Top Java Methods
Below is the collection of the most frequently used Java methods.
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151. java.util.Vector. size ( )(2%)
152. java.sql.PreparedStatement. setInt ( )(2%)
153. android.view.MotionEvent. getAction ( )(2%)
154. org.testng.Assert. assertTrue ( )(2%)
155. java.util.StringTokenizer. hasMoreTokens ( )(2%)
156. android.widget.Button. setOnClickListener ( )(2%)
157. android.view.ViewGroup. LayoutParams ( )(2%)
158. getName ( )(2%)
159. java.sql.ResultSet. close ( )(2%)
160. java.util.Map. isEmpty ( )(2%)
161. java.sql.SQLException. printStackTrace ( )(2%)
162. createTempFile ( )(2%)
163. java.nio.ByteBuffer. position ( )(2%)
164. android.view.View. getTag ( )(2%)
165. toString ( )(2%)
166. net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side. CLIENT ( )(2%)
167. java.text.MessageFormat. format ( )(2%)
168. java.nio.file.Paths. get ( )(2%)
169. android.view.MotionEvent. ACTION_DOWN ( )(2%)
170. java.util.Collections. emptySet ( )(2%)
171. android.content.Context. obtainStyledAttributes ( )(2%)
172. org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils. isBlank ( )(2%)
173. java.util.Vector. add ( )(2%)
174. java.util.Collection. iterator ( )(2%)
175. android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase. execSQL ( )(2%)
176. android.view.MotionEvent. ACTION_UP ( )(2%)
177. org.eclipse.swt.SWT. NONE ( )(2%)
178. java.sql.Connection. createStatement ( )(2%)
179. java.util.List. clear ( )(2%)
180. java.sql.ResultSet. getString ( )(2%)
181. java.util.BitSet. set ( )(2%)
182. java.util.Properties. put ( )(2%)
183. close ( )(2%)
184. java.util.Calendar. get ( )(2%)
185. java.util.Date. getTime ( )(2%)
186. java.util.Collections. unmodifiableMap ( )(2%)
187. java.util.LinkedList. add ( )(2%)
188. newHashSet ( )(2%)
189. close ( )(2%)
190. newHashMap ( )(2%)
191. junit.framework.Assert. assertTrue ( )(2%)
192. println ( )(2%)
193. java.util.Set. iterator ( )(2%)
194. java.util.Calendar. add ( )(2%)
195. java.awt.Graphics. setColor ( )(2%)
196. net.minecraft.item.ItemStack. getItem ( )(2%)
197. setColor ( )(2%)
198. android.view.View. setTag ( )(2%)
199. java.util.Optional. ofNullable ( )(2%)
200. org.json.JSONArray. length ( )(2%)
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