Popular Java Projects
This list provides the most popular open source Java projects. The percentage number of each project indicates the project's popularity scaling from 0 to 100%.
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(7%)MIT License
This is starter template for writing Android apps using Clean architecture
622. light-4j(7%)Apache License 2.0
A fast, lightweight and more productive microservices framework
623. cube-sdk(7%)Apache License 2.0
A light package for Android development, it handles loading image and network request.
(7%)Apache License 2.0
Backport of Material dialogs with easy-to-use API based on DialogFragment
625. microtrader(7%)MIT License
A fictitious stock trading microtrader application
626. material-ripple(7%)Apache License 2.0
Android L Ripple effect wrapper for Views
627. materialish-progress(7%)Apache License 2.0
A material style progress wheel compatible with 2.3
(7%)MIT License
Cordova plugin that allows camera interaction from HTML code
629. materialistic(7%)Apache License 2.0
A material-design Hacker News Android reader
630. igniter(7%)GNU General Public License v3.0
A trojan client for Android (UNDER CONSTRUCTION).
631. spring-web-services(7%)MIT License
Spring Web Services - SOAP and RESTful
(7%)Apache License 2.0
(7%)Apache License 2.0
Dubbo Spring Boot 工程
634. WheelPicker(7%)Apache License 2.0
Simple and fantastic wheel view in realistic effect for android.
635. CalendarListview(7%)MIT License
Implementation of a calendar in a ListView. One month by row
636. spring-cloud-consul(7%)Apache License 2.0
Spring Cloud Consul
637. SimpleNews(7%)Apache License 2.0
基于Material Design和MVP的新闻客户端
(7%)Apache License 2.0
自制spring boot starter for swagger 2.x,来试试吧,很好用哦~
639. t-io(7%)Apache License 2.0
640. airpal(7%)Apache License 2.0
Web UI for PrestoDB.