lodash#snakeCase JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: requests.js From holo-schedule with MIT License | 6 votes |
async function* pagedItemsFetcher(endpoint, params = {}, paramEntries = []) {
const safeParams = mapKeys(params, (_, key) => snakeCase(key))
const { limit = 50 } = safeParams
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams({ limit, ...safeParams })
paramEntries.forEach(entry => searchParams.append(...entry))
let page = 0
let shouldContinue = true
do {
page += 1
searchParams.set('page', page.toString())
const { [endpoint.split('/')[0]]: items } = await fetchData(
yield items
if (items.length < limit) {
shouldContinue = false
} while (shouldContinue)
Example #2
Source File: transformKeys.jsx From ResoBin with MIT License | 6 votes |
snakeizeKeys = (obj) => {
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
return obj.map((v) => snakeizeKeys(v))
if (obj instanceof Object) {
return Object.keys(obj).reduce(
(result, key) => ({
[snakeCase(key)]: snakeizeKeys(obj[key]),
return obj
Example #3
Source File: index.js From strapi-plugins with MIT License | 4 votes |
LeftMenuLinkContainer = ({ plugins }) => {
const location = useLocation();
// -- add this role variable --
const role = get(auth.getUserInfo(), 'role') || 'admin';
// -- --- --
// Generate the list of content types sections
const contentTypesSections = Object.keys(plugins).reduce((acc, current) => {
plugins[current].leftMenuSections.forEach((section = {}) => {
if (!isEmpty(section.links)) {
acc[snakeCase(section.name)] = {
name: section.name,
searchable: true,
links: get(acc[snakeCase(section.name)], 'links', []).concat(
.filter(link => link.isDisplayed !== false)
.map(link => {
link.plugin = !isEmpty(plugins[link.plugin]) ? link.plugin : plugins[current].id;
return link;
return acc;
}, {});
// Generate the list of plugin links (plugins without a mainComponent should not appear in the left menu)
const pluginsLinks = Object.values(plugins)
plugin => plugin.id !== 'email' && plugin.id !== 'content-manager' && !!plugin.mainComponent
.map(plugin => {
const pluginSuffixUrl = plugin.suffixUrl ? plugin.suffixUrl(plugins) : '';
return {
icon: get(plugin, 'icon') || 'plug',
label: get(plugin, 'name'),
destination: `/plugins/${get(plugin, 'id')}${pluginSuffixUrl}`,
const menu = {
// -- add this role condition
if (role === 'admin') {
menu.plugins = {
searchable: false,
name: 'plugins',
emptyLinksListMessage: messages.noPluginsInstalled.id,
links: pluginsLinks,
menu.general = {
searchable: false,
name: 'general',
links: [
icon: 'list',
label: messages.listPlugins.id,
destination: '/list-plugins',
icon: 'shopping-basket',
label: messages.installNewPlugin.id,
destination: '/marketplace',
icon: 'cog',
label: messages.settings.id,
destination: SETTINGS_BASE_URL,
// -- --- --
return (
{Object.keys(menu).map(current => (