lodash#includes TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use lodash#includes. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: BOArea.tsx    From sc2-planner with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
getClass(barType: IBarTypes, index: number): string {
        const classes: string[] = []
        if (index === this.props.hoverIndex) {
            classes.push(`${CLASSES.boElementContainer} ${CLASSES.hoverColor[barType]}`)
        } else {
                `${CLASSES.boElementContainer} ${CLASSES.typeColor[barType]} hover:${CLASSES.hoverColor[barType]}`

        if (includes(this.props.highlightedIndexes, index)) {
        return classes.join(" ")
Example #2
Source File: ItemsTypeModify.tsx    From yforms with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
checkboxGroupModify: YFormFieldBaseProps<YCheckGroupProps>['modifyProps'] = ({
}) => {
  const { options } = componentProps;
  return {
    itemProps: {
      viewProps: {
        format: (value, pureValue) => {
          if (value && isArray(value)) {
            const list = [];
            forEach(options, (item) => {
              if (includes(value, item.id)) {
            if (pureValue) {
              if (isArray(value)) {
                return map(value, (item) => item).join('-');
              return value;
            return map(list, (item, index) => <Tag key={index}>{item}</Tag>);
Example #3
Source File: sort-action.ts    From S2 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
getSortByMeasureValues = (
  params: SortActionParams,
): DataType[] => {
  const { dataSet, sortParam, originValues } = params;
  const { fields } = dataSet;
  const { sortByMeasure, query, sortFieldId } = sortParam;

  if (sortByMeasure !== TOTAL_VALUE) {
    // 按指标只排序 - 最内侧的行列不需要汇总后排序
    return dataSet.getMultiData(query);

  const isRow =
    fields?.columns?.includes(sortFieldId) &&
    keys(query)?.length === 1 &&
    has(query, EXTRA_FIELD);

  // 按 data 数据中的小计,总计排序
  const measureValues = dataSet.getMultiData(query, true, isRow);
  if (measureValues && !isEmpty(measureValues)) {
    return measureValues;
  // 按前端的小计,总计排序
  return map(originValues, (originValue) => {
    const totalParams = createTotalParams(originValue, fields, sortFieldId);

    return (dataSet as PivotDataSet).getTotalValue({
Example #4
Source File: brickTableHelper.ts    From next-basics with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
compareFunMap: Record<string, any> = {
  $eq: isEqual,
  $lt: lt,
  $lte: lte,
  $gt: gt,
  $gte: gte,
  $ne: (value: any, fieldValue: any): boolean => !isEqual(value, fieldValue),
  $isEqual: isEqual,
  $notEqual: (value: any, fieldValue: any): boolean =>
    !isEqual(value, fieldValue),
  $in: includes,
  $nin: (value: any, fieldValue: any): boolean => !includes(value, fieldValue),
  $exists: (value: any, fieldValue: any): boolean =>
    value ? !isUndefined(fieldValue) : isUndefined(fieldValue),
Example #5
Source File: table-data-set.ts    From S2 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
handleDimensionValueFilter = () => {
    each(this.filterParams, ({ filterKey, filteredValues, customFilter }) => {
      const defaultFilterFunc = (row: DataType) =>
        row[filterKey] && !includes(filteredValues, row[filterKey]);
      this.displayData = [
        ...filter(this.getMovableRows(), (row) => {
          if (customFilter) {
            return customFilter(row) && defaultFilterFunc(row);
          return defaultFilterFunc(row);
Example #6
Source File: trace-detail.tsx    From erda-ui with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
findChildren = (_ispanId: any, children: any, spans: any) => {
    const tree: any[] = [];
    each(spans, (i) => {
      if (includes(children, i.spanId)) {
        if (i.children) {
          tree.push(this.findChildren(i.spanId, i.children, spans));
    return tree;
Example #7
Source File: header-cell.ts    From S2 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
protected handleSelect(cells: CellMeta[], nodes: Node[]) {
    if (includeCell(cells, this)) {
    const selectedNodeIds = map(nodes, 'id');
    if (includes(selectedNodeIds, this.meta.id)) {
Example #8
Source File: fy-select-modal.component.ts    From fyle-mobile-app with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
getRecentlyUsedItems() {
    // Check if recently items exists from api and set, else, set the recent items from the localStorage
    if (this.recentlyUsed) {
      return of(this.recentlyUsed);
    } else {
      return from(this.recentLocalStorageItemsService.get(this.cacheName)).pipe(
        map((options: any) =>
            .filter((option) => option.custom || this.options.map((op) => op.label).includes(option.label))
            .map((option) => {
              option.selected = isEqual(option.value, this.currentSelection);
              return option;
Example #9
Source File: index.ts    From vue3-ts-base with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * @description 自动加载 antd-vue 需要的语言模版
function loadAtdLocales() {
  const files = require.context('../../node_modules/ant-design-vue/es/locale-provider', true, /\.js$/)
  files.keys().forEach(key => {
    const fileName = key.slice(2, key.lastIndexOf('.'))
    if (includes(TranslateTable, fileName)) {
      const localeKey = findKeyByValue(TranslateTable, fileName)
      if (localeKey) {
        Locales[localeKey] = files(key).default
Example #10
Source File: properties-file.ts    From relate with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private setEntry(key: string, val: string | boolean): void {
        const configEntries: PropertyEntries = [...this.config];
        const entryIndex = findIndex(configEntries, (configEntry) => includes([`#${key}`, key], configEntry[0]));

