three#Mesh TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: ParticleSystem.tsx From react-ecs with MIT License | 6 votes |
RandomColorSystem: FC = () => {
useQuery(e => e.has(ThreeView), {
added: ({ current }) => {
const view = current.get(ThreeView);
if (view) {
const mesh = view.ref.current as Mesh;
const material = mesh.material as MeshBasicMaterial;
new Color(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random())
return null;
Example #2
Source File: Entities.tsx From spacesvr with MIT License | 6 votes |
EntityAvatar = (props: EntityAvatarProps) => {
const { uuid } = props;
const { fetch } = useSimulation();
const mesh = useRef<Mesh>();
// retrieve player information every frame and update pos/rot
useFrame(() => {
const entityData = fetch("entities");
const entity = entityData.get(uuid);
if (mesh.current && entity) {
return (
<mesh name={`entity-${uuid}`} ref={mesh}>
<cylinderBufferGeometry args={[0.3, 0.3, 1, 30]} />
<meshNormalMaterial />
Example #3
Source File: MapView.d.ts From geo-three with MIT License | 6 votes |
export declare class MapView extends Mesh {
static PLANAR: number;
static SPHERICAL: number;
static HEIGHT: number;
static HEIGHT_SHADER: number;
static MARTINI: number;
static mapModes: Map<number, any>;
lod: LODControl;
provider: MapProvider;
heightProvider: MapProvider;
root: MapNode;
constructor(root?: (number | MapNode), provider?: MapProvider, heightProvider?: MapProvider);
onBeforeRender: (renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene, camera: Camera, geometry: BufferGeometry, material: Material, group: Group) => void;
setRoot(root: (MapNode | number)): void;
setProvider(provider: MapProvider): void;
setHeightProvider(heightProvider: MapProvider): void;
clear(): any;
getMetaData(): void;
raycast(raycaster: Raycaster, intersects: any[]): boolean;
Example #4
Source File: MapNode.d.ts From geo-three with MIT License | 6 votes |
export declare abstract class MapNode extends Mesh {
mapView: MapView;
parentNode: MapNode;
location: number;
level: number;
x: number;
y: number;
nodesLoaded: number;
subdivided: boolean;
childrenCache: Object3D[];
cacheChild: boolean;
isMesh: boolean;
static baseGeometry: BufferGeometry;
static baseScale: Vector3;
static childrens: number;
static root: number;
static topLeft: number;
static topRight: number;
static bottomLeft: number;
static bottomRight: number;
constructor(parentNode?: MapNode, mapView?: MapView, location?: number, level?: number, x?: number, y?: number, geometry?: BufferGeometry, material?: Material);
initialize(): void;
createChildNodes(): void;
subdivide(): void;
simplify(): void;
loadTexture(): Promise<void>;
nodeReady(): void;
getNeighborsDirection(direction: number): MapNode[];
getNeighbors(): MapNode[];
Example #5
Source File: BoidExample.tsx From react-ecs with MIT License | 5 votes |
BoidExample = (props) => {
const ECS = useECS();
const { nodes } = useGLTF(LOGO_PATH);
const geometry = (nodes.Regular_Plane as Mesh).geometry;
return (
<Suspense fallback={<Torus />}>
<fog attach="fog" args={['black', 25, 250]} />
<ambientLight intensity={.3} />
<BoidSim render={() =>
<meshNormalMaterial />
} />
Example #6
Source File: BoidScene.tsx From react-ecs with MIT License | 5 votes |
BoidScene: FC = (props) => {
const { nodes } = useGLTF(LOGO_PATH);
const geometry = (nodes.Regular_Plane as Mesh).geometry;
const { fogNear, fogFar } = useControls('fog', {
fogNear: {
value: 25,
min: 10,
max: 150,
fogFar: {
value: 250,
min: 30,
max: 300,
const { autoSpin, spinSpeed } = useControls('camera', {
autoSpin: true,
spinSpeed: {
value: .5,
min: 0,
max: 3,
return (
<fog attach="fog" args={['black', fogNear, fogFar]} />
<ambientLight intensity={.3} />
<BoidSim render={() =>
<meshPhongMaterial />
} />
Example #7
