Popular Java Projects
This list provides the most popular open source Java projects. The percentage number of each project indicates the project's popularity scaling from 0 to 100%.
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(6%)Apache License 2.0
An example AngularJS Application that uses a Spring Security protected Jersey REST backend based on Hibernate/JPA
762. Spark(6%)Apache License 2.0
Cross-platform real-time collaboration client optimized for business and organizations.
(6%)Apache License 2.0
764. servicecomb-pack(6%)Apache License 2.0
Apache ServiceComb Pack is an eventually data consistency solution for micro-service applications. ServiceComb Pack currently provides TCC and Saga distributed transaction co-ordination solutions by using Alpha as a transaction coordinator and Omega as an transaction agent .
765. PlayerBase(6%)Apache License 2.0
The basic library of Android player will process complex business components. The access is simple。Android播放器基础库,专注于播放视图组件的高复用性和组件间的低耦合,轻松处理复杂业务。
766. blade-tool(6%)GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
SpringBlade 2.0 架构核心工具包,SpringBlade 是一个由商业级项目升级优化而来的SpringCloud分布式微服务架构、SpringBoot单体式微服务架构并存的综合型项目,采用Java8 API重构了业务代码,完全遵循阿里巴巴编码规范。采用Spring Boot 2 、Spring Cloud Hoxton 、Mybatis 等核心技术,同时提供基于React和Vue的两个前端框架用于快速搭建企业级的SaaS多租户微服务平台。 官网:https://bladex.vip
767. wildfly-core(6%)GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
The core runtime that is used by the WildFly application server
768. kryonet(6%)BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
TCP/UDP client/server library for Java, based on Kryo
769. hacktoberfest-2019(6%)GNU General Public License v3.0
An easy way to get your 5 pull requests for Hacktoberfest done!
770. Hackerrank-Solutions(6%)MIT License
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(6%)MIT License
Jenkins Configuration as Code Plugin
(6%)Apache License 2.0
A sample app that uses a Java Spring Boot backend connected to a database to display a fictitious art shop with a React front-end.
773. HoloColorPicker(6%)Apache License 2.0
An Android Holo themed colorpicker designed by Marie Schweiz
774. Chronicle-Queue(6%)Apache License 2.0
Micro second messaging that stores everything to disk
775. AndroidEventBus(6%)Apache License 2.0
[DEPRECATED] A lightweight eventbus library for android, simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc.
776. XDroidMvp(6%)MIT License
轻量级的Android MVP快速开发框架
777. spring-kafka(6%)MIT License
spring-kafka projects
(6%)Apache License 2.0
Open source fork of the Google Authenticator Android app
779. crate(6%)Apache License 2.0
CrateDB is a distributed SQL database that makes it simple to store and analyze massive amounts of machine data in real-time.
(6%)Apache License 2.0
A microservices-based Streaming and Batch data processing in Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes