Top Java Methods
Below is the collection of the most frequently used Java methods.
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101. java.util.Properties. setProperty ( )(3%)
102. java.util.Map.Entry. getValue ( )(3%)
103. java.util.Optional. empty ( )(3%)
104. of ( )(3%)
105. android.content.ContentValues. put ( )(3%)
106. org.json.JSONObject. put ( )(3%)
107. android.view.View. getId ( )(3%)
108. javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest. getParameter ( )(3%)
109. java.lang.reflect.Field. setAccessible ( )(3%)
110. org.w3c.dom.NodeList. getLength ( )(3%)
111. android.content.SharedPreferences. Editor ( )(3%)
112. org.junit.Assert. assertNull ( )(3%)
113. android.database.Cursor. getString ( )(3%)
114. android.database.Cursor. moveToNext ( )(3%)
115. java.nio.ByteBuffer. put ( )(3%)
116. java.util.regex.Matcher. matches ( )(3%)
117. java.util.ArrayList. toArray ( )(3%)
118. org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration. set ( )(3%)
119. java.util.HashSet. add ( )(3%)
120. java.nio.ByteBuffer. wrap ( )(3%)
121. close ( )(3%)
122. ims.vo.domain.DomainObjectMap. addValueObject ( )(3%)
123. ims.vo.domain.DomainObjectMap. getValueObject ( )(3%)
124. javax.swing.JPanel. add ( )(3%)
125. java.sql.PreparedStatement. executeQuery ( )(3%)
126. org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod. POST ( )(3%)
127. java.util.Optional. isPresent ( )(3%)
128. ViewHolder ( )(3%)
129. java.nio.ByteBuffer. allocate ( )(2%)
130. java.sql.Connection. close ( )(2%)
131. java.util.Map. size ( )(2%)
132. org.springframework.util.Assert. notNull ( )(2%)
133. java.sql.PreparedStatement. setString ( )(2%)
134. android.os.Bundle. putInt ( )(2%)
135. parse ( )(2%)
136. java.nio.ByteBuffer. get ( )(2%)
137. java.util.Set. isEmpty ( )(2%)
138. org.w3c.dom.NodeList. item ( )(2%)
139. javax.swing.JOptionPane. showMessageDialog ( )(2%)
140. javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse. setContentType ( )(2%)
141. java.util.Properties. getProperty ( )(2%)
142. java.text.SimpleDateFormat. format ( )(2%)
143. createBitmap ( )(2%)
144. java.util.Map.Entry. getKey ( )(2%)
145. java.util.Calendar. set ( )(2%)
146. java.util.Calendar. setTime ( )(2%)
147. java.util.Collection. isEmpty ( )(2%)
148. doPrivileged ( )(2%)
149. isFile ( )(2%)
150. android.view.LayoutInflater. from ( )(2%)
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