Source File: use-softbody.tsx From use-ammojs with MIT License | 5 votes |
export function useSoftBody(
options: UseSoftBodyOptions | (() => UseSoftBodyOptions),
mesh?: Mesh
): [MutableRefObject<Mesh | undefined>, SoftbodyApi] {
const ref = useRef<Mesh>();
const physicsContext = useAmmoPhysicsContext();
const { addSoftBody, removeSoftBody } = physicsContext;
const [bodyUUID] = useState(() => MathUtils.generateUUID());
useEffect(() => {
const meshToUse = mesh ? mesh : ref.current!;
if (typeof options === "function") {
options = options();
const { anchors, } = options;
if (!meshToUse) {
throw new Error("useSoftBody ref does not contain a mesh");
addSoftBody(bodyUUID, meshToUse, {
anchors && => {
if (isSoftBodyRigidBodyAnchorRef(anchor)) {
const { rigidBodyRef, ...anchorProps } = anchor;
return {
return anchor;
return () => {
}, []);
return [ref, createSoftbodyApi(physicsContext, bodyUUID)];
Example #8
Source File: Text.tsx From spacesvr with MIT License | 5 votes |
export function Text(props: TextProps) {
const {
vAlign = "center",
hAlign = "center",
size = 1,
bevel = false,
color = "#000000",
font: fontFile,
} = props;
const font = useLoader(FontLoader, fontFile || FONT_FILE);
const mesh = useRef<Mesh>();
const config = useMemo(
() => ({
height: 0.75 * size,
curveSegments: 32,
bevelEnabled: bevel,
bevelThickness: 0.15 * size,
bevelSize: 0.0625 * size,
bevelOffset: 0,
bevelSegments: 8,
useEffect(() => {
if (!mesh.current) return;
const size = new Vector3();
mesh.current.position.x =
hAlign === "center" ? -size.x / 2 : hAlign === "right" ? 0 : -size.x;
mesh.current.position.y =
vAlign === "center" ? -size.y / 2 : vAlign === "top" ? 0 : -size.y;
}, [text]);
return (
<group name="spacesvr-text" {} scale={[0.1 * size, 0.1 * size, 0.1]}>
<mesh ref={mesh} material={material}>
<textGeometry attach="geometry" args={[text, config]} />
{!material && (
Example #9
Source File: physics-provider.tsx From use-ammojs with MIT License | 4 votes |
export function Physics({ drawDebug, drawDebugMode = DEFAULT_DEBUG_MODE, gravity, epsilon, fixedTimeStep, maxSubSteps, solverIterations, simulationSpeed = 1, children, }: PropsWithChildren<AmmoPhysicsProps>) { const [physicsState, setPhysicsState] = useState<PhysicsState>(); const sharedBuffersRef = useRef<SharedBuffers>({} as any); // Functions that are executed while the main thread holds control over the shared data const threadSafeQueueRef = useRef<(() => void)[]>([]); const physicsPerformanceInfoRef = useRef<PhysicsPerformanceInfo>({ substepCounter: 0, lastTickMs: 0, }); useEffect(() => { const uuids: string[] = []; const object3Ds: Record<string, Object3D> = {}; const uuidToIndex: Record<string, number> = {}; const IndexToUuid: Record<number, string> = {}; const bodyOptions: Record<string, BodyConfig> = {}; const softBodies: Record<UUID, Mesh> = {}; const ammoWorker: Worker = createAmmoWorker(); const workerHelpers = WorkerHelpers(ammoWorker); const rigidBodyBuffer = allocateCompatibleBuffer( 4 * BUFFER_CONFIG.HEADER_LENGTH + //header 4 * BUFFER_CONFIG.BODY_DATA_SIZE * BUFFER_CONFIG.MAX_BODIES + //matrices 4 * BUFFER_CONFIG.MAX_BODIES //velocities ); const headerIntArray = new Int32Array( rigidBodyBuffer, 0, BUFFER_CONFIG.HEADER_LENGTH ); const headerFloatArray = new Float32Array( rigidBodyBuffer, 0, BUFFER_CONFIG.HEADER_LENGTH ); const objectMatricesIntArray = new Int32Array( rigidBodyBuffer, BUFFER_CONFIG.HEADER_LENGTH * 4, BUFFER_CONFIG.BODY_DATA_SIZE * BUFFER_CONFIG.MAX_BODIES ); const objectMatricesFloatArray = new Float32Array( rigidBodyBuffer, BUFFER_CONFIG.HEADER_LENGTH * 4, BUFFER_CONFIG.BODY_DATA_SIZE * BUFFER_CONFIG.MAX_BODIES ); objectMatricesIntArray[0] = BufferState.UNINITIALIZED; const debugBuffer = allocateCompatibleBuffer(4 + 2 * DefaultBufferSize * 4); const debugIndex = new Uint32Array(debugBuffer, 0, 4); const