components APIs
- Header
- Button
- Layout
- Footer
- Text
- Box
- Card
- Table
- Loading
- Select
- Loader
- Toolbar
- Icon
- CodeInput
- BottomSheet
- InfoBlock
- LanguageToggle
- ProgressCircles
- Ripple
- Toggle
- Tag
- Input
- Paginator
- Filter
- AsyncSelect
- CatalogBigButton
- ReadMore
- ConditionalWrapper
- LastCheckedDisplay
- PriceLabel
- PageTitle
- CartTable
- CartFinalPriceTable
- LoadingSpin
- InfoModal
- ProductCard
- RecommendCoupon
- PriceVales
- NomalLayout
- Web3ReactManager
- Popups
- CurrencyInput
- TransactionErrorContent
- TransactionConfirmationModal
- ConfirmationModalContent
- DoubleCurrencyLogo
- CustomModal
- CurrencySearchModal
- CurrencyLogo
- NumericalInput
- Logo
- QuestionHelper
- ListLogo
- DataTable
- WalletModal
- CustomTable
- MinimalPositionCard
- RemoveLiquidityModal
- CustomTooltip
- ColoredSlider
- ToggleSwitch
- FormattedPriceImpact
- SettingsModal
- ConfirmSwapModal
- AdvancedSwapDetails
- AddressInput
- LineChart
- StakeSyrupModal
- AccountDetails
- BetaWarningBanner
- AreaChart
- ChartType
- TokensTable
- PairTable
- TopMovers
- BarChart
- TransactionsTable
- StakeQuickModal
- UnstakeQuickModal
- SyrupCard
- CustomMenu
- SearchInput
- CustomSwitch
- FarmCard
- BuyFiatModal
- MoonpayModal
- RewardSlider
- Swap
- AddLiquidity
- PoolFinderModal
- PoolPositionCard
- SwapTokenDetails
- SuperHeader
- GlobalStyles
- PrimaryButton
- SectionTitle
- Section
- AccentSection
- ChainSelection
- CoinSelection
- AddressSelection
- SendAction
- Buttons
- Content
- Particles
- IconButton
- NotSupported
- InputSearch
- RouteGuard
- SearchBar
- FileInput
- GovBanner
- AuthForm
- DomainDetails
- Subnav
- ColumnFilter
- ImportExport
- selectFilter
- TaggedArrayInput
- FacetFilter
- ButtonSingleLine
- TextMultiline
- ButtonSelect
- BottomSheetBehavior
- InfoButton
- BulletPointX
- BulletPointCheck
- Title
- LoadingIcon
- SelectFilterControls
- CORInputForm
- SdnInputForm
- Navbar
- HomeRoute
- AuthRoute
- DocumentDetails
- DocumentStepper
- AddGame
- Auth
- Effectiveness
- Export
- PokemonType
- Moves
- Member
- MoveSelector
- Type
- Natures
- Move
- PokeInfo
- Share
- Badges
- Status
- UpdateSW
- About
- Builder
- Calculator
- Changelog
- Import
- Pokestats
- Report
- Rules
- Settings
- Tracker
- DarkThemeProvider
- NotificationHandler
- Background
- Indicator
- StyledButton
- StyledText
- Illustration
- OnboardingSlider
- FlexList
- AppLayout
- ScrollableList
- Visualization
- DataSearch
- Region
- App
- CompareApiLegend
- CompareApiBreadcrumbs
- CompareApiLink
- CompareApiCard
- ExploreApiBreadcrumbs
- ExploreApiLink
- ExploreApiSearch
- ExploreApiConst
- ApiLoader
- RefreshButton
- Listing
- PriceModal
- ConfirmationModal
- Transition
- AutoComplete
- useInput
- Avatar
- Badge
- Breadcrumbs
- ButtonDropdown
- ButtonGroup
- Capacity
- Checkbox
- Code
- Collapse
- CssBaseline
- GeistProvider
- Description
- Display
- Divider
- Dot
- Drawer
- useModal
- Fieldset
- Grid
- Image
- Keyboard
- Link
- Modal
- Note
- Page
- Pagination
- Popover
- Progress
- Radio
- Rating
- Slider
- Snippet
