vscode APIs
- workspace
- window
- ExtensionContext
- Uri
- commands
- Range
- Position
- TextDocument
- Disposable
- CancellationToken
- languages
- TextEditor
- EventEmitter
- ViewColumn
- QuickPickItem
- Event
- OutputChannel
- MarkdownString
- extensions
- ProviderResult
- env
- StatusBarItem
- StatusBarAlignment
- WorkspaceConfiguration
- Location
- TreeItemCollapsibleState
- TreeItem
- Selection
- CompletionItem
- WorkspaceFolder
- TreeDataProvider
- TextEdit
- CompletionItemKind
- Command
- Hover
- WorkspaceEdit
- WebviewPanel
- Diagnostic
- DiagnosticSeverity
- ConfigurationTarget
- ProgressLocation
- ThemeColor
- TextEditorDecorationType
- TextDocumentChangeEvent
- CodeActionProvider
- HoverProvider
- ThemeIcon
- SnippetString
- CompletionList
- DecorationOptions
- RelativePattern
- DiagnosticCollection
- CompletionContext
- CompletionItemProvider
- CodeAction
- CodeActionKind
- InputBoxOptions
- ColorThemeKind
- ConfigurationChangeEvent
- FileSystemWatcher
- TextEditorEdit
- TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
- Extension
- CodeActionContext
- FileStat
- QuickPickOptions
- DocumentSymbol
- SymbolKind
- QuickInputButton
- Webview
- IndentAction
- debug
- FileSystemError
- TreeView
- TextEditorRevealType
- FileSystemProvider
- FileChangeEvent
- Memento
- Definition
- FormattingOptions
- DocumentFilter
- DecorationRenderOptions
- QuickPick
- WebviewView
- WebviewViewProvider
- DocumentHighlight
- DebugConfiguration
- Terminal
- FileType
- TextDocumentWillSaveEvent
- FileChangeType
- OpenDialogOptions
- DocumentSelector
- DefinitionProvider
- LocationLink
- TextDocumentShowOptions
- DecorationRangeBehavior
- OverviewRulerLane
- SignatureHelp
- SemanticTokens
- Progress
- DocumentFormattingEditProvider
- SemanticTokensBuilder
- WebviewViewResolveContext
- CustomDocument
- DebugSession
- CodeLens
- CodeLensProvider
- WebviewOptions
- WebviewPanelOptions
- FileRenameEvent
- TextDocumentSaveReason
- CancellationTokenSource
- CustomTextEditorProvider
- QuickPickItemKind
- DocumentLink
- DocumentHighlightKind
- FileDecoration
- FileDecorationProvider
- TextDocumentContentProvider
- GlobPattern
- FileDeleteEvent
- SaveDialogOptions
- SignatureInformation
- CompletionItemTag
- FileCreateEvent
- ReferenceContext
- SemanticTokensLegend
- TreeViewVisibilityChangeEvent
- QuickInput
- QuickInputButtons
- CustomReadonlyEditorProvider
- DiagnosticRelatedInformation
- DebugConfigurationProvider
- DebugAdapterExecutable
- DebugAdapterDescriptor
- DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory
- DebugAdapterServer
- FileSearchOptions
- FileSearchProvider
- FileSearchQuery
- TextSearchComplete
- TextSearchOptions
- TextSearchProvider
- TextSearchQuery
- TextSearchResult
- EndOfLine
- FileWillRenameEvent
- FoldingRangeKind
- MessageItem
- TextEditorVisibleRangesChangeEvent
- ColorTheme
- CustomEditorProvider
- CustomDocumentBackupContext
- CustomDocumentBackup
- CustomDocumentOpenContext
- CustomDocumentContentChangeEvent
- SymbolInformation
- DecorationInstanceRenderOptions
- DefinitionLink
- DocumentLinkProvider
- TerminalOptions
- CodeActionProviderMetadata
- MarkedString
- tasks
- Task
- TaskDefinition
- ShellExecution
- TaskGroup
- DocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider
- TaskScope
- TextEditorSelectionChangeKind
- RenameProvider
- TextLine
- WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent
- TreeItemLabel
Other Related APIs
vscode#TerminalOptions TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: leanInstaller.ts From vscode-lean4 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
![]() ![]() |
private async installElan() : Promise<boolean> {
if (toolchainPath()) {
void window.showErrorMessage('It looks like you\'ve modified the `lean.toolchainPath` user setting.' +
'Please clear this setting before installing elan.');
return false;
} else {
const terminalName = 'Lean installation via elan';
let terminalOptions: TerminalOptions = { name: terminalName };
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
const windir = process.env.windir
terminalOptions = { name: terminalName, shellPath: `${windir}\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe` };
const terminal = window.createTerminal(terminalOptions);
// We register a listener, to restart the Lean extension once elan has finished.
const result = new Promise<boolean>(function(resolve, reject) {
window.onDidCloseTerminal((t) => {
if (t.name === terminalName) {
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
`Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "${this.leanInstallerWindows}" -OutFile elan-init.ps1\n` +
`$rc = .\\elan-init.ps1 -NoPrompt 1 -DefaultToolchain ${this.defaultToolchain}\n` +
'Write-Host "elan-init returned [$rc]"\n' +
'del .\\elan-init.ps1\n' +
'if ($rc -ne 0) {\n' +
' Read-Host -Prompt "Press ENTER to continue"\n' +
'}\n' +
const elanArgs = `-y --default-toolchain ${this.defaultToolchain}`;
const prompt = '(echo && read -n 1 -s -r -p "Install failed, press ENTER to continue...")';
terminal.sendText(`bash -c 'curl ${this.leanInstallerLinux} -sSf | sh -s -- ${elanArgs} || ${prompt}' && exit `);
return result;