lodash#toSafeInteger JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: index.js From hzero-front with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
constructor(props) {
const {
location: { search = '' },
match: { params },
} = props;
const {
sync = false,
auto = false,
args = 'null',
tenantId = getCurrentOrganizationId(),
} = queryString.parse(search);
this.state = {
sync, // 是否是同步的接口
auto, // 是否是 同步自动的接口
backPath: backPath || undefined, // 返回地址, 如果返回地址为空, 设置为 undefined
// 兼容 两个模式, 1: 使用者指定前缀, 2: 前缀由服务端确认
prefixPatch, // 客户端路径前缀
args, // 上传文件时传递的数据
tenantId, // 租户id, 是可配置的
autoRefreshInterval: toSafeInteger(autoRefreshInterval) || AUTO_REFRESH_DEBOUNCE,
code: params.code,
Example #2
Source File: Form.js From hzero-front with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
parserSort(value) {
return toSafeInteger(value);
Example #3
Source File: Form.js From hzero-front with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
parserSort(value) {
return toSafeInteger(value);
Example #4
Source File: index.js From hzero-front with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// 自动刷新的 定时器
constructor(props) {
const {
sync = false,
auto = false,
args = 'null',
tenantId = getCurrentOrganizationId(),
code, // 导入编码
action, // 标题
pathKey, // 通用导入tab页的key
} = this.props;
this.autoRefreshInterval = toSafeInteger(autoRefreshInterval) || AUTO_REFRESH_DEBOUNCE;
this.state = {
dynamicColumns: [], // 动态列
dataSource: [], // 数据源
pagination: false, // 后端分页
batch: null, // 批次号
status: null, // 状态
defaultSheet: '', // 默认sheet
templateTargetList: [], // 模板sheet数据
sync, // 是否是同步的接口
auto, // 是否是 同步自动的接口
backPath: backPath || undefined, // 返回地址, 如果返回地址为空, 设置为 undefined
// 兼容 两个模式, 1: 使用者指定前缀, 2: 前缀由服务端确认
prefixPatch, // 客户端路径前缀
fragmentFlag: 0, // 是否分片上传
importStatus: [], // 数据导入状态
// searchDataImportStatus: '', // 数据导入状态查询条件
// // count: 0, // 导入数据总数
// // ready: 0, // 已完成导入数据条数
args: JSON.parse(args), // 上传文件时传递的数据
historyVisible: false, //
tenantId, // 租户id, 是可配置的
code, // 导入编码
action, // 标题
key: pathKey, // 通用导入tab页的key
languageType: [],
Example #5
Source File: index.js From hzero-front with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
getColumns() {
const { controllerType = [] } = this.props;
const defaultColumns = [
title: intl.get('hiam.menuConfig.model.menuConfig.permissionSetCode').d('权限集编码'),
dataIndex: 'code',
width: 300,
render: (val, record) => {
if (record._status === 'create') {
const { getFieldDecorator } = record.$form;
return (
{getFieldDecorator('code', {
initialValue: record.code,
rules: [
required: true,
message: intl.get('hzero.common.validation.notNull', {
name: intl
pattern: CODE_LOWER,
message: intl
max: 128,
message: intl.get('hzero.common.validation.max', {
max: 128,
style={{ width: 200 }}
disabled={record._status !== 'create'}
} else {
return val;
title: intl.get('hiam.menuConfig.model.menuConfig.permissionSetName').d('权限集名称'),
dataIndex: 'name',
width: 160,
render: (val, record) => {
const { _token } = record;
if (record._status === 'update' || record._status === 'create') {
const { getFieldDecorator } = record.$form;
return (
{getFieldDecorator('name', {
initialValue: record.name,
rules: [
required: true,
message: intl.get('hzero.common.validation.notNull', {
name: intl
max: 128,
message: intl.get('hzero.common.validation.max', {
max: 128,
})(<TLEditor field="name" token={_token} />)}
} else {
return val;
title: intl.get('hiam.menuConfig.model.menuConfig.sort').d('序号'),
dataIndex: 'sort',
width: 80,
render: (val, record) => {
if (record._status === 'update' || record._status === 'create') {
const { getFieldDecorator } = record.$form;
return (
{getFieldDecorator('sort', {
initialValue: record.sort,
})(<InputNumber style={{ width: 70 }} min={0} step={1} parser={toSafeInteger} />)}
} else {
return val;
dataIndex: 'permissionType',
title: intl.get('hiam.menuConfig.model.menuConfig.permissionType').d('权限类型'),
width: 150,
render: (value = '') => {
const texts = {
api: intl.get('hiam.roleManagement.view.message.api').d('API'),
button: intl.get('hiam.roleManagement.view.message.button').d('按钮'),
table: intl.get('hiam.roleManagement.view.message.table').d('表格列'),
formItem: intl.get('hiam.roleManagement.view.message.formItem').d('表单项'),
formField: intl.get('hiam.roleManagement.view.message.formField').d('表单域'),
const valueList = value.split(',') || [];
const text = valueList.map((item) => (texts[item] ? texts[item] : '')) || [];
return value === undefined || value === '' ? null : (
<Tag color={value === 'api' ? 'green' : 'orange'}>{text.join()}</Tag>
title: intl
width: 120,
dataIndex: 'controllerTypeMeaning',
render: (val, record) => {
if (
(record._status === 'update' || record._status === 'create') &&
record.permissionType !== 'api'
) {
const { getFieldDecorator } = record.$form;
return (
{getFieldDecorator('controllerType', {
initialValue: record.controllerType,
<Select style={{ width: '100%' }} allowClear>
{controllerType.map((item) => (
<Select.Option value={item.value} key={item.value}>
} else {
return val;
title: intl.get('hiam.menuConfig.model.menuConfig.description').d('描述'),
dataIndex: 'description',
render: (val, record) => {
if (record._status === 'update' || record._status === 'create') {
const { getFieldDecorator } = record.$form;
return (
{getFieldDecorator('description', {
initialValue: record.description,
})(<Input />)}
} else {
return val;
title: intl.get('hzero.common.status').d('状态'),
dataIndex: 'enabledFlag',
render: enableRender,
width: 80,
title: intl.get('hzero.common.table.column.option').d('操作'),
width: 260,
fixed: 'right',
render: this.operationRender,
return defaultColumns;