lodash#flatMapDeep TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use lodash#flatMapDeep. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: index.tsx    From erda-ui with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
AllCheckBox = ({ mode }: IProps) => {
  const [choosenInfo, modalChoosenInfo, caseList, modalCaseList] = testCaseStore.useStore((s) => [
  const { triggerChoosenAll } = testCaseStore.reducers;
  let currentList = caseList;
  if (mode === 'caseModal') {
    currentList = modalCaseList;

  const currentPageCaseCount = React.useMemo(
    () => flatMapDeep(currentList, ({ testCases }) => flatMapDeep(testCases, 'id')).length,
  const info = getChoosenInfo(choosenInfo, modalChoosenInfo, mode);
  const { isAll, primaryKeys } = info;
  const checked = !!primaryKeys.length && primaryKeys.length === currentPageCaseCount;
  const indeterminate = !!primaryKeys.length && primaryKeys.length < currentPageCaseCount;
  return (
      onChange={() => triggerChoosenAll({ isAll: !isAll, scope: mode })}
Example #2
Source File: test-case.ts    From erda-ui with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
testCaseStore = createStore({
  name: 'testCase',
  state: initState,
  effects: {
    async getCaseDetail(
      { call, update, getParams },
      payload: Merge<TEST_CASE.QueryCaseDetail, { scope: 'testPlan' | 'testCase' }>,
    ) {
      const { testPlanId } = getParams();
      let issueBugs: TEST_CASE.RelatedBug[] = [];
      let caseDetail = {} as TEST_CASE.CaseDetail;
      if (payload.scope === 'testPlan') {
        const {
          issueBugs: relationBugs,
        } = await call(getDetailRelations, {
          testPlanID: testPlanId,
        const detail = await call(getDetail, { id: testCaseID, testPlanID: testPlanId });
        caseDetail = {
          planRelationCaseID: id,
        issueBugs = relationBugs;
      } else {
        caseDetail = await call(getDetail, { ...payload, testPlanID: testPlanId });
        caseDetail = {
          testCaseID: caseDetail.id,
      update({ caseDetail, issueBugs });
      return caseDetail;
    async getDetailRelations({ call, update, getParams }, payload: TEST_CASE.QueryCaseDetail) {
      const { testPlanId } = getParams();
      const { issueBugs } = await call(getDetailRelations, { ...payload, testPlanID: testPlanId });
      update({ issueBugs });
    async editPartial({ call, getParams }, detailCase: TEST_CASE.CaseBody) {
      const { projectId: projectID } = getParams();
      await call(editPartial, { ...detailCase, projectID });
    async getFields({ call }) {
      const fields = await call(getFields);
    async exportFile({ call }, fileType: TEST_CASE.CaseFileType) {
      const { testCaseIDs, ...rest } = await testCaseStore.effects.getSelectedCaseIds();
      const query = routeInfoStore.getState((s) => s.query);
      const temp = { recycled: query.recycled === 'true' };
      const exportQuery = formatQuery({
        testCaseID: testCaseIDs,
      }) as any as TEST_CASE.ExportFileQuery;
      return call(exportFileInTestCase, exportQuery);
    async importTestCase({ call, getParams, getQuery }, payload: { file: any }) {
      const { projectId: projectID } = getParams();
      const { testSetID } = getQuery();
      const { file } = payload;
      let fileType: TEST_CASE.CaseFileType = 'excel';
      let reloadTestSetInfo = { isMove: false, testSetID: 0, parentID: 0, projectID } as IReloadTestSetInfo;
      if (regRules.xmind.pattern.test(file.name)) {
        reloadTestSetInfo = { ...reloadTestSetInfo, parentID: testSetID, testSetID };
        fileType = 'xmind';
      const formData = convertToFormData({ file });
      const res = await call(importFileInTestCase, { payload: formData, query: { testSetID, projectID, fileType } });
      return res;