debugVertices = new Float32Array(debugBuffer, 4, DefaultBufferSize); const debugColors = new Float32Array( debugBuffer, 4 + DefaultBufferSize, DefaultBufferSize ); const debugGeometry = new BufferGeometry(); debugGeometry.setAttribute( "position", new BufferAttribute(debugVertices, 3).setUsage(DynamicDrawUsage) ); debugGeometry.setAttribute( "color", new BufferAttribute(debugColors, 3).setUsage(DynamicDrawUsage) ); sharedBuffersRef.current = { rigidBodies: { headerIntArray, headerFloatArray, objectMatricesFloatArray, objectMatricesIntArray, }, softBodies: [], debug: { indexIntArray: debugIndex, vertexFloatArray: debugVertices, colorFloatArray: debugColors, }, }; const worldConfig: WorldConfig = { debugDrawMode: ammoDebugOptionsToNumber(drawDebugMode), gravity: gravity && new Vector3(gravity[0], gravity[1], gravity[2]), epsilon, fixedTimeStep, maxSubSteps, solverIterations, }; workerHelpers.initWorld(worldConfig, sharedBuffersRef.current); const workerInitPromise = new Promise<PhysicsState>((resolve) => { ammoWorker.onmessage = async (event) => { const type: ClientMessageType =; switch (type) { case ClientMessageType.READY: { if ( { sharedBuffersRef.current =; } resolve({ workerHelpers, sharedBuffersRef, debugGeometry, debugBuffer, bodyOptions, uuids, object3Ds, softBodies, uuidToIndex, debugIndex, addRigidBody, removeRigidBody, addSoftBody, removeSoftBody, rayTest, }); return; } case ClientMessageType.RIGIDBODY_READY: { const uuid =; uuids.push(uuid); uuidToIndex[uuid] =; IndexToUuid[] = uuid; return; } case ClientMessageType.SOFTBODY_READY: { threadSafeQueueRef.current.push(() => { sharedBuffersRef.current.softBodies.push( ); }); return; } case ClientMessageType.TRANSFER_BUFFERS: { sharedBuffersRef.current =; return; } case ClientMessageType.RAYCAST_RESPONSE: { workerHelpers.resolveAsyncRequest(; return; } } throw new Error("unknown message type" + type); }; }); workerInitPromise.then(setPhysicsState); function addRigidBody( uuid, mesh, shape: ShapeDescriptor, options: BodyConfig = {} ) { bodyOptions[uuid] = options; object3Ds[uuid] = mesh; if (!mesh.userData.useAmmo) { mesh.userData.useAmmo = {}; } mesh.userData.useAmmo.rigidBody = { uuid, }; workerHelpers.addRigidBody(uuid, mesh, shape, options); } function removeRigidBody(uuid: string) { uuids.splice(uuids.indexOf(uuid), 1); delete IndexToUuid[uuidToIndex[uuid]]; delete uuidToIndex[uuid]; delete bodyOptions[uuid]; delete object3Ds[uuid].userData.useAmmo.rigidBody; delete object3Ds[uuid]; workerHelpers.removeRigidBody(uuid); } function addSoftBody(uuid: UUID, mesh: Mesh, options: SoftBodyConfig = {}) { if (!mesh.geometry) { console.error("useSoftBody received: ", mesh); throw new Error("useSoftBody is only supported on BufferGeometries"); } let indexLength: number; let vertexLength: number; let normalLength: number; switch (options.type) { case SoftBodyType.TRIMESH: // console.log("before merge ", mesh.geometry.attributes.position.count); mesh.geometry.deleteAttribute("normal"); mesh.geometry.deleteAttribute("uv"); mesh.geometry = mergeVertices(mesh.geometry); mesh.geometry.computeVertexNormals(); // console.log("after merge ", mesh.geometry.attributes.position.count); indexLength = mesh.geometry.index!.count * mesh.geometry.index!.itemSize; vertexLength = mesh.geometry.attributes.position.count * mesh.geometry.attributes.position.itemSize; normalLength = mesh.geometry.attributes.normal.count * mesh.geometry.attributes.normal.itemSize; break; case SoftBodyType.ROPE: indexLength = 0; vertexLength = mesh.geometry.attributes.instanceStart.count * mesh.geometry.attributes.instanceStart.itemSize; normalLength = 0; break; default: throw new Error("unknown soft body type " + options.type); } const buffer = allocateCompatibleBuffer( indexLength * 4 + vertexLength * 4 + normalLength * 4 ); const sharedSoftBodyBuffers: SharedSoftBodyBuffers = { uuid, indexIntArray: new (indexLength > 65535 ? Uint32Array : Uint16Array)( buffer, 0, indexLength ), vertexFloatArray: new Float32Array( buffer, indexLength * 4, vertexLength ), normalFloatArray: new Float32Array( buffer, indexLength * 4 + vertexLength * 4, normalLength ), }; // Bullet softbodies operate in world-space, // so the transform needs to be baked into the vertex data mesh.updateMatrixWorld(true); mesh.geometry.applyMatrix4(mesh.matrixWorld); mesh.position.set(0, 0, 0); mesh.quaternion.set(0, 0, 0, 1); mesh.scale.set(1, 1, 1); mesh.frustumCulled = false; if (options.type === SoftBodyType.TRIMESH) { sharedSoftBodyBuffers.vertexFloatArray.set( mesh.geometry.attributes.position.array ); sharedSoftBodyBuffers.indexIntArray.set(mesh.geometry.index!.array); sharedSoftBodyBuffers.normalFloatArray.set( mesh.geometry.attributes.normal.array ); } else { for (let i = 0; i < vertexLength; i++) { sharedSoftBodyBuffers.vertexFloatArray[ i * 3 ] = mesh.geometry.attributes.instanceStart.getX(i); sharedSoftBodyBuffers.vertexFloatArray[ i * 3 + 1 ] = mesh.geometry.attributes.instanceStart.getY(i); sharedSoftBodyBuffers.vertexFloatArray[ i * 3 + 2 ] = mesh.geometry.attributes.instanceStart.getZ(i); } } if (isSharedArrayBufferSupported) { if (options.type === SoftBodyType.TRIMESH) { mesh.geometry.setAttribute( "position", new BufferAttribute( sharedSoftBodyBuffers.vertexFloatArray, 3 ).setUsage(DynamicDrawUsage) ); mesh.geometry.setAttribute( "normal", new BufferAttribute( sharedSoftBodyBuffers.normalFloatArray, 3 ).setUsage(DynamicDrawUsage) ); } } softBodies[uuid] = mesh; workerHelpers.addSoftBody(uuid, sharedSoftBodyBuffers, options); } function removeSoftBody(uuid: string) { delete softBodies[uuid]; workerHelpers.removeSoftBody(uuid); sharedBuffersRef.current.softBodies = sharedBuffersRef.current.softBodies.filter( (ssbb) => ssbb.uuid !== uuid ); } async function rayTest(options: RaycastOptions): Promise<RaycastHit[]> { const { hits } = await workerHelpers.makeAsyncRequest({ type: MessageType.RAYCAST_REQUEST, ...options, }); return (hit: RaycastHitMessage): RaycastHit => { return { object: object3Ds[hit.uuid] || softBodies[hit.uuid], hitPosition: new Vector3( hit.hitPosition.x, hit.hitPosition.y, hit.hitPosition.z ), normal: new Vector3(hit.normal.x, hit.normal.y, hit.normal.z), }; } ); } return () => { ammoWorker.terminate(); setPhysicsState(undefined); }; }, []); useEffect(() => { if (!isSharedArrayBufferSupported) { if (drawDebug) { console.warn("debug visuals require SharedArrayBuffer support"); } return; } if (physicsState) { if (drawDebug) { workerHelpers.enableDebug(true, physicsState.debugBuffer); } else { workerHelpers.enableDebug(false, physicsState.debugBuffer); } } }, [drawDebug, physicsState]); useEffect(() => { if (physicsState?.workerHelpers) { workerHelpers.setSimulationSpeed(simulationSpeed); } }, [physicsState?.workerHelpers, simulationSpeed]); if (!physicsState) { return null; } const { workerHelpers, debugGeometry } = physicsState; return ( <AmmoPhysicsContext.Provider value={{ ...workerHelpers, // workerHelpers Overrides addRigidBody: physicsState.addRigidBody, removeRigidBody: physicsState.removeRigidBody, addSoftBody: physicsState.addSoftBody, removeSoftBody: physicsState.removeSoftBody, object3Ds: physicsState.object3Ds, rayTest: physicsState.rayTest, physicsPerformanceInfoRef, }} > <PhysicsUpdate {...{ physicsState, sharedBuffersRef, threadSafeQueueRef, physicsPerformanceInfoRef, }} /> {drawDebug && <PhysicsDebug geometry={debugGeometry} />} {children} </AmmoPhysicsContext.Provider> ); }
Example #10
Source File: TextMeshObject.ts From movy with MIT License | 4 votes |
updateText() {
if (this.shouldUpdate) {
// TODO: optimize: text update is slow.