        if (entryIndex >= 0) {
            const entry = configEntries[entryIndex];

            if (includes(entry[0], '#')) {
                entry[0] = key;

            entry[1] = `${val}`;

            this.config = configEntries;


        this.config = [...configEntries, [key, `${val}`]];
Example #11
Source File: documentation.ts    From ui5-language-assistant with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
export function getDeprecationPlainTextSnippet({
}: {
  title?: string;
  deprecatedInfo: UI5DeprecatedInfo;
  model: UI5SemanticModel;
}): string {
  let text = deprecatedInfo.text;
  if (text !== undefined) {
    text = convertJSDocToPlainText(text, model);
    // Only take the first line.
    // Multi-line problems are displayed open in the problem view which makes less problems visible unless the user
    // explicitly closes them.
    // For the full deprecation message the user can hover over the tag/attribute.
    // Note: long lines are displayed with "..." in the problems view and the user can hover over the problem to see
    // the full text.
    if (includes(text, "\n")) {
      text = text.substring(0, text.indexOf("\n")) + " ...";

  const doc = getDeprecationMessage({
    since: deprecatedInfo.since,
  return doc;
Example #12
Source File: competition.service.ts    From wise-old-man with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Set the participants of a competition.
 * This will replace any existing participants.
async function setParticipants(competition: Competition, usernames: string[]) {
  if (!competition) throw new BadRequestError(`Invalid competition.`);

  const uniqueUsernames = uniqBy(usernames, u => playerService.standardize(u));

  const existingParticipants = await competition.$get('participants');
  const existingUsernames = existingParticipants.map(e => e.username);

  const usernamesToAdd = uniqueUsernames.filter(
    u => !existingUsernames.includes(playerService.standardize(u))

  const playersToRemove = existingParticipants.filter(
    p => !uniqueUsernames.map(playerService.standardize).includes(p.username)

  const playersToAdd = await playerService.findAllOrCreate(usernamesToAdd);

  if (playersToRemove && playersToRemove.length > 0) {
    await competition.$remove('participants', playersToRemove);

  if (playersToAdd && playersToAdd.length > 0) {
    await competition.$add('participants', playersToAdd);

  const participants = await competition.$get('participants');
  return participants.map(p => omit(p.toJSON(), ['participations']));
Example #13
Source File: non-stable-id.ts    From ui5-language-assistant with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
function isAllowedListedTag(xmlElement: XMLElement): boolean {
  const rootAllowedListedExceptions: Record<string, string[]> = {
    "sap.ui.core.mvc": ["View"],
    "sap.ui.core": ["View", "FragmentDefinition"],

