components APIs
- Header
- Button
- Layout
- Footer
- Text
- Box
- Card
- Table
- Loading
- Select
- Loader
- Toolbar
- Icon
- CodeInput
- BottomSheet
- InfoBlock
- LanguageToggle
- ProgressCircles
- Ripple
- Toggle
- Tag
- Input
- Paginator
- Filter
- AsyncSelect
- CatalogBigButton
- ReadMore
- ConditionalWrapper
- LastCheckedDisplay
- PriceLabel
- PageTitle
- CartTable
- CartFinalPriceTable
- LoadingSpin
- InfoModal
- ProductCard
- RecommendCoupon
- PriceVales
- NomalLayout
- Web3ReactManager
- Popups
- CurrencyInput
- TransactionErrorContent
- TransactionConfirmationModal
- ConfirmationModalContent
- DoubleCurrencyLogo
- CustomModal
- CurrencySearchModal
- CurrencyLogo
- NumericalInput
- Logo
- QuestionHelper
- ListLogo
- DataTable
- WalletModal
- CustomTable
- MinimalPositionCard
- RemoveLiquidityModal
- CustomTooltip
- ColoredSlider
- ToggleSwitch
- FormattedPriceImpact
- SettingsModal
- ConfirmSwapModal
- AdvancedSwapDetails
- AddressInput
- LineChart
- StakeSyrupModal
- AccountDetails
- BetaWarningBanner
- AreaChart
- ChartType
- TokensTable
- PairTable
- TopMovers
- BarChart
- TransactionsTable
- StakeQuickModal
- UnstakeQuickModal
- SyrupCard
- CustomMenu
- SearchInput
- CustomSwitch
- FarmCard
- BuyFiatModal
- MoonpayModal
- RewardSlider
- Swap
- AddLiquidity
- PoolFinderModal
- PoolPositionCard
- SwapTokenDetails
- SuperHeader
- GlobalStyles
- PrimaryButton
- SectionTitle
- Section
- AccentSection
- ChainSelection
- CoinSelection
- AddressSelection
- SendAction
- Buttons
- Content
- Particles
- IconButton
- NotSupported
- InputSearch
- RouteGuard
- SearchBar
- FileInput
- GovBanner
- AuthForm
- DomainDetails
- Subnav
- ColumnFilter
- ImportExport
- selectFilter
- TaggedArrayInput
- FacetFilter
- ButtonSingleLine
- TextMultiline
- ButtonSelect
- BottomSheetBehavior
- InfoButton
- BulletPointX
- BulletPointCheck
- Title
- LoadingIcon
- SelectFilterControls
- CORInputForm
- SdnInputForm
- Navbar
- HomeRoute
- AuthRoute
- DocumentDetails
- DocumentStepper
- AddGame
- Auth
- Effectiveness
- Export
- PokemonType
- Moves
- Member
- MoveSelector
- Type
- Natures
- Move
- PokeInfo
- Share
- Badges
- Status
- UpdateSW
- About
- Builder
- Calculator
- Changelog
- Import
- Pokestats
- Report
- Rules
- Settings
- Tracker
- DarkThemeProvider
- NotificationHandler
- Background
- Indicator
- StyledButton
- StyledText
- Illustration
- OnboardingSlider
- FlexList
- AppLayout
- ScrollableList
- Visualization
- DataSearch
- Region
- App
- CompareApiLegend
- CompareApiBreadcrumbs
- CompareApiLink
- CompareApiCard
- ExploreApiBreadcrumbs
- ExploreApiLink
- ExploreApiSearch
- ExploreApiConst
- ApiLoader
- RefreshButton
- Listing
- PriceModal
- ConfirmationModal
- Transition
- AutoComplete
- useInput
- Avatar
- Badge
- Breadcrumbs
- ButtonDropdown
- ButtonGroup
- Capacity
- Checkbox
- Code
- Collapse
- CssBaseline
- GeistProvider
- Description
- Display
- Divider
- Dot
- Drawer
- useModal
- Fieldset
- Grid
- Image
- Keyboard
- Link
- Modal
- Note
- Page
- Pagination
- Popover
- Progress
- Radio
- Rating
- Slider
- Snippet
- Spacer
- Spinner
- Tabs
- Textarea
- Tooltip
- Tree
- useBodyScroll
- useClasses
- useClickAway
- useClipboard
- useCurrentState
- useKeyboard
- KeyMod
- KeyCode
- useMediaQuery
- useTabs
- useToasts
- User
- useTheme
- Themes
- GeistUIThemes
- useAllThemes
- CollapsableDialog
- Map
- IPForm
- IPMenu
- Container
- Parallax
- Nav
- BlogNav
- ExtensionCard
- MenuComp
Other Related APIs
components#ProductCard TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: ProductsList.tsx From Shopping-Cart with MIT License | 4 votes |
![]() ![]() |
ProductsList = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState<number>(1);
const [cartItems, setCartItems] = useState<ProductModel['id'][]>([]);
const { isLoading, items, totalProducts } = useSelector(
(state: RootState) => state.productReducer,
const itemList = items && Object.entries(items).map(item => item[1]);
useEffect(() => {
dispatch(fetchProductListAsync.request({ currentPage }));
}, [dispatch, currentPage]);
useEffect(() => {
if (storageService.getItem('cart-class101')) {
JSON.parse(storageService.getItem('cart-class101') as string),
}, [setCartItems, storageService.setItem]);
// 제품 카트 클릭 이벤트 핸들러
const handleProductCardClick = useCallback(
(id: ProductModel['id']) => {
if (cartItems.includes(id)) {
JSON.stringify([...cartItems.filter(value => value !== id)]),
setCartItems([...cartItems.filter(value => value !== id)]);
} else if (cartItems.length >= 3) {
InfoModal('warning', '주의', '장바구니에는 3개 이상 담을 수 없습니다.');
} else {
storageService.setItem('cart-class101', JSON.stringify([...cartItems]));
[cartItems, setCartItems, storageService.setItem, storageService.getItem],
// 페이지네이션 onChange
const handlePaginationOnChange = useCallback(
(page: number, pageNumber?: number) => {
if (isLoading) return <LoadingSpin />;
return (
<Col span={24}>
<PageTitle title="상품 목록" />
{itemList ? ( => (
<Col xs={24} sm={12} lg={6} key={}>
{' '}
/>{' '}
) : (
<Empty />
<Row style={{ marginTop: '15px' }}>
<Col span={24} style={{ textAlign: 'right' }}>