three#Uniform JavaScript Examples

The following examples show how to use three#Uniform. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: BlendMode.js    From three-viewer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
	 * Constructs a new blend mode.
	 * @param {BlendFunction} blendFunction - The blend function to use.
	 * @param {Number} opacity - The opacity of the color that will be blended with the base color.

	constructor(blendFunction, opacity = 1.0) {

		 * The blend function.
		 * @type {BlendFunction}

		this.blendFunction = blendFunction;

		 * The opacity of the color that will be blended with the base color.
		 * @type {Uniform}

		this.opacity = new Uniform(opacity);

Example #2
Source File: CopyMaterial.js    From three-viewer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
	 * Constructs a new copy material.

	constructor() {


			type: "CopyMaterial",

			uniforms: {
				inputBuffer: new Uniform(null),
				opacity: new Uniform(1.0)


			depthWrite: false,
			depthTest: false


		/** @ignore */
		this.toneMapped = false;

Example #3
Source File: EffectMaterial.js    From three-viewer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
	 * Sets the shader uniforms.
	 * @param {Map<String, Uniform>} uniforms - A collection of uniforms.
	 * @return {EffectMaterial} This material.

	setUniforms(uniforms) {

		for(const entry of uniforms.entries()) {

			this.uniforms[entry[0]] = entry[1];


		return this;

Example #4
Source File: FXAAMaterial.js    From three-viewer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
constructor() {
            type: "FXAAMaterial",
			uniforms: {
				inputBuffer: new Uniform(null),
				resolution: { value: new Vector2(1 / 1024, 1 / 512) },
			depthWrite: false,
			depthTest: false

		/** @ignore */
		this.toneMapped = false;
Example #5
Source File: LuminanceMaterial.js    From three-viewer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
	 * Constructs a new luminance material.
	 * @param {Boolean} [colorOutput=false] - Defines whether the shader should output colors scaled with their luminance value.
	 * @param {Vector2} [luminanceRange] - If provided, the shader will mask out texels that aren't in the specified luminance range.

	constructor(colorOutput = false, luminanceRange = null) {

		const useRange = (luminanceRange !== null);


			type: "LuminanceMaterial",

			uniforms: {
				inputBuffer: new Uniform(null),
				threshold: new Uniform(0.0),
				smoothing: new Uniform(1.0),
				range: new Uniform(useRange ? luminanceRange : new Vector2())


			depthWrite: false,
			depthTest: false


		/** @ignore */
		this.toneMapped = false;

		this.colorOutput = colorOutput;
		this.useThreshold = true;
		this.useRange = useRange;

Example #6
Source File: barrel.js    From nuxt-three with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
constructor({ blendFunction = BlendFunction.NORMAL, intensity = 0.1 } = {}) {
    super('BarrelEffect', fragment, {
      uniforms: new Map([['intensity', new Uniform(intensity)]])
Example #7
Source File: BloomEffect.js    From three-viewer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
	 * Constructs a new bloom effect.
	 * @param {Object} [options] - The options.
	 * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.SCREEN] - The blend function of this effect.
	 * @param {Number} [options.luminanceThreshold=0.9] - The luminance threshold. Raise this value to mask out darker elements in the scene. Range is [0, 1].
	 * @param {Number} [options.luminanceSmoothing=0.025] - Controls the smoothness of the luminance threshold. Range is [0, 1].
	 * @param {Number} [options.resolutionScale=0.5] - Deprecated. Use height or width instead.
	 * @param {Number} [options.intensity=1.0] - The intensity.
	 * @param {Number} [options.width=Resizer.AUTO_SIZE] - The render width.
	 * @param {Number} [options.height=Resizer.AUTO_SIZE] - The render height.
	 * @param {KernelSize} [options.kernelSize=KernelSize.LARGE] - The blur kernel size.

		blendFunction = BlendFunction.SCREEN,
		luminanceThreshold = 0.9,
		luminanceSmoothing = 0.025,
		resolutionScale = 0.5,
		intensity = 1.0,
		width = Resizer.AUTO_SIZE,
		height = Resizer.AUTO_SIZE,
		kernelSize = KernelSize.LARGE
	} = {}) {

		super("BloomEffect", fragmentShader, {


			uniforms: new Map([
				["texture", new Uniform(null)],
				["intensity", new Uniform(intensity)]


		 * A render target.
		 * @type {WebGLRenderTarget}
		 * @private

		this.renderTarget = new WebGLRenderTarget(1, 1, {
			minFilter: LinearFilter,
			magFilter: LinearFilter,
			stencilBuffer: false,
			depthBuffer: false
		}); = "Bloom.Target";
		this.renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = false;

		this.uniforms.get("texture").value = this.renderTarget.texture;

		 * A blur pass.
		 * @type {BlurPass}

		this.blurPass = new BlurPass({ resolutionScale, width, height, kernelSize });
		this.blurPass.resolution.resizable = this;

		 * A luminance shader pass.
		 * You may disable this pass to deactivate luminance filtering.
		 * @type {ShaderPass}

		this.luminancePass = new ShaderPass(new LuminanceMaterial(true));

		this.luminanceMaterial.threshold = luminanceThreshold;
		this.luminanceMaterial.smoothing = luminanceSmoothing;

Example #8
Source File: ConvolutionMaterial.js    From three-viewer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
	 * Constructs a new convolution material.
	 * @param {Vector2} [texelSize] - The absolute screen texel size.