this.children.length = 0;
let totalWidth = 0;
const letterPosX: number[] = [];
let minY = Number.MAX_VALUE;
let maxY = Number.MIN_VALUE;
const geometries: ShapeBufferGeometry[] = [];
for (const [i, char] of [...this.text].entries()) {
if (char === ' ') {
totalWidth += this.initParams.fontSize * 0.5;
} else {
let font: Font;
let glyph: any;
for (let j = 0; j < this.fonts.length; j++) {
font = this.fonts[j];
glyph = ( as any).glyphs[char];
if (glyph) {
} else if (j == this.fonts.length - 1) {
glyph = ( as any).glyphs['?'];
const fontData = as any;
const resolution = fontData.resolution;
const ha = (glyph.ha / resolution) * this.initParams.fontSize;
const shapes = font.generateShapes(char, this.initParams.fontSize);
let geometry;
if (this.initParams.text3D) {
const extrudeSettings = {
depth: this.initParams.fontSize * 0.2,
bevelEnabled: false,
geometry = new ExtrudeGeometry(shapes, extrudeSettings);
} else if (this.initParams.stroke) {
const style = SVGLoader.getStrokeStyle(
this.initParams.color.getStyle() // color in CSS context style
// Add shape.holes to shapes
const holeShapes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < shapes.length; i++) {
const shape = shapes[i];
if (shape.holes && shape.holes.length > 0) {
for (let j = 0; j < shape.holes.length; j++) {
const hole = shape.holes[j];
shapes.push.apply(shapes, holeShapes);
const geoms: BufferGeometry[] = [];
for (const shape of shapes) {
const points = shape.getPoints();
const geom = SVGLoader.pointsToStroke( => new Vector3(v.x, v.y)),
geometry = geoms.length > 1 ? mergeBufferGeometries(geoms) : geoms[0];
} else {
geometry = new ShapeBufferGeometry(shapes);
// Always create a separate material for each letter
const mesh = new Mesh(geometry, this.material.clone()); = char;
const letterWidth = ha;
const xMid = 0.5 * letterWidth;
-0.5 * (geometry.boundingBox.min.x + geometry.boundingBox.max.x),
-0.5 * this.initParams.fontSize,
letterPosX.push(totalWidth + xMid);
totalWidth +=
letterWidth +
(i < this.text.length - 1
? this.initParams.letterSpacing * this.initParams.fontSize
: 0);
minY = Math.min(minY, geometry.boundingBox.min.y);
maxY = Math.max(maxY, geometry.boundingBox.max.y);
// Center text geometry vertically
const deltaY = (maxY + minY) * 0.5;
if (this.initParams.centerTextVertically) {
for (const geometry of geometries) {
geometry.translate(0, -deltaY, 0);
this.children.forEach((letter, i) => {
letter.position.set(-0.5 * totalWidth + letterPosX[i], 0, 0);
this.shouldUpdate = false;
Example #11
Source File: MapView.ts From geo-three with MIT License | 4 votes |
* Map viewer is used to read and display map tiles from a server.
* It was designed to work with a OpenMapTiles but can also be used with another map tiles.
