Java Code Examples for org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.model.AFPChain#getAfpSet()

The following examples show how to use org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.model.AFPChain#getAfpSet() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
 * get the afp list and residue list for each block

public static void blockInfo(AFPChain afpChain)
	int     i, j, k, a, n;

	int blockNum = afpChain.getBlockNum();

	int[] blockSize =afpChain.getBlockSize();
	int[] afpChainList = afpChain.getAfpChainList();
	int[] block2Afp = afpChain.getBlock2Afp();
	int[][][]blockResList = afpChain.getBlockResList();

	List<AFP>afpSet = afpChain.getAfpSet();
	int[] blockResSize = afpChain.getBlockResSize();

	for(i = 0; i < blockNum; i ++)  {
		n = 0;
		for(j = 0; j < blockSize[i]; j ++)      {
			//the index in afpChainList, not in the whole afp set
			a = afpChainList[block2Afp[i] + j];
			for(k = 0; k < afpSet.get(a).getFragLen(); k ++)     {
				blockResList[i][0][n] = afpSet.get(a).getP1() + k;
				blockResList[i][1][n] = afpSet.get(a).getP2() + k;
				n ++;
		blockResSize[i] = n;

Example 2
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
	//return the root mean square of the distance matrix between the residues
	//from the segments that form the given AFP list
	//this value can be a measurement (2) for the connectivity of the AFPs
	//and its calculation is quicker than the measurement (1), rmsd
	//currently only deal with AFP pair
//           |-d1--|
//          |--d2---|
//         |---d3----|
	//this module is optimized
	 * @param afp1
	 * @param afp2
	 * @return
	private static double calAfpDis(int afp1, int afp2, FatCatParameters params, AFPChain afpChain)

		List<AFP> afpSet = afpChain.getAfpSet();

		Matrix disTable1 = afpChain.getDisTable1();
		Matrix disTable2 = afpChain.getDisTable2();

		int fragLen = params.getFragLen();
		double afpDisCut = params.getAfpDisCut();
		double disCut = params.getDisCut();
		double fragLenSq = params.getFragLenSq();

		int     i, j, ai, bi, aj, bj;
		double  d;
		double  rms = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < fragLen; i ++)   {
			ai = afpSet.get(afp1).getP1() + i;
			bi = afpSet.get(afp1).getP2() + i;
			for(j = 0; j < fragLen; j ++)   {
				aj = afpSet.get(afp2).getP1() + j;
				bj = afpSet.get(afp2).getP2() + j;
				d = disTable1.get(aj,ai) - disTable2.get(bj,bi);
				rms += d * d;
				if(rms > afpDisCut)     { return (disCut); }
		return (Math.sqrt(rms / fragLenSq));
Example 3
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Set the list of equivalent residues in the two proteins given a list of
 * AFPs
 * WARNING: changes the values for FocusRes1, focusRes2 and FocusResn in
 * afpChain!
 * @param afpChain
 *            the AFPChain to store resuts
 * @param afpn
 *            nr of afp
 * @param afpPositions
 * @param listStart
 * @return nr of eq residues

public static int afp2Res(AFPChain afpChain, int afpn, int[] afpPositions,
		int listStart) {
	int[] res1 = afpChain.getFocusRes1();
	int[] res2 = afpChain.getFocusRes2();
	int minLen = afpChain.getMinLen();

	int n = 0;

	List<AFP> afpSet = afpChain.getAfpSet();

	for (int i = listStart; i < listStart + afpn; i++) {
		int a = afpPositions[i];
		for (int j = 0; j < afpSet.get(a).getFragLen(); j++) {
			if (n >= minLen) {
				throw new RuntimeException(
						"Error: too many residues in AFPChainer.afp2Res!");
			res1[n] = afpSet.get(a).getP1() + j;
			res2[n] = afpSet.get(a).getP2() + j;


	if (n == 0) {
		logger.warn("n=0!!! + " + afpn + " " + listStart + " "
				+ afpPositions.length);
	return n;
Example 4
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
 * to update the chaining score after block delete and merge processed
 * the blockScore value is important for significance evaluation
public static void updateScore(FatCatParameters params, AFPChain afpChain)
	int     i, j, bknow, bkold, g1, g2;


	int blockNum = afpChain.getBlockNum();
	int alignScoreUpdate = 0;
	double[] blockScore = afpChain.getBlockScore();
	int[] blockGap = afpChain.getBlockGap();
	int[] blockSize =afpChain.getBlockSize();
	int[] afpChainList = afpChain.getAfpChainList();
	List<AFP>afpSet = afpChain.getAfpSet();
	int[] block2Afp = afpChain.getBlock2Afp();

	double torsionPenalty = params.getTorsionPenalty();

