vscode APIs
- workspace
- window
- ExtensionContext
- Uri
- commands
- Range
- Position
- TextDocument
- Disposable
- CancellationToken
- languages
- TextEditor
- EventEmitter
- ViewColumn
- QuickPickItem
- Event
- OutputChannel
- MarkdownString
- extensions
- ProviderResult
- env
- StatusBarItem
- StatusBarAlignment
- WorkspaceConfiguration
- Location
- TreeItemCollapsibleState
- TreeItem
- Selection
- CompletionItem
- WorkspaceFolder
- TreeDataProvider
- TextEdit
- CompletionItemKind
- Command
- Hover
- WorkspaceEdit
- WebviewPanel
- Diagnostic
- DiagnosticSeverity
- ConfigurationTarget
- ProgressLocation
- ThemeColor
- TextEditorDecorationType
- TextDocumentChangeEvent
- CodeActionProvider
- HoverProvider
- ThemeIcon
- SnippetString
- CompletionList
- DecorationOptions
- RelativePattern
- DiagnosticCollection
- CompletionContext
- CompletionItemProvider
- CodeAction
- CodeActionKind
- InputBoxOptions
- ColorThemeKind
- ConfigurationChangeEvent
- FileSystemWatcher
- TextEditorEdit
- TextDocumentContentChangeEvent
- Extension
- CodeActionContext
- FileStat
- QuickPickOptions
- DocumentSymbol
- SymbolKind
- QuickInputButton
- Webview
- IndentAction
- debug
- FileSystemError
- TreeView
- TextEditorRevealType
- FileSystemProvider
- FileChangeEvent
- Memento
- Definition
- FormattingOptions
- DocumentFilter
- DecorationRenderOptions
- QuickPick
- WebviewView
- WebviewViewProvider
- DocumentHighlight
- DebugConfiguration
- Terminal
- FileType
- TextDocumentWillSaveEvent
- FileChangeType
- OpenDialogOptions
- DocumentSelector
- DefinitionProvider
- LocationLink
- TextDocumentShowOptions
- DecorationRangeBehavior
- OverviewRulerLane
- SignatureHelp
- SemanticTokens
- Progress
- DocumentFormattingEditProvider
- SemanticTokensBuilder
- WebviewViewResolveContext
- CustomDocument
- DebugSession
- CodeLens
- CodeLensProvider
- WebviewOptions
- WebviewPanelOptions
- FileRenameEvent
- TextDocumentSaveReason
- CancellationTokenSource
- CustomTextEditorProvider
- QuickPickItemKind
- DocumentLink
- DocumentHighlightKind
- FileDecoration
- FileDecorationProvider
- TextDocumentContentProvider
- GlobPattern
- FileDeleteEvent
- SaveDialogOptions
- SignatureInformation
- CompletionItemTag
- FileCreateEvent
- ReferenceContext
- SemanticTokensLegend
- TreeViewVisibilityChangeEvent
- QuickInput
- QuickInputButtons
- CustomReadonlyEditorProvider
- DiagnosticRelatedInformation
- DebugConfigurationProvider
- DebugAdapterExecutable
- DebugAdapterDescriptor
- DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory
- DebugAdapterServer
- FileSearchOptions
- FileSearchProvider
- FileSearchQuery
- TextSearchComplete
- TextSearchOptions
- TextSearchProvider
- TextSearchQuery
- TextSearchResult
- EndOfLine
- FileWillRenameEvent
- FoldingRangeKind
- MessageItem
- TextEditorVisibleRangesChangeEvent
- ColorTheme
- CustomEditorProvider
- CustomDocumentBackupContext
- CustomDocumentBackup
- CustomDocumentOpenContext
- CustomDocumentContentChangeEvent
- SymbolInformation
- DecorationInstanceRenderOptions
- DefinitionLink
- DocumentLinkProvider
- TerminalOptions
- CodeActionProviderMetadata
- MarkedString
- tasks
- Task
- TaskDefinition
- ShellExecution
- TaskGroup
- DocumentRangeFormattingEditProvider
- TaskScope
- TextEditorSelectionChangeKind
- RenameProvider
- TextLine
- WorkspaceFoldersChangeEvent
- TreeItemLabel
Other Related APIs
- vscode#Uri
- vscode#Position
- vscode#Disposable
- vscode#Range
- vscode#CancellationToken
- vscode#FileSystemProvider
- vscode#Event
- vscode#FileStat
- vscode#FileChangeEvent
- vscode#EventEmitter
- vscode#Progress
- vscode#FileType
- vscode#FileSystemError
- vscode#FileChangeType
- vscode#FileSearchOptions
- vscode#FileSearchProvider
- vscode#FileSearchQuery
- vscode#TextSearchComplete
- vscode#TextSearchProvider
- vscode#TextSearchQuery
- vscode#TextSearchResult
vscode#TextSearchOptions TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: utopia-fs.ts From utopia with MIT License | 5 votes |
![]() ![]() |
// TextSearchProvider
async provideTextSearchResults(
query: TextSearchQuery,
options: TextSearchOptions,
progress: Progress<TextSearchResult>,
token: CancellationToken,
): Promise<TextSearchComplete> {
// This appears to only be callable from the side bar that isn't available in Utopia
// TODO Support all search options
const { result: filePaths, limitHit } = await this.filterFilePaths(options.includes[0])
if (filePaths.length > 0) {
for (const filePath of filePaths) {
if (token.isCancellationRequested) {
const content = await readFileSavedContentAsUTF8(filePath)
const lines = splitIntoLines(content)
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
const line = lines[i]
const index = line.indexOf(query.pattern)
if (index !== -1) {
uri: toUtopiaURI(this.projectID, filePath),
ranges: new Range(
new Position(i, index),
new Position(i, index + query.pattern.length),
preview: {
text: line,
matches: new Range(
new Position(0, index),
new Position(0, index + query.pattern.length),
return { limitHit: limitHit }