  // The class is in the root level
  if (xmlElement.parent.type === "XMLDocument") {
    const resolvedXMLNS = resolveXMLNS(xmlElement);
    const exceptionsForResolvedXMLNS =
      // @ts-expect-error - it's fine to use undefined in member access
    if (includes(exceptionsForResolvedXMLNS, xmlElement.name)) {
      return true;

  const coreNsAllowedListedExceptions = [

  const isCoreNsAllowedListed =
    resolveXMLNS(xmlElement) === CORE_NS &&
    includes(coreNsAllowedListedExceptions, xmlElement.name);
  return isCoreNsAllowedListed;
Example #14
Source File: competition.service.ts    From wise-old-man with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
function validateParticipantsList(participants: string[]) {
  if (!participants || participants.length === 0) {
    throw new BadRequestError('Invalid or empty participants list.');

  const invalidUsernames = participants.filter(username => !playerService.isValidUsername(username));

  if (invalidUsernames.length > 0) {
    throw new BadRequestError(
      `Found ${invalidUsernames.length} invalid usernames: Names must be 1-12 characters long,
       contain no special characters, and/or contain no space at the beginning or end of the name.`,

  const allUsernames = participants.map(playerService.standardize);
  const duplicateUsernames = filter(allUsernames, (val, i, it) => includes(it, val, i + 1));

  if (duplicateUsernames && duplicateUsernames.length > 0) {
    throw new BadRequestError(`Found repeated usernames: [${duplicateUsernames.join(', ')}]`);
Example #15
Source File: api.ts    From ui5-language-assistant with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
export function getXMLViewCompletions(
  opts: GetXMLViewCompletionsOpts
): UI5XMLViewCompletion[] {
  const suggestions = getSuggestions({
    offset: opts.offset,
    cst: opts.cst,
    ast: opts.ast,
    tokenVector: opts.tokenVector,
    context: opts.model,
    providers: {
      elementContent: [],
      elementName: elementNameProviders,
      attributeName: attributeNameProviders,
      attributeValue: attributeValueProviders,

  const allowedVisibility: UI5Visibility[] = ["public", "protected"];
  const publicAndProtectedSuggestions = filter(
    (_) =>
      !isUI5NodeXMLViewCompletion(_) ||
      includes(allowedVisibility, _.ui5Node.visibility)

  const filteredSuggestions = filterBySettings(

  return filteredSuggestions;
Example #16
Source File: competition.service.ts    From wise-old-man with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
function validateTeamsList(teams: Team[]) {
  if (!teams || teams.length === 0) {
    throw new BadRequestError('Invalid or empty teams list.');

  if (teams.some(t => !t.name || typeof t.name !== 'string' || t.name.length === 0)) {
    throw new BadRequestError('All teams must have a name property.');

  // Sanitize each team's name
  teams.forEach(t => {
    t.name = sanitizeTitle(t.name);

  // Find duplicate team names
  const teamNames = teams.map(t => t.name.toLowerCase());
  const invalidTeams = teamNames.filter(t => t.length > 30);

  if (invalidTeams.length > 0) {
    throw new BadRequestError(
      `Team names can only be 30 characters max. The following are invalid: [${invalidTeams.join(', ')}]`

  const duplicateTeams = filter(teamNames, (val, i, it) => includes(it, val, i + 1));

  if (duplicateTeams && duplicateTeams.length > 0) {
    throw new BadRequestError(`Found repeated team names: [${duplicateTeams.join(', ')}]`);

  if (teams.some(t => !t.participants || t.participants.length === 0)) {
    throw new BadRequestError('All teams must have a valid (non-empty) array of participants.');

  // standardize each player's username
  teams.forEach(t => {
    t.participants = t.participants.map(playerService.standardize);

  const allUsernames = teams.map(t => t.participants).flat();

  if (allUsernames.some(username => !username || typeof username !== 'string')) {
    throw new BadRequestError('All participant names must be valid strings.');

  // Find duplicate usernames across all teams
  const duplicateUsernames = filter(allUsernames, (val, i, it) => includes(it, val, i + 1));

  if (duplicateUsernames && duplicateUsernames.length > 0) {
    throw new BadRequestError(`Found repeated usernames: [${duplicateUsernames.join(', ')}]`);

Example #17
Source File: GetStatistics.ts    From next-basics with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
ifCommon = (item: string, commonList: string[]) => {
  return (
    includes(commonList, item) ||
    startsWith(item, "providers-of") ||
Example #18
Source File: competition.service.ts    From wise-old-man with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Returns a list of all competitions that
 * match the query parameters (title, status, metric).
async function getList(filter: CompetitionListFilter, pagination: Pagination) {
  const { title, status, metric, type } = filter;

