Top Java Methods
Below is the collection of the most frequently used Java methods.
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551. java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets. UTF_8 ( )(0%)
552. org.json.JSONArray. put ( )(0%)
553. java.util.Collections. shuffle ( )(0%)
554. java.sql.Connection. commit ( )(0%)
555. java.nio.file.Files. write ( )(0%)
556. propagate ( )(0%)
557. org.hibernate.Session. beginTransaction ( )(0%)
558. canRead ( )(0%)
559. android.view.View. getVisibility ( )(0%)
560. org.slf4j.LoggerFactory. getLogger ( )(0%)
561. java.util.ResourceBundle. getBundle ( )(0%)
562. java.util.List. indexOf ( )(0%)
563. java.util.Objects. hashCode ( )(0%)
564. android.content.Context. startService ( )(0%)
565. android.widget.TextView. setTextSize ( )(0%)
566. writeInt ( )(0%)
567. org.springframework.ui.ModelMap. addAttribute ( )(0%)
568. android.content.Context. getPackageManager ( )(0%)
569. Require ( )(0%)
570. android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase. rawQuery ( )(0%)
571. parseObject ( )(0%)
572. org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName. valueOf ( )(0%)
573. org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11. glColor4f ( )(0%)
574. javax.swing.JOptionPane. showConfirmDialog ( )(0%)
575. org.json.JSONObject. optString ( )(0%)
576. org.json.JSONObject. getJSONObject ( )(0%)
577. setBlockState ( )(0%)
578. org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11. glTranslatef ( )(0%)
579. org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView. addObject ( )(0%)
580. java.awt.Graphics. drawImage ( )(0%)
581. java.awt.Graphics2D. fill ( )(0%)
582. android.os.Bundle. putSerializable ( )(0%)
583. javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse. sendError ( )(0%)
584. java.sql.Statement. executeUpdate ( )(0%)
585. setAdapter ( )(0%)
586. org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11. glEnable ( )(0%)
587. android.content.res.TypedArray. getResourceId ( )(0%)
588. android.text.TextUtils. equals ( )(0%)
589. javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext. newInstance ( )(0%)
590. org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner. run ( )(0%)
591. java.nio.ByteBuffer. hasRemaining ( )(0%)
592. org.springframework.util.StringUtils. hasText ( )(0%)
593. java.awt.Graphics2D. fillRect ( )(0%)
594. org.hibernate.Session. close ( )(0%)
595. android.content.SharedPreferences. getInt ( )(0%)
596. java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch. countDown ( )(0%)
597. show ( )(0%)
598. net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState. getValue ( )(0%)
599. org.apache.ibatis.session.SqlSession. close ( )(0%)
600. jetbrains.mps.nodeEditor.cells.EditorCell_Constant. setCellId ( )(0%)
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