	constructor(texelSize = new Vector2()) {


			type: "ConvolutionMaterial",

			uniforms: {
				inputBuffer: new Uniform(null),
				texelSize: new Uniform(new Vector2()),
				halfTexelSize: new Uniform(new Vector2()),
				kernel: new Uniform(0.0),
				scale: new Uniform(1.0)


			depthWrite: false,
			depthTest: false


		/** @ignore */
		this.toneMapped = false;

		this.setTexelSize(texelSize.x, texelSize.y);

		 * The current kernel size.
		 * @type {KernelSize}

		this.kernelSize = KernelSize.LARGE;

Example #9
Source File: EffectMaterial.js    From three-viewer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
	 * Constructs a new effect material.
	 * @param {Map<String, String>} [shaderParts=null] - A collection of shader snippets. See {@link Section}.
	 * @param {Map<String, String>} [defines=null] - A collection of preprocessor macro definitions.
	 * @param {Map<String, Uniform>} [uniforms=null] - A collection of uniforms.
	 * @param {Camera} [camera=null] - A camera.
	 * @param {Boolean} [dithering=false] - Whether dithering should be enabled.

	constructor(shaderParts = null, defines = null, uniforms = null, camera = null, dithering = false) {


			type: "EffectMaterial",

			defines: {
				ENCODE_OUTPUT: "1" // Default is on

			uniforms: {
				inputBuffer: new Uniform(null),
				depthBuffer: new Uniform(null),
				resolution: new Uniform(new Vector2()),
				texelSize: new Uniform(new Vector2()),
				cameraNear: new Uniform(0.3),
				cameraFar: new Uniform(1000.0),
				aspect: new Uniform(1.0),
				time: new Uniform(0.0)

			depthWrite: false,
			depthTest: false,


		/** @ignore */
		this.toneMapped = false;

		if(shaderParts !== null) {



		if(defines !== null) {



		if(uniforms !== null) {




Example #10
Source File: SSAOEffect.js    From three-viewer with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
	 * Constructs a new SSAO effect.
	 * @param {Camera} camera - The main camera.
	 * @param {Texture} normalBuffer - A texture that contains the scene normals. See {@link NormalPass}.
	 * @param {Object} [options] - The options.
	 * @param {BlendFunction} [options.blendFunction=BlendFunction.MULTIPLY] - The blend function of this effect.
	 * @param {Number} [options.samples=11] - The amount of samples per pixel. Should not be a multiple of the ring count.
	 * @param {Number} [options.rings=4] - The amount of rings in the occlusion sampling pattern.
	 * @param {Number} [options.distanceThreshold=0.97] - A global distance threshold at which the occlusion effect starts to fade out. Range [0.0, 1.0].
	 * @param {Number} [options.distanceFalloff=0.03] - The distance falloff. Influences the smoothness of the overall occlusion cutoff. Range [0.0, 1.0].
	 * @param {Number} [options.rangeThreshold=0.0005] - A local occlusion range threshold at which the occlusion starts to fade out. Range [0.0, 1.0].
	 * @param {Number} [options.rangeFalloff=0.001] - The occlusion range falloff. Influences the smoothness of the proximity cutoff. Range [0.0, 1.0].
	 * @param {Number} [options.luminanceInfluence=0.7] - Determines how much the luminance of the scene influences the ambient occlusion.
	 * @param {Number} [options.radius=18.25] - The occlusion sampling radius.
	 * @param {Number} [options.scale=1.0] - The scale of the ambient occlusion.
	 * @param {Number} [options.bias=0.0] - An occlusion bias.

	constructor(camera, normalBuffer, {
		blendFunction = BlendFunction.MULTIPLY,
		samples = 11,
		rings = 4,
		distanceThreshold = 0.97,
		distanceFalloff = 0.03,
		rangeThreshold = 0.0005,
		rangeFalloff = 0.001,
		luminanceInfluence = 0.7,
		radius = 18.25,
		scale = 1.0,
		bias = 0.0
	} = {}) {

		super("SSAOEffect", fragmentShader, {

			attributes: EffectAttribute.DEPTH,

			defines: new Map([
				["RINGS_INT", "0"],
				["SAMPLES_INT", "0"],
				["SAMPLES_FLOAT", "0.0"]

			uniforms: new Map([
				["normalBuffer", new Uniform(normalBuffer)],
				["cameraInverseProjectionMatrix", new Uniform(new Matrix4())],
				["cameraProjectionMatrix", new Uniform(new Matrix4())],
				["radiusStep", new Uniform(new Vector2())],
				["distanceCutoff", new Uniform(new Vector2())],
				["proximityCutoff", new Uniform(new Vector2())],
				["seed", new Uniform(Math.random())],
				["luminanceInfluence", new Uniform(luminanceInfluence)],
				["scale", new Uniform(scale)],
				["bias", new Uniform(bias)]


		 * The current sampling radius.
		 * @type {Number}
		 * @private

		this.r = 0.0;

		 * The current resolution.
		 * @type {Vector2}
		 * @private

		this.resolution = new Vector2(1, 1);

		 * The main camera.
		 * @type {Camera}
		 * @private
		 */ = camera;

		this.samples = samples;
		this.rings = rings;
		this.radius = radius;

		this.setDistanceCutoff(distanceThreshold, distanceFalloff);
		this.setProximityCutoff(rangeThreshold, rangeFalloff);
