three APIs
- Vector3
- Mesh
- Vector2
- Color
- Matrix4
- PerspectiveCamera
- MeshBasicMaterial
- Scene
- ShaderMaterial
- BufferGeometry
- Quaternion
- Object3D
- LineBasicMaterial
- TextureLoader
- EventDispatcher
- DoubleSide
- LineSegments
- FileLoader
- UniformsUtils
- Vector4
- Box3
- Group
- DirectionalLight
- BufferAttribute
- MathUtils
- NearestFilter
- LinearFilter
- Spherical
- OrthographicCamera
- WebGLRenderer
- BackSide
- Float32BufferAttribute
- MeshPhongMaterial
- Points
- WebGLRenderTarget
- AmbientLight
- MeshStandardMaterial
- PlaneBufferGeometry
- BoxGeometry
- Raycaster
- FrontSide
- Sphere
- Loader
- PointsMaterial
- sRGBEncoding
- AdditiveBlending
- Line
- RepeatWrapping
- RGBAFormat
- RGBFormat
- Plane
- ClampToEdgeWrapping
- ShaderLib
- UniformsLib
- Clock
- FloatType
- UnsignedByteType
- BoxBufferGeometry
- Euler
- Texture
- VertexColors
- InterleavedBufferAttribute
- Material
- DepthTexture
- PCFSoftShadowMap
- Matrix3
- LinearMipmapLinearFilter
- LoaderUtils
- AnimationClip
- Bone
- PointLight
- QuaternionKeyframeTrack
- Skeleton
- SkinnedMesh
- SpotLight
- VectorKeyframeTrack
- NearestMipmapLinearFilter
- DataTextureLoader
- HalfFloatType
- LinearEncoding
- RawShaderMaterial
- CanvasTexture
- Geometry
- MeshNormalMaterial
- DataTexture
- ShaderChunk
- Shape
- SphereGeometry
- SphereBufferGeometry
- HemisphereLight
- FogExp2
- Box3Helper
- InstancedMesh
- Frustum
- Curve
- MirroredRepeatWrapping
- MeshLambertMaterial
- NumberKeyframeTrack
- PropertyBinding
- InterleavedBuffer
- Interpolant
- InterpolateDiscrete
- InterpolateLinear
- LineLoop
- LinearMipmapNearestFilter
- MeshPhysicalMaterial
- NearestMipmapNearestFilter
- TangentSpaceNormalMap
- TriangleFanDrawMode
- TriangleStripDrawMode
- RGBEEncoding
- RGBEFormat
- NoBlending
- PlaneGeometry
- Face3
- AxesHelper
- Uniform
- MeshDepthMaterial
- RGBADepthPacking
- LuminanceFormat
- DepthStencilFormat
- UnsignedInt248Type
- NearestMipMapLinearFilter
- BufferGeometryLoader
- ExtrudeBufferGeometry
- ShapeBufferGeometry
- InstancedInterleavedBuffer
- Line3
- InstancedBufferGeometry
- WireframeGeometry
- NoColors
- LoadingManager
- CameraHelper
- CylinderBufferGeometry
- TorusBufferGeometry
- GridHelper
- RingBufferGeometry
- DefaultLoadingManager
- Ray
- EquirectangularReflectionMapping
- Uint16BufferAttribute
- TrianglesDrawMode
- LinearMipMapLinearFilter
- BoxHelper
- Triangle
- ShapeGeometry
- JSONLoader
- Path
- CylinderGeometry
- ImageUtils
- CompressedTextureLoader
- RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_Format
- RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_Format
- RGB_ETC1_Format
- RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format
- CurvePath
- EdgesGeometry
- DynamicDrawUsage
- StaticDrawUsage
- RedFormat
- AddEquation
- CustomBlending
- DstAlphaFactor
- DstColorFactor
- UnsignedShortType
- ZeroFactor
- NormalBlending
- SrcAlphaFactor
- OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor
- UnsignedIntType
- WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget
- Camera
- IcosahedronBufferGeometry
- LineDashedMaterial
- CircleGeometry
OtherRelated APIs
three#WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget JavaScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: EffectComposer.js From three-viewer with MIT License | 5 votes |
![]() ![]() |
* Creates a new render target by replicating the renderer's canvas.
* The created render target uses a linear filter for texel minification and
* magnification. Its render texture format depends on whether the renderer
* uses the alpha channel. Mipmaps are disabled.
* Note: The buffer format will also be set to RGBA if the frame buffer type
* is HalfFloatType because RGB16F buffers are not renderable.
* @param {Boolean} depthBuffer - Whether the render target should have a depth buffer.
* @param {Boolean} stencilBuffer - Whether the render target should have a stencil buffer.
* @param {Number} type - The frame buffer type.
* @param {Number} multisampling - The number of samples to use for antialiasing.
* @return {WebGLRenderTarget} A new render target that equals the renderer's canvas.
createBuffer(depthBuffer, stencilBuffer, type, multisampling) {
const size = this.renderer.getDrawingBufferSize(new Vector2());
const alpha = this.renderer.getContext().getContextAttributes().alpha;
const options = {
format: (!alpha && type === UnsignedByteType) ? RGBFormat : RGBAFormat,
minFilter: LinearFilter,
magFilter: LinearFilter,
const renderTarget = (multisampling > 0) ?
new WebGLMultisampleRenderTarget(size.width, size.height, options) :
new WebGLRenderTarget(size.width, size.height, options);
if(multisampling > 0) {
renderTarget.samples = multisampling;
} = "EffectComposer.Buffer";
renderTarget.texture.generateMipmaps = false;
return renderTarget;