* The map is drawn in plane map nodes using a quad tree that is subdivided as necessary to guaratee good map quality.
export class MapView extends Mesh
* Planar map projection.
public static PLANAR: number = 200;
* Spherical map projection.
public static SPHERICAL: number = 201;
* Planar map projection with height deformation.
public static HEIGHT: number = 202;
* Planar map projection with height deformation using the GPU for height generation.
public static HEIGHT_SHADER: number = 203;
* RTIN map mode.
public static MARTINI: number = 204;
* Map of the map node types available.
public static mapModes: Map<number, any> = new Map<number, any>([
[MapView.PLANAR, MapPlaneNode],
[MapView.SPHERICAL, MapSphereNode],
[MapView.HEIGHT, MapHeightNode],
[MapView.HEIGHT_SHADER, MapHeightNodeShader],
[MapView.MARTINI, MapMartiniHeightNode]
* LOD control object used to defined how tiles are loaded in and out of memory.
public lod: LODControl = null;
* Map tile color layer provider.
public provider: MapProvider = null;
* Map height (terrain elevation) layer provider.
public heightProvider: MapProvider = null;
* Define the type of map node in use, defined how the map is presented.
* Should only be set on creation.
public root: MapNode = null;
* Constructor for the map view objects.
* @param root - Map view node modes can be SPHERICAL, HEIGHT or PLANAR. PLANAR is used by default. Can also be a custom MapNode instance.
* @param provider - Map color tile provider by default a OSM maps provider is used if none specified.
* @param heightProvider - Map height tile provider, by default no height provider is used.
public constructor(root: (number | MapNode) = MapView.PLANAR, provider: MapProvider = new OpenStreetMapsProvider(), heightProvider: MapProvider = null)
super(undefined, new MeshBasicMaterial({transparent: true, opacity: 0.0}));
this.lod = new LODRaycast();
this.provider = provider;
this.heightProvider = heightProvider;
* Ajust node configuration depending on the camera distance.
* Called everytime before render.
public onBeforeRender: (renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene, camera: Camera, geometry: BufferGeometry, material: Material, group: Group)=> void = (renderer, scene, camera, geometry, material, group) =>
this.lod.updateLOD(this, camera, renderer, scene);
* Set the root of the map view.
* Is set by the constructor by default, can be changed in runtime.
* @param root - Map node to be used as root.
public setRoot(root: (MapNode | number)): void
if (typeof root === 'number')
if (!MapView.mapModes.has(root))
throw new Error('Map mode ' + root + ' does is not registered.');
const rootConstructor = MapView.mapModes.get(root);
// @ts-ignore
root = new rootConstructor(null, this);
// Remove old root
if (this.root !== null)
this.root = null;
// @ts-ignore
this.root = root;
// Initialize root node
if (this.root !== null)
// @ts-ignore
this.geometry = this.root.constructor.baseGeometry;
// @ts-ignore
this.root.mapView = this;
* Change the map provider of this map view.
* Will discard all the tiles already loaded using the old provider.
public setProvider(provider: MapProvider): void
if (provider !== this.provider)
this.provider = provider;
* Change the map height provider of this map view.
* Will discard all the tiles already loaded using the old provider.
public setHeightProvider(heightProvider: MapProvider): void
if (heightProvider !== this.heightProvider)
this.heightProvider = heightProvider;
* Clears all tiles from memory and reloads data. Used when changing the provider.
* Should be called manually if any changed to the provider are made without setting the provider.
public clear(): any
this.traverse(function(children: Object3D): void
// @ts-ignore
if (children.childrenCache)
// @ts-ignore
children.childrenCache = null;
// @ts-ignore
if (children.initialize)
// @ts-ignore
return this;
* Get map meta data from server if supported.
public getMetaData(): void
public raycast(raycaster: Raycaster, intersects: any[]): boolean
return false;
Example #12
Source File: MapNode.ts From geo-three with MIT License | 4 votes |
* Represents a map tile node inside of the tiles quad-tree
* Each map node can be subdivided into other nodes.
* It is intended to be used as a base class for other map node implementations.
export abstract class MapNode extends Mesh
* The map view object where the node is placed.
public mapView: MapView = null;
* Parent node (from an upper tile level).
public parentNode: MapNode = null;
* Index of the map node in the quad-tree parent node.
* Position in the tree parent, can be topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft or bottomRight.
public location: number;
* Tile level of this node.
public level: number;
* Tile x position.
public x: number;
* Tile y position.
public y: number;
* Indicates how many children nodes where loaded.
public nodesLoaded: number = 0;
* Variable to check if the node is subdivided.
* To avoid bad visibility changes on node load.
public subdivided: boolean = false;
* Cache with the children objects created from subdivision.
* Used to avoid recreate object after simplification and subdivision.
* The default value is null. Only used if "cacheChild" is set to true.
public childrenCache: Object3D[] = null;
* Indicate if the node should cache its children when it is simplified.