	bkold = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < blockNum; i ++)  {
		blockScore[i] = 0;
		blockGap[i] = 0;
		for(j = 0; j < blockSize[i]; j ++)      {
			bknow = afpChainList[block2Afp[i] + j];
			if(j == 0)      {
				blockScore[i] = afpSet.get(bknow).getScore();
			else    {
				AFPChainer.afpPairConn(bkold, bknow, params, afpChain); //note: j, i
				Double conn = afpChain.getConn();
				blockScore[i] += afpSet.get(bknow).getScore() + conn;
				g1 = afpSet.get(bknow).getP1() - afpSet.get(bkold).getP1() - afpSet.get(bkold).getFragLen();
				g2 = afpSet.get(bknow).getP2() - afpSet.get(bkold).getP2() - afpSet.get(bkold).getFragLen();
				blockGap[i] += (g1 > g2)?g1:g2;
			bkold = bknow;
		alignScoreUpdate += blockScore[i];
	if(blockNum >= 2)       {
		alignScoreUpdate += (blockNum - 1) * torsionPenalty;

Example 5
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
 * remove the artifical small rigid-body superimpose in the middle
 clust the similar superimpositions (caused by the small flexible
 region, which is detected as a seperate rigid superimposing region by adding
 two twists before and after it(artifically!)
 one possible solution: allowing long enough loops in the chaining process,
 which however increase the calculation complexity
private static void deleteBlock(FatCatParameters params, AFPChain afpChain,Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2)
	int blockNum = afpChain.getBlockNum();
	List<AFP> afpSet = afpChain.getAfpSet();

	int[] afpChainList =afpChain.getAfpChainList();

	int[] block2Afp = afpChain.getBlock2Afp();
	int[] blockSize = afpChain.getBlockSize();

	double[] blockRmsd = afpChain.getBlockRmsd();

	int fragLen = params.getFragLen();

	//remove those blocks (both in terminals and in the middle) with only a AFP
	//but still keep those small blocks spaning large regions
	if(blockNum <= 1)       return;
	int     blockNumOld = blockNum;
	int     i, j, b1, b2, e1, e2, len;
	e1 = e2 = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < blockNum; i ++) {
		b1 = e1;
		b2 = e2;
		if(i < blockNum - 1)    {
			e1 = afpSet.get(afpChainList[block2Afp[i + 1]]).getP1();
			e2 = afpSet.get(afpChainList[block2Afp[i + 1]]).getP2();
		else    {
			e1 = ca1.length;
			e2 = ca2.length;
		if(blockSize[i] > 1)    continue;
		len = (e1 - b1) < (e2 - b2)?(e1 - b1):(e2 - b2);
		//if(i == blockNum - 1) blockNum --;
		if(len < 2 * fragLen)   {
			for(j = i; j < blockNum - 1; j ++)      {
				blockRmsd[j] = blockRmsd[j + 1];
				blockSize[j] = blockSize[j + 1];
				block2Afp[j] = block2Afp[j + 1];
			blockNum --;
			i --;
		} //delete a block
	if(blockNumOld > blockNum)
					String.format("Delete %d small blocks\n", blockNumOld - blockNum)

	if (debug)
		System.err.println("deleteBlock: end blockNum:"+ blockNum);
Example 6
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
private  static int getCompatibleAfps(int afp, int[] list, FatCatParameters params, AFPChain afpChain){

		int     i, j, i1, j1, f, G, c, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, s1, s2;

		int fragLen = params.getFragLen();
		int maxGapFrag = params.getMaxGapFrag();
		int misCut = params.getMisCut();
		int maxTra = params.getMaxTra();
		List<AFP> afpSet = afpChain.getAfpSet();

		f = fragLen;
		G = maxGapFrag;
		c = misCut;

		i1 = afpSet.get(afp).getP1();
		j1 = afpSet.get(afp).getP2();
		a3 = i1 - f;
		a2 = a3 - c;
		a1 = i1 - G;
		a2 = a2>0?a2:0;
		a1 = a1>0?a1:0;

		b3 = j1 - f;
		b2 = b3 - c;
		b1 = j1 - G;
		b2 = (b2 > 0)?b2:0;
		b1 = (b1 > 0)?b1:0;

		int[][] afpAftIndex = afpChain.getAfpAftIndex();
		int[][] afpBefIndex = afpChain.getAfpBefIndex();
		int[] twi = afpChain.getTwi();

		int     n = 0;
		//compatible region 1-2, [a1,a3][b2,b3]
				for(i = a1; i <= a3; i ++)      {//i <= a3 instead of i < a3
					s1 = afpAftIndex[i][b2]; //note afpAftIndex, not afpIndex
					if(s1 < 0)      continue;//no AFP for the given i with j > b2
					s2 = afpBefIndex[i][b3]; //afps is sorted by j given a i,it's sparse matrix
					if(s2 < 0)      continue;//no AFP for the given i with j < b3
					for(j = s1; j <= s2; j ++)      { //j <= s2 instead of j < s2
						if(twi[j] <= maxTra)    {
							list[n ++] = j;