  // The status is optional, however if present, should be valid
  if (status && !COMPETITION_STATUSES.includes(status.toLowerCase() as CompetitionStatus)) {
    throw new BadRequestError(`Invalid status.`);

  // The metric is optional, however if present, should be valid
  if (metric && !METRICS.includes(metric.toLowerCase() as Metric)) {
    throw new BadRequestError(`Invalid metric.`);

  // The type is optional, however if present, should be valid
  if (type && !COMPETITION_TYPES.includes(type.toLowerCase() as CompetitionType)) {
    throw new BadRequestError(`Invalid type.`);

  const query = buildQuery({
    title: title && { [Op.iLike]: `%${sanitizeTitle(title)}%` },
    metric: metric?.toLowerCase(),
    type: type?.toLowerCase()

  if (status) {
    const formattedStatus = status.toLowerCase();
    const now = new Date();

    if (formattedStatus === CompetitionStatus.FINISHED) {
      query.endsAt = { [Op.lt]: now };
    } else if (formattedStatus === CompetitionStatus.UPCOMING) {
      query.startsAt = { [Op.gt]: now };
    } else if (formattedStatus === CompetitionStatus.ONGOING) {
      query.startsAt = { [Op.lt]: now };
      query.endsAt = { [Op.gt]: now };

  const competitions = await Competition.findAll({
    where: query,
    order: [
      ['score', 'DESC'],
      ['createdAt', 'DESC']
    limit: pagination.limit,
    offset: pagination.offset

  const extendedCompetitions = await extendCompetitions(competitions);

  return extendedCompetitions;
Example #19
Source File: pure-edit-list.tsx    From erda-ui with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
getDuplicateValue = (arr: string[]) =>
  filter(arr, (value, index, iteratee) => includes(iteratee, value, index + 1))
Example #20
Source File: str.monad.ts    From relate with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
includes(other: string | Str): boolean {
        return includes(`${this}`, `${other}`);
Example #21
Source File: index.tsx    From erda-ui with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
getCaseCheckedStatus = (id: any, { isAll, exclude, primaryKeys }: TEST_CASE.ChoosenInfo) => {
  if (!isAll) {
    // 未全选时
    return includes(primaryKeys, id);
  return !includes(exclude, id);
Example #22
Source File: fy-select-modal.component.ts    From fyle-mobile-app with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
ngAfterViewInit() {
    if (this.searchBarRef && this.searchBarRef.nativeElement) {
      this.filteredOptions$ = fromEvent(this.searchBarRef.nativeElement, 'keyup').pipe(
        map((event: any) => event.srcElement.value),
        map((searchText) => {
          const initial = [];

          if (this.nullOption && this.currentSelection) {
            initial.push({ label: 'None', value: null });

          if (this.customInput) {
            initial.push({ label: searchText, value: searchText, selected: false });
          let extraOption = [];
          if (this.currentSelection && this.defaultLabelProp) {
            const selectedOption = this.options.find((option) => isEqual(option.value, this.currentSelection));
            if (!selectedOption) {
              extraOption = extraOption.concat({
                label: this.currentSelection[this.defaultLabelProp],
                value: this.currentSelection,
                selected: false,

          return initial.concat(
              .filter((option) => option.label.toLowerCase().includes(searchText.toLowerCase()))
              .sort((element1, element2) => element1.label.localeCompare(element2.label))
              .map((option) => {
                option.selected = isEqual(option.value, this.currentSelection);
                return option;
      this.recentrecentlyUsedItems$ = fromEvent(this.searchBarRef.nativeElement, 'keyup').pipe(
        map((event: any) => event.srcElement.value),
        switchMap((searchText) =>
            // filtering of recently used items wrt searchText is taken care in service method
    } else {
      const initial = [];

      if (this.nullOption && this.currentSelection) {
        initial.push({ label: 'None', value: null });

      this.filteredOptions$ = of(
          this.options.map((option) => {
            option.selected = isEqual(option.value, this.currentSelection);
            return option;

Example #23
Source File: related-content.tsx    From nyxo-website with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
getArticles() {
    const { category, tags, articles, maxArticles } = this
    // (5.) We use an Identity Map to keep track of score
    interface Identity {
      [index: string]: {
        article: BlogPostNode
        points: number
    const identityMap: Identity = {}

    if (!!tags && tags.length === 0) {
      console.error("SimilarArticlesFactory: Tags not provided, use setTags().")
      return []

