lodash#inRange JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use lodash#inRange. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: index.js    From hzero-front with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
   * 渲染所有表单行
  renderRows() {
    const { col, fields } = this.props;
    // 存放 生成的 Row
    const rows = [];
    // 所有的 字段的数组
    // 当前遍历的字段的下标
    let walkerIndex = 0;
    // 当前遍历的 Row 的 fields
    let rowFields = [];
    // 已经遍历的 Row 的 fields 的宽度和
    let rowCol = 0;
    // 当前遍历的 Row 的 field 的下标
    let rowIndex = 0;
    if (isArray(fields)) {
      for (; walkerIndex < fields.length; ) {
        const field = fields[walkerIndex];
        if (inRange(field.colspan, 2, col + 1)) {
          rowCol += field.colspan;
        } else {
          rowCol += 1;
        if (inRange(field.leftOffset, 1, col)) {
          rowCol += field.leftOffset;
        if (inRange(field.rightOffset, 1, col)) {
          rowCol += field.rightOffset;
        if (rowCol >= col) {
          if (rowCol > col && rowIndex > 0) {
            // 已经超过一列的宽度了,并且字段多于1个 需要 回退
          // 生成 Row 并放入 rows
          rows.push(this.renderRow({ rowFields }));
          // 重置 遍历的 Row 的状态
          rowIndex = 0;
          rowCol = 0;
          rowFields = [];
        } else {
          // 继续向前遍历
      if (rowIndex > 0) {
        rows.push(this.renderRow({ rowFields }));
    return rows;
Example #2
Source File: index.js    From hzero-front with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
   * 渲染所有表单行
  renderRows() {
    const { col, fields, context, dataSource, form } = this.props;
    const contextFields = [];
    forEach(fields, field => {
      if (field.visiableFlag === 1) {
        const contextField = dealObjectProps(field, context);
        contextField.props = preProcessComponentProps({ field: contextField, context });
    forEach(contextFields, field => {
        fields: contextFields,
        dealProps: field.props,
    // 存放 生成的 Row
    const rows = [];
    // 所有的 字段的数组
    // 当前遍历的字段的下标
    let walkerIndex = 0;
    // 当前遍历的 Row 的 fields
    let rowFields = [];
    // 已经遍历的 Row 的 fields 的宽度和
    let rowCol = 0;
    // 当前遍历的 Row 的 field 的下标
    let rowIndex = 0;
    if (isArray(contextFields)) {
      for (; walkerIndex < contextFields.length; ) {
        const field = contextFields[walkerIndex];
        if (inRange(field.colspan, 2, col + 1)) {
          rowCol += field.colspan;
        } else {
          rowCol += 1;
        if (inRange(field.leftOffset, 1, col)) {
          rowCol += field.leftOffset;
        if (inRange(field.rightOffset, 1, col)) {
          rowCol += field.rightOffset;
        if (rowCol >= col) {
          if (rowCol > col && rowIndex > 0) {
            // 已经超过一列的宽度了,并且字段多于1个 需要 回退
          // 生成 Row 并放入 rows
          rows.push(this.renderRow({ rowFields }));
          // 重置 遍历的 Row 的状态
          rowIndex = 0;
          rowCol = 0;
          rowFields = [];
        } else {
          // 继续向前遍历
      if (rowIndex > 0) {
        rows.push(this.renderRow({ rowFields }));
    return rows;
Example #3
Source File: index.js    From hzero-front with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
   * 渲染最终的字段
   * @param {Object} field - 字段
  renderComposeFormField({ field }) {
    const { disableStyle, fieldLabelWidth, col, editable, organizationId, context } = this.props;
    const formItemProps = {
      labelCol: {
        style: { width: fieldLabelWidth, minWidth: fieldLabelWidth, maxWidth: fieldLabelWidth },
      wrapperCol: { style: { flex: 'auto' } },
    const colProps = getColLayout(col);
    const fieldColProps = getColLayout(col, field.colspan);
    const leftEmptyCols = [];
    const rightEmptyCols = [];
    if (inRange(field.leftOffset, 1, col)) {
      for (let i = 0; i < field.leftOffset; i++) {
        leftEmptyCols.push(<Col {...colProps} key={`${field.fieldCode}#left-offset-${i}`} />);
    if (inRange(field.rightOffset, 1, col)) {
      for (let i = 0; i < field.rightOffset; i++) {
        rightEmptyCols.push(<Col {...colProps} key={`${field.fieldCode}#right-offset-${i}`} />);
    const ComponentType = getComponentType(field);
    const componentProps = getComponentProps({
      componentType: field.componentType,

    const otherFormItemOptions = {};
    let isViewOnly = false; // 附件是否为只读
    const getValueFromEvent = getGetValueFromEventFunc(field.componentType);
    const getValueProps = getGetValuePropFunc(field);
    if (field.componentType === 'Upload') {
      otherFormItemOptions.valuePropName = 'attachmentUUID';
      if (field.props) {
        const propsIndex = findIndex(field.props, ['attributeName', 'viewOnly']);
        if (propsIndex >= 0) {
          isViewOnly = field.props[propsIndex].attributeValue;
    if (getValueFromEvent) {
      otherFormItemOptions.getValueFromEvent = getValueFromEvent;