    async importAutoTestCase({ call, getParams }, payload: { file: File }) {
      const { projectId: projectID } = getParams();
      const { file } = payload;
      const fileType: TEST_CASE.CaseFileType = 'excel';
      const query = { projectID, fileType };
      const formData = convertToFormData({ file });
      const res = await call(importFileInAutoTestCase, { payload: formData, query });
      return res;
    async importAutoTestCaseSet({ call, getParams }, payload: { file: File }) {
      const { projectId: projectID, spaceId: spaceID } = getParams();
      const { file } = payload;
      const fileType: TEST_CASE.CaseFileType = 'excel';
      const query = { projectID, fileType, spaceID };
      const formData = convertToFormData({ file });
      const res = await call(importFileInAutoTestCaseSet, { payload: formData, query });
      return res;
    async create({ call, getParams }, payload: any) {
      const { projectId: strProjectId } = getParams();
      const {
        breadcrumbInfo: { testSetID, testPlanID },
      } = testSetStore.getState((s) => s);
      const projectID = parseInt(strProjectId, 10);
      const res = await call(
          testSetID: testSetID || 0,
          recycled: false,
        { successMsg: i18n.t('created successfully') },
      return res;
    async getSelectedCaseIds({ getParams, select }, mode?: TEST_CASE.PageScope): Promise<ISelected> {
      // 用例列表中选中的测试用例
      const { projectId: projectID } = getParams();
      const testCase = select((s) => s);
      const testSet = testSetStore.getState((s) => s);
      const routeInfo = routeInfoStore.getState((s) => s);
      const { isAll, exclude, primaryKeys } = testCase[getChoosenName(mode)];
      const { testSetID } = testSet.breadcrumbInfo;
      if (mode === 'caseModal') {
        if (isAll) {
          return { exclude, testCaseIDs: primaryKeys };
        return { testCaseIDs: primaryKeys };
      if (isAll) {
        return { ...routeInfo.query, testSetID, projectID, testCaseIDs: primaryKeys, exclude };
      return { ...routeInfo.query, projectID, testCaseIDs: primaryKeys };
    async changeExecutionResult(_, status: string) {
      const { testCaseIDs: relationIDs } = await testCaseStore.effects.getSelectedCaseIds();
      const payload: Omit<TEST_PLAN.PlanBatch, 'testPlanID'> = { execStatus: status, relationIDs };
    async moveCase({ call }, payload: Omit<TEST_CASE.BatchUpdate, 'priority'>) {
      const res = await call(batchUpdateCase, payload);
      message.success(i18n.t('dop:update completed'));
      return res;
    // 更新优先级
    async updatePriority({ call, select }, priority: TEST_CASE.Priority) {
      const { primaryKeys } = select((s) => s.choosenInfo);
      const payload: Omit<TEST_CASE.BatchUpdate, 'recycled' | 'moveToTestSetID'> = {
        testCaseIDs: primaryKeys,
      const res = await call(batchUpdateCase, payload);
      message.success(i18n.t('dop:update completed'));
      return res;
    // 移至回收站
    async toggleToRecycle({ call }, payload: Omit<TEST_CASE.BatchUpdate, 'priority'>) {
      const res = await call(batchUpdateCase, payload);
      message.success(i18n.t('deleted successfully'));
      return res;
    async deleteEntirely({ call }, id?: number) {
      let tempIds = [];
      if (id) {
        // 单条
        tempIds = [id];
        await call(deleteEntirely, { testCaseIDs: tempIds });
      } else {
        // 批量
        const newQuery = await testCaseStore.effects.getSelectedCaseIds();
        tempIds = newQuery.testCaseIDs || [];
        await call(deleteEntirely, { testCaseIDs: tempIds });
      message.success(i18n.t('deleted successfully'));
    async emptyListByTestSetId({ update }, targetTestSetId: number) {
      const { testSetID } = testSetStore.getState((s) => s.breadcrumbInfo);
