Popular Java Projects
This list provides the most popular open source Java projects. The percentage number of each project indicates the project's popularity scaling from 0 to 100%.
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161. DeepLearning(21%)MIT License
Deep Learning (Python, C, C++, Java, Scala, Go)
162. elasticsearch-sql(21%)Apache License 2.0
Use SQL to query Elasticsearch
163. material(21%)Apache License 2.0
A library to bring fully animated Material Design components to pre-Lolipop Android.
164. AgentWeb(21%)Apache License 2.0
AgentWeb is a powerful library based on Android WebView.
165. vjtools(21%)Apache License 2.0
The vip.com's java coding standard, libraries and tools
(21%)Apache License 2.0
Learning RxJava for Android by example
167. SmartTabLayout(21%)Apache License 2.0
A custom ViewPager title strip which gives continuous feedback to the user when scrolling
168. VirtualAPK(21%)Apache License 2.0
A powerful and lightweight plugin framework for Android
(21%)Apache License 2.0
A declarative and comprehensive API to handle Android runtime permissions.
(20%)Apache License 2.0
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Glide.
171. easypermissions(20%)Apache License 2.0
Simplify Android M system permissions
172. ud867(20%)MIT License
Course code repository for Gradle for Android and Java
173. SwipeMenuListView(20%)MIT License
[DEPRECATED] A swipe menu for ListView.
174. SpringBoot-Shiro-Vue(20%)MIT License
提供一套基于Spring Boot-Shiro-Vue的权限管理思路.前后端都加以控制,做到按钮/接口级别的权限
175. mpush(20%)Apache License 2.0
176. flowable-engine(20%)Apache License 2.0
A compact and highly efficient workflow and Business Process Management (BPM) platform for developers, system admins and business users.
177. AndroidPicker(19%)MIT License
【抱歉,暂停维护,可使用同类的 https://github.com/Bigkoo/Android-PickerView 代替,更建议使用安卓自带的NumberPicker、DatePicker、TimerPicker、CalendarView等实现】 #########安卓选择器类库,包括日期选择器、时间选择器、单项选择器、双项选择器、城市地址选择器、车牌号选择器、数字选择器、星座选择器、生肖选择器、颜色选择器、文件选择器、目录选择器等……WheelPicker/DateTimePicker/DatePicker/TimePicker/SinglePicker/NumberPicker/DoublePicker/LinkagePicker/AddressPicker/CalendarPicker/ColorPicker/FilePicker etc.
178. tx-lcn(19%)Apache License 2.0
LCN distributed transaction framework, compatible with dubbo, spring cloud and Motan framework, supports various relational databases
179. AndResGuard(19%)Apache License 2.0
proguard resource for Android by wechat team
(19%)MIT License
A demo for using JWT (Json Web Token) with Spring Security and Spring Boot 2