    // if (!!category === false) {
    //   console.error(
    //     "SimilarArticlesFactory: Category not provided, use setCategory()."
    //   )
    //   return []
    // }

    function getSlug(article: BlogPostNode) {
      return article.frontmatter.slug as string

    function addToMap(article: BlogPostNode) {
      const slug = getSlug(article)
      const exists = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(identityMap, slug)
      if (!exists) {
        identityMap[slug] = {
          article: article,
          points: 0,

    // (7.) For category matches, we add 2 points
    function addCategoryPoints(article: BlogPostNode, category: string) {
      // const categoryPoints = 2
      // const slug = getSlug(article)
      // if (article.category === category) {
      //   identityMap[slug].points += categoryPoints
      // }

    // (8.) For tags matches, we add 1 point
    function addTagsPoints(article: BlogPostNode, tags?: string[] | null[]) {
      const tagPoint = 1
      const slug = getSlug(article)

      article?.frontmatter?.tags?.forEach((aTag) => {
        if (includes(tags, aTag)) {
          identityMap[slug].points += tagPoint

    function getIdentityMapAsArray() {
      return Object.keys(identityMap).map((slug) => identityMap[slug])

    // (6.) Map over all articles, add to map and add points
    articles.forEach((article) => {
      // addCategoryPoints(article, category) // We don't (yet) have categories
      addTagsPoints(article, tags)

    // (9.) Convert the identity map to an array
    const arrayIdentityMap = getIdentityMapAsArray()

    // (10.) Use a lodash utility function to sort them
    // by points, from greatest to least
    const similarArticles = orderBy(arrayIdentityMap, ["points"], ["desc"])

    // (11. Take the max number articles requested)
    return similarArticles.splice(0, maxArticles)
Example #24
Source File: namespace.ts    From ui5-language-assistant with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Suggests Namespaces inside Element
 * For example xmlns:m should provide list of namespaces ending with .m.. (like "sap.m", "sap.ui.core.mvc")
 * attribute is namespace attribute if it's equal to "xmlns" or starts with "xmlns:"
 * in first case all possible namespaces of semantic module will be provided excluding pre-existing ones
export function namespaceKeysSuggestions(
  opts: UI5AttributeNameCompletionOptions
): UI5NamespacesInXMLAttributeKeyCompletion[] {
  const ui5Model = opts.context;
  const xmlElement = opts.element;

  if (opts.prefix === undefined) {
    return [];

  const xmlnsPrefix = getXMLNamespaceKeyPrefix(opts.prefix);
  if (xmlnsPrefix === undefined) {
    return [];

  const existingNamespacesAttributes: XMLAttribute[] = filter(

  const existingNamespacesNames = compact(
    map(existingNamespacesAttributes, (_) => _.value)

  const applicableNamespaces = filter(ui5Model.namespaces, (_) =>
    isNamespaceApplicable(_, xmlnsPrefix)

  const suggestedNamespaces = reject(applicableNamespaces, (_) =>
    includes(existingNamespacesNames, ui5NodeToFQN(_))

  return map(suggestedNamespaces, (_) => ({
    type: "UI5NamespacesInXMLAttributeKey",
    ui5Node: _,
    astNode: opts.attribute as XMLAttribute,
Example #25
Source File: base-cell.ts    From S2 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// 根据当前state来更新cell的样式
  public updateByState(stateName: InteractionStateName, cell: S2CellType) {
    const stateStyles = get(

    const { x, y, height, width } = this.getCellArea();

    each(stateStyles, (style, styleKey) => {
      const targetShapeNames = keys(
        pickBy(SHAPE_ATTRS_MAP, (attrs) => includes(attrs, styleKey)),
      targetShapeNames.forEach((shapeName: StateShapeLayer) => {
        const isStateShape = this.stateShapes.has(shapeName);
        const shape = isStateShape
          ? this.stateShapes.get(shapeName)
          : this[shapeName];

        // stateShape 默认 visible 为 false
        if (isStateShape && !shape.get('visible')) {
          shape.set('visible', true);