      if (targetTestSetId !== testSetID) {
      update({ caseList: [], caseTotal: 0 });
      testCaseStore.reducers.triggerChoosenAll({ isAll: false, scope: 'testCase' });
    async updateCases({ call }, { query, payload }: { query: TEST_CASE.CaseFilter; payload: TEST_CASE.CaseBodyPart }) {
      await call(updateCases, { query, payload });
      message.success(i18n.t('updated successfully'));
    async copyCases({ call, getParams }, payload: Omit<TEST_CASE.BatchCopy, 'projectID'>) {
      const { projectId } = getParams();
      await call(copyCases, { ...payload, projectID: +projectId });
      message.success(i18n.t('copied successfully'));
    async getCases(
      { call, select, update, getParams },
      payload?: Merge<TEST_CASE.QueryCase, { scope: TEST_CASE.PageScope }>,
    ) {
      const { scope, ...rest } = payload || ({} as Merge<TEST_CASE.QueryCase, { scope: TEST_CASE.PageScope }>);
      const breadcrumbInfo = testSetStore.getState((s) => s.breadcrumbInfo);
      const oldQuery = select((s) => s.oldQuery);
      const query = routeInfoStore.getState((s) => s.query);
      const { projectId: projectID, testPlanId } = getParams();
      let { testSetID } = breadcrumbInfo;
      // 先取传过来的,再取url上的
      if (rest.testSetID !== undefined) {
        testSetID = rest.testSetID;
      } else if (query.testSetID !== undefined) {
        testSetID = query.testSetID;
      // 1、当筛选器、表格的page、sorter发生变更时
      // 2、及时性的筛选信息
      if (scope === 'caseModal') {
        // 如果是在计划详情中的用例弹框时,传入的参数覆盖url上的参数
        const newQuery = { ...query, ...rest, testSetID, projectID, query: undefined }; // Set the query outside the modal to undefined, prevent to filter modal data
        const { testSets, total } = await call(getCases, formatQuery({ pageSize: 15, ...newQuery }));
        update({ modalCaseList: testSets, modalCaseTotal: total });
        testCaseStore.reducers.triggerChoosenAll({ isAll: false, scope });
      const fetchData = testPlanId ? getCasesRelations : getCases;
      const newQuery = { ...rest, testSetID, ...query, projectID, testPlanID: testPlanId };
      const { testSets, total } = await call(fetchData, formatQuery({ pageSize: 15, ...newQuery }));
      update({ caseList: testSets, caseTotal: total, oldQuery: newQuery });
      if (checkNeedEmptyChoosenIds(newQuery, oldQuery)) {
        testCaseStore.reducers.triggerChoosenAll({ isAll: false, scope });
    async attemptTestApi({ call }, payload: TEST_CASE.TestApi) {
      const result = await call(attemptTestApi, payload);
      return result;
    async removeRelation({ call, getParams }, payload: Omit<TEST_CASE.RemoveRelation, 'testPlanID'>) {
      const { testPlanId } = getParams();
      const res = await call(
        { ...payload, testPlanID: testPlanId },
        { successMsg: i18n.t('dop:disassociated successfully') },
      return res;
    async addRelation({ call, getParams }, payload: Omit<TEST_CASE.AddRelation, 'testPlanID'>) {
      const { testPlanId } = getParams();
      const res = await call(
        { ...payload, testPlanID: testPlanId },
        { successMsg: i18n.t('dop:associated successfully') },
      return res;
    async getImportExportRecords({ call, getParams }, payload: { types: TEST_CASE.ImportOrExport[] }) {
      const { projectId } = getParams();
      const res = await call(getImportExportRecords, { projectId, ...payload });
      return res;
  reducers: {
    openNormalModal(state, caseAction) {
      state.caseAction = caseAction;
    closeNormalModal(state) {
      state.caseAction = '';
    triggerChoosenAll(state, { isAll, scope }: { isAll: boolean; scope: TEST_CASE.PageScope }) {
      if (scope === 'temp') {
      const keyName = getChoosenName(scope);
      const listName = getCaseListName(scope);
      let nextIsAll = isAll;