- Spacer
- Spinner
- Tabs
- Textarea
- Tooltip
- Tree
- useBodyScroll
- useClasses
- useClickAway
- useClipboard
- useCurrentState
- useKeyboard
- KeyMod
- KeyCode
- useMediaQuery
- useTabs
- useToasts
- User
- useTheme
- Themes
- GeistUIThemes
- useAllThemes
- CollapsableDialog
- Map
- IPForm
- IPMenu
- Container
- Parallax
- Nav
- BlogNav
- ExtensionCard
- MenuComp
Other Related APIs
components#ExtensionCard TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: index.tsx From vignette-web with MIT License | 4 votes |
![]() ![]() |
Home: NextPage<cache> = ({ contributors }) => {
const { t } = useTranslation(`home`)
const { locale } = useRouter()
return (
<SEO />
<Nav />
<Container className="z-20 overflow-hidden pt-8 lg:relative" id="content">
<div className="mx-auto grid-cols-1 pb-8 sm:px-2 lg:max-w-7xl lg:grid-cols-2 lg:gap-24 lg:px-4 lg:pt-32 lg:pb-72 xl:grid">
<div className="lg:max-w-3xl">
paddingLeft: `0.2em`,
marginLeft: `-0.2em`,
paddingBottom: `0.2em`,
marginBottom: `-0.2em`,
`gradient-primary bg-clip-text text-4xl font-bold text-transparent ` +
([`en`, `ko`, `fil`, `de`].includes(locale as string)
? `xxs:text-6xl lg:text-8xl `
: `xxs:text-5xl lg:text-7xl `)
<br /> {t(`title2`)}
<p className="my-4 mb-8 max-w-[22rem] xxs:text-xl lg:mb-16 lg:max-w-[30rem] lg:text-2xl">
className="button inline-block sm:hidden"
className="button hidden sm:inline-block"
<MenuComp />
className="mx-auto mt-20 max-w-6xl px-4 pt-16 lg:mt-28"
<div className="flex flex-wrap justify-between ">
<Container noMargin>
<div className="flex items-center">
<Image src={sparkle} width={64} height={64} alt="" />
<h2 className="ml-2 max-w-[14rem] text-2xl font-bold xxs:text-3xl">
<br /> {t(`design-title-line2`)}
<p className="max-w-sm py-8 xxs:text-lg lg:max-w-sm">
<Container noMargin offset={10}>
<Container fadeIn noMargin offset={10}>
className="mt-20 max-w-6xl px-4 pt-16 text-center lg:mt-28"
<Image src={puzzle} quality={95} alt="" width={60} height={60} />
<h2 className="text-2xl font-bold xxs:text-3xl">
<p className="mx-auto max-w-[34rem] pt-4 pb-8 xxs:text-lg lg:pb-12">
<Link href="/plugins" passHref>
<a className="button"> {t(`explore-plugins-button`)}</a>
<Container noMargin offset={10} className=" pt-16">
<Marquee speed={50} gradientWidth={0}>
{, index) => (
<ExtensionCard key={index} name={} />
<Marquee speed={40} delay={0.3} className="pb-8" gradientWidth={0}>
{, index) => (
<ExtensionCard key={index} name={} />
className="mt-20 max-w-5xl gap-8 pt-16 lg:mt-28 "
<div className="mx-auto mt-auto mb-6 text-center lg:mb-8">
<Image quality={95} src={shipwheel} alt="" width={60} height={60} />
<h2 className="text-3xl font-bold xxs:text-3xl">
<br /> {t(`transparency-title-line2`)}
<p className="mx-auto max-w-[22rem] pb-8 pt-4 xxs:text-lg">
<div className="mx-auto mb-8 flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-4 sm:max-w-7xl sm:gap-8">
{ => (
className="relative h-11 w-11 lg:h-16 lg:w-16"
<Link href="/about" passHref>
<a className="button">{t(`about-button`)}</a>
<Container offset={10} fadeIn>
<Partners />
<Footer />