Popular Java Projects
This list provides the most popular open source Java projects. The percentage number of each project indicates the project's popularity scaling from 0 to 100%.
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661. PinchImageView(7%)MIT License
(7%)MIT License
Android插件框架,免安装运行插件APK ,支持独立插件和非独立插件
663. wechat4j(7%)Apache License 2.0
wechat4j is wechat(weixin) develop framework for java 微信开发框架JAVA版,最简单易用微信开发框架
664. byte-buddy(7%)Apache License 2.0
Runtime code generation for the Java virtual machine.
665. SpringIn28Minutes(7%)MIT License
Spring Tutorial For Beginners
666. RxAndroidBle(7%)Apache License 2.0
An Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Library with RxJava2 interface
667. sqlbrite(7%)Apache License 2.0
A lightweight wrapper around SQLiteOpenHelper which introduces reactive stream semantics to SQL operations.
668. rocketmq-spring(7%)Apache License 2.0
Apache RocketMQ Spring Integration
(7%)Apache License 2.0
PLDroidMediaStreaming 是七牛推出的一款适用于 Android 平台的推流 SDK,支持 RTMP 推流,h.264 和 AAC 编码,硬编、软编支持。具有丰富的数据和状态回调,方便用户根据自己的业务定制化开发。具有直播场景下的重要功能,如:美颜、背景音乐、水印等功能。PLDroidMediaStreaming 是现在目前重点维护的版本,自带采集模块也支持用户自己做采集端。
670. weixin-sdk(7%)Apache License 2.0
微信公众平台(订阅号、服务号、企业号、小程序)、微信开放平台和微信支付 Java SDK
671. androidtv-Leanback(7%)Apache License 2.0
672. carbon-apimgt(7%)Apache License 2.0
673. gitpitch(7%)MIT License
Markdown Presentations for Tech Conferences, Training, Developer Advocates, and Educators.
674. sealtalk-android(7%)MIT License
Android App of SealTalk powered by RongCloud. 基于融云开发的 Android 版即时通讯(IM)应用程序 - 嗨豹。
(7%)Apache License 2.0
React Native BLE communication module
676. tablesaw(7%)Apache License 2.0
Java dataframe and visualization library
677. geekbang-lessons(6%)Apache License 2.0
678. influxdb-java(6%)MIT License
Java client for InfluxDB
679. devops-java-sample(6%)Apache License 2.0
A sample for devops on kubesphere
680. snakerflow(6%)Apache License 2.0