				//compatible region 3  [a2,a3][b1,b2]
				for(i = a2; i <= a3; i ++)      {
					s1 = afpAftIndex[i][b1];
					if(s1 < 0)      continue;
					s2 = afpBefIndex[i][b2]; //afps is sorted by j given a i
					if(s2 < 0)      continue;
					//note j < s2, as the cases of j == s2 is alread considered in previous region
					for(j = s1; j < s2; j ++)       {
						if(twi[j] <= maxTra)    {
							list[n ++] = j;

				return n;

Example 7
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
//Key function: calculate the connectivity of AFP pairs
//no compatibility criteria is executed
//note: afp1 is previous to afp2 in terms of the position
	 //this module must be optimized
 * @param afp1
 * @param afp2
 * @return flag if they are connected
public static boolean afpPairConn(int afp1, int afp2,  FatCatParameters params, AFPChain afpChain)


	Double conn = afpChain.getConn();
	Double dvar = afpChain.getDVar();

	double misScore = params.getMisScore();
	double maxPenalty = params.getMaxPenalty();
	double disCut = params.getDisCut();
	double gapExtend = params.getGapExtend();
	double torsionPenalty = params.getTorsionPenalty();
	double disSmooth = params.getDisSmooth();

	List<AFP> afpSet = afpChain.getAfpSet();

	int     m = calcGap(afpSet.get(afp2),afpSet.get(afp1));
	int     g = calcMismatch(afpSet.get(afp2),afpSet.get(afp1));

	double  gp = misScore * m;      //on average, penalty for a mismatch is misScore, no modification on score
	if(g > 0)       {
		gp += gapExtend * g;
	if(gp < maxPenalty)     gp = maxPenalty; //penalty cut-off
	//note: use < (smaller) instead of >, because maxPenalty is a negative number

	double  d;
	d = calAfpDis(afp1, afp2,params, afpChain);
	//note: the 'dis' value is numerically equivalent to the 'rms' with exceptions

	boolean     ch = false;
	double  tp = 0.0;
	if(d >= disCut) {
		tp = torsionPenalty;
		ch = true;
	} //use the variation of the distances between AFPs
	else  if(d > disCut - disSmooth)        {
		double  wt = Math.sqrt((d - disCut + disSmooth) / disSmooth);
		//using sqrt: penalty increase with dis more quicker than linear function
		tp = torsionPenalty * wt;

	dvar = d;
	conn = tp + gp;

	return ch;
Example 8
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 2 votes vote down vote up
 * run AFP chaining allowing up to maxTra flexible regions.
 * Input is original coordinates.
private static Group[] chainAfp(FatCatParameters params,AFPChain afpChain, Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2) throws StructureException{

	// we don;t want to rotate input atoms, do we?
	Atom[] ca2clone = StructureTools.cloneAtomArray(ca2);

	List<AFP> afpSet = afpChain.getAfpSet();

	if (debug)
		System.out.println("entering chainAfp");
	int afpNum = afpSet.size();

	if ( afpNum < 1)
		return new Group[0];

	long bgtime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	if(debug)    {
		System.out.println(String.format("total AFP %d\n", afpNum));

	//run AFP chaining

	AFPChainer.doChainAfp(params,afpChain ,ca1,ca2);

	int afpChainLen = afpChain.getAfpChainLen();

	if(afpChainLen < 1)     {

		return new Group[0];
	} //very short alignment

	long chaintime = System.currentTimeMillis();
	if(debug)    {

		System.out.println("Afp chaining: time " + (chaintime-bgtime));

	// do post processing

	AFPPostProcessor.postProcess(params, afpChain,ca1,ca2);

	// Optimize the final alignment

	AFPOptimizer.optimizeAln(params, afpChain,ca1,ca2);

	AFPOptimizer.blockInfo( afpChain);



	Group[] twistedPDB = AFPTwister.twistPDB(afpChain, ca1, ca2clone);

	SigEva sig =  new SigEva();
	double probability = sig.calSigAll(params, afpChain);
	double normAlignScore = sig.calNS(params,afpChain);
	double tmScore = AFPChainScorer.getTMScore(afpChain, ca1, ca2,false);


	SIGEVA  sig;
	probability = sig.calSigAll(maxTra, sparse, pro1Len, pro2Len, alignScore, totalRmsdOpt, optLength, blockNum - 1);
	normAlignScore = sig.calNS(pro1Len, pro2Len, alignScore, totalRmsdOpt, optLength, blockNum - 1);


	//if(maxTra == 0)       probability = sig.calSigRigid(pro1Len, pro2Len, alignScore, totalRmsdOpt, optLength);
	//else  probability = sig.calSigFlexi(pro1Len, pro2Len, alignScore, totalRmsdOpt, optLength, blockNum - 1);

	if(debug)    {

		long nowtime = System.currentTimeMillis();
		long diff = nowtime - chaintime;
		System.out.println("Alignment optimization: time "+ diff);

		System.out.println("score:      " + afpChain.getAlignScore());
		System.out.println("opt length: " + afpChain.getOptLength());
		System.out.println("opt rmsd:   "+ afpChain.getTotalRmsdOpt());

	return twistedPDB;
