIndex set', () => {
      expect(() =>
          <Tabs selectedIndex={1}>

    test('should result with warning when defaultIndex and selectedIndex set', () => {
      expect(() =>
          <Tabs selectedIndex={1} defaultIndex={1}>

    test('should result with warning when tabs/panels are imbalanced and it should ignore non tab children', () => {
      expect(() =>

            <TabPanel>Hello Foo</TabPanel>
            <TabPanel>Hello Bar</TabPanel>

    test('should allow random order for elements', () => {
        <Tabs forceRenderTabPanel>
          <TabPanel>Hello Foo</TabPanel>
          <TabPanel>Hello Bar</TabPanel>

    test('should not throw a warning when wrong element is found', () => {
            <Tab />
            <div />
          <TabPanel />

    test('should be okay with rendering without any children', () => {
      expectToMatchSnapshot(<Tabs />);

    test('should be okay with rendering just TabList', () => {
          <TabList />

    test('should gracefully render null', () => {
            <Tab>Tab A</Tab>
            {false && <Tab>Tab B</Tab>}
          <TabPanel>Content A</TabPanel>
          {false && <TabPanel>Content B</TabPanel>}

    test('should support nested tabs', () => {
        <Tabs data-testid="first">
            <Tab data-testid="tab1" />
            <Tab />
          <TabPanel data-testid="panel1">
            Hello Tab1
            <Tabs data-testid="second">
                <Tab />
                <Tab data-testid="tab2" />
              <TabPanel />
              <TabPanel data-testid="panel2">Hello Tab2</TabPanel>
          <TabPanel />


      assertTabSelected(2, within(screen.getByTestId('second')));

    test('should allow other DOM nodes', () => {
          <div id="tabs-nav-wrapper">
            <button type="button">Left</button>
            <div className="tabs-container">
                <Tab />
                <Tab />
            <button type="button">Right</button>
          <div className="tab-panels">
            <TabPanel />
            <TabPanel />

  test('should pass through custom properties', () => {
    expectToMatchSnapshot(<Tabs data-tooltip="Tooltip contents" />);

  test('should not add known props to dom', () => {
    expectToMatchSnapshot(<Tabs defaultIndex={3} />);

  test('should cancel if event handler returns false', () => {
    render(createTabs({ onSelect: () => false }));




  test('should trigger onSelect handler when clicking', () => {
    let wasClicked = false;
        onSelect: () => {
          wasClicked = true;



  test('should trigger onSelect handler when clicking on open tab', () => {
    let wasClicked = false;
        onSelect: () => {
          wasClicked = true;



  test('should switch tabs if setState is called within onSelect', () => {
    class Wrap extends React.Component {
      state = {};

      handleSelect = () => this.setState({ foo: 'bar' });

      render() {
        const { foo } = this.state;
        return createTabs({
          onSelect: this.handleSelect,
          className: foo,

    render(<Wrap />);



  test('should allow for higher order components', () => {

  test('should allow string children', () => {