      if (!isBoolean(isAll)) {
        nextIsAll = !state[keyName].isAll;
      let testCaseIDs: number[] = [];
      if (nextIsAll) {
        testCaseIDs = flatMapDeep(state[listName], ({ testCases }) => flatMapDeep(testCases, 'id'));
      state[keyName] = { isAll: nextIsAll, exclude: [], primaryKeys: nextIsAll ? testCaseIDs : [] };
    removeChoosenIds(state, ids) {
      if (!ids) {
      const { primaryKeys } = state.choosenInfo;
      remove(primaryKeys, (caseId) => includes(ids, caseId));
      state.choosenInfo = { ...state.choosenInfo, isAll: false, primaryKeys };
    clearChoosenInfo(state, { mode }: { mode: TEST_CASE.PageScope }) {
      const keyName = getChoosenName(mode);
      state[keyName] = {
        isAll: false,
        primaryKeys: [],
        exclude: [],
    updateChoosenInfo(state, { id, mode, checked }) {
      const keyName = getChoosenName(mode);
      const { isAll, primaryKeys } = state[keyName];
      const copy = [...primaryKeys];
      let nextIsAll = isAll;
      if (checked) {
        const listName = getCaseListName(mode);
        const caseCount = flatMapDeep(state[listName], ({ testCases }) => flatMapDeep(testCases, 'id')).length;
        nextIsAll = copy.length === caseCount;
      } else {
        nextIsAll = false;
        if (includes(copy, id)) {
          // 已经选中时
          remove(copy, (caseId) => caseId === id);
      state[keyName] = { isAll: nextIsAll, exclude: [], primaryKeys: [...copy] };
    resetStore() {
      return initState;
    toggleCasePanel(state, visible) {
      state.currCase = { ...state.currCase, visible };
      state.currDetailCase = { ...state.currDetailCase, visible: false };
    toggleDetailPanel(state, { visible, detailCase }) {
      state.currDetailCase = { visible, case: { ...state.currDetailCase.case, ...detailCase } };
      state.currCase = { ...state.currCase, visible: false };
    setCurrCase(state, currCase) {
      state.currCase = { ...state.currCase, case: { ...currCase } };
    setDetailCase(state, detailCase) {
      state.currDetailCase = { ...state.currDetailCase, case: { ...detailCase } };
    dealFields(state, fields) {
      let fieldsVal = [...DEFAULT_FIELDS];
      fieldsVal = map(fieldsVal, (defaultField) => {
        const metaField = find(fields, (filedItem) => filedItem.uniqueName === defaultField.uniqueName);
        if (metaField) {
          return metaField;
        return defaultField;
      state.fields = fieldsVal;
      state.metaFields = fields;
    dealDetail(state, { payload }) {
      const { detailCase } = payload;
      const { attachmentObjects: attachments } = detailCase;
      attachments.map((value: any) => {
        if (!isImage(value.name)) {
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
          value.thumbUrl = defaultFileTypeImg;
        extend(value, {
          uid: value.id,
          name: value.name,
          status: 'done',
          url: value.url,
          response: [{ ...value }],
          thumbUrl: value.thumbUrl || undefined,
        return value;
      detailCase.attachments = attachments;
      const desc = detailCase.desc && detailCase.desc !== '<p></p>' ? detailCase.desc : '';
      const preCondition =
        detailCase.preCondition && detailCase.preCondition !== '<p></p>' ? detailCase.preCondition : '';
      detailCase.desc = desc;
      detailCase.preCondition = preCondition;
      state.currDetailCase = {
        case: { ...detailCase, descIssues: detailCase.descIssues || [] },
      state.oldBugIds = detailCase.bugs && detailCase.bugs.map(({ id }: any) => id);
    clearCurrCase(state) {
      state.currCase = tempNewCase;
    clearCurrDetailCase(state) {
      state.currDetailCase = tempNewCase;
    clearCaseDetail(state) {
      state.caseDetail = {} as TEST_CASE.CaseDetail;