    if (getValueProps) {
      // 不影响存的值, 只影响传递给组件的值
      otherFormItemOptions.getValueProps = getValueProps;
    const composeFormItem = (
      <Col {...fieldColProps} key={field.fieldCode}>
          {({ form, dataSource }) => {
            const otherComponentProps = {}; // 为 lov 和 valueList 准备的属性
            switch (field.componentType) {
              case 'Lov':
              case 'ValueList':
                otherComponentProps.textValue = getDisplayValue(field, dataSource);
            return editable ? (
                  field.componentType !== 'Checkbox' &&
                  toInteger(field.requiredFlag) !== 0 &&
                } // 当附件只读时,不必输
                {(field.fieldCode === 'mail'
                  ? form.getFieldDecorator(`mail`, {
                      initialValue: getInitialValue({ field, dataSource }),
                      rules: [
                          required: true,
                          message: intl.get('hzero.common.validation.notNull', {
                            name: intl.get('hzero.common.email').d('邮箱'),
                          pattern: EMAIL,
                          message: intl.get('hzero.common.validation.email').d('邮箱格式不正确'),
                          max: 60,
                          message: intl.get('hzero.common.validation.max', {
                            max: 60,
                  : form.getFieldDecorator(field.fieldCode, {
                      initialValue: getInitialValue({ field, dataSource }),
                      rules: [
                          required: toInteger(field.requiredFlag) !== 0 && !isViewOnly,
                          message: intl.get('hzero.common.validation.notNull', {
                            name: field.fieldDescription,
                    { ...componentProps, ...otherComponentProps } // otherComponentProps 比 componentProps 优先级高
            ) : (
              <FormItem label={field.fieldDescription} {...formItemProps}>
                  componentProps: { ...componentProps, ...otherComponentProps },
    if (isEmpty(leftEmptyCols) && isEmpty(rightEmptyCols)) {
      return composeFormItem;
    return (
      <React.Fragment key={field.fieldCode}>
Example #4
Source File: index.js    From hzero-front with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
   * 渲染最终的字段
   * @param {Object} field - 字段
  renderComposeFormField({ field }) {
    const { fieldLabelWidth, col, editable, form } = this.props;
    const { dataSource } = this.state;
    const formItemProps = {
      labelCol: {
        style: { width: fieldLabelWidth, minWidth: fieldLabelWidth, maxWidth: fieldLabelWidth },
      wrapperCol: { style: { flex: 'auto' } },
    const colProps = getColLayout(col);
    const fieldColProps = getColLayout(col, field.colspan);
    const leftEmptyCols = [];
    const rightEmptyCols = [];
    if (inRange(field.leftOffset, 1, col)) {
      for (let i = 0; i < field.leftOffset; i++) {
        leftEmptyCols.push(<Col {...colProps} key={`${field[fieldNameProp]}#left-offset-${i}`} />);
    if (inRange(field.rightOffset, 1, col)) {
      for (let i = 0; i < field.rightOffset; i++) {
          <Col {...colProps} key={`${field[fieldNameProp]}#right-offset-${i}`} />
    const ComponentType = getComponentType(field);
    const otherFormItemOptions = {};
    // 表单字段 omit 属性
    const componentProps = omit(field.props, ['labelDisplayFlag']);
    const getValueFromEvent = getGetValueFromEventFunc(field.componentType);
    const getValueProps = getGetValuePropFunc(field);
    if (getValueFromEvent) {
      otherFormItemOptions.getValueFromEvent = getValueFromEvent;
    if (getValueProps) {
      // 不影响存的值, 只影响传递给组件的值
      otherFormItemOptions.getValueProps = getValueProps;
    const visible = field.visiableFlag !== 0;
    if (field.props.description) {
      formItemProps.extra = field.props.description;
    const composeFormItem = editable ? (
      visible ? (
        <Col {...fieldColProps} key={field[fieldNameProp]}>
            label={field.props.labelDisplayFlag ? field[fieldLabelProp] : ''}
            required={field.requiredFlag !== 0}
            {form.getFieldDecorator(field[fieldNameProp], {
              initialValue: getInitialValue({ field, dataSource }),
              rules: [
                  required: field.requiredFlag !== 0,
                  message: intl.get('hzero.common.validation.notNull', {
                    name: field[fieldLabelProp],
                disabled={field.props.disabled || field.enabledFlag !== 1}
      ) : null
    ) : (
      <Col {...fieldColProps} key={field[fieldNameProp]}>
        <FormItem label={field[fieldLabelProp]} {...formItemProps}>
            componentProps: field.props,
    if (isEmpty(leftEmptyCols) && isEmpty(rightEmptyCols)) {
      return composeFormItem;
    return (
      <React.Fragment key={field[fieldNameProp]}>