* Should only be used if the child generation process is time consuming.
public cacheChild: boolean = false;
* Variable to check if the node is a mesh.
* Used to draw or not draw the node
// @ts-ignore
public isMesh: boolean = true;
* Base geometry is attached to the map viewer object.
* It should have the full size of the world so that operations over the MapView bounding box/sphere work correctly.
public static baseGeometry: BufferGeometry = null;
* Base scale applied to the map viewer object.
public static baseScale: Vector3 = null;
* How many children each branch of the tree has.
* For a quad-tree this value is 4.
public static childrens: number = 4;
* Root node has no location.
public static root: number = -1;
* Index of top left quad-tree branch node.
* Can be used to navigate the children array looking for neighbors.
public static topLeft: number = 0;
* Index of top left quad-tree branch node.
* Can be used to navigate the children array looking for neighbors.
public static topRight: number = 1;
* Index of top left quad-tree branch node.
* Can be used to navigate the children array looking for neighbors.
public static bottomLeft: number = 2;
* Index of top left quad-tree branch node.
* Can be used to navigate the children array looking for neighbors.
public static bottomRight: number = 3;
public constructor(parentNode: MapNode = null, mapView: MapView = null, location: number = MapNode.root, level: number = 0, x: number = 0, y: number = 0, geometry: BufferGeometry = null, material: Material = null)
super(geometry, material);
this.mapView = mapView;
this.parentNode = parentNode;
this.location = location;
this.level = level;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
* Initialize resources that require access to data from the MapView.
* Called automatically by the constructor for child nodes and MapView when a root node is attached to it.
public initialize(): void {}
* Create the child nodes to represent the next tree level.
* These nodes should be added to the object, and their transformations matrix should be updated.
public createChildNodes(): void {}
* Subdivide node,check the maximum depth allowed for the tile provider.
* Uses the createChildNodes() method to actually create the child nodes that represent the next tree level.
public subdivide(): void
const maxZoom = Math.min(this.mapView.provider.maxZoom, this.mapView.heightProvider?.maxZoom ?? Infinity);
if (this.children.length > 0 || this.level + 1 > maxZoom || this.parentNode !== null && this.parentNode.nodesLoaded < MapNode.childrens)
this.subdivided = true;
if (this.cacheChild && this.childrenCache !== null)
this.isMesh = false;
this.children = this.childrenCache;
* Simplify node, remove all children from node, store them in cache.
* Reset the subdivided flag and restore the visibility.
* This base method assumes that the node implementation is based off Mesh and that the isMesh property is used to toggle visibility.
public simplify(): void
if (this.cacheChild && this.children.length > 0)
this.childrenCache = this.children;
this.subdivided = false;
this.isMesh = true;
this.children = [];
* Load tile texture from the server.
* This base method assumes the existence of a material attribute with a map texture.
public async loadTexture(): Promise<void>
const image: HTMLImageElement = await this.mapView.provider.fetchTile(this.level, this.x, this.y);
const texture = new Texture(image);
texture.generateMipmaps = false;
texture.format = RGBAFormat;
texture.magFilter = LinearFilter;
texture.minFilter = LinearFilter;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
// @ts-ignore = texture;
catch (e)
const canvas = CanvasUtils.createOffscreenCanvas(1, 1);
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.fillStyle = '#FF0000';
context.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
const texture = new Texture(canvas as any);
texture.generateMipmaps = false;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
// @ts-ignore = texture;
* Increment the child loaded counter.
* Should be called after a map node is ready for display.
public nodeReady(): void
if (this.parentNode !== null)
if (this.parentNode.nodesLoaded >= MapNode.childrens)
if (this.parentNode.subdivided === true)
this.parentNode.isMesh = false;
for (let i = 0; i < this.parentNode.children.length; i++)
this.parentNode.children[i].visible = true;
// If its the root object just set visible
this.visible = true;
* Get all the neighbors in a specific direction (left, right, up down).
* @param direction - Direction to get neighbors.
* @returns The neighbors array, if no neighbors found returns empty.
public getNeighborsDirection(direction: number): MapNode[]
return null;
* Get all the quad tree nodes neighbors. Are considered neighbors all the nodes directly in contact with a edge of this node.
* @returns The neighbors array, if no neighbors found returns empty.
public getNeighbors(): MapNode[]
const neighbors = [];
return neighbors;