Popular Java Projects
This list provides the most popular open source Java projects. The percentage number of each project indicates the project's popularity scaling from 0 to 100%.
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781. PreviewSeekBar(6%)Apache License 2.0
A SeekBar suited for showing a preview of something. As seen in Google Play Movies.
782. NewbieGuide(6%)Apache License 2.0
Android 快速实现新手引导层的库,通过简洁链式调用,一行代码实现引导层的显示
783. rest-client(6%)Apache License 2.0
A tool for automated testing REST API, generating exquisite testing report and REST API documentation.
784. Chronicle-Map(6%)Apache License 2.0
Replicate your Key Value Store across your network, with consistency, persistance and performance.
785. zap-extensions(6%)Apache License 2.0
786. dex-method-counts(6%)Apache License 2.0
Command-line tool to count per-package methods in Android .dex files
787. jsonrpc4j(6%)MIT License
JSON-RPC for Java
788. White-Jotter(6%)MIT License
白卷是一款使用 Vue+Spring Boot 开发的前后端分离项目,附带全套开发教程。(A simple CMS developed by Spring Boot and Vue.js with development tutorials)
789. chuck(6%)Apache License 2.0
An in-app HTTP inspector for Android OkHttp clients
790. HelloDaemon(6%)MIT License
Android 服务保活/常驻 (Android service daemon using JobScheduler)
(6%)MIT License
Full featured SQLite3 Native Plugin for React Native (Android and iOS)
792. shiro-redis(6%)MIT License
shiro only provide the support of ehcache and concurrentHashMap. Here is an implement of redis cache can be used by shiro. Hope it will help you!
793. ExpandableLayout(6%)MIT License
Implementation of ExpandableListview with custom header and custom content.
(6%)Apache License 2.0
Google HTTP Client Library for Java
795. vespa(6%)Apache License 2.0
Vespa is an engine for low-latency computation over large data sets.
796. spring-cloud-stream(5%)Apache License 2.0
Framework for building Event-Driven Microservices
797. likequanmintv(5%)Apache License 2.0
798. jpinyin(5%)GNU General Public License v2.0
(5%)Apache License 2.0
Sample android project using Gradle, with basic quality tools set up.
800. android-circlebutton(5%)Apache License 2.0
Circle button widget for Android