        // 根据borderWidth更新borderShape大小 https://github.com/antvis/S2/pull/705
        if (
          shapeName === 'interactiveBorderShape' &&
          styleKey === 'borderWidth'
        ) {
          if (isNumber(style)) {
            const marginStyle = {
              x: x + style / 2,
              y: y + style / 2,
              width: width - style - 1,
              height: height - style - 1,
            each(marginStyle, (currentStyle, currentStyleKey) => {
              updateShapeAttr(shape, currentStyleKey, currentStyle);
        updateShapeAttr(shape, SHAPE_STYLE_MAP[styleKey], style);
Example #26
Source File: filter-members.ts    From ui5-language-assistant with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
export function filterMembersByNames<T extends WithName>(
  members: T[],
  preExistingNames: string[]
): T[] {
  return reject(members, (_) => includes(preExistingNames, _.name));
Example #27
Source File: header-cell.ts    From S2 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public isMeasureField() {
    return [EXTRA_FIELD, EXTRA_COLUMN_FIELD].includes(this.meta.field);
Example #28
Source File: search.ts    From dyngoose with ISC License 5 votes vote down vote up
private checkFilters(hash: Attribute<any>, range?: Attribute<any>): boolean {
    // cannot filter by a key without a value for the hash key
    for (const filters of this.filters) {
      if (!has(filters, hash.name)) {

      const hashFilter: Filter<any> = get(filters, hash.name)

      // if there is an operator, ensure it is allowed as a key expression
      if (isArray(hashFilter)) {
        const operator = hashFilter[0]

        if (!includes(keyConditionAllowedOperators, operator)) {

      // if it has no range, then we're all done
      if (range == null) {
        return true

      // check for the range now
      if (!has(filters, range.name)) {

      const rangeFilter: Filter<any> = get(filters, range.name)

      // if there is an operator, ensure it is allowed as a key expression
      if (isArray(rangeFilter)) {
        const operator = rangeFilter[0]

        if (!includes(keyConditionAllowedOperators, operator)) {

      return true

    return false
Example #29
Source File: BuildOrder.tsx    From sc2-planner with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
render(): JSX.Element {
        // Convert build order items to div elements

        // Hide element if no build order items are present
        if (this.props.gamelogic.bo.length === 0) {
            return <div />

        const buildOrder = this.props.gamelogic.bo.map((item, index) => {
            const image = getImageOfItem(item)
            return <img key={`${item.name}_${index}`} src={image} alt={item.name} />

        const getItemClass = (dragging: boolean, index: number) => {
            // Build order is invalid after this index, mark background or border red
            // Set color based on if it is dragging
            const classes: string[] = []
            if (dragging) {
                if (index >= this.props.gamelogic.boIndex) {
                } else {
            } else if (index === this.props.hoverIndex) {
            } else {
                if (index >= this.props.gamelogic.boIndex) {
            if (includes(this.props.highlightedIndexes, index)) {
            return classes.join(" ")

        const buildOrderItems: JSX.Element[] = []
        let separatorClass =
            this.props.insertIndex === 0 ? CLASSES.boItemSeparatorSelected : CLASSES.boItemSeparator
                onClick={(_e) => {

        this.props.gamelogic.bo.forEach((item, index) => {
                <Draggable key={`${index}`} draggableId={`${index}`} index={index}>
                    {(provided, snapshot) => (
                            className={getItemClass(snapshot.isDragging, index)}
                            onMouseEnter={(_e) => this.onMouseEnter(index)}
                            onMouseLeave={(_e) => this.onMouseLeave()}
                            onClick={(e) => {
                                this.props.removeClick(e, index)

            separatorClass =
                this.props.insertIndex === index + 1
                    ? CLASSES.boItemSeparatorSelected
                    : CLASSES.boItemSeparator
                    id={`separator_${index + 1}`}
                    key={`separator${index + 1}`}
                    onClick={(_e) => {
                        this.props.changeInsertIndex(index + 1)

        return (
            <div id={"buildorder"} className={CLASSES.bo}>
                <DragDropContext onDragEnd={this.onDragEnd}>
                    <Droppable droppableId="droppable" direction="horizontal">
                        {(provided, _snapshot) => (
                                    (this.props.multilineBuildOrder ? "flex-wrap flex-row" : "